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【C8】A.grewB.was growingC.growD.grown



B.was growing



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更多“【C8】A.grewB.was growingC.growD…”相关的问题
A variety of social problems are closely linked to poverty. It is well【C1】______that child
ren who grow up in poverty are more likely to .be【C2】______in illegal activity, have higher teenage pregnancy rates,【C3】______lower academic achievement, and suffer【C4】______a host of other social problems than those who do not grow up in poverty. The【C5】______of the poor population may also have important【C6】______for the overall competitiveness of the American economy, not only【C7】______it brings the added tax burden, but also because immigrants earning poverty level wages clearly do not have the kind of skills【C8】______to compete in an increasingly global marketplace.

In【C9】______to the impact on American society in【C10】______, looking at poverty among immigrants is also important because it is one way of【C11】______the consequences of current immigration policy. It also gives us a good idea of what immigrants【C12】______in the future are likely to do in the United States if immigration policy【C13】______unchanged. Very high poverty rates imply that a significant proportion of immigrants are unable to【C14】______in the modern American economy. This is【C15】______important because without a change in immigration policy, 10 million new immigrants will likely settle【C16】______in the country in just the next decade. Of course, the poverty rate for immigrant households does not tell us exactly【C17】______those admitted in the future will fare.【C18】______, looking at past immigrants is probably the best means we have of【C19】______how tomorrow's immigrants will do if the same selection criteria【C20】______to be used.






What is happiness? We Americans believe that the right to 【C1】______ happiness is issued t
o us with the birth 【C2】______ , but no one seems quite sure 【C3】______ way it ran.

【C4】______ , we Americans seem to be 【C5】______ to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have 【C6】______ it to Heaven when we 【C7】______ enough.

And at the same time the 【C8】______ of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately 【C9】______ .

Advertising is one of our major 【C10】______ , and advertising exists not to 【C11】______ desires but to create them--and to create them faster than any man's 【C12】______ can satisfy them. We are taught that to 【C13】______ is to be happy, and then we are 【C14】______ to want. We are even told it is our 【C15】______ to want. It was only a few years ago, to 【C16】______ a single example, that car dealers across the country were flying banners that 【C17】______ "You Auto Buy Now". They were calling 【C18】______ Americans, as an act approaching patriotism, to buy at once, 【C19】______ money they did not have, automobiles they did not really need, and which they would be required to grow tired of by the time the next year's 【C20】______ were released.






Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry about going into collection of those f
ascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is【C1】______I became an animal collector in the first【C2】______. The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any【C3】______was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy",【C4】______the word "zoo", which I would【C5】______over and over again with a shrill【C6】______until someone, in order to【C7】______me up, would take me to the zoo. When I grow a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great【C8】______of pets,【C9】______from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time【C10】______the countryside in search of fresh specimens to【C11】______to my collection of pets.【C12】______on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student【C13】______, to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears and ostriches,【C14】______were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I【C15】______had enough money of my own to be able to【C16】______my First trip and I have been going【C17】______ever since then. Though a collector' s job is not an easy one and is full of【C18】______, it is certainly a job which will appeal【C19】______all those who love animals and【C20】______.






Higher education has a responsibility to provide a workforce with the design capability an
d high-level technical design skills to generate growth in【C1】______industries with the potential to support the UK's【C2】______health.

A Higher Ambitions report states: "Britain must rebuild its economic growth and【C3】______in the skills and competitive strengths that will underwrite a(n)【C4】______recovery and balanced future economy."

【C5】______, it specifically calls for "enhanced support for the Stem subjects--【C6】______in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics--and other skills that underwrite this country's competitive【C7】______". The exclusion of design subjects from Stem【C8】______the common nature of these subjects,【C9】______science in the employment market and the strategic significance of design as a(n)【C10】______to the economy.

The government's Digital Britain report demonstrates that the creative industries sector is in a good position to【C11】______Britain out of recession. Lord Drayson, minister for science and innovation, has said: "The next few years will【C12】______the UK's innovation capability,and while the recession may【C13】______challenges, it will also provide【C14】______."

Britain's creative practitioners are【C15】______high demand globally. The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts【C16】______that the creative industries sector will grow by an average of 4%, more than double the rest of the economy.

The Design Council's added value research showed that companies that used design to add value to their products or services had a higher【C17】______than competitors on profitability, turnover and market share. De sign is【C18】______allied to innovation and is widely【C19】______as a crucial ingredient in maintaining competitiveness in【C20】______challenging markets.






Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvan
tage in examinations,【C1】______to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achievement.

The survey of 643 children and adults, ranking from pre-school to 40-plus, also suggests【C2】______penholding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far【C3】______attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style.

Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher【C4】______findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area【C5】______he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling【C6】______had a poor pen grip. While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link【C7】______pen-holding style. and accuracy in spelling,he【C8】______find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults, and a definite【C9】______between near-point gripping and slow, illegible writing.

People who【C10】______their pens at the writing point also show other characteristics【C11】______inhibit learning,【C12】______as poor posture,leaning too【C13】______to the desk,using four fingers to grip the pen【C14】______than three, and clumsy positioning of the thumb(which can obscure【C15】______is being written ).

