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Every year we admit some new employees into our business. These new comers ()more crea





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更多“Every year we admit some new e…”相关的问题
Every year, we export sunflower seeds ____ large quantities _____ the fa r EastA. in,

Every year, we export sunflower seeds ____ large quantities _____ the fa r East

A. in, to

B. to, in

C. in, in

D. to, to

We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.A.ceremonyB.a

We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.





We were married on 20 May. 1964 , so every year we have a party on our ()A. ceremony

A.A. ceremony

B.B. anniversary

C.C. wedding

D.D. ritual

Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.My favorite beach is called Emers

Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.

My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach.It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees.It is very beautiful.I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by.Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water!

Every morning we look for shells in the sand.I found fifteen big shells last year.I put them in a special place in my room.This year I want to learn to surf.It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer.She says that she can teach me.I hope I can do it!

1.My favorite beach is...()

A.Surf Beach

B.Emerson Beach

C.Palm Beach

D. Long Beach

2.What animals do I see in the water?()




D. Dogs

3.How many shells did I find last year? ()




D. Fifteen

4.What do I want to learn this year?()




D. How to find shells

5.Where did I put my shells last year?()

A.In a box

B.In the garage

C.In my room

D. In Florida

A. Thursday evening, from 7:00 t0 9:45. C. Every Monday, lasting for 12 we

A. Thursday evening, from 7:00 t0 9:45.

C. Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.B ) From September I to New Year's eve.

D. Three hours a week, 45 hours in total

听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.W: I am real

听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.

W: I am really grateful for your invitation. I know Thanksgiving is a very traditional family holiday and I am so glad to be with an American family on this occasion.

M: on the fourth Thursday of November every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. You know its origin (20) ?

w: Yeah, it has something to do with the first settlers and Indians (20) .

M: Right. The first settlers in Massachusetts started this custom. And large dinners with many relatives are common throughout America on this special day.

W: Do you have traditional dishes that you serve every year?

M: Yes, we do. The traditional foods of Thanksgiving meal include roast turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and bread pudding (20) . I hope you have a good appetite today.

W: What do men do while women are doing the cooking?

M: It's the same every year'--football. We watch one game after another on Thanksgiving (21) . I always think we'd better go out and get some exercise, but every year we fail. We are glued to the tube! When I was young, I always went hunting with my father on Thanksgiving Day morning.

W: What do you do after the meal?

M: After dinner we'd like to go bowling. It's a fan thing to do together as a family (22) . After a couple of games, we go back home and eat the leftovers.

W: I think that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most important holidays in the States, just like Spring Festival in China.


A.How to spend Thanksgiving Day.

B.Preparing food on Thanksgiving Day.

C.The origin of Thanksgiving Day.

D.What to do after Thanksgiving meal.

The news, at its best, is Often an indulgence, a relief, an escape from one’s own troubles

The news, at its best, is Often an indulgence, a relief, an escape from one’s

own troubles, a flight from the mundane. News is not a civic chore. In fact, to

treat reading the news as a duty is to treat ice cream like mustard greens—to

believe readers must be tricked into eating it, and thus guarantee that they

rarely will.

I’m going to propose that we should read news sites as ice cream—not as an

obligation, but for stimulation, escapism, and even righteousness. At the same

time we must admit to ourselves that—far from being a duty—news in heated times

(and in the age Of Twitter) can often represent a full-tilt compulsion, and thus

a habit to be judiciously managed.

This new avidity and readerly sense of purpose began about a year ago, during

the Psychic upheaval of the presidential primaries, with the repeated shocks to

our society’s manners, morals, and politics. The work of ’being informed’—so

long preached in social studies classes—now felt like the opposite of work. You

didn’t have to force yourself to read the news. You had to force yourself to

take a break.

There is everything to be gained by cultivating a personal stake in the lives of

others, in the future of our nation, and in the world. But reading the front

section as if it were the sports pages, with every line a credit or debit, a

win, or a loss, has hazards. You begin to twist what you read. It’s what happens

when the public’s consumption of news becomes too much about sides, about

winning and losing, and less about empathy for our fellow men.

So how do we combat this? By increasing our literacy. To become a better reader,

we must borrow practices from higher-order reading, including the reading of

fiction. Remember that the best characters and novels—and every single

flesh-and-blood human and real-life event—mix good and evil. Suspend judgement.

Let yourself be surprised by evidence that doesn’t fit your hypothesis. Take


But also, keep reading. It’s quite a story. And you’re part of it.

Based on the passage, which of the following is FALSE?

A.Most people like ice cream

B.Increasing our literacy helps us to become better readers

C.Most people treat reading the news as an interest

D.The author proposes that we should read news sites as ice cream

Why reading news as a habit should be judiciously managed?A.Reading news is an obligation

B.News can often represent a full-tilt compulsion in heated times

C.The news is often an indulgence or a relief

D.The news should be reading with every line a credit or debit

When do you begin to twist what you read?A.Reading the front section as if it is a story.

B.Reading news becomes too much about sides.

C.Being surprised by evidence that doesn’t fit your hypothesis.

D.Being starting higher-order reading

We must borrow practices from higher-order reading indicates that_____.A.The reading of fiction is a kind of higher-order reading

B.A piece of news is a real-life event—mix good and evil.

C.The reading of fiction can teach you which is good or evil.

D.Now a piece of news is quite a story full of fiction

Which of the following is the best summing-up of the passage?A.How to read a new correctly?

B.How to get rid of twistingly reading?

C.How to manage a habit of reading?

D.How to develop an interest of reading?


听力原文:We must admit that their job is not the most romantic one in the world. We often

听力原文: We must admit that their job is not the most romantic one in the world. We often take dustmen for granted. Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning, before most people are up, we are inclined to forget that they exist. Our dustbins are emptied regularly, but we rarely stop to think about the men who do this. However, it is one of the most important jobs in the world, and when there are no dustmen to take away the rubbish the general public soon becomes aware that something is wrong.

Recently, the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages. During the first few days it was regarded as a joke. For some reason, jokes have always been made about dustmen, and some people thought this strike was very amusing. But when the first two weeks had passed, and the dustbins were overflowing in nearly every backyard in the country, the joke did not seem so funny any more. As the strike continued, people could not bear the accumulation of rubbish around their dustbins, and they looked for other places in which to get rid of it. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been settled, it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely, as so much rubbish bad accumulated. Perhaps now the English people appreciate the work of their dustmen rather more highly, and won't take them for granted any more.


A.Because they are often early risers.

B.Because they often do their work unnoticed.

C.Because they were born to do their work.

D.Because people never stop to talk to them.

听力原文:W: Will you be having Thanksgiving at home or will you be going to your mother's

M: Mom and Dad want to have all the family back home this year, so that's where we'll be. How about you?

W: I plan on having everyone over to my place this year. It really is a lot of work, but I love having my family all together and I like to entertain.

M: You are such a good cook. I'll bet your family loves coming to your place, too.

W: I don't do all the cooking myself. I think everyone enjoys it a little more if they each bring something they have made.

M: Do you have traditional dishes that you serve every year? I know our family does.

W: Yes, we do. We always have turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy and, of course, sweet potatoes. I think those are traditional dishes for most families. There is a fruit salad that we have every year and every one looks forward to my pumpkin pie.

M: What do the men in your family do while the women are doing the cooking?

W: It's the same every year—football. They watch one game after another on Thanksgiving. I tell them that they ought to go out and get some exercise, but they just can' t get away from the TV.

M: I know a lot of men are like that. After dinner we like to go bowling. It's a fun thing to do together as a family. After a couple of games, we go back home and eat the left food.

W: I like that about Thanksgiving. We cook so much food that we have leftovers to last for several meals and I don't have to cook.


A.What to eat on Thanksgiving.

B.How to have Thanksgiving.

C.Where to have Thanksgiving.

D.Who will the speakers have Thanksgiving with.

听力原文:M: Good morning, this is Allen broadcasting from university radio. In the local n
ews this morning, the mountain-lake cycle tour is about to begin, and in the studio, we have with us Mar- ilen O' conner, president of the Ottawa bicycle club, the tour's sponsor. Can you tell us what the tour's all about?

W: Well, Allen, the mountain-lake cycle tour is a daylong bicycle tour from Ottawa to Kingston and back. It is not a race, but more like an endurance test for recreational cyclists. People do it for fitness and fun and try to better their time every year. M: How long will it take to cycle one-way, Marilen?

W: About seven to nine hours for the average cyclists. Racers can do it in four hours. But I said, the tour is not intended to be a race.

M: How many people will be taking part this year?

W: This is our biggest year ever. We have twelve hundred cyclists registered.

M: I bet they'll block the road when the cyclists start out?

W: Don't worry; we've introduced staggered starts to avoid these problems. Our first group will leave Ottawa at seven o'clock, and other groups will follow every twenty minutes.

M: Thank you. Marilen, Now down to the starting line of the university.

Where does this interview take place?

A.In the radio studio.

B.In the bicycle shop.

C.On the road.

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