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听力原文:M: Good afternoon.W: Good afternoon. This is the Hotel Booking Service, isn't it?

听力原文:M: Good afternoon.

W: Good afternoon. This is the Hotel Booking Service, isn't it?

M: Yes, that's right. Can I help you?

W: I'd like a room for three weeks, please. In a good hotel.

M: How much do you want to pay?

W: How much do hotels cost?

M: Is thirty dollars a night too much?

W: No. Not at all.

M: Well I'd recommend the Grand Hotel. Here's their brochure.

W: Thank you. (She reads from the brochure) Every room in our hotel is superbly appointed. We like to surround our guests with comfort and elegance. Every room has a private bathroom and every room is equipped with radio, television, telephone and a pushbutton room service. Mmm. Can you ring them?

M: One moment, Madam. (On the phone) Grand Hotel. Booking Service here. Do you have a room for three weeks? (To Mrs. Madigan) Single or double?

W: Single.

M: (On the phone again) She'd like a single room.

W: Looking onto the street.

M: (Telephone) Hello, she'd like a single room looking onto the street. (To Mrs. Medigan) There is a room free. (On the phone) Pardon? ...Oh, yes, what's your name, madam?

W: Here's ray passport

M: The name's Madigan, Mrs. Madigun M-A-D-I-G-A-N.

(Later, at the hotel reception desk)

W: I'm Mm. Medigun. I've just booked a room through the booking service.

M: Oh yes, Mrs. Madigan, I remember. Mmm. Let's see... Oh, yes, that's all right.

W: Good. What floor is it on?

M: On the first floor, Room 143. Here's the key.

W: Thank you.

M: Porter!


A.Booking a ticket.

B.Booking a table.

C.Booking a hotel.

D.Booking a travel agency.

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更多“听力原文:M: Good afternoon.W: Good…”相关的问题
听力原文:M:I thought Fred was going to join us tonight.W:I couldn't reach him this afterno

听力原文:M:I thought Fred was going to join us tonight.

W:I couldn't reach him this afternoon,but I left word with his roommate that he should meet us here at six.

Q:What happened in the afternoon?


A.The woman told Fred to meet them at six.

B.The roommate met Fred at six.

C.Fred gave the roommate the message.

D.The woman told the roommate to give Fred the message.

听力原文:M:I bought this $200 sofa at a 25% discount.W:It's a good sofa.You're lucky.Q: Ho

听力原文:M:I bought this $200 sofa at a 25% discount.

W:It's a good sofa.You're lucky.

Q: How much did the man pay for the sofa?






听力原文:M: Is this college really as good as people say?W: It used to be even better. Wha

听力原文:M: Is this college really as good as people say?

W: It used to be even better.

What's about the college?

A.It's not as good as it was.

B.It's better than it used to be.

C.It's better than people say.

听力原文:W:Is this school really as good as people say?M:It used to be even better. How's

听力原文:W:Is this school really as good as people say?

M:It used to be even better.

How's the school now?

A.It's not as good as it was.

B.It's better than it used to be.

C.It's even worse than people say.

听力原文:M: Good morning. Can I help you, miss?W: Yes. I'd like to book a room for two nig

听力原文:M: Good morning. Can I help you, miss?

W: Yes. I'd like to book a room for two nights.

Q: Where are they?


A.In a hotel.

B.In a cinema.

C.In a restaurant.

听力原文:M: Was the movie as good as you had expected?W: It's well worth the ticket. You s

听力原文:M: Was the movie as good as you had expected?

W: It's well worth the ticket. You should have gone with us.

Q: How does the woman feel about the movie?


A.It is very bad.

B.It is just so-so.

C.It is as good as she had expected.

D.It isn't good enough.

听力原文:M: I need to get my tooth looked at. It's been hurting me for days!W: Good idea.

听力原文:M: I need to get my tooth looked at. It's been hurting me for days!

W: Good idea. It sounds very painful.

Q: Where does the man need to go?


A.to the dentist.

B.to the vet.

C.to the bus stop.

D.to the library.

听力原文:M: What do you think of Sally's boyfriend?W: He's a nice guy and he's got a good

听力原文:M: What do you think of Sally's boyfriend?

W: He's a nice guy and he's got a good sense of humor, too.

Q: According to the woman, what is Sally's boyfriend like?


A.He is indifferent.

B.He is generous.

C.He is nice and humorous.

D.He is considerate.

听力原文:W: Was the movie as good as you expected?M: It was a waste of time and money. We

听力原文:W: Was the movie as good as you expected?

M: It was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.

Q: How does the man feel about the movie?


A.The movie is not good.

B.The movie is excellent.

C.He wants to see the movie again.

D.He doesn't want to stay at home.

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