Mr. Thomas believes that the【C16】______between elder and younger writers is【C17】______too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibility that people get better at writing as they grow【C18】______. He attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods, pointing out that the differences between【C19】______groups coincides with the abandonment of formal handwriting instruction in classrooms in the sixties. "The 30-year-old showed a huge diversity of grips,【C20】______the over 40s group all had a uniform. 'tripod' grip. "


The recession is taking a serious toll on American retail, but e-commerce could emerge as
a winner.

According to a new report by Forrester Research, e-commerce sales are【C1】______. to grow 11% , to $ 156 billion, in 2009. That【C2】______a slowdown from 13% growth last year and 18% in 2007. The major factor【C3】______to the pace shift is, of course,【C4】______consumer confidence.

But e-commerce's slowed pace is, still【C5】______better than the National Retail Federation's【C6】______0.5% drop in overall retail sales this year.

That means e-commerce is stealing market share from【C7】______retail -- and fast. By Forrester's estimates, in 2008 e-commerce【C8】______for 5% of all retail sales. In 2012, Forrester thinks ecommerce could have an 8%【C9】______.

One recent factor is that online shopping promises bargains to price-sensitive consumers. 'The recession is definitely【C10】______more consumers to do their homework【C11】______they go and complete a purchase, ' says Forrester analyst Sucharita Mulpuru.

E-commerce is also【C12】______protected because online shoppers tend to be wealthier: about half of all online shopping is done by households that earn more than $ 75,000 per year,【C13】______though they're just about a【C14】______of all households with Internet access.

【C15】______not all Internet companies are set to benefit equally. Last month, e-commerce【C16】______eBay posted its first-ever quarterly revenue decline,【C17】______Amazon reported a sales surge of 18%.Smaller players are particularly【C18】______risk. 'There are some pretty vicious wars as companies go online and duke it out to get market share,' says Mulpuru. 'The【C19】______I have is that we could go back down the spiral of death from 1999 and 2000, when companies would under-price themselves without thinking about【C20】______.






To better understand the negotiation practices of other cultures, it is important for us t
o be aware of the standard negotiation practices in the United States. Americans grow up believing in the motto "He who hesitates is lost."【C1】______ , most Americans conduct business at lightning speed. It is not【C2】______ for contracts to be signed during the first business meeting. These rapid contracts are【C3】______ by the fact that middle managers have the【C4】______ to make quick decisions without consulting the boss or 【C5】______ with the group. Brief small talk often【C6】______ the business interaction,【C7】______ the short-term rewards, and financial arrangements quickly become the focus.【C8】______ contracts are helpful but not necessary because a person's last successes are deemed more important. Communication is usually indirect, informal, competitive and【C9】______ argumentative.

Negotiation in Western Europe is different from【C10】______ in the United States. For the French, business is a very formal issue, and any【C11】______ of a casual attitude will have a negative influence on the transaction. Their eye contact tends to be so intense that even North Americans may feel【C12】______ . In Germany, business is also conducted very formally【C13】______ great attention to order, planning, and schedules. Because of this slow methodical process, it is virtually impossible to speed up a business transaction. Humor, compliments, and personal questions are not a part of German negotiations.【C14】______ , business may begin immediately after an introduction. Although the Dutch are also straightforward and【C15】______ in negotiations, business is conducted at a slower pace than in the United States.

Swedes are also very serious about business. They show little【C16】______ during negotiation and expect the same from you.【C17】______ is important to Swedish negotiations, and they tend to avoid confrontation. They may【C18】______ a discussion abruptly if they think it will lead to an argument over a sensitive topic. In conversation, Swedes do not【C19】______ exaggeration or superficiality. However, silence is part of their language pattern, so they expect【C20】______ to be filled with long pauses.






In the United States, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many othe
r cultures children are expected to care 【C1】______ their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who 【C2】______ with their parents 【C3】______ 65 to 70 percent. In Thailand, too, children are expected to care for their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live 【C4】______ .

What explains these 【C5】______ in living arrangements across cultures? Modernization theory 【C6】______ the extended family household to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. But with modernization, children move to urban areas, 【C7】______ old people behind in isolated 【C8】______ areas. Yet modernization theory cannot explain why extended family households were never common in the United States or England, or why families in Italy, which is fully modernized, maintain a strong 【C9】______ of intergenerational living. Clearly, economic development alone cannot explain 【C10】______ living arrangements.

Another theory associated intergenerational living arrangements with inheritance patterns. In some cultures, the stem family pattern of inheritance 【C11】______ . 【C12】______ this system, parents live with a married child, usually the oldest son, 【C13】______ then inherits their property when they die. The stem family system was once common in Japan, but changes in inheritance laws, 【C14】______ broader social changes brought 【C15】______ by industrialization and urbanization, have 【C16】______ the tradition. In 1960 about 80 percent of Japanese over 65 lived with their children; by 1990 only 60 percent did — a figure that is still high 【C17】______ U.S. standards, but which has been 【C18】______ steadily. In Korea, too, traