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听力原文: The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for the people who ar

e in need of help. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake, and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.

The Red Cross exists in a[most every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need.

The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Duanat. In 1895, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for. The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Convention. It protects prisoners of war, tile sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.

The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid, demonstrating water safety, and providing blood.


A.Red Cross workers are in many countries.

B.Red Cross only exists in the United States.

C.Red Cross is another name for world hospital.

D.Many people who are in need work in Red Cross.

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听力原文:Red Cross is an international organization that cares for people who are in need

听力原文: Red Cross is an international organization that cares for people who are in need of help. The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. A man in a Beijing hospital who needs blood, a woman in Turkey who was injured in an earthquake, and a family in Indonesia that lost their home in Tsunami may all be aided by the Red Cross.

The idea of forming an organization to help people in need began with Jean Dunant. In 1859, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Paris. He wanted to help the wounded soldiers despite which side they were fighting for. His efforts brought on the Geneva Convention, an international treaty. It protects prisoners of war, the sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.

The Red Cross in the United States was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the American Red Cross provides a lot of services for the public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid, demonstrating water safety, and providing blood.

29. Which of the following is true about the Red Cross?

30.Who was the father of the Red Cross?

31.What made the father determined to build the Red Cross?


A.Many people who are in need work in it.

B.The hospital blood is mainly provided by it.

C.Anyone can get help from it.

D.It covers nearly the whole world.

听力原文:The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for the people who are

听力原文: The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for the people who are in need of help. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake, and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.

(29)The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need.

(30)The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Duanat. In 1895, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for. The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Convention. It protects prisoners of war, the sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.

(31) The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid, demonstrating water safety, and providing blood.


A.Red Cross workers are in many countries.

B.Red Cross only exists in the United States.

C.Red Cross is another name for world hospital.

D.Many people who are in need work in Red Cross.

听力原文:The Red Cross is an international organization winch cares for the people who are

听力原文: The Red Cross is an international organization winch cares for the people who are in need of help. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake, and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.

The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need.

The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Dunant. In 1859, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for. The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Convention. It protects prisoners of war, the sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.

The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid, demonstrating water safety, and providing blood.


A.It is an international organization set up in the U. S.

B.Every country has at least one Red Cross agency.

C.It has only one name though it used to have several names.

D.It provides a lot of services for people in different countries.

听力原文:M: How many people will be coming to the party on Saturday?W: We had to cross off

听力原文:M: How many people will be coming to the party on Saturday?

W: We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of one hundred and fifty.

Q: How many people do they, expect to attend the party?






听力原文:W: Do you think Professor Green will make you re do the entire experiment?M: I do

听力原文:W: Do you think Professor Green will make you re do the entire experiment?

M: I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Q: What is the man planning to do?


A.Go cross the bridge.

B.Repeat the experiment.

C.Come to the bridge game.

D.Wait and see what will happen.

听力原文:M: This book is$ 2.00 and the blue one is a dollar more.W: The red one is twice a

听力原文:M: This book is $ 2.00 and the blue one is a dollar more.

W: The red one is twice as much as the blue one.

Q: How much is the red book?






听力原文:W: A police man saw you go through that red light.M: It was yellow. Anyway he tur

听力原文:W: A police man saw you go through that red light.

M: It was yellow. Anyway he turned left at the last comer.

Q: What will the driver probably do now?


A.Pay a traffic ticket.

B.Continue to drive.

C.Let the passenger out.

D.Park at the corner.

听力原文:W: How much are these suitcases?M: The red ones sell for 65.50 and the green ones

听力原文:W: How much are these suitcases?

M: The red ones sell for 65.50 and the green ones for 45.50.

W: I'll take the cheaper one then.

Q: What kind of suitcase did the woman buy?


A.The red one.

B.The good one.

C.The green one.

D.The other one.

听力原文:W: A policeman saw you go through that red light.M: It was yellow. Anyway he turn

听力原文:W: A policeman saw you go through that red light.

M: It was yellow. Anyway he turned left at the last comer.

Q: What will the driver probably do now?


A.Pay a traffic ticket.

B.Let the passenger out.

C.Continue to drive.

D.Park at the comer.

听力原文:M: Isn't your car red?W: No, it's blue. And my old one was green. What color is t

听力原文:M: Isn't your car red?

W: No, it's blue. And my old one was green.

What color is the woman's ear?


B.Red and blue.


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