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Generally, the term "all marine risks" is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should b

e avoided in L/C.
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Affix is the collective term for the type of formative that call be used only when added t
o another morpheme. Affixes are limited in number in a language, and are generally classified into three subtypes, namely, prefix, suffix, and______.

Weak-eyesight is a term that generally is used torefer to near-sighted eyes. People who ar

Weak-eyesight is a term that generally is used to

refer to near-sighted eyes. People who are near-sighted can see good at 【M1】______

a short range, but nothing very far away is likely to be a dull 【M2】______


The term weak eyesight is misled, for in near-sighted eyes 【M3】______

the lens of the eye are actually too strong. The near-sighted lens 【M4】______

is so powerful that it focuses the light coming into the eye too

quick. The image is formed in front of the retina, which 【M5】______

contains the optical nerves. Near-sightedness is common, but its 【M6】______

growth may be gradual; often the blurring of distant objects is so

slight at first that a person may recognize the condition. Near sightedness 【M7】______

is frequently discovered first at school. It is here that

a student first realizes the difficulty of seeing work on the black-board,

whereas another in the class have no trouble reading the 【M8】______

board at all. After discovery, near-sightedness can easy be corrected. 【M9】______

A concave lens is called a "minus" lens because it

increases the power of the lens of itself. 【M10】______


Weak eyesight is a term that is generally used to referto near-sighted eyes. People who ar

Weak eyesight is a term that is generally used to refer

to near-sighted eyes. People who are near-sighted can see good at 【M1】__________.

a short range, but nothing very far away is likely to be a dull 【M2】__________.


The term weak eyesight is misled, for in near-sighted eyes 【M3】__________.

the lenses of the eyes are actually too strong The near-sighted lens

are so powerful that it focuses the light coming into the eye too 【M4】__________.

quick. The image is formed in front of the retina, which contains 【M5】__________.

the optical nerves, Near-sightedness is common, but its growth may 【M6】__________.

be gradual. Often the blurring of distant objects is so slight at first

that a person may recognize the condition. Near-sightedness is 【M7】__________.

frequently discovered first at school. It is here that a student first

realizes, the difficulty of see work on the blackboard, whereas 【M8】__________.

another in the class have no trouble reading the board at all. 【M9】__________.

After discovery, near-sightedness can easily be corrected. A concave

lens called a "minus" lens because it increases the power of the 【M10】__________.

lens of the eye itself is the prescription.


A.as B.at C.on D.when E.thanA clear advantage of distance learning is the significantly
A.as B.at C.on D.when E.than

A clear advantage of distance learning is the significantly enhanced level of flexibility ____1compared to traditional courses.Rather _____2 being tied to academic term dates-which mightmean waiting almost a whole year should an enrollment deadline be missed-distance learning can generally start at any time.This means that you can gain your qualification as quickly as possible and maximize employment opportunities.With distance learning,you progress ____3 your own pace and submit work or take exams when you are fully ready to do so.This means that if other areas of your life suddenly demand more attention-such _____4 job hunting or increased commitments at work-then you can simply put your studies_____5 hold and return to them when things have calmed down.

听力原文:The term "satellite city" is used to describe the relationship between a large ci

听力原文: The term "satellite city" is used to describe the relationship between a large city and neighboring smaller cities and towns that are economically dependent upon it. Satellite cities may be collection and distribution points in the commercial linkages of a trading metropolis, or they may be manufacturing or mining centres existing with one-industry economies as the creatures of some nearby centre. This latter form. is what is generally meant when one uses the term "satellite city". Taken in this sense, nineteenth century Chicopee and Lowell, Massachusetts, were satellites of Boston. Both were mill towns created by Boston investors to serve the economy of that New England metropolis. Located on cheap land along water power sites in the midst of a farming region that could supply sufficient labor, they were satellites in the fullest sense of the term. Pullman, Illinois, and Gary, Indiana, were likewise one-industry towns created in conjunction with the much broader economy of nearby Chicago. Such places, as Vera Schlakman and Stanley Buder have pointed out in their excellent urban biographies, had a one-dimensional quality, a lack of social vigor. These cities could not stand alone; they were in a sense colonies of a multifunctional mother city.


A.It is a self-sufficient community.

B.It offers cheap land to people.

C.It tends to concentrate on a single product.

D.It lies within a space station orbiting the earth.

听力原文:W:So,why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful?M:Stress is

听力原文:W:So,why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful?

M:Stress is generally driven by the feeling of being out of control of a situation,and the feeling of a situation controlling you.Trading in financial markets combines both.

W:HOW do you relax in the evening?

M:I very rarely do anything work related.So it's easy to escape the markets.I generally go to the gym or go for a run.especially if I've had a bad day.I always cook a meal rather than have a take-away.To do something my brain would regard as creative.

W:Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress?

M:I don't think there's a specific rule about how to beat stress.I generally find that what I do is effective for me.

W:Would you consider changing your job because of the high stress factor?

M:I have considered leaving my job due to stress related factors.However,I do think that an element of stress is a good thing,and if used the right way,can actually be a positive thing.

W:What do you enjoy about the stressful aspects of your job?

M:Having said all that,I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty.I enjoy a mental challenge.Trading generates a wide range of emotions second by second.How you deal with and manage those emotions dictates short,medium and long term trading performance and success.


23.What is the man's job?

24.Why does the man prefer to cook a meal rather than have a take-away?

25.What does the man say about an element of stress in his job?


A.A training coach.

B.A trading adviser.

C.A professional manager.

D.A financial trader.

Different Kinds of Meetings Nowadays, there are thousands of international meetings held w

Different Kinds of Meetings

Nowadays, there are thousands of international meetings held worldwide every year. However, their names are different. They can be generally differentiated as follows.


