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听力原文:W: Are you thinking of breaking off the relationship?M: It's probably just a matt

听力原文:W: Are you thinking of breaking off the relationship?

M: It's probably just a matter of time. I really can't put up with her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He is considering leaving his girlfriend.

B.He has a deep affection for his girlfriend.

C.He cares about his girlfriend.

D.He has a new girlfriend now.

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更多“听力原文:W: Are you thinking of br…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: What did you do on the beach? W: You know, made sand castles that sort of thin

听力原文:M: What did you do on the beach?

W: You know, made sand castles that sort of things, and hunted for shells.

What are they talking about?

A.Playing on the beach.

B.Painting on the beach.

C.Dancing on the beach.

听力原文:M: Most people agree that Lily looks exactly like her aunt Rose.W: Don't you thin

听力原文:M: Most people agree that Lily looks exactly like her aunt Rose.

W: Don't you think she takes more after her father?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Lily agrees with her aunt.

B.Lily likes her father better than her aunt.

C.Lily resembles her mother.

D.Lily looks more like her father.

听力原文:M: I think you'd better find another partner.I love table tennis but I don't thin

听力原文:M: I think you'd better find another partner. I love table tennis but I don't think I am improving.

W: Look, Paul, it's still too early to quit, nobody expects you to be a superstar. Just keep going and you'll get the hang of it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man didn't practice hard enough.

B.The man should find a new partner.

C.The man should not give up.

D.The man should not dream of being a superstar.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, welcome to "Advice" radio program. What's your name?M: Jim.W:

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, welcome to "Advice" radio program. What's your name?

M: Jim.

W: What's your problem?

M: Er...well I'm er...beginning to lose my hair. Er, I went to the doctor, but he just said there was nothing I could do about it. He said it was probably hereditary. My father was bald by the time he was thirty.

W: And how old are you?

M: Me? I'm twenty-eight.

W: And are you losing a lot of hair then?

M: Well, it comes out a lot when I comb my hair and you can see a thin part on the top of my head,

W: Does that really worry you, Jim?

M: Well, I don't like it. It's old, you know, looks old. I don't want to look like a middle-aged man at twenty-eight. And I wonder if there is some special shampoo I should use, and if you could tell me one that I should buy, something like that, you know, to stop it getting worse.

W: Well, you know, Jim, to be honest with you there's not really a lot you can do about it, actually, I'm afraid. I mean, baldness is one of those things that, in my experience, you just have to try to accept. Some men find it more difficult to accept baldness than others. There is one piece of advice, though, Jim, and that's don't try to comb your hair over the bald or thin patch. Whatever you do, don't comb it over because that usually looks ridiculous. And the other thing that usually looks ridiculous is a man with a wig, that is, the false hairpiece. Don't let anyone persuade you to buy one of those false hairpiece things, because they usually look much worse than a bald man. I actually think bald men can look very attractive. My husband is bald and I think it really suits him.


A.It's hereditary.

B.The shampoo he used caused it

C.He combs his hair too much.

D.He is old enough to lose hair.

听力原文:M: Have you ever looked really closely at the snowflake?W: Sure, but they usually

听力原文:M: Have you ever looked really closely at the snowflake?

W: Sure, but they usually melt too fast for me to get a close look. Why do you ask?

M: I'm just curious. I was reading an article about the formation of snowflakes, and I real- ized that I had never paid much attention to them before.

W: WeI1, there is a big variety, isn't there?

M: Yes, but they all have one of the three basic forms: hexagonal columns, thin hexagonal plates and the blanching starshaped form.

W: I wonder why are forms different, maybe because ice starts to form. on dust particles with different shape.

M: Well, I thought it might have something, to do with the water saturation of the air. But we're both wrong. The author of this article did extensive research and concluded that. the shapes of snow crystals largely controlled by the temperature of the air. For example, the featherly star-shaped snowflake that everyone thinks is typical occurs only at a specific temperature.

W: Doesn't the relative humidity has anything to do with the shapes?

M: Apparently not. The effect of super saturation is simply to alter the growth rate. The greater the saturation, the faster the snowflakes form.

W: Why, next time when it snows. I'll make a point of taking a close look.

What are the people discussing?

A.Whether or not snowflakes can be analyzed.

B.How snowflakes are formed.

C.What causes a snowstorm.

