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You procure a material using the "Consignment" process.You want to ensure

that purchase requisitions with the "Consignment" item category are generated automatically for requirements in requirements planning.Which of the following settings allows you to do this? There are 2 correct answers to this question.()

A.Create a consignment info record for the relevant material and enter it as a fixed source of supply in the source list

B.Create a consignment info record for the relevant material and select the "Regular Vendor" indicator in the record

C.Activate the quota arrangement for the relevant material and create a quota arrangement item using "Consignment" as the special procurement type

D.Enter "Consignment" as the special procurement type in the material master record.

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更多“You procure a material using t…”相关的问题
Which of the following is among the troubles print has?A.It is dear to find printed materi

Which of the following is among the troubles print has?

A.It is dear to find printed materials.

B.Frequent editing is needed for better layout.

C.Paper is passed around quickly.

D.The space to restore articles is not enough.

A.Government regulation of waste.B.Better technology.C.More demand for recycled materi

A.Government regulation of waste.

B.Better technology.

C.More demand for recycled materials.

D.More public awareness about the recycling process.

The most appropriate title for this selection would he______.A.The Development of a Materi

The most appropriate title for this selection would he______.

A.The Development of a Materialistic Society

B.Science and Technology

C.Science for Self-Reliance

D.Natural Resources

43.“装箱单”正确的翻译为()。 A.packing materials B.packing list C.wooden package D.wooden materi

43.“装箱单”正确的翻译为( )。

A.packing materials B.packing list

C.wooden package D.wooden materials

Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity?A.Rearranging the materi

Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity?

A.Rearranging the materials.

B.Brainstorming the topic.

C.Writing a similar text.

D.Giving summary and comment.

Science does not,generally,affect industry directly but does so through the intermediary of technolo
gy which places at industry's disposal new improved and powerful machines that increase the productivity of labor.It improves technological processes,introduces new forms of energy,creates new materi als not provided by nature,introduces new and varied means of transport,communication and telecommunication control and telecontr01.All these means amazingly increase the productivity of labor by substituting human forces for those of nature.
Under CFR,CPT,FOB and FCA no party has the obligation to procure insurance, so the goods will not be
insured in any way.( )
Since pleasure is the first good and natural to us, for this very reason we do not choose
every pleasure, but sometimes we pass over many pleasures, when greater discomfort accrues to us as the result of them; and similarly we think many pains better than pleasures, since a greater pleasure comes to us when we have endured pains for a long time. Every pleasure then because of its natural kinship to us is good, yet not every pleasure is to be chosen; even as every pain is also an evil, yet not all are always of a nature to be avoided. Yet by a scale of comparison and by the consideration of advantages and disadvantages we must form. our judgement on all these matters. For the good on certain occasions we treat as bad, and conversely the bad as good.

We must consider that of desires some are natural, others vain, and of the natural some are necessary and others merely natural; and of the necessary some are necessary for happiness, others for the repose of the body, and others for very life.

Unhappiness comes either through fear or through vain and unbridled desire; but if a man curbs these, he can win for himself' the blessedness of understanding. Of desires, all that do not lead to a sense of pain, if they are not satisfied, are not necessary, but involve a craving which is easily dispelled, when the object is hard to procure or they seem likely to produce harm. Wherever in the case of desires which are natural, but do not lead to a sense of pain, if they are not fulfilled, the effort is intense, such pleasures are due to idle imagination, and it is not owing to their own nature that they fail to be dispelled, but owing to the empty imaginings of the man.

The disturbance of the soul cannot be ended nor true joy created either by the possession of the greatest wealth or by honour and respect in the eyes of the mob or by anything else that is associated with causes of unlimited desires. We must not violate nature, but obey her; and we shah obey her if we fulfil the necessary desires and also the natural, if they bring no harm to us, but sternly reject the harmful. The man who follows nature and not vain opinions is independent in all things. For in reference to unlimited desires even the greatest wealth is not riches but poverty.

Insofar as you are in difficulties, it is because you forget nature; for you create for yourself unlimited fears and desires. It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble.

What does "greater discomfort accrues to us" in Paragraph 1 mean here?

A.We get greater discomfort over a period of time.

B.We are tortured by greater discomfort.

C.Greater discomfort exists in our body.

D.Greater discomfort makes us miserable.

International Trade Terms An intemational trade deal can involve up to four contracts and the impor

International Trade Terms

An intemational trade deal can involve up to four contracts and the importer must have a broad understanding of each of them. The four contracts are the contract of carriage , the export sales contract , the insurance contract and the contract of finance. There are three main areas of uncertainty as to which country's law will be applicable to their contracts; the difficulty emerging from inadequate and unreliable information; and the serious problem of the diversity of interpretation of th e various trade terms. The latter point can involve costly litigation and loss of much goodwill when a dispute over the interpretation of such terms arises.

The role of Incoterms 1990 is to give the business person a set of international rules for the interpretation of the more commonly used terms such as FOB, CIF and EXW in foreign trade contracts. Such a range of terms enables the businessperson to decide which is the most suitable for their needs , knowing that the interpretation of terms will not vary by individual country.

It must be recognized, however, that it is not always possible to give a precise interpretation. In such situations one musL rely on the custom of the trade or port. Businesspersons are advised to use terms that are subject to varying interpretations as little as possible and to rely on the well-established and intemationally accepted terms. To avoid any-misunderstandings or disputes, the parties to the contract are well advised to keep trading customs of individual countries in mind when negotiating their export sales contract. However,parties to the contract may use Incoterms as the general basis of their contract , but may specify variations of them or additions to them relevant to the particular trade or circumstances. An example is the CIF plus war risk insurance. The seller would base his quotation accordingly. Special provisions in the individual contract between the parties willoverride[1] anything in the Incoterm provisions.

A point to bear especially in mind is the need for caution in the variation, for example, of CFR,CIF or DDP. The addition of a word or letter could change the contract and its interpretation. It is essential that any such variation be explicitly stated in the contract to ensure each party to the contract to be aware of its obligations and act accordingly.

The buyer and seller parties Lo the contract must especially bear in mind that Incoterms only defines their relationship in contract terms, andhas no bearin directly or indirectly on[2] the carriers' obligations to them as found in the contract of carriage. However,the law of carriage will determine how the seller should fulfil his obligation to deliver the goods to the carrier on board the vessel as found in FOB, CFR and CIF. A further point to bear in mind by the seller and buyer is that there is no obligation for the seller to procure an msurance policy for the buyer's benefit. However, in practice, many contracts request the buyer or seller to arrange insurance from the point of departure in the country of dispatch to the point of final destination chosen by the buyer.

Incoterms 1990 can be divided into recommended usage by modes of transport as under all modes (i. e. combined transport) , EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDP, DDU; conventional port/sea transport only FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, DES, DEQ. Incoterms 1990 reflects the changes and development of international distribution during the past decade, especially the development of combined transportation and associated documentation together with electronic data interchange.



Questions for reading :

Here _________! Here __________.

A.is the chips; you are

B.are the chips; you are

C.the chips is; you are

D.the chips are; you are

If you do something wrong, you are sure ______ (punish)

If you do something wrong, you are sure ______ (punish)

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