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听力原文:Battle after battle, the Americans suffered heavyloss. GeneralWashington led his

听力原文: Battle after battle, the Americans suffered heavy loss. General Washington led his forces across the Hudson River.' The British close behind, driving Washington further south to the Delaware River. Washington succeeded in getting all his men safely across just before the British troops reached the river.

The British had at least 35,000 troops in their camps, while Washington had only 3,000 fighting men left by this time. Men were leaving the American Army daily. Quite a few of them had left to take care of their farms and families. Others had gone away because they were old and hungry. Nobody could hold these men back. Things began to look black indeed for the revolutionaries. It was at this moment that Tom Paine, then an ordinary soldier in the American camp ,wrote the words, "There are times that try men's souls."


A.The Canadian River.

B.The Hudson River.

C.The Mississippi River.

D.The Amazon River.

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更多“听力原文:Battle after battle, the …”相关的问题
听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twe

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt "shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, flogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350,000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoichi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam.

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War lt.

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.

听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twen

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt " shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, frogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350 000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoiehi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam:

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War Ⅱ

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.

听力原文:Bobby Moore was a famous English soccer player who led the England team to victor

听力原文: Bobby Moore was a famous English soccer player who led the England team to victory against West Germany in the 1966 World Cup Final. As a superb defender, Moore played 108 games for England's national team from 1962 to 1970 and was captain 90 times. His professional soccer career spans 19 years and 668 matches, a record with no match so far in England. Moore was born in Barking, East London, in 1941. His full name was Robert Frederick Moore. He began playing club soccer in the early 1960s. He was named England's Footballer of the Year from 1963 to 1964. Moore was known for his sportsmanship on the field. He was not inclined towards wild celebration of girls. In 1967, he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. Moore retired from playing in 1977, and after spending brief periods managing professional soccer teams, he concentrated on developing a sports marketing company and doing media work. He was sports editor of Sunday Sport from 1986 to 1990 and a regular commentator for London's Capital Radio Station from 1990 to 1993. After Moore was diagnosed with cancer, he went public with his battle in 1991 and continued to work until his death in 1993.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. How many matches did Moore play during his professional career?

34. What did Bobby Moore become in 1964?

35. What was the first thing Moore did after he retired from playing?






听力原文:After years of failing to take the disease seriously, Beijing has become a late c

听力原文: After years of failing to take the disease seriously, Beijing has become a late convert to the cause of HIV/Aids education, prevention and treatment.

In recent months health authorities have stepped up plans to distribute free condoms, promote needle exchanges, provide free antiretroviral drugs to patients and boost Aids awareness through education campaigns. Yet, Beijing had better be ready for an epic battle if it is to prevent a full-scale crisis. Already, more than 200,000 people have died of Aids in China and a further 840,000 axe living with HIV/Aids. The UN warns that, unchecked, the disease could claim 10 million victims by 2010.

The world's first HIV case was discovered in America in 1981. Four years later, China discovered its first HIV case. However, long after that, ignorance about how the disease is transmitted remains widespread. Disseminating knowledge of how HIV is transmitted and finding ways to cheaply distribute antiretroviral drugs for infected patients are among tasks facing health authorities, who are now applied to preventing an oncoming disaster.

Although China is coming late to the Aids war, it can benefit from the experience of other countries and it can also benefit from the increased global funding and willingness to share expertise that is available today. Therefore, we have a good reason to believe that China will eventually succeed in its effort to restrain the spread of Aids.


A.It's bound to end in failure.

B.It's arduous, yet promising.

C.It's hard to predict the final outcome.

D.It will go smoothly.

听力原文:Diet, diet, diet! It gets to be a constant battle for many of us to stay fit and

听力原文: Diet, diet, diet! It gets to be a constant battle for many of us to stay fit and healthy. But diets don’t always allow us to learn new eating habits, improve our self-image, or make lifestyle. changes. Developing good eating habits and proper exercise is a permanent issue. And it’s the main topic of this workshop.

In order to keep a healthy diet and minimize the risk of disease, it’s essential to eat a diet that consists of low-fat foods and to maximize energy with carbohydrates. Beef, nuts, oils, and most dairy products are rich in fat, so you should eat less of those; while pastry, rice, potatoes, and bread contain almost no fat and are a high energy 12 source of complex carbohydrates. You know that many food manufacturers use sugar to make low-fat or fat-free foods taste good, but don’t worry too much about that. You don’t necessarily “get fat” by eating sugar, since sugar is an indirect fat.

When you exercise, carbohydrates are the first calories to burn. If you want to burn off fat, it’s good to do some sort of aerobic exercise such as biking, swimming, running, or fast walking. But you have to keep doing this exercise for at least twenty minutes because it takes about that long before you start to burn fat. And then, the effect of burning fat decreases after 45 minutes of exercise. So if you do some sort of aerobic exercise for three to four days a week for about thirty to forty minutes, you’ll have an effective schedule for reducing weight.



B.Weight control.

C.Aerobic exercise.

D.Eating habits and exercise.

听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?W: Great! I went to New Orleans.M: Really? W

听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?

W: Great! I went to New Orleans.

