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To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with a view to promotion in position and a

ssignment in parent company's branch abroad.
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更多“To serve as sales promoter in …”相关的问题
Which of the statements is Not True?()

A、After sales service is to satisfy the need of customers

B、After sales service is important

C、After sales service is to serve the customers before sale

D、After sales service is the bond between the organization and the customers

Singapore is well known as a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation. And
this 【C1】______ is gradually becoming internalized as a special feature of Singaporean culture. Besides, Singapore is at the crossroads 【C2】______ East meets West and enjoys the benefit of the co-existence of 【C3】______ cultures. Two seemingly 【C4】______ incidents that took place recently appeared equally ironical upon closer scrutiny. In the first case, the president of National Technological University found the use of Mandarin 【C5】______ too popular on campus and so urged students to speak more English. In the second case, in response 【C6】______ customer complaints, an expatriate executive of Borders told staff to stick to English at work. For historical reasons, the call by NTU which is located on the site of the former Mandarin-speaking Nantah appears to be an even 【C7】______ irony. At a time when the government is 【C8】______ the use of Mandarin to keep up with changes in the world, such actions that go against the trend provide 【C9】______ for thought. Yes, their 【C10】______ about learning English and about the status of English can be understood. What is 【C11】______ is who then are our multi-lingual society supposed to serve? Is multi-lingualism a burdern, a way to 【C12】______ off, just a symbol, or is it a tool and an advantage to benefit the public? 【C13】______ the interest of the nation, we have made English the official and common language to help foster racial harmony and 【C14】______ us with the world. Yet language in a way is inextricable from considerations such as political correctness, prestige and status. For a long time to come, the 【C15】______ of English as an official language is unlikely to be shaken. The question is: when service departments deal with the public, do they just 【C16】______ to the rules and not exercise any flexibility or do they make full use of our multi-lingual advantage to provide 【C17】______ service to the ordinary people? It is true that most customers at an English bookshop maybe English-educated and speak English 【C18】______ , but if speaking Mandarin makes some people feel more at home or comfortable, do we have to 【C19】______ on speaking English? Even someone who is extremely 【C20】______ in English, which is not his mother tongue, may well enjoy being spoken to in his mother tongue. Can this potentially be a "win-win" sales strategy?






Small business owners must accept the dens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). Being in bus

Small business owners must accept the dens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). Being in business for yourself【B1】your full attention. You seldom leave the office or shop at 5 PM.【B2】do you leave job problems there. They follow you home as business homework. This means less time for your【B3】life.

The【B4】you sought can put you on the【B5】. You don't report to a boss. But you do try as hard as possible to serve your customers. They are your "【B6】". You also have to compete with creditors, employees, suppliers, and tax collectors. In other words, you are never really【B7】.

Small firms can seldom【B8】to hire enough employees so that each can specialize. You may have to prepare ads,【B9】records, make sales calls, and collect bad debts. You must be able to "wear many hats".【B10】all these tasks takes up lots of time. But you cannot【B11】long-range planning. You have to【B12】goals and develop plans to meet them. Give too【B13】time to management and your business will fail.

The major cause of business【B14】is poor management. Of every three business that start, two fail. Nearly half fail in the first five years. A person with limited talents may be able to hold a job in a large firm because others will pick up the slack(松懈,懈怠). When you are in business【B15】yourself, there is no one to "carry you".

Even if your firm【B16】, you may still have little money to spend. You may work hard for months and not take a penny out, except for the salary you pay yourself. The reason is you may have to【B17】your profits in the firm for long-term growth.【B18】you may need to meet short-term【B19】for cash. You may not even be able to draw a salary until the firm becomes a truly going【B20】.






Small business owners most accept the burdens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). Being in

Small business owners most accept the burdens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). Being in business for yourself requires your full attention. You seldom leave the office or shop at 5 p.m.【C1】______do you leave job problems there. They follow you home as business homework. This【C2】______less time for your personal life.

The【C3】______you sought can put you on the spot. You don't report to a boss. But you do【C4】______as hard as possible to serve your customers. They are your"【C5】______". You also have to compete with creditors, employees, suppliers, and tax collectors. In other words, you are never really【C6】______.

Small firms can seldom afford to【C7】______enough employees so that each can specialize. You may have to prepare ads,【C8】______records, make sales calls, and collect bad debts. You must be able to "wear many hats".【C9】______all these tasks take up lots of time. But you cannot【C10】______long-range planning. You have to set goals and develop plans to meet them. Give too【C11】______time to management and your business will fail.

The major cause of business【C12】______is poor management. Of every three business that start, two fail.【C13】______half fail in the first five years. A per son with limited talents may be able to hold a job in a large firm【C14】______others will pick up the slack(松懈,懈怠). When you are in business【C15】______yourself, there is no one to "carry you".

Even if your firm【C16】______, you may still have little money to spend. You may work hard for months and not take a penny out,【C17】______the salary you pay yourself. The reason is you may have to【C18】______your profits in the firm for long-term growth. Or you may need to meet short-term【C19】______for cash. You may not even be able to draw a salary【C20】______the firm becomes a truly going concern.






A.They can serve many people in a short time.B.They sell delicious food.C.They serve f

A.They can serve many people in a short time.

B.They sell delicious food.

C.They serve food at higher prices.

D.Their service is quick and efficient.





Mr.Brown would rather that his son ______ (serve)in the royal air force last year.

Mr.Brown would rather that his son ______ (serve)in the royal air force last year.

Breakfast _____ until 9 am.


B.serves to

C.is served

D.is to serve

As a ______ to customers, the bank will install more automated teller machine. (serve)

As a ______ to customers, the bank will install more automated teller machine. (serve)

Personality comes from the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Thus, it can be said t
hat personality is a ' mask' a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A person's tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person's inner self. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a person.

In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right? Beautiful people are usually more popular than ugly people, right? Actually, it's hard to pinpoint (确定) what kind of personality is popular and what is unpopular.

Behavior. can be described as the manifestation of personality in response to a situation. No two persons will react to the same situation in the same manner. This is because of the person's personality. Let's take the example of an introvert and an extrovert. We shall create a situation to study how they behave in the same environment. The introvert and the extrovert are placed into two identical rooms at the same time. Every effort is taken to ensure that the environment is the same. They are told to read a book in 2 hours. Then, we ask a group of hooligans (小流氓) to go into the rooms and beat the rooms. How do you think the introvert and the extrovert will behave in such an environment? We don't know but we know they will behave differently.

Are you satisfied with how your career is turning out? You may not consciously know it but your personality has a great bearing of your job performance. If you are extremely shy and hate to socialize, you are not cut for a sales job or a PR(公共关系)position. You may try to change your ways and take on a more outgoing style. but you may not be happy. There are some personality characters which are inherent. If you know yourself well, you will find a career that suits your personality and excel in it.

We may infer from the first paragraph that______.

A.we have to face the world with masks

B.personality can be shown through one's actions

C.people's personalities are all fixed through their life

D.people's personalities are totally different from each other

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