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Let's go for a drive. _________

A、I'm busy.

B、It drives me mad.

C、All right. Let's go.

D、I don't say anything.

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更多“Let's go for a drive. ________…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Kate, Let' s go for a drive somewhere this weekend.M: That' s a good idea. Jus

听力原文:W: Kate, Let' s go for a drive somewhere this weekend.

M: That' s a good idea. Just the two of us!

What is the man doing?

A.He is making a suggestion.

B.He is making a request.

C.He is offering help.

D.He is asking for information.

听力原文:M: I'd like to drive to the concert, but my brother is using the car tonight.W: N

听力原文:M: I'd like to drive to the concert, but my brother is using the car tonight.

W: No problem, but haven't you thought of the subway?

Q: What does the woman suggest?


A.She thinks they don't have to go to the concert.

B.She proposes to go to the concert by underground.

C.She thinks a car wouldn't be any faster.

D.She believes that the man's brother should let them use the car.

Decide which maxim of the cooperative principle has been flouted in the following utteranc
es and what implicature can be drawn. (1) A: Can you tell me the secret? B: But John is there. (2) A: Let s go to the movies. B: I 11 bring the Kleenex. (3) A: Would you drive a Mercedes? B: I wouldnt drive ANY expensive car.

听力原文:W: Didn't you drive by the White House when you went to the conference yesterday?

M: Yes, we did, but we drove by it very fast. Let's walk around it today. I always prefer walking to driving.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man wants to drive around the White House today.

B.The man didn't go by the White House yesterday.'

C.The man wants to go into the White House today.

D.The man didn't have a good look at the White House yesterday.

听力原文:M:I'd like to drive to the cinema,but my sister will use the car tonight.W:Who ne

听力原文:M:I'd like to drive to the cinema,but my sister will use the car tonight.

W:Who needs a ear? We can take the bus if we go a little earlier.

Q:What does the woman suggest?


A.They don't have to go to the cinema.

B.His sister will let them use the car.

C.The bus is free with her.

D.They'll have to rent a car as early as possible.

听力原文:M: Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping? The supermarkets
outside the city are so much cheaper. I'd also be happy to pick up anything you need,

W: Well, I don't like to let anyone else drive my car. Tell you what, why don't we go together?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She will drive the man to the supermarket.

B.The man should buy a car of his own.

C.The man needn't go shopping every week.

D.She can pick the man up at the grocery store.

听力原文:M: Well, that was delicious! Thanks very much indeed... I didn't know, you were s
uch a good cook, Brenda.

W: Thank you, Richard.

M: If you like, I could do the washing-up.

W: No, don't bother. I can do it myself later.

M: All right.., er... do you mind if I smoke?

W: No, go ahead!

M: Oh, I've lost.., left my cigarettes in the hall.

W: Shall I get them for you?

M: Er... no, no... oh look, it's all right. I've got another packet here.

W: Let me get you an ashtray.

M: Thank you.

W: Would you like me to make coffee now?

M: Yes! Thanks! Urn... look, I wonder if I could possibly use your phone?

W: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have a telephone.

M: Oh, ... er... well, it's rather complicated, but you see I promised to phone a colleague before nine and I see it's now about five to... um... er... would you mind very much if I go clown the road to the phone box?

W: Oh, it's about a ten-minute walk away. If you like, I could drive you there.

M: Oh, would you?

W: Yes, certainly.

M: Thanks.

W: I'll make coffee later, when we get back.

M: Right !

What did the man offer to do?

A.He offered to get the ashtray.

B.He offered to make coffee.

C.He offered to do washing-up.

D.He offered to drive the woman to the phone.

听力原文:M: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?W: Eh... Yes, I hope so. I want to go to E

听力原文:M: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?

W: Eh... Yes, I hope so. I want to go to Edinburgh for the festival, and I'm not too sure of the best way to get there. I've got a car, but it's not in a very good condition. And I was just wondering if you could tell me how long you think it'll take me to drive up there.

M: Well, if you go there on the motorway, I suppose it's about 8 hours.

W: 8 hours, It's a long way. And considering the patrol prices, it'll be a little too expensive, I suppose.

M: Well, yes, it probably costs you about 70 pounds depending on your car.

W: The car is the trouble. Now, what about the coach? I've been told that's fairly reasonable.

M: Oh, it is. It costs twenty pounds in fact from London to Edinburgh.

W: Hmm, that's not too bad.

M: But it takes about ten hours.

W: Oh, no. What about the train then?

M: Let me see. It takes five hours ill fact from London to Edinburgh. It costs 62 pounds for a single.

W: 62 pounds for a single ticket. Wow, that's a lot of money. You see, what I'd really like to do is to go by plane. Can you tell me about that?

M: Yes, of course. Let me see, 78 pounds for a single. But it takes just over an hour.

W: Really?

M: Yes, you're there in no time.

W: Wonderful. That'll be a wonderful start to the holiday.

M: Shall I book a ticket?

W: Well, look. I really ought to think about it. Thank you very much for your help. See you later.

M: See you.

How much does it cost from London to Edinburgh by coach?

A.20 pounds.

B.62 pounds.

C.70 pounds.

D.78 pounds.

听力原文:M: Well, that was delicious! Thanks very much indeed... I didn' t know you were s
uch a good cook, Brenda.

W: Thank you, Richard.

M: If you like, I could do the washing-up.

W: No, don't bother, I can do it myself later.

M: All right.., er... do you mind if smoke?

W: No, go ahead !

M: Oh, I've lost.., left my cigarettes in the hall.

W: Shall I get them for you?

M: Er... no, no... oh look, it's all right I' ve got another packet here.

W: Let me get you an ashtray.

M: Thanks.

W: Would you like me to make coffee now?

M: Yes ! Thanks !Um... look, I wonder if I could possibly use your phone?

W: Oh, I' m sorry, I don' t have a telephone.

M: Oh,... er... well, it' s rather complicated, but you see I promised to phone a colleague before nine and I see it' s now about five to... um... er... would you mind if I went down the road to the phone box?

W: Oh, it' s about a ten - minute walk away. If you like, I could drive you there.

M: Oh, would you?

W: Yes, certainly.

M: Thanks.

W: I'll make coffee later, when we get back.

M: Right !

What did the man offer to do?

A.He offered to get the ashtray.

B.He offered to make coffee.'

C.He offered to drive the woman to the phone.

D.He offered to do washing up.

Let's go Dutch.
______(如果你乐意), let's go to see a film after meal.

______(如果你乐意), let's go to see a film after meal.

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