D.Where the largest snowflakes can be found.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, welcome to "Advice" radio program, what's your name?M: Jim.W:

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, welcome to "Advice" radio program, what's your name?

M: Jim.

W: What's your problem?

M: Er...well I'm er...beginning to lose my hair. Er, 1 went to the doctor, but he just said there was nothing I could do about it. He said it was probably hereditary. My father was bald by the time he was thirty.

W: And how old are you?

M: Me? I'm twenty-eight.

W: And are you losing a lot of hair then?

M: Well, it comes out a lot when I comb my hair and you can see a thin part on the top of my head.

W: Does that really worry you, Jim?

M: Well, I don't like it. It's old, you know, looks old. I don't want to look like a middle-aged man at twenty-eight. And I wonder if there is some special shampoo I should use, and if you could tell me one that I should buy, something like that, you know, to stop it getting worse.

W: Well, you know, Jim, to be honest with you there's not really a lot you can do about it, actually, I'm afraid. I mean, baldness is one of those things that, in my experience, you just have to try to accept. Some men find it more difficult to accept baldness than others. There is one piece of advice, though, Jim, and that's don't try to comb your hair over the bald or thin patch. Whatever you do, don't comb it over because that usually looks ridiculous. And the other thing that usually looks ridiculous is a man with a wig, that is, the false hairpiece. Don't let anyone persuade you to buy one of those false hairpiece things, because they usually look much worse than a bald man. I actually think bald men can look very attractive. My husband is bald and I think it really suits him.


A.It's hereditary.

B.The shampoo he used caused it.

C.He combs his hair too much.

D.He is old enough to lose hair.

听力原文:M: Hi, I've heard you're looking for a different apartment.W: Yeah, the place I'm

听力原文:M: Hi, I've heard you're looking for a different apartment.

W: Yeah, the place I'm in is really bad.

M: It was OK when I was there.

W: (22) Oh, the boiler keeps breaking and when it doest we lose the heat for several days at the time.

M: Why doesn't the owner replace it?

W: (23) Well, she said it was cheaper to keep fixing it. She's a nice enough person, but she just doesn't want to spend the money. In any case, I'm sick of being cold.

M: Can you get your deposit back if you move?

W: (24) If I give a two-month notice, I can get the whole thing back.

M: So what kind of place are you looking for?

W: I think I'll try to get into one of those tall buildings near the university. There's nothing really special but at least they are new and comfortable.

M: I've heard that those buildings are pretty noisy. The walls are thin and you can hear everything that's going on in the other apartment.

W: Oh, that's terrible. I need some place quiet to finish my paper. I guess I'll have to look at some more ads. Maybe a new one isn't necessarily better.

M: Why don't you try some of those apartments in Winsor? They're supposed to be nice.

W: Oh, aren't they expensive?

M: Not really, you'll be surprised at how reasonable some of them are. (25) The problem there is that the bus doesn't run that way.

W: That will definitely be a problem. I can't afford a car right now. I guess I'd better check a few of the places here in the city before I make a decision.


A.It's too noisy.

B.It's not convenient to the university.

C.The heating system is not functioning.

D.The owner is unpleasant.

听力原文:M: Hi, I heard you're looking tbr a different apartment.W: Yeah, the place I'm in

听力原文:M: Hi, I heard you're looking tbr a different apartment.

W: Yeah, the place I'm in now is a real down.

M: It was OK when I was there.

W: Oh, the boiler keeps breaking and when it does, we loose the heat for several days at the time.

M: Why doesn't the owner replace it?

W: Well, she said it's cheaper to keep fixing it. She's a nice enough person, just the sort of stingy'. In any case, I'm sick of being cold.

M: Can you get your deposit back if you move?

W: If I give two-month notice, I can get the whole thing back.

M: So what kind of place are you looking for?

W: I think I'll try to get into one of those high-rises near the university there's nothing really special but at least they are new and functional.

M: I heard of those buildings are pretty noisy. The walls are thin and you can hear everything that's going on in the other apartment.

W: Oh, that will never do.. I need some place quiet to finish my thesis. I guess I'H have to look some more ads. Maybe new isn't necessarily better.

M: Why don't you try some of those apartment in Winsor? They're supposed to be nice.

W: Oh, aren't they awfully' expensive?

M: Not really:, you'll be surprised at how reasonable some of them are. The problem would be out there is that the bus doesn't run that way.

