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Put × in relative check box of the following sentences or fill the blanks to request Banque National

e de Paris, Paris to issue an irrevocable credit which is to expire on or before 30 June, 200× and is available with the advising bank, Bank of Communications, Shanghai by negotiation against draft (s) at sight and documents.

In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the beneficiary)

Expiry date and place for presentation of documents

expiry date: ______

place for presentation: ______

credit available with ______

①( ) by payment at sight

②( ) by deferred payment at

③( ) by acceptance of draft (s) at

④( ) by negotiation against the documents detailed herein

⑤( ) and beneficiary's draft (s) ______ drawn on ______

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Put × in relative check box of the following sentences or fill the blanks to issue an irrevocable cr
edit which is to expire on or before 30 June, 200× and is available with the issuing bank, Dresdner Bank, Hamburg by acceptance of draft (s) at 90 days sight.


In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the beneficiary)

Expiry date and place for presentation of documents

expiry date: ______

place for presentation: ______

credit available with ______

①( ) by payment at sight

②( ) by deferred payment at

③( ) by acceptance of draft (s) at

④( ) by negotiation against the documents detailed herein

⑤( ) and beneficiary's draft (s) drawn on

A.Any unused personal or household goods.B.Anything useful in daily life.C.Anything ch

A.Any unused personal or household goods.

B.Anything useful in daily life.

C.Anything cheaper than those sold in shops.

D.Anything people like to put up for sale.

Put × in relative check box of the following sentences or fill the blanks to request The Mitsui Bank
Ltd., Tokyo to issue an irrevocable credit which is to expire on or before 30 June, 200× and is available with any bank in China by negotiation against draft (s) at sight and documents.

In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the beneficiary)

Expiry date and place for presentation of documents

expiry date: ______

place for presentation: ______

credit available with ______

①( ) by payment at sight

②( ) by deferred payment at

③( ) by acceptance of draft (s) at

④( ) by negotiation against the documents detailed herein

⑤( ) and beneficiary's draft (s) ______ drawn on ______

A young man went to a town and worked there. He did not have a wife and a servant did the
work in his house.

The young man liked laughing a lot. He nailed the servant's shoes to the floor on Monday, and then laughed, because he put his feet in them and fell down.

The servant was not angry, but smiled.

Then the young man put brushes in his bed on Tuesday. The servant got into bed and hit the brushes with his feet. He was afraid. The young man laughed loudly again. Again the servant was not angry, but smiled.

Then on Wednesday the young man said to his servant, "You' re a nice, kind man. I am not going to be unkind to you again."

The servant smiled and said, "And I'm not going to put any more mud from the street in your coffee."

The young man went to a town ______.

A.to study

B.to work

C.to see his relative

D.to spend his holiday

听力原文:When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available communi

听力原文: When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.


29. Why are adult children more likely to use community services to help care for elderly parents?

30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?

31. According to the passage,what must caregivers learn to do?


A.They think they should follow the current trend.

B.Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

C.Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

D.They have jobs and other commitments.

Put × in relative check box of the following sentences or fill the blanks to issue an irrevocable co
nfirmed documentary credit which is to expire on or before 30 June, 200× and is available with the advising bank, Bank of China, Shanghai by payment at sight against draft (s) and documents.


(1)In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the advising bank)

We request you to advise beneficiary:

①( ) without adding your confirmation.

②( ) adding your confirmation.

③( )adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary.

(2)In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form

①( ) This notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement on our part.

②( ) As requested by the issuing bank, we hereby add our confirmation to this credit in accordance with the stipulations under UCP600 Article 8.

(3)In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the beneficiary)

Expiry date and place for presentation of documents

expiry date: ______

place for presentation: ______

credit available with ______

①( ) by payment at sight

②( ) by deferred payment at

③( ) by acceptance of draft (s) at

④( ) by negotiation against the documents detailed herein

⑤( ) and beneficiary's draft (s) drawn on


Put × in relative check box of the following sentences or fill the blanks to issue an irrevocable un
confirmed documentary credit which is to expire on or before 30 June, 200× and is available with the advising bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shanghai by deferred payment at 30 days after presentation of documents against the documents.


(1)In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the advising bank)

We request you to advise beneficiary:

①( ) without adding your confirmation.

②( ) adding your confirmation.

③( ) adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary.