M: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

W: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so finally, she talked me into it.

M: How did you get there?

W: Well, at first 1 was going to drive, but my cousin said parking is a big problem there, so I flew. Once I was there, I took buses and taxis.

M: I've seen some pictures of New Orleans--the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

W: Yeah, it's incredible, especially in the French Quarter and in the Garden District where my cousin lives. And I love the spicy food there, and the music, of course. My cousin took me to some great little restaurants and jazz clubs.

M: How was the weather when you were there?

W: That's the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky.

M: Wasn't New Orleans originally a French city?

W: Yes, the French founded it. And then the king of France gave it to the king of Spain, and later the French took it over again. And then the French sold it to the United States along with the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

M: I remember reading in a history book about the battle of New Orleans. That was during the War of 1812, wasn't it?

W: Right. The Americans under Andrew Jackson fought a battle with the British near there. In fact, Jackson Square in the French Quarter is named after him.

M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

W: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next spring for my birthday.


A.A vacation the woman took.

B.French influence in New Orleans.

C.New Orleans' Mardi Gras Festival.

D.A business trip.

听力原文:Andrew Jackson, who was President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, was one

听力原文: Andrew Jackson, who was President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, was one of the most colorful political figures in American history. He first won national attention during the War of 1812 when, as commander of 5,000 backwoods farmers and soldiers, he completely defeated a well-trained British army of 10,000 men at the famous Battle of New Orleans.

There are many anecdotes about Jackson. Among them there is this humorous one:

After his wife died, Jackson lived alone and felt very lonely. He also began to worry greatly about his health. Several members of his family had died after suffering paralytic strokes, and Jackson was sure that he was going to die in the same way. He therefore lived in constant fear of having such a stroke.

One day at the home of some friends, he was playing chess with a young girl. Suddenly Jackson's hand dropped to his side and he seemed to become very weak. His face became pale. Several friends rushed to his side.

"At last it has come," said Jackson weakly. "I have had a stroke. My whole right side is paralyzed."

"How do you know?" someone asked.

"Because," Jackson answered, "in the past few minutes I have pinched my right leg several times, and there is absolutely no sensation in it."

"Oh! I beg your pardon, sir," said the young woman with whom he had been playing, "But that was my leg you were pinching."


A.He was the commander of the American Army during the War of 1812.

B.He was President of the United States.

C.He was one of the most colorful political figures.

D.All of the above.

听力原文:There was once a man who spent all his time in his glasshouse. Flowers was his na

听力原文: There was once a man who spent all his time in his glasshouse. Flowers was his name, and flowers were his main joy in life. He grew flowers of every color under the sun. He grew these flowers in order to enter them for competition. His greatest hope in life was to grow a rose of an entirely new color that would win him the silver cup for the Rose of the Year.

Mr. Flowers' glasshouse was close to a public path, which was always used by children walking to and from school. Boys were often attracted to throw a stone or two at his glasshouse. So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and end of the school day.

However, it was not convenient or possible to be on guard all the time. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to prevent harm to his glasshouse, but nothing that he had done had been successful.

Then, just as he was giving up hope of ever winning the battle, and of growing the Rose of the Year, he had a truly wonderful idea. He put up a large notice made of good, strong wood, some meters away from the glasshouse, where it could be clearly seen from the path. He had painted on the board the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After this, Mr. Flowers had no further trouble. The boys were much more attracted to throw stones at the notice than at the glasshouse.


A.To grow beautiful flowers.

B.To grow a rose of new color and win a prize.

C.To grow all kinds of flowers in the world.

D.To take part in the competition.

听力原文:There was once a man who spent all his time in his glasshouse. Flowers were his n

听力原文: There was once a man who spent all his time in his glasshouse. Flowers were his name, and flowers were his main joy in life He grew flowers of every color under the sun. He grew these flowers in order to enter them for competition. His greatest hope in life was to grow a rose of an entirely new color that would win him the silver cup for the Rose of the Year (32) .

Mr. Flowers' glasshouse was close to a public path, which was always used by children walking to and from school. Boys were often attracted to throw a stone or two at his glasshouse (33) . So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and end of the school day.

However, it was not convenient or possible to be on guard all the time (34) . Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to prevent harm to his glasshouse, but nothing that he had done had been successful.

Then, just as he was giving up hope of ever winning the battle, and of growing the Rose of the Year, he had a truly wonderful idea. He put up a large notice made of good, strong wood, some meters away from the glasshouse, where it could be clearly seen from the path. He had painted on the board the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After this, Mr. Flowers had no further trouble. The boys were much more attracted to throw stones at the notice than at the glasshouse (35) .


A.To grow beautiful flowers.

B.To grow a rose of new color and win a prize.

C.To grow all kinds of flowers in the world.

D.To take part in the competition.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, when will Flight Number BA 981 from New York arrive?W: It was sched

听力原文:M: Excuse me, when will Flight Number BA 981 from New York arrive?

W: It was scheduled to arrive at 1:00 pm. But it will be delayed for an hour and a half.

When will the plane arrive?

A.At 1:00 pm.

B.At 1:30 pm.

C.At 2:00 pm.

D.At 2:30 pm.

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