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根据材料,回答题。 Stars in Their EyesThe ScientifiC.American Book of the Cosmos edited by


Stars in Their Eyes

The ScientifiC.American Book of the Cosmos edited by David Levy, Macmillan, 20, ISBN 0333782933

Previous generations of scientists would have killed to know what we know. For the first time in history, we have a pretty good idea of the material content of the Universe, our position within it and how the whole thing came into being.

In these .times of exploding knowledge there is a definite need to take stock and assemble what we know in a palatable (受欢迎的) form._________ (46)

The essays in The ScientifiC.American Book of the Cosmos have been selected by David Levy, co-discoverer of Comet Shoemaker-Levyg, which in 1994 stnaek Jupiter with the violence of several full-scale nuclear wars. _________ (47) This is certainly a great collection of essays, but it is

not, as the book promises, a seamless (完美的,无缝隙的) synthesis of our current knowledge.

Nobody can fault the range of articles Levy has included. There are essays on the planets,moons and assorted debris (碎片) in the Solar System, and on our Galaxy, the Milky Way: _________ (48)

The contributors, too, are stars in their own fields. Not many books can boast chapters written by such giants as Erwin Schrodinger and Francis Criekl My personal favorites are a piercingly clear essay by Albert Einstein on general relativity and an article by Alan Guth and Paul Steinhardt on the inflationary (膨胀的) Universe.

So much for the book"s content. But Levy has not succeeded in providing an accurate synthesis of our Current knowledge of the cosmos, which the book jacket promises. Gathering together previously publ!shed articles inevitably leaves subject gaps, missing explanations and so on.

_________ (49) But there isn"t one. In fact, surprisingly for a book so densely packed with infor-mation, there is no index.

Collecting essays in this way is clearly a good publishing wheeze (巧妙地主意). But thisapproach shortchanges the public, who would be better served by an account moulded into a seamless whole. _________ (50) However, for the next edition, please, please can we have an index?

回答(46)题 查看材料

A.Tegmark fears he may hold the record for the longest time taken to read one book.

B.In a more positive vein, this is a wonderful collection of essays to dip in and out of if you already have a good overview (概述) of current cosmiC.understanding.

C.Levy is an active astronomer and an accomplished writer, so you"d expect him to provide a broad and accurate picture of our current understanding of the cosmos.

D.ScientifiC.American has attempted to cater to this need by bringing together essays that have appeared in the magazine.

E.To some extent, these could have been plugged with a glossary (词表) of terms.

F.Also included are contributions on the world of subatomiC.particles, the origin of life on the Earth and the possibility of its existence elsewhere.

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请根据短文内容,回答题。 So Many "Earths"The Milky Way (银河) contains billions of


So Many "Earths"

The Milky Way (银河) contains billions of Earth-sized planets that could support life. That&39;s the finding of a new study. It draws on data that came from NASA&39;s top planet-hunting telescope.<br>

A mechanical failure recently put that Kepter space telescope out of service..Kepler had played a big role in creating a census of planets orbiting some 170,000 stars. Its date have been helping astronomers predict how common planets are in our galaxy. The telescope focused on hunting planets that might have conditions similar to those on Earth.<br>

The authors of a study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences conclude that between 14 and 30 out of every 100 stars with a mass and temperature similar to the Sun may host a planet that could support life as we know it. Such a planet would have a diameter at least as large as Earth&39;s but no more than twice that big. The planet also would have to orbit in a star&39;s habitable zone. That&39;s where the surface temperature would allow any water to exist as liquid.<br>

The new estimate of how many planets might fit these conditions comes from studying more that 42,000 stars and identifying suitable worlds orbiting them. The scientists used those numbers to extrapolate (推算) to the rest of the stars that the telescope could not see.<br>

The estimate is rough, the authors admit. If applied to the solar system, it would define as habitable a zone starting as close to the Sun as Venus and running to as far away as Mars. Neither planet is Earthlike (although either might have been in the distant past). Using tighter limits, the researchers estimate that between 4 and 8 out of every 100 sunlike stars could host an Earth-sized world. These are ones that would take 200 to 400 days to complete a yearly orbit.<br>

Four out of every 100 sunlike stars doesn&39;t sound like a big number. It would mean, however, that the Milky Way could host more than a billion Earth-sized planets with a chance for life

The Kepler space telescope has been in service for 15 years. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据下面短文内容,回答题。 What Makes a Soccer Player Great?Soccer is played by millions o


What Makes a Soccer Player Great?

Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world, but there have only been few players who were truly great. How did these players get that waywas it through training and practice,or are great players "born, not made"? First, these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate (效仿 ). In the history of soccer, only six countries have ever won the World Cup---three from South America and three from Western Europe. There has never been a great national teamor a really great player from North America or from Asia. Second, these players have all had years of practice in the game. Alfredo Di Stefano was the son of a soccer player, as was Pele. Most players begin playing the game at the age of three or four.

Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighbourhood (聚居区) --a poor,crowded area where a boy&39;s dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, or businessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example, Liverpool, which produced the Beatles (甲壳虫乐队) , had one of the best English soccer teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a"ball" made of rags (破布). And George Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball offa wall in the slums (贫民窟) of Belfast.

All great players have a lot in common, but that doesn&39;t explain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, but only one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality that sets them apart from all the others.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? 查看材料

A.Great soccer players are born, not made

B.Truly great players are rare

C.Only six countries have ever had famous soccer stars

D.Soccer is the least popular sport in North America and Asia

根据材料,回答题。 What Makes a Soccer Player Great?Soccer is played by millions of people a


What Makes a Soccer Player Great?

Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world, but there have only been few players who were truly great. How did these players get that way was it through training and practice, or are great players "born, not made" ? First. these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate. In the history of soccer, only six Countries have ever won the World Cup three from South America and three from western Europe. There has never been a great national team or a really great player——from North America or from Asia. Second. these players have all had years of practice in the game.

Alfredo Di Stefano was the son of a soccer player, as was Pele. Most players begin playing the game at the age of three or four.

Finally. many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood a poor, crowded area where a boy"s dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, or businessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example, Liverpool. which produced the Beetles, had one of the bestEnglish soccer teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a "ball" made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off a wall in the slumsof Belfast.

All great players have a lot in common, but that doesn"t explain why they are great.

Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, but only one became Pele. The greatest play-ers are born with some unique quality that sets them apart from all the others.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? 查看材料

A.Great soccer players are born, not made.

B. Truly great players are rare.

C. Only six countries have ever had famous soccer stars.

D. Soccer is the least popular sport in North America and Asia.

根据以下材料,回答题The Mysteries of NazcaIn the desert of Peru, 300 kilometers from Lima,


The Mysteries of Nazca

In the desert of Peru, 300 kilometers from Lima, one of the most unusual artworks in the world has mystified (迷惑) people for decades. 46______ But from high above, these marks are huge images of birds, fish, seashells, all beautifully carved into the earth.

The Nazca lines are so difficult to see from the ground that they weren"t discovered until the 1930s, when pilots spotted them while flying over the area. In all, there are about 70 different human and animal figures on the plain, along with 900 triangles, circles, and lines.

Researchers have figured out that the lines are at least 1,500 years old, but their purpose is still a mystery.47______ However, it would probably be very tricky to land a spaceship in the middle of pictures of dogs and monkeys.

In the 1940s, an American explorer named Paul Kosok suggested that the drawings are a chronicle (记录) of the movement of the stars and planets.48______ Later, an astronomer tested his theory with a computer, but he couldn"t find any relation between the lines and movements in space.

Another explanation is that the lines may have been made for religious reasons. British researcher Tony Morrison investigated the customs of people in the Andes Mountain and learned that they sometimes pray by the side of the road. It"s possible that in the past, the lines of Nazca were created for a similar purpose.49______ But the local people have never constructed anything this big.

Recently, two other scientists, David Johnson and Steve Mabee, have speculated that lines could have been related to water. Nazca is one of the driest places in the world and receives only 2cm of rain every year. While Johnson was searching for ancient water sources in the area, he noticed that some waterways built by ancient people were connected with the lines. Johnson believes that the Nazca lines are a giant map of the underground water in the area. 50______

回答(46)题 查看材料

A.Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs.

B.The largest picture may have been the sites for special ceremonies.

C.He called Nazca "the largest astronomy book in the world".

D.A Swiss writer named Erich von Daniken wrote that the Nazca lines were designed as a landing place for UFOs.

E.Other scientists are now searching for evidence to prove this.

F.Seen from the ground, it looks like lines scratched into the earth.

