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He divides non-governmental organizations into those that genuinely want a dialogue w



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Readers will find that a library’s collection of books usually ________ two categorie

A.runs into

B.turns into

C..divides into

D.falls into

More worryingly, teaching global languages may ______ class divides: while rich metrop





______divides the 19th century into the age of romanticism and realism in American literat

A.The Spanish-American war

B.The Civil War



The U.S. Congress Composition of the U.S. CongressThe U.S. Congress is the legislative bra

The U.S. Congress

Composition of the U.S. Congress

The U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the Federal Government. It is a bicameral (两院制的 ) law-making body of more than 500 members. Its two chambers are respectively called the House of Representatives and the Senate. The American two-house legislature, a product of the compromise between big states and small ones, embodies the American principle of balances and checks. All bills must carry both houses before becoming law.

The Membership and Election of Both Chambers

The House of Representatives is the lower house of the bicameral Congress. The membership of the House is distributed among the states according to their different populations. Since 1910, the House has had a permanent membership of 435, with each representative representing about half a million Americans. Under the principle that each state is guaranteed at least one representative, Nevada, a state with a small population, sends only one representative to the House. California has more than 40 Representatives in the House because of its large population.

The election of Representatives is organized by the state legislature which divides the state into a number of districts known as Congressional districts. Each district, with a population of nearly half a million, elects one Representative to the House. A Representative's term of office is set at two years, but there is no limit to the number of his terms. A new Representative can hardly feel easy about his position. Hardly has he begun his work in the Congress when he finds it's time for him to seek re-election.

The Senate is the upper house of the US Congress. Representation in the Senate is based on the principle of state equality. The Senate is comprised of 100 Senators, two from each of the fifty states. Senators have been directly elected by voters of their respective states since 1913. Their term of office is six years. A Senator must be at least thirty years of age and a citizen for nine years.

Senators with Greater Prestige

Generally speaking, Senators are accorded greater prestige than their colleagues in the lower house. Many Representatives aspire to win the election to the Senate. Senators derive their prestige from the following facts. They are less numerous, for there are fewer than one-fourth as many Senators as Representatives, or Congressmen. Elected by the whole state instead of a single congressional district, most Senators represent more constituents than do House members. They are less worried by the problem of seeking re-electives. What's more, the Senate is vested with special powers which it does not share with the House. It has the power to ratify or deny proposed treaties, nominations proposed by the President. In line with the tradition of "senatorial courtesy," the Senate always rejects a nominee who is objected to by a Senator of the state from which he comes.

It won't do to neglect the importance of the Senate in foreign affairs. Without its cooperation and support, the President can hardly take any significant action in foreign relations. A Secretary of State on good terms with the Senators is always important for the President. Foreign countries must try to establish good relations with the US Senate if they intend to make a bargain with the United States.

The Work of the Two Chambers

The presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice President who functions as a kind of chairman when the Senate is in session. The chief spokesman of the House is known as the speaker who is the leader of the majority party in the House. The Speaker is the most influential figure in the House because he directs his party's forces in legislative battles.

Leaders of Both Parties

Both parties have their leaders in the Congress, who are known as floor leaders.

Floor leaders are elected by their res




Seeing Your Way Past Interview jittersIt is not unusual to experience a mild attack of ner

Seeing Your Way Past Interview jitters

It is not unusual to experience a mild attack of nerves before a job interview. But there are engineers whose interview jitters are intense enough to be harmful. They have such overwhelming apprehension and fear that they either become tongue-tied or proceed to talk themselves out of the job. Even many capable and articulate (表达力强的) engineers act stiff and awkward in interviews, often fidgeting or sitting on the edge of the chair.

When we're anxious, we frequently become self-conscious spectators of our own behavior. during interviews, observing and judging our every utterance and movement. This not only makes us more anxious and less convincing, but also divides our attention.

Excessive self-consciousness is particularly true among engineers who go to interviews with a do-or-die attitude. Trying too hard to succeed increases tension and reduces effectiveness. "The self-imposed pressure of trying to ace an interview can make some people focus too much on how they look and act," says Steven Berglas, a psychiatry instructor at Harvard Medical School. He feels that those who are overly conscious of their grooming, speech, body language, and other interviewing behavior. frequently "suppress those elements of their personality that won them the interview in the first place."

Perfectionist engineers particularly experience high anxiety during job interviews. Because they have a strong need to do well and have such inflated expectations of their own performance, any real or imaginary deviation from their self-imposed high, and often unrealistic, standards triggers excessive nervousness and self-critical ruminations. From one slight, innocuous mistake they automatically assume the entire interview will turn out badly.

This anticipation often drives them to behaviors and statements that would seem selfsabotage to an innocent bystander.


Although you may feel your blood pressure rise, palms moisten, and stomach tighten before an important interview, you can control these reactions.

According to H. Anthony Medley, author of Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed, there are four sound reasons why you have nothing to fear but fear itself, and they can help you keep an interview in perspective.

1. The interview centers on the subject you know best: yourself.

2. If you've done your homework, you have a decided advantage: You know more about the interviewer's company than it knows about you.

