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听力原文:M: I haven't heard from my family since last month.W: Don't worry, Bill. Overseas

听力原文:M: I haven't heard from my family since last month.

W: Don't worry, Bill. Overseas mail is often slow.

Q: What can we lean about the man from the conversation?


A.He is often late for meals.

B.He is expecting a letter from abroad.

C.He wrote to his family last month.

D.He is anxious to go back home.

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更多“听力原文:M: I haven't heard from m…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: If you haven't mentioned their dinner party, I would have gone home.W: That wo

听力原文:M: If you haven't mentioned their dinner party, I would have gone home.

W: That would have been the third time you've disappointed them this month.

Q: What's he going to do?


A.Avoid the party.

B.Attend the party.

C.Go home.

D.Repeat himself.

听力原文:W: You should go and see somebody about that.M: I haven't been to see a doctor si

听力原文:W: You should go and see somebody about that.

M: I haven't been to see a doctor since I moved here three years ago. I don't know which doctor to go to.

Q: How long has it been since the man has seen a doctor?


A.since he moved there 3 years ago.

B.he has never been to see a doctor.

C.Since he moved there 5 years ago.

D.he is always going to see the doctor.

听力原文:M:I haven't got enough money. Why are books so expensive? I can't afford any of t

W: You should go to the Financial Aid Office; maybe they can give you some advice a bout loans.

Q: What can we find out from this conversation?


A.The man is very rich.

B.He really enjoys buying books.

C.The woman works in the university.

D.That he wants to learn about applying for a loan.

听力原文:W: I can't believe this. I'm leaving for San Diego tomorrow and I haven't even st
arted packing yet.

M: I wish I were going with you. Will you have much time there?

W: As long as the work finishes.

What does the man ask the woman?

A.When she'll finish packing.

B.If he can go with her.

C.How long she'll be away.

D.When she's going to San Diego,

听力原文:W:Henry,are you still planning to buy that nice red spots car you looked at last

M:I'm afraid that's impossible because I haven't been able to come up with the cash,and someone else has already made a down payment on it.

Q:What do we learn from this conversation?


A.Henry will buy the car as soon as he gets the money.

B.Henry's friend wants to buy the car for him.

C.Henry can't afford to buy a new car.

D.Henry has already made the down payment on the car.

听力原文:M: I wonder if I could borrow your dictionary, please?W: You certainly could if I

听力原文:M: I wonder if I could borrow your dictionary, please?

W: You certainly could if I had one, but I gave my old one to my brother when he went away to school, and I haven't bought a new one yet.

Q: What did the woman say about her dictionary?


A.She has none at present.

B.She has bought a new one.

C.She has only an old one.

D.Her brother has given her one.

听力原文:M: Hi, Nice to see you again !W: Hi! I haven't seen you for quite a long time. Wh

听力原文:M: Hi, Nice to see you again !

W: Hi! I haven't seen you for quite a long time. What are you doing these days?

M: I'm taking a country music course.

W: Oh, really? How interesting! What are you learning from the course?

M: A lot of things, you know, such as the history of country music, singing, and how to play a guitar.

W: That's great. Well, talking about country music reminds me of a famous singer, John Denver. Have you ever heard of him?

M: Sure. His song "Country reads take me home" is popular both in the USA and in China.

W: Yes, that's true. Did you hear the had news about him?

M: what was it?

W: He had an accident while flying his plane alone, and he was killed.

M: That's a big loss for country music.

Which of the following is not mentioned?

A.The teacher.

B.A pop star.

C.Playing the guitar.

听力原文:W: Professor Smith, I have lots of good ideas, but the problem is that I haven't
got time to organize them well, Is it possible that I give you the term paper some days later?

M: Oh, really? You know I'd prefer a well-written paper even though it is late.

Q: What do we learn about the man?


A.He will accept a late paper from the girl.

B.He wants the girl to hand in her paper on time.

C.He has interest in the girl's good ideas.

D.) He is doubtful whether the girl can finish the paper.

听力原文:W: I have plenty of good ideas, Prof. Johnson, but I haven't been able to organiz
e them clearly. May I give you the paper a few days later?

M: You know that I always prefer a well-written paper even if it is late.

Q: How does the professor react to the student?


A.He will not accept a late paper from her.

B.He is interested only in her ideas.

C.He wants her to correct the paper he has just given her.

D.He will accept a late paper from her.

听力原文:W: Hi, how is everything? Are you ready for the party?M: Yes, just about. It's be

听力原文:W: Hi, how is everything? Are you ready for the party?

M: Yes, just about. It's been crazy trying to organize everything, we haven't even started to think about the wedding yet!

W: There are lots of things to think about. Has she chosen her dress yet?

M: I think she has decided about the dress, but of course, I can't see it before the wedding. It's bad luck if I do.

W: Have you bought the wedding rings yet?

M: Yes, I found some beautiful ones in a magazine, I'm having them made now.

W: Emily is a great girl, and very pretty. Does she have any good looking brothers?

M: Hey! Stop thinking about that and help me. I have booked the function room at "Tequilas", ordered the food, and booked the band. They are going to play Mexican music, to go with the theme of the food and the place.

W: So, that's everything, right? You said that Emily was arranging the invitations, so everything is ready.

M: No! I haven't ordered the drink. What should we serve?

W: Well, if you are going to party, do it in style. Champagne! And some Mexican drinks, to keep with the Mexican theme. You can ask the restaurant to sort it our for you.

M: It's a good thing I got that promotion, with all of this money coming out I'm really going to need that pay rise!


A.No, he doesn't like any of them.

B.Yes, they are being made.

C.Yes, he has bought them from a shop.

D.No, he will not wear a wedding ring.

听力原文:W: Have you read the latest Tom Clancy's book?M: No, I haven't. But I hear it's a

听力原文:W: Have you read the latest Tom Clancy's book?

M: No, I haven't. But I hear it's a best seller.

W: That's what I hear. I haven't read it either, but it has been on the New York Times' best seller list for three weeks now. I've been meaning to stop by a bookstore and get it.

M: I really like his books, but I usually wait until they come out in the paperback edition. I hate to pay the price of the hardback version.

W: Do you think they will make a movie out of this one? The movies based on his other books have been very successful.

M: I wonder if their success is due to the nature of his hero.

W: Jack Ryan?

M: Yes. He is so "all American", just the type of person that we all think a good American should be.

W: I think you might be right. We see so many characters in books and movies that are anything but admirable that it is refreshing to have the here be a good, clean, honest family man.

M: I guess the excitement and intrigue he builds into his stories are another reason we all like to read them.

W: Maybe those are the reasons. At any rate, millions of people read every book he writes.

M: Including us.


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Both of the two.

D.Neither of them.

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