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Measument Control中的MeasurementID如果为1,那么其含义是()。

A.Periodic Intra Frequency

B.UE Internal

C.Inter Frequency

D.Intra Frequency SHO

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更多“Measument Control中的Measurement…”相关的问题
Today I 'm on medication to control my emotional__________.A) on and offB) up and

Today I 'm on medication to control my emotional__________.

A) on and off

B) up and down

C) ups and downs

D) ins andouts

Under the level C2 security classification, what does “discretionary access control” m

A.Discretionary access control means that the owner of a resource must be able to use that resource

B.Discretionary access control is the ability of the system administrator to limit the time any user spends on a computer

C.Discretionary access control is a policy that limits the use of any resource to a group or a security profile

D.Discretionary access control is a rule set by the security auditor to prevent others from downloading unauthorized scripts or programs

The sulphur ()content of any fuel oil used on board ships of international voyages shal
The sulphur ()content of any fuel oil used on board ships of international voyages shal

l not exceed when operating in the sulfur emission control areas.

A. 0、10% m/m

B. 0、50% v/v

C. 0、50% m/m

D. 0、10% v/v

Directions: The following is a list of terms related to Security. After reading it, you
are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.

A ----------------- air traffic control system

B ----------------- armed police

C ----------------- crime prevention

D ----------------- entry requirement

E ----------------- international criminal police organization

F ----------------- level of security

G ----------------- picket line

H ----------------- police station

I ----------------- patrolling vehicle

J ----------------- safety precaution measure

K ----------------- safety control device

L ----------------- security command center

M ----------------- security service

N ----------------- security control center

O ----------------- security personnel

P ----------------- valid documents

Q ----------------- security monitoring and control

Examples: (M ) 保安服务 (G ) 警戒线

51. () 空中交通管制系统 () 安全预防措施

52. () 巡逻车 () 武装警察

53. () 国际刑警组织 () 有效证件

54. () 入境要求 () 安保人员

55. () 安全保障级别 () 安全监控

According to the passage, many Third World countries ________.A) haven’t attached m

According to the passage, many Third World countries ________.

A) haven’t attached much importance to birth control

B) would soon join Brazil in controlling their birth rate

C) haven’t yet found an effective measure to control their population

D) neglected the role of TV plays in family planning

听力原文:W: This ballroom is so packed that we can't try our steps.M: I think they should

听力原文:W: This ballroom is so packed that we can't try our steps.

M: I think they should control the number of people, don't yon?

Q: Why is the woman complaining?


A.The room is too crowded.

B.The room is too small.

C.The room is dirty with step stairs.

D.They .couldn't play ball games.

听力原文:M: The family who controls the business feels that the firm will lose its indepen
dence if that big international company take, it over.

W: I understand that many of the stockholders are upset by the news, too.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The news about the firm is not true.

B.The international company will get control of the family firm.

C.Stockholders are spreading rumors.

D.The family firm will not lose its independence.

听力原文:W: It's really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I get angr
y, I say things I don't mean.

M: If you want your kids to be polite, you'll have to be polite to them.

Q: What conclusion can be drawn from this conversation?


A.Children learn by example.

B.Children must not tell lies.

C.Children don't like discipline.

D.Children must control their temper.

听力原文:M: Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?W: Yes. I've just checke

听力原文:M: Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?

W: Yes. I've just checked my bank account and found that my spending in this semester has far exceeded what I planned.

M: How far exactly?

W: The rest of my money isn't enough for the trip home.

M: The cost of living in Britain is a little higher than in other countries and many foreign students meet this problem every year. Some schools set up a special office to help those in financial trouble.

W: What shall I do now?

M: First, you have to control your spending. Do not buy things you have no immediate use for. Also, reduce your spending on entertainment and rent a cheaper room if your current room is a little expensive.

W: Well, What I spend is usually necessary and cannot be reduced much. My room is a little ex- pensive, but it's close to the school and can save a great deal on transportation.

M: De you travel a lot? Traveling usually costs a lot of money.

W: Yes, I do. I went to many places because I wanted to see different people and-experience various cultures.

M: Control your spending on traveling. As well as by reducing your overall spending, you can earn some money by taking a part-time job.

W: Is there any limitation on taking a part-time job?

M: Yes. The total time spent on a part-time job should not exceed 20 hours a week. Otherwise your study would be affected.


A.She failed m an examination.

B.She had difficulty in her study.

C.She spent more than she planned

D.The rent of her room is too costly.

听力原文:W: The more I learn about the world around me, the more I am aware of the problem
s facing us.

M: Do you mean the problems here in China?

W: Yes, here and all over the world.

M: Well, there's one problem I'm certainly aware of and that is the environmental pollution all around us.

W: That is one of the great problems, but in many parts of the world, as people become more aware and apply new technology to solving the pollution problem, there is hope for the future.

M: What technology will help with pollution control?

W: Well, for example, I've recently read an article about using certain types of bacteria to help control some pollution problems.

M: How could that be? I thought bacteria just caused illness.

W: That's not true. Scientists have identified certain bacteria that "eat" petroleum products, such as oil and gasoline.

M: That sounds very strange. How does it work?

W: They cat the petroleum and excrete hydrogen and oxygen, leaving a clean environment behind them.

M: Could they use those little bugs to clean up big oil spills?

W: Yes, as a matter of fact, they are being proven to be the most successful method of cleaning land-based oil spills and are also useful for marine spills.

M: Wow! Are there other types of pollution those bacteria like to eat?

W: Sure, bacteria have been used to remove arsenic from the sludge produced by gold mining operations. There are even experiments being done now to reduce nuclear waste to a harmless residue.

M: Maybe those bacteria that we used to worry about will eventually save the world!


A.How to apply new technology to solving the pollution problem.

B.How to realize the serious environmental problems around us.

C.What are the bacteria that can eat petroleum and gasoline.

D.Chinese should take more measures to improve the natural environment.

听力原文:M: Oh, it is terrible! Aboard Aerolineas Argentinas flight 386, 368 passengers we
re given pre-prepared food on their way from Buenos Aires to Los Angeles.

W: Then what happened?

M: A few days after arriving in Los Angeles, one passenger died, and 74 others were seriously ill.

W: And what is the reason for that?

M: According to Dr. Phillips, it was the highest single outbreak of cholera in the United States this century, and the airline passengers were the victims of this new epidemic of cholera, a disease not seen in Latin America since 1895. They were just a few of the more than one million people affected in 20 countries, including at least 10,000 who died in the following three years after 1991.

W: Cholera? To the best of my understanding, that disease has been dead for some time now.

M: But it has come back. Dr. Phillips says that cholera is by no means the only old infection on the comeback, and it is one of the major infections that are fighting back fiercely against man's attempts to control them.

W: But what are the reasons for the comeback of so many dead diseases?

M: Phillips says a single reason can't explain why a new disease appears or an old one returns, and usually a combination of factors are involved.

W: What kind of specific factors?

M: Dr. Phillips in his book Plagues on Our Doorstep presents some reasons.

W: What are they?

M: First, international travel and commerce. The cholera aboard flight 386 and mosquitoes living in imported tires are examples of these. Second, technology and industry. For example, the technology in Britain's processing industry was a likely contributor to the emergence of mad cow disease. Third, the breakdown of public health measures. Declining health resources have resulted in the erosion of once highly-valued health services.

W: Well, that's just unbelievable!


A.A flight to Los Angeles.

B.A book written by a doctor.

C.A disease on the comeback and its reasons.

D.Man's effort to control disease.

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