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听力原文:More than 30, 000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injur

听力原文: More than 30, 000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third floor window. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.

There fore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to £50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver's responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.

However, you do not have to wear a scat belt if you are reversing your vehicle or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.


A.Saves more than 15,000 lives each year.

B.Reduces road accidents by more than half.

C.Reduces the death rate in traffic accidents.

D.Saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour.

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更多“听力原文:More than 30, 000 drivers…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: You've been doing weather reports for nearly 30 years. Has the weather got any
worse in all these years?

M: Well, not necessarily worse. But we are seeing more swings.

What does the man say about the weather?

A.It's worse than 30 years ago.

B.It remains almost the same as before.

C.There are more extremes in the weather.

D.There has been a significant rise in temperature.

听力原文:W: It seems that more than 30 students have failed in the examination. It's reall
y a big number!

M: Yes, but you won't be so surprised ff you know 44 students failed last year. That's half of the class.

Q: How many students are there in the class?






听力原文:In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle a

听力原文: In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention. Annual bike sales doubled between 1960 and 1970, and there are nearly 70 million bikes in the United States today. That's more than two for every three automobiles.

Of course, the bike has been around for more than 150 years, and this isn't America's first bicycle boom. A wave of bike enthusiasm swept the land in the late 1800s and bicycle production hit two million units in 1897. Then with the coming of the auto, bicycling declined, and for decades remained popular only with children and a few adult faddists.

Now, national preoccupation with air pollution and physical fitness has brought the bike back to the forefront—particularly with adults. More than eight million bikes were sold in the United States last year and a third of them went to adults. The year before, only 15 percent of new bike sales were for adults.


A.The use of bikes is a new invention in the U.S.

B.Annual bike sales doubled in the 60s in the U.S.

C.The producers made 70 million bikes every year.

D.The number of bikes is two times that of cars in the U.S.

听力原文:Most people think that the older you get, the harder it is to learn, a new langua

听力原文: Most people think that the older you get, the harder it is to learn, a new language. That is, they believe that children can learn more easily and efficiently than adults. Thus, at some point in our lives, maybe around age 12 or 13, we lose the ability to learn languages well. Is this idea a fact or myth?

Is it true that children can learn a foreign language more efficiently than adults? On the contrary, research studies suggest that the opposite may be true. One report, on 2,000 Danish children studying Swedish, concluded that the teenagers learned more in less time than the younger children. Another report on Americans learning Russian showed a direct improvement of ability over the age range tested; that is, the ability to learn increased as the age increased, from childhood to adulthood.

There are several possible explanations for these findings. First, adults know more about the world and therefore are able to understand meanings more easily than children. Moreover, adults can use logical thinking to help themselves see patterns in the language. Finally, adults have more self-control than children.


A.Teenagers are more efficient in learning.

B.Children learn languages more easily than adults.

C.Adults are more logical than children.

D.The ability to learn languages increases with age.

听力原文:Colds have always been a nuisance, and people have tried many strange ways to cur

听力原文: Colds have always been a nuisance, and people have tried many strange ways to cure them, However, none have worked. one Roman historian even recommended kissing the nose of a hairy mouse (29) ! But up till now we are only a little closer to finding a cure for it.

Scientists have discovered that a cold is not caused by a single virus, but by many. They have proved that people under stress are more likely to catch colds, although why this happens is still unknown (30) . Experiments also showed that women suffer more colds than men. But again, scientists are unable to explain why this is so.

Another experiment proved that getting cold does not cause colds. For this experiment, one group of human volunteers were showered with water and then made to stand in a windy corridor. Another group remained dry and inside a heated room. While you might expect people in the first group to catch colds more easily, they didn't.

one other thing that we now know is that colds are spread by water vapor from breath. This would explain why colds are more common in the winter than at other times: people spend more time indoors closer to other people, and also away from flesh air (31) .


A.Keeping warm and dry.

B.Drinking a lot of liquid.

C.Living close to the hospital.

D.Kissing the nose of an animal.

听力原文:More than sixty percent of all homes in the United States have at least one thing

听力原文: More than sixty percent of all homes in the United States have at least one thing in common: the people living in them keep one or more small animals as pets. These pet owners spend about ten billion dollars each year to buy, feed' and care for their animals. Why? If you ask the owners, their answers probably would be emotional.

During the past ten years researchers have been attempting to find a more scientific answer. Much of the research on the ties between people and pets is being done at the University of Pennsylvania. Re searchers there have watched hundreds of people play with small animals. Some were very sick. Perhaps the most important observation was the physical effect the animals had on most of the people. The animals seemed to calm the people who touched and talked to them. The human's blood pressure actually dropped.


A.They keep one or more small animals at home as pets.

B.They kill animals from time to time.

C.They let animals run or fly away now and then.

D.They exchange their animals year in and year out.

听力原文:As the proverb says, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it." In oth

听力原文: As the proverb says, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it." In other words, nothing is more valuable than health.

It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you become sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less to make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you. Health is the resource of our energy. What should we do to maintain our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might as well keep good hours, ff we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise. This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. Third, there is a proverb that says, "Prevention is better than cure." ff you pay close attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease while it is still in its beginning stage.

In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but poor in health are on more fortunate than those who are poor, but healthy in body. If you want your wish to come true, health is the most important component of your success.






听力原文:Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public hea

听力原文: Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public health. Since the cigarette industry began in the 1870s, however cigarette manufacturing machines have developed rapidly. This made it possible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly, and it reduced the price.

Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. About forty-three percent of the men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarette regularly. It is encouraging to note, however, that millions of people have been giving up the smoking habit.

Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person's smoking habits. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high income are less likely to smoke cigarette than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if a well- educated man with a high income smokes at all, he is likely to smoke more packs of cigarettes per day. The situation is somewhat different for women. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family income and higher education than among the lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily.


A.The increasing output of tobacco.

B.The rapid development of cigarette-making machine.

C.The rapid development of cigarette-making factories.

D.The great number of people engaged in cigarette producing.

听力原文:Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [3

听力原文: Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [31] What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: [29] fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean, mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by car, bus or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors. There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. [30] They were a happy, peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.


A.Clean air, much food and more exercise.

B.Clean air, fresh food and less exercise.

C.Clean air, fresh food and simple life.

D.Hard work, much food and simple life.

听力原文:A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. Th

听力原文: A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. This study shocked most people because it means 3 million deaths around the world every year. If the present rate of smoking continues, the number of deaths each year from smoking could rise to 10 million by the year 2050. This news has worried the most people in the developed countries, especially those smokers.

The study also shows that smoking is the main cause of the death in industrial countries, and most of the smoking deaths have happened to men, especially in developing countries. That means more people smoke in the poor areas than in the rich areas and more people died in the poor countries than in the wealthy countries.

In addition, the study indicates that smoking may also cause lung cancer to those adults. It may lead to cancer of the mouth and other parts of body. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to suffer from heart disease. Therefore, experts advise the people to stop smoking completely so that they can reduce their chance of dying early.


A.3 million smokers increase every year.

B.3 million people get lung cancer every year.

C.3 million cigarettes ate produced every year.

D.3 million people die from smoking every year.

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