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从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中______内的最确切的解答。 Soon, more of the information we recel


Soon, more of the information we recelve via the internet could come(1)in digital wrappers.

Wrappers are made up(2)software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data(3)within them, such as helping to define queries for search engines. They also keep(4)from(5)access to that code.

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从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 Programming is a (1) that has variou


Programming is a(1)that has various engineering and(2)aspects. Although most of aspects are interrelated, each of them covers a number of(3)and goals. which are very specific. The progress being made in teaching(4)is reflected by the fact that most(5)science curricula contain a broad spectrum of programming courses, each emphasizing a different aspect of programming.


(1) notation (2) physical (3) function (4) discipline (5) philosophy

(6) software engineering (7) charactenstics (8) mathematical (9) progranun/ng

(10) program (11) method (12) computer

从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 In object-oriented (1) , objects c


In object-oriented(1), objects can be viewed as reusable components, and once the programmer has developed a(2)of these components, he can(3)the amount of new coding required. But(4)a(2)is no simple task because the integrity of the original software design is critical. Reusability can be a mixed blessing for user, too, as a programmer has to be able to find the object he needs. But if(5)is your aim, reusability is worth the risk.


(1) complexity (2) creating (3)indisposing (4) library (5) maximize

(6) miniIruze (7) reading(8) procedure (9) productivity (10) programming

(11) security (12) using

从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 In (1) software, one question of


In(1)software, one question of near-universal interest is how rapidly Windows NT, which began shipping last summer, will be(2)in the marketplace and for what uses. For the most part, observers are(3)the operating system's long term prospects, but expect it to remain on(4)rather than desktops during 1994, saying that it won't become a mainstream product until(5)PCs typically have 16 to 24 MB of RAM, which is unlikely to happen next year.


(1) applications (2) accepted (3) clients (4) enthusiastic (5) servers

(6) desktop (7) systems (8) replaced

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semic


A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor(1)that emits visible light when an electric current passes throughit.The light is not particularly(2), but in most LEDs it is monochromatic, occurring at a single(3). The output from an LED can range from red (at a wavelength of approximately 700 nanometers) to blue-violet (about 400 nanometers). Some LEDs(4)infrared (IR) energy (830 nanometers or longer); such a device is known as an infrared-emitting diode (IRED).

An LED or IRED(5)of two elements of processed material called P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors. These two elements are(6)in direct contact, forming a region called the P-N junction. In this respect, the LED or IRED(7)most other diode types, but there are important(8). The LED or IRED has a transparent package, allowing(9)or IR energy to pass through. Also, the LED or IRED has a large PN-junction area whose(10)is tailored to the application.


1.wavelength 2.shape 3.emit 4.device 5.resembles

6.bright 7.visible 8.consists 9.differences 10.placed

从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 Object-oriented DBMS integrated a var


Object-oriented DBMS integrated a variety of(1)data types—such as business procedures, graphics, pictures, voice and annotated text.

Object orientation also makes a(2)to application development efficiency. It makes the data, functions, attributes and relationships an integral part of the(3). In this way, objects can be reused and replicated.

Some leading RDBMS vendors support the concept of integrating object management capabilities with their current line of relational products. That capability enable users to(4)the development cycle, since integrity logic and business rules no longer need to be programmed(5)each application.


(1) tool (2) in (3) idea (4) contribution (5) joke (6) short

(7) object (8) theoretical (9) extent (10) shorten (11) real-world (12) into

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 Video RAM means in general all forms of


Video RAM means in general all forms of RAM used to(1). image data for the video display monitor. Somewhat confusingly, the most common(2)of video RAM is called Video RAM (VRAM). All types of video RAM are special(3)of dynamic RAM (DRAM). Video RAM is really a buffer(4)the processor and the display monitor and is often called the frame buffer. When(5)are to be sent to the display, they are first read by the processor as data from some form of main storage RAM and then(6)to video RAM. From video RAM (the frame buffer), the data is converted by a RAM digital-to-analog converter (RAMDAC) into analog(7)that are sent to the display presentation mechanism such as a cathode ray tube (CRT). Usually, video RAM comes in a 1 or 2 megabyte package and is(8)on the video or graphics card in the computer. Most forms of video RAM are dual-ported. While the processor is writing a new image to video RAM, the display is reading from video to(9)its current display content. The dual-port design is the main(10)between main storage RAM and video RAM.


1.difference 2.located 3.images 4.store 5.between

6.type 7.written 8.refresh 9.arrangements 10.signals

从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 While most recent attention in the AI


While most recent attention in the AI field has been focused on expert system software, AI(1)has also seen dramatic advances. Activity in the past years was characterized by new low-cost, powerful LISP machines, the introduction of A1 workstations, LISP compilers becoming available for all major professional and engineering workstations, and the personal computer emerging as a(2)tool for expert system development .The next few years will see this technology evolve further.

Because the(3)of an AI computer represents a sizeable investment, companies should carefully(4)all options that are available as well as have a good idea of what the next generation of systems will offer in order to(5)the optimum system. This publication provides the information necessary to gain this understanding.


(1) choice (2) read (3) important (4) software (5) hardware

(6) significant (7) emergence (8) survey (9) purchase (10) select

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 Each page element (division or section,


Each page element (division or section, heading, paragraph, image, list, and so forth) is(1)viewed as an "object." (Microsoft calls this the "Dynamic HTML Object Model." Netscape calls it the "HTML Object Model." W3C calls it the "Document Object Model.") For example, each(2)heading on a page can be named, given attributes of text style and color, and addressed by(3)name in a small program or "script" included on the page. This heading or any other element on the page can be changed as the result of a(4)specified event such as mouse passing over or being(5)clicked or a time elapsing. Or an image can be moved from one place to another by "dragging and dropping" the image(6)object with the mouse. These event possibilities can be viewed as the(7)reaction capabilities ofthe element or object. Any change takes place immediately since all variations of all(8)elements or objects have been sent as part of the same page from the Web server that sent the page. Thus, variations can be thought ofas different(9)properties ofthe object.

Not only can element variations change text wording or color but also everything contained within a heading object can be(10)replaced with new content that includes different or additional HTML as well as different text. Microsoft calls this the "Text Range technology."


1.reaction 2.specified 3.elements 4.name 5.clicked

6.viewed 7.object 8.heading 9.replaced 10.properties

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 The obvious advantage of a Graphical Us


The obvious advantage of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is to organize the computer to make(1)fromahuman(2), rather than to force users to adapt to the(3)of computers and software. GUI is converging to the point where a(4)person can walk up to a computer, experiment briefly with the mouse and the(5)objects on screen, and gain some understanding ofhow to accomplish basic tasks.


(1)iconic (2) converge (3) sense (4) use

(5) perspective (6) capable (7) peculiarities (8) imaging

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