W: That'll definitely be a problem. I can't afford a car fight now. I guess I'd better check a few of the places here in the city before I make a decision.


A.It's too noisy.

B.It's not convenient to the university.

C.The heating system is defective.

D.The owner is unpleasant.

听力原文:W: Dr. Gary's Office.M: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Gary, ple

听力原文:W: Dr. Gary's Office.

M: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Gary, please.

W: Is this your first visit?

M: Yes, it is.

W: Okay. Could I have your name please?

M: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.

W: And may I ask how you got the information of our office?

M: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.

W: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock?

M: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually pick up my kids from school around that time.

W: Okay. Urn... How about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thin, day at 8:15 A.M.?

M: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?

W: No. I'm sorry.

M: Well, in that ease, Thursday would be fine.

W: Okay. Could I have your phone number please?

M: It's 564-0541.

W: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?

M: Well, to toil the truth, I fell flora a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I hurt my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. My hands and knees were also hurt, hit I'm most concerned that my ankle ached terribly.

W: Well, did you put ice on it immediately after this happened?

M: Well yeah. I just Failed the paint can with ice and...

W: And so after you removed the paint can...

M: Well, that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still on my foot.

W: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please come in today. I don't think your case can wait.


A.He found Dr. Gary's office when he was driving.

B.A friend told him about Dr. Gary's office.

C.He found Dr. Gary's number in the phone book.

D.He was Dr. Gary's friend.

听力原文:W: Steve in which year did you come to Japan?M: Uh, let me see, 1969, yeah. More

听力原文:W: Steve in which year did you come to Japan?

M: Uh, let me see, 1969, yeah. More than thirty years ago.

W: 59, 69, 79, 89, 99—79, 89, 99, 2009 would be forty. And you're from the States?

M: Yeah, Michigan. Michigan is famous for lakes. It has many lakes—the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Unfortunately, pollution enters and moves through the Great Lakes region. The mission of the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund is to provide a source of reliable funding for new research and demonstration projects to preserve, enhance, and restore the Great Lakes and its component ecosystems.

W: Yeah, emphasis is placed on work that results in needed policy development or significant near-term improvement in water quality, environmental health, and ecosystem restoration. By the way, is Michigan up on the Canadian border?

M: Right.

W: The Northeast.

M: North—well, Midwest. It's called the Midwest.

W: But it's the Northeast of the country. Why is that?

M: Well, originally the West—the country wasn't so big. And so Michigan was not quite all the way west, but it was pretty far west, yeah, when it became a state.

W: Hang on a minute, hang on a minute.

M: Yeah?

W: What do you mean "the country wasn't so big?" The country's always been the same size, hasn't it?

M: No. It started off real little. It was just a little strip on the East coast, and it started kind of, uh, spreading like a fungus or a virus, or something. And it spread across. And when Michigan became a state, it was pretty far west, but it wasn't all the way west, so they called that part of the country the Midwest. And the other parts out there would be the Far West, and California was just something altogether different, I guess.

W: So, the idea of "west" shifted gradually west, with time.

M: Yeah, originally, you know, the Appalachian mountains would've been the west side of the country and now, it's way far east. And the Frontier. That was called the Frontier. It was a big deal.

W: When you say America was a thin sliver on the East Coast, where did it start? Was it New York or Philadelphia?

M: A bit north of there, Massachusetts.


A.In Tokyo.

B.In Japan.

C.In Massachusetts.

D.In the States.

听力原文:W: Sir, you' ye been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anyt
hing I can do to help yon?

M: Well, I've got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I' m really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just don' t know where to begin.

W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don't you narrow it down to something like...uh'" the history of the studios during that time?

M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books come up when I typed in "movie studios.

W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding "1930s" or "1940s' or maybe "Golden Age.

M: "Golden Age" is a good idea. Let me type that in ... Hey, look, just 6 books this time. That' s a lot better.

W: Oh... another thin you might consider.., have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?

M: No, I've only been searching for books.

W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Header' s Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles. Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if there' s anything you want.

M: Okay, I think I'll get started with these books and then I'll go over the magazines.

W: If you need any help, I'll be over at the Reference Desk.

M: Great, thanks a lot.


A.Searching for reference material.

B.Watching a film of the 1930s'.

C.Writing a course book.

D.Looking for a job in a movie studio.

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