阅读材料,回答题。 Home Schooling All children in the United States have to receive an ed


Home Schooling

All children in the United States have to receive an education, but the law does not say they have to be educated at school. A number of parents prefer not to send their children to school,46There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States today. Some parents prefer teaching their children at home because they do not believe that public schools teach the correct religious values; others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children by teaching them at home.47David Guterson and his wife teach their three children at home. Guterson says that his children learn very differently from children in school.48For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it maystart a discussion or reading about climate, snow removal (去除) equipment, Alaska, polai bears (北极熊) ,and winter tourism.A spring evening when the family is out watching the stars is a good time to ask questions about satellites and the space program49

Home schooling is often more interesting than regular schools, but critics say that home-schooled are outsiders who might be uncomfortable mixing with other people in adult life.50However, most parents don&39;t have the time or the desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get their formal education.

请在第__(46)__处填上正确答案。 查看材料

A.Interestingly, results show that home-schooled children quite often do better than average on national tests in reading and math.

B.Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children.

C.Learning starts with the children"s interests and questions.

D.Children who are educated at home are known as "home-schoolers."

E..In some countries, however, children are educated by their parents.

F.If the Brazilian rain forests are on the TV news.it could be a perfect time to talk about how rain forestsinfluence the climate, and how deserts are formed.

根据以下材料,回答题Black Holes(1) Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum, s


Black Holes

(1) Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum, sucking up everything in space.

Scientists have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars. Stars that are near death can no longer bum due to loss of fuel, and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational (重力的 ) force, hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star"s surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.

(2) Black holes come from stars that are made of hydrogen, other gases and a few metals.

When these explode it can turn into a stellar-mass (恒星质量 ) black hole, which can only occur if the star is large enough (should be bigger than the sun) for the explosion to break it into pieces, and the gravity starts to compact every pieceinto the tiniest particle. Try to see and compare: if a star that"s ten times the size of the sun end up being a black hole that"s no longer than 70 kilometers, then the Earth would become black hole that"s only a fraction of an inch!

(3) Objects that get sucked in a black hole will always remain there, never to break free. But remember that black holes can only gobble up (吞噬 ) objects within a specific distance to it.

It"s possible for a large star near the sun to become a black hole, but the sun will continue to stay in place. Orbits (轨道) do not change because the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star, only this its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as no bigger than a state.

(4) So far, astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstein"s theory of relativity. In the end, through numerous studies, they have discovered that black holes truly exist. Since black holes trap light and do not give off light, it is not possible to detect black holes via a telescope. But astronomers continue to explore galaxies (星系) ,space and the solar system to understand how black holes. It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years, and later contribute further process in galaxies, which can eventually lead to creation of new entities. Scientists also credit black holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

Paragraph 1 __________ 查看材料

A.Is there proof that black holes really exist?

B.What are different types of black holes?

C.How are black holes formed?

D.How were black holes named?

E.What happens to the objects around a black hole?

F.What are black holes made of ?

根据下列资料,回答题。 中非贸易额2008年突破T 1000亿美元,其中中国对非洲出V1 508亿美元.自非洲


中非贸易额2008年突破T 1000亿美元,其中中国对非洲出V1 508亿美元.自非洲进15560亿美元。2000年至2008年,中非贸易占中国对外贸易总额的比重由2.2%升至4.2%。2009年,中非贸易额910.7亿美元。2010年1月至11月,中非贸易额达1 148.1亿美元,同比增长43.5%。


根据下列资料,回答题。 中非贸易额2008年突破T 1000亿美元,其中中国对非洲出V1 508亿美2008年,中国对非洲贸易逆差为: 查看材料





阅读材料,回答题。 The Adjustment in Understanding of Man"s Relation to the Physical Univers


The Adjustment in Understanding of Man"s Relation to the Physical Universe

Nowadays the scattering of galaxies and the astounding abundance of stars are forcing those who ponder such matters to a further adjustment of their concept of the place and function of man in the material universe.

In the history of the51human mind, with its increasing knowledge of the surrounding context, there must have been a time when the philosophers of the52tribes began to realize that the world was not simply centered on man himself. The geocentric concept, which accepted a universe centered on the earth, then became common53

The second adjustment in the understanding of man"s relation to the physical universe was not generally acceptable54the sixteenth century. Copernican revolution soundly55the heliocentric Concept, the theory of a universe56on the sun. Man is a stubborn adherent to official dogma; eventually, however, he accepted the sun as the center.