(2)In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form

①( ) This notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement on our part.

②( ) As requested by the issuing bank, we hereby add our confirmation to this credit in accordance with the stipulations under UCP 600 Article 8.

(3)In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the beneficiary)

Expiry date and place for presentation of documents

expiry date: ______

place for presentation: ______

credit available with ______

①( ) by payment al sight

②( ) by deferred payment at ______

③( ) by acceptance of draft (s) at ______

④( ) by negotiation against the documents detailed herein

⑤( ) and beneficiary's draft (s) drawn on


听力原文:Are electric cars the way of the future?Automobile manufactures are under pressur

听力原文: Are electric cars the way of the future?Automobile manufactures are under pressure to develop cars that do not pollute.One powerful motive is a California law requiring that by the year 2020 ten percent of new car sells in the state be so called zero-emission vehicles.These cars must put no pollutants whatsoever into the at-mosphere.

California is a huge market for the automobile companies,so they are working hard to meet these standards. So far the electric car seems to be the best alternative.So the big advantage of electric cars is that they don't pollute.However they will be in competition with gas-powered cars and that's where the weaknesses come out.The big problem is that the batteries that power electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver.For instance,in one prototype electric car,the batteries weighed 400 kilograms.And they provide enough energy to go 250 kilometers before recharging,which takes eight hours.Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient conventional car,it can go 600 to 700 kilometers on a tank of gas and refilling takes just minutes.If there are other drains on an electric car's batteries besides the motor,headlights,air-conditioning or a heater,its already limited range will be significantly reduced.So automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would increase the cars'range and make them more attractive to buyers.

Why does the electric car seem to be the best alternative so far?

A.It is comfortable.

B.It is best made.

C.It causes no pollution.

D.It makes less noise.

听力原文:Are electric cars the wave of the future? Automobile manufactures are under press

听力原文: Are electric cars the wave of the future? Automobile manufactures are under pressure to develop cars that do not pollute. One powerful motive is a California law requiring that by the year 2000, 10% of new car sales in the state be so-called "zero emission vehicles". These cars must put no pollution, whatsoever, in the atmosphere.

California is a huge market for the automobile companies. So they are working hard to meet the standards. So far, the electric car seems to be the best alternative. So the big advantage of the electric cars is that they don't pollute. However, there will be a competition with gas-powered cars and that's where the weaknesses come out. The big problem is that the batteries that power electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver. For instance, in one prototype electric car, the batteries weigh 400 kilograms and they provide enough energy to go 250 kilometers before recharging, which takes 8 hours. Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient conventional car, it can go 600 to 700 kilometers on a tank of gas and refilling takes just minutes.

If there are other drains on the electric cars' batteries besides the motor, headlights, air-conditioning or heater, its already limited range would be significantly reduced. So, automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would increase the cars' range and make them more attractive to buyers.


A.Automobile safety.

B.Increasing fuel efficiency.

C.California's pollution laws.

D.Electric-powered cars.

Unlike downturns past,European nations have kept unemployment figures low relative to the
U.S. this time around because Europe's labor markets have【C1】______to depend less on allowances than government schemes to put them back to work quickly. What's more,【C2】______focusing solely on jumpstarting their economies【C3】______stimulus(刺激), as the U.S. has, Northern Europe has thrown its【C4】______at keeping people at work--by any means【C5】______.

In the countries of northern Europe, that has【C6】______large and successful retraining schemes to get laid-off workers back into jobs quickly.【C7】______in nations like Germany, jobs have also been【C8】______by cutting hours. Rather than laying off workers, a number of European companies have chosen to cut【C9】______schedules by a third or more as part of larger government schemes to【C10】______mass layoffs. Companies save money on salaries【C11】______the government picks up the cost of the pay cuts, including payroll(工资总额)taxes. It's successful, but it【C12】______to the national debt and also has the【C13】______to twist European labor markets.

What's more, economists note, European unemployment【C14】______tend to lag behind those of the U.S.-- meaning that while American unemployment will probably【C15】______this year, the big European economies will【C16】______numbers continue to rise into the years ahead.

All these emphasize the fact【C17】______while Northern Europe has handled the crisis【C18】______well up to now, the future is【C19】______bright. Indeed, economists say that Europe's usual slower-growth, higher-unemployment trend line will【C20】______in the years ahead.






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