Meeting is a general and summary term of various kinds of assembly of people for a particular purpose. Its original meaning is to "meet with each other" or to "put heads together." In this sense, if there are more than two persons coming together, talking and discussing, the event can be called a meeting. So we often say or hear "Let's have a meeting." Since the definition of meeting is rather extended and not clearly demarcated (划分界限), it can mean any kind of gathering, pre-arranged or non-arranged, formal or informal; the time can be long or short; the scale, large or small; the participants, many or a few, and so on. To specifically clarify a meeting, therefore, the names of meeting should be further demarcated.


Conference is a kind of formal meeting, often lasting for a few days. It is organized on a particular subject to bring together people who have a common interest. At a conference, formal discussions usually take place. Comparatively, conference generally refers to a specialized professional or academic event. We can say, for example, "Mr. Smith attended a conference on environmental protection in Beijing last week." People often use the term international conference to mean a meeting held at the international level, with the participants coming from different countries.


Symposium (pl. symposia/symposiums) is also a kind of meeting, but it refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academic discussion. At a symposium, experts, scholars, and other participants of a particular field discuss a particular subject. Compared with conference, a symposium is usually narrower and more specific in the range of topics. For instance, we may say "They are going to participate in the Second International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary (高等教育的) Level in Hong Kong next May. The teaching of language skills, language learners' styles and strategies, new technology and methodology as well as other relevant issues will be discussed there." In terms of scale, a symposium may be smaller than a conference, because sometimes a conference may include several symposiums held simultaneously (as satellite symposiums). Some of this kind of meeting can be called "working conference". This, however, does not apply to symposium. Furthermore, some meetings held by the government for political consultation can be called "political conference" but not symposium.


The basic characteristic of a congress is that it is usually attended by representatives or delegates who belong to national or international, governmental or non-governmental organizations. It is held to discuss issues, ideas, and policies of public interest. And it is usually rather large in scale and generally representative and extensive. For example, "The Fourth World Congress on Women", which was sponsored by the United Nations, was held in Beijing in 1994, with over 20,000 representatives from countries all over the world.


Convention is a kind of routine meeting, at which a large gathering of people meet and discuss the business of their organization or political group, such as the annual convention of the union, the biannual(一年两次的)convention of the Metal Society. Usually it is regularly organized by a learned society, a professional association, an academic institution or a nongovernmental organization.


Forum is in fact a kind of public meeting, at which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues. For example, the 99 Forum on Asia Economies was held in Singapore; and a regular forum for the




Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the d
iffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened【C1】______. As was discussed before, it was not【C2】______the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic【C3】______, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the【C4】______of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution【C5】______up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading【C6】______through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures【C7】______the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in【C8】______. It is important to do so.

It is generally recognized,【C9】______, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,【C10】______by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process,【C11】______its impact on the media was not immediately【C12】______As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became "personal", too, as well as【C13】______, with display becoming sharper and storage【C14】______increasing. They were thought of, like people,【C15】______generations, with the distance .between generations much【C16】______.

It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe the【C17】______within which we now live. The communications revolution has【C18】______both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been【C19】______views about 'its economic, political, social and cultural implications. "Benefits" have been weighed【C20】______"harmful" outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.






In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of asequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer. If you want to

In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of asequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer. If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you shouldlearn how to program. The task of developing programs for the solution of computationalproblems is referred to as programming. Computer programming is the process of planningand creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow. In general, this process will helpus resolve a problem, which is either too tedious or difficult to work out otherwise. Soprogramming is breaking a task down into small steps.

Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to thewriting of programs for given program specification, while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program. The text of aprogram is sometimes referred to as code, and lines of program text are referred to as lines ofcode, especially in the case of machine-language programs. The term coder is used todescribe a person engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepared byothers. What ' s actually involved in programming - the actual process of writing programs? Here' s a quick overview of the process:

• Write a program.

• Compile the program.

• Run the program.

• Debug the program.

• Repeat the whole process until the program is finished.

(三)、choosethe best answer according to the passage B. (根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。)

41. If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learnhow to___________

A. calculate

B. program

C. add

D. subtract

42. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of

___________ for a computer to follow.

A. steps

B. process

C. lines

D. graphics

43. The term coder is used to describe___________

A. machine

B. computer

C. keyboard

D. person

44. In order to solve a computational problem, you can let a person or a ___________ to do it.

A. machine

B. computer

C. keyboard

D. mouse

45. Which of the following is not the stages of programming?

A. Write a program.

B. Debug the program.

C. Print the program.

D. Compile the program.

"Intelligence" at best is an assumptive construct--the meaning of the word has never been
clear. There is 【21】______ agreement on the kinds of behavior. 【22】______ by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 【23】______ it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas 【24】______ , make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical 【25】______ in solving problems. An intelligence test is a 【26】______ measure of a child's capacity for learning, 【27】______ for learning the kinds of things required in school. It does not measure character, social adjustment, physical 【28】______ , manual skills, or artistic abilities. It was not designed 【29】______ such purposes. To criticize it for such failure is roughly 【30】______ to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.

The other thing we have to 【31】______ is that the assessment of the intelligence of any 【32】______ is essentially a comparative affair. We must be sure that the 【33】______ with which we are comparing our subjects provides a" valid" or "fair" comparison. 【34】______ this, any test performed involves at least three factors: the 【35】______ to do one's best, the knowledge required for under standing 【36】______ you have to do, and the 【37】______ ability to do it. The first two must be equal for all that are being compared, if any comparison 【38】______ intelligence is to be made.

No one is 【39】______ interested in the marks a little child gets on his test; instead we are interested in 【40】______ we can conclude from his mark on the test that the child will do better or worse than other children of his age at tasks which we think require "general intelligence".


A.too much



D.so much

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