Then, forty years ago, came the need for a third adjustment. This57has deeply exploded man"s pride and58, for it has carried with it the knowledge of the appalling number of galaxies.

The galactocentric universe59puts the earth and its life near the edge of one great galaxy in a universe of millions of galaxies. Man becomes peripheral among the billions of stars of his own Milky Way; and, according to the revelations of paleontology and geochemistry, he is60and apparently transient in the61of cosmic time.

The downgrading of the earth and sun and the elevation of the galaxies is not the end of this62of scientific pilgrims through philosophic fields. The need for another63adjustment now64not wholly unexpected by scientists,65wholly the result of one or two scientific revelations.

Our new problem concerns the spread of life throughout the universe. As unsolicited spokesmen for all the earthly organisms of land, sea, and air, we ask the thrilling question: Are we alone?

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根据下面材料,回答题。 It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the


It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century. We"ll know where we came from. Why does the universe exist? To put it another way, why is there something instead of nothing? Since the 1920s, scientists have known the universe is expanding, which means it must have started at a definite time in the past. They even have developed theories that give a detailed picture of the evolution of the universe from the time it was a fraction of a second old to the present. Over the next couple of decades, these theories will be refined by data from extraordinary powerful new telescope. We will have a better understanding of how matter behaves at the unfathomably high temperatures and pressures of the early universe.

We"ll crack the genetic code and conquer cancer. In 19th century operas, when the heroine coughs in the first act, the audience knows she will die of tuberculosis in Act 3. But thanks to 20th century antibiotics, the once dreaded, once incurable disease now can mean nothing more serious than taking some pills. As scientists learn more about the genetic code and the way cells work at the molecular level, many serious diseases——cancer, for one- will become less threatening. Using manufactured "therapeutic" viruses, doctors will be able to replace cancer causing damaged DNA

with healthy genes, probably administered by a pill or injection.

We"ll live longer (120 years?) If the normal aging process is basically a furious, invisible contest in our cells- a contest between damage to our DNA and our cells ability to repair that damage- then 21st century strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the process. But before we push scientists to do more, consider: Do we really want to live in a world where no one grows old and few children are born because the planet can hold only so many people?

Where would new ideas come from? What would we do with all that extra time?

We"ll "manage" Earth. In the next millennium, well stop talking about the weather but will do something about it. Well gradually learn how to predict the effects of human activity on the Earth,its climate and its ecosystems. And with that knowledge will come an increasing willingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet.

We"ll have "a brain road map". This is the real "final frontier" of the 21st century: The brain is the most complex system we know. It contains about 100 billion neurons (roughly the number of stars in the Milky Way), each connected to as many as 1,000 others. Early in the next century, we will use advanced forms of magnetic resonance imaging to produce detailed maps of the neurons in operation. We"ll be able to say with certainty which ones are working when you read a word, when you say a word, when you think about a word, and so on.

The sentence "In 19th century operas, when the heroine coughs in the first act, the audience knows she will die of tuberculosis in Act 3" means__________. 查看材料

A.there was not antibiotics at that time

B.tuberculosis was a terrible disease that couldn"t be cured during 19th century

C.the health of the heroine was very poor

D.this was a common situation in the 19th century operas

回答题。 Home SchoolingAll children in the United States have to receive an education, bu


Home Schooling

All children in the United States have to receive an education, but the law does not say they have to be educated at school. A number of parents prefer not to send their children to school. 46

There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States today. Some parents prefer teaching their children at home because they do not believe that public schools teach the correct religious values ; others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children by teaching them at home. 47

David Guterson and his wife teach their three children at home. Guterson says that his children learn very differently from children in school. 48 For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it may start a discussion or reading about climate, snow removal (去除) equipment, Alaska, polar bears (北极熊) , and winter tourism. A spring evening when the family is out watching the stars is a good time to ask questions about satellites and the space program. 49

Home schooling is often more interesting than regular schools, but critics say that home-schoolers are outsiders who might be uncomfortable mixing with other people in adult life. 50 However, most parents don&39;t have the time or the desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get their formal education.

A. Interestingly, results show that home-schooled children quite often do better than average on national tests in reading and math.

B. Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children.

C. Learning starts with the children&39;s interests and questions.

D. Children who are educated at home are known as "home-schoolers."

E. In some countries, however, children are educated by their parents.

F. If the Brazilian rain forests are on the TV news, it could be a perfect time to talk about how rain forests influence the climate, and how deserts are formed.

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