3. Interviewers expect job candidates to be a bit nervous.

4. You have nothing to lose. You didn't have the job offer before the interview, so if you don't have it afterward, you're no worse off.

Some interview failures may be inevitable. Most engineers have experienced at least one. The important point is to refrain from exaggerating the importance of an interview situation. Also, if possible, generate several interviews; don't pin your hopes on just one. A winning at-all-costs attitude seldom wins a job offer.

It is detrimental to adopt a confrontational stance with the interviewer. If you feel overly tense or belligerent, it is helpful to pretend that the interviewer is a good friend. A little make-believe can go a long way toward calming hostile feelings.

One interesting method of lessening interview stress is suggested by Lawrence Darius, president of Corporate Communication Skills Inc. , New York. He is convinced that one of the more effective ways to overcome interview jitters is to separate yourself from your performance. "Just as an actor or actress creates the character in a script, you must try to create a character for the position you're seeking," he explains. "You probably have an image of the ideal engineer or, better yet, of the perfect can




Paris is the capital of the European nation of France.It is also one of the most beaut
iful and most famous cities in the world.

Paris is called the City of Light.It is also an international fashion center.What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.Paris is also a famous world center of education.For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts.Thirty-two bridges cross this river.The oldest and perhaps most well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century.The Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the Left Band (south side) of the river.The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill called Montmartre on the Right Band (north side) of the Seine.

There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame is named after a group of people called the Parisi.They built a small village on an island, in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago.This island called the llede La Cite is where Notre Dame is located.Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

1.A good title for this selection is().

A.The French Language

B.The City of Pairs

C.Education and Culture in France

D.The SenUior River

2.The word “headquarters”in line 5 means().



C.main office

D.25 percent

3.We may conclude that Notre Dame is located()

A.on the Left Bank

B.On the Right Bank

C.In the middle of the Senior River

D.On neither bank

4.The Pont Neuf was built in ()

A.the 1500s

B.the 1600s

C.the 1700s

D.the 1400s

5.The population in the Pairs area is around()

A.two million

B eight million

C.sixteen million

D.eighteen million

Paris, which is the capital of the European nation of France, is one of the most beautif
ul and 21 cities in the world.

Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women 22 the world. Paris is also a famous world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO (联合国教科文组织)

The Seine River(塞纳河) 23 the city into two parts. Thirty two bridges 24 this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps most well known is the Pont Neuf, 25 was built in the sixteen century. The Sorbonne (索邦大学), a famous university, 26 on the Left Bank of the river.

There are many other famous places in Paris, 27 the famous museum the Louver (卢浮宫) as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔).

Paris is named 28 a group of people called the Parisii. They 29 a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island, called the lie de la Cite, is 30 Notre Dame is Located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

21. A. famousest B. most famous C. famouser D. more famous

22 . A. all over B. over all C. whole over D. over whole

23. A. divides B. breaks C. arranges D. classifies

24. A. pass B. cover C. cross D. lie

25. A. it B. that C. where D. which

26. A. is locating B. locates C. is located D. located

27. A. as such B. such as C. such like D. like such

28. A. behind B. about C. after D. concerning

29. A. have built B. built C. had built D. build

30. A. in which B. which C. where D. that

Questions are based on the following passage. Despite a cooling of the economy, high tec

Questions are based on the following passage.

Despite a cooling of the economy, high technology companies are still crying out for

skilled workers. The Information Technology Association of America projects that morethan 800,000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year. The lack of qualified workers pos-es a huge threat to the US economy.

The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country"s agrarian-age education system, separated from the needs of the business world, fails to prepare stu-dents in the primary and secondary grades for twenty-first-century work. Yet an inadequateand outmoded education system is only part of the problem. A less tangible but equallypowerful cause is an antique classification system that divides the workforce into twocamps: white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual labourers.

Blue-collar workers emerged in the United States during the Industrial Age as work mi-grated from farms to factories. White-collar office workers became a significant class in thetwentieth century, outnumbering their blue-collar brethren by mid-century. But the whiteor blue paradigm has clearly outlived its utility. Corporations increasingly require a newlayer of knowledge worker: a highly skilled multi-disciplinarian who combines the mindof the white-collar worker with the hands of the blue-collar employee. Armed with a solidgrounding in mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, and biology), these "gold-collar"workers —— so named for their contributions to their companies and to the economy, as wellas for their personal earning ability —— apply that knowledge to technology. Of course, thegold-collar worker already exists in a wide range of jobs across a wide range of businesses:think of the maintenance technician who tests and repairs aircraft systems at American Air-lines; the network administrator who manages systems and network operations at P&G; theadvanced-manufacturing technician at Intel.

But until American business recognises these people as a new class of worker, onewhose collar is neither blue nor white, demands that schools do a better job of preparingemployees for the twenty-first-century workforce will be futile.

What effects may the insufficiency of qualified workers have, according to the passage? 查看材料

A.It decreases the costs of high technology companies.

B.It emphasises the importance of unfilled jobs.

C.It hinders the development of the US economy.

D.It accelerates the collapse of the old education system.

He ______ in the countryside when he was young. (live)

He ______ in the countryside when he was young. (live)

He was ill, ()he went on working.A.butB.soC.andD.or

He was ill, ()he went on working.





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