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听力原文:Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worri

听力原文: Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worries people is [29] juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. For some years, juvenile delinquency has been increasing. There are two main sorts of juvenile crime, stealing and violence. Most people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. There are, I think, a large number of different reasons.

These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need. Young people often dislike and resent the adult world. [30] They will do things to show that they are rebels. Also in Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.

There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning. More and more people in Britain live in large towns. [30] In a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everybody knows everyone else.

Although it is difficult to explain, I think the last cause is very important. Perhaps there is something wrong with our society which encourages violence and crime. It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence. Many people do not agree that this influences young people, but I think that young people are very much influenced by the society they grow up in. I feel that [31] the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people.


A.Crimes committed by young people.

B.Crimes committed by needy people.

C.Influence on young people.

D.Stealing and violence.

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更多“听力原文:Crime is a serious proble…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Why are you so sure that Anne didn't commit the crime?W: She couldn't have com

听力原文:M: Why are you so sure that Anne didn't commit the crime?

W: She couldn't have committed that crime because I was with her. And we were out of town on that day.

Where was the crime most probably committed?

A.In town.

B.Out of town.

C.In the man's house.

D.Outside Ann's house.

听力原文:In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prison or be f

听力原文: In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prison or be fined or be ordered to do community work such as tidying public places and helping the old. You may also be sent to special centers when you learn special skills like cooking, writing and car maintenance. About 5 percent of the present population are women. Many prisons were built over one hundred years ago. But the government will have built 11 new prisons by next year. There are two sorts of prisons. The open sort and the closed sort. In the closed sort, prisoners are given very little freedom. They spend three to ten hours outside their cells when they exercise, eat, study, learn skills, watch TV and talk to other prisoners. All prisoners are expected to work. Most of them are paid for what they do, whether it is doing maintenance or cooking and cleaning. Prisoners in open prisons are locked up at night, but for the rest of the time, they are free within the prison grounds. They can exercise, have visitors, or study. And some are allowed out of the ground to study or to do community work.

Which of the following is NOT a way to punish the one who commits a crime?

A.To be sent to a prison.

B.To be tortured physically.

C.To be ordered to do community work.

D.To be fined.

听力原文:Many expressions in English use colors. These expressions show how people feel ab

听力原文: Many expressions in English use colors. These expressions show how people feel about the colors. Different colors can describe different feelings of people. For example, people associate red with a strong feeling like anger. When someone is very angry, people say that he or she sees red. Red is an active color. A red-letter day is a lucky day. When criminals are caught in the middle of a crime, people say that they were caught red-handed. Green is the color of grass and leaves. When someone grows plants well, people say he has a green thumb. Blue is a sad, thoughtful color. When someone is very sad, she says she is blue. The blues is a kind of jazz that is usually very sad and slow.






听力原文:Crime has its own cycles,a magazine reported some years ago. Police records show

听力原文: Crime has its own cycles,a magazine reported some years ago. Police records show a surprising relation between changes in the season and crime patterns.

The pattern of crime has changed very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August,as do other violent attacks. Murder,in addition,is more than seasonal;it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 P. m. and 6 a. m. One is most likely to be robbed between 6 P. m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in December,January,or February. Except for one strange statistic,May is the least criminal month of all.

Apparently our intellectual season cycles are completely different from our criminal patterns. Professor Huntington made a lot of studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books,attend scientific meetings,and make the highest scores on examinations. In all examples,he found a spring peak and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On the other hand,Professor Huntington's studies showed that June is the peak month for suicides and for admitting patients to mental hospital. June is also a peak month for marriages!

Possibly,high temperature and humidity bring on our strange and surprising summer actions,but police officers are not so sure. “There are,of course,no proof of a relation between humidity and murder”,they say. “Why murder's high time should come in the summer time we really don't know”.


A.Different kinds of crimes。

B.Increasingly high crime rate in the U.S.

C.Seasonal changes in the natural environment.

D.The relations between changes in the season and crime patterns.

听力原文:About seven out of ten people released titan prison end up in prison again sooner

听力原文: About seven out of ten people released titan prison end up in prison again sooner or latex. A lot of people think this simply indicates that once a person becomes a criminal he will probably remain a criminal. But of course it doesn't necessarily mean that at all. On the contrary, it could equally suggest that being in prison actually makes people more likely to commit crimes. After all, prisons are full of criminals, and this means that someone going to prison for the first rime is going to meet a lot more criminals than he's met before. So he'll probably learn a lot about crime during his stay there. The fact that so many people are getting re-arrested also suggests that prisons aren't doing enough to train people for jobs they can do when they get out. If they were given this training, ex-prisoners wouldn't need to turn to crime again to make a living.


A.Because he doesn't want to make a living like ordinary people.

B.Because only the prison can help him to control himself.

C.Because once being in prison, he is more likely to commit crimes.

D.Because he can't find a job when he gets out of the prison.

听力原文:During the past decade, there has been a big increase in violence crimes througho

听力原文: During the past decade, there has been a big increase in violence crimes throughout the world. (29)Not only has there been a frightening increase in murders and rapes, but chances of being attacked and robbed have grown so that the elderly avoid leaving their apartments. The exact cause of this horrifying development has not been found. (30)Some sociologists feel that the growth of crime on TV is related with the growth of violence on going to be blown up, why not enjoy yourself fully! Regardless of the cause or causes, a fundamental change in about their fellow human beings. (31) Today, people have become "I-centered." They are more interested in tragic changes in our morality and social ways. Until people once more learn to replace "I" with "we". We shall continue to move toward destructive self-centeredness.


A.It is not convenient to walk outside.

B.They must take charge of the house.

C.The chances of being attacked have grown.

D.They will do the housework.

听力原文:Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [3

听力原文: Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [31] What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: [29] fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean, mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by car, bus or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors. There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. [30] They were a happy, peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.


A.Clean air, much food and more exercise.

B.Clean air, fresh food and less exercise.

C.Clean air, fresh food and simple life.

D.Hard work, much food and simple life.

听力原文:In spite of stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exi

听力原文: In spite of stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.

Most types of serious crime increased from 3613.5 in every 100,000 people in 2003 to 535.5 in 20014. In that one year, there was one murder committed every 24 minutes, one case of robbery in every 10 minutes and one case of rape in every 7 minutes. The cases of murder involved 21,456 victims. Most cases of violence were committed by young people. 57% of the criminals arrested in 2004 were youths below 25 years of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions--poverty, lack of education, living without a settled home, being parentless, sufferings due to other kinds of misfortunes, etc.

There are other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of the crime rate. In the first place, some states have made laws approving the death penalty but some have not. Secondly, the constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much violence shown on TV and too much violence reported in newspapers of all kinds. The details of the crimes are so accurately described that even children know how to repeat what they have seen or read. All of these have resulted in a higher frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and non-professional ones such as murder, drug smuggling, robbery, pocket-picking, etc.


A.One in every 24 minutes.

B.One in every 10 minutes.

C.One in every 7 minutes.

D.One in every 4 minutes.

听力原文:Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [3

听力原文: Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? [31]What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: [29]fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean, mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by car, bus or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors, There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. [30] They were a happy,peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.


A.Clean air, much food and more exercise.

B.Clean air, fresh food and less exercise.

C.Clean air, fresh food and simple life.

D.Hard work, much food and simple life.

听力原文:In the local newspaper of my community recently, there was a story about a man na

听力原文: In the local newspaper of my community recently, there was a story about a man named Virgil Spears. He lived in a small town about 40 miles from my home. He had served five years in a New York prison for robbing a restaurant. When he returned to his family, Mr. Spears couldn't find a job. Everyone knew he had been in prison and nobody trusted him. Finally, in desperation, he calmly walked into a local barbershop where he was well known, pulled out a gun, and took all the money the barber had. Up to this point it had been a fairly routine crime, but then something unusual happened. Mr. Spears didn't try to get away. He got into his car, drove slowly out of the town, and waited for the police. When they caught him, he made only one request. He turned to the arresting policemen and said: "Would you please asked the court to put my family on welfare just as soon as possible?"


A.The long distance between his home town and New York.

B.His unpopular character.

C.The high unemployment rate in New York.

D.His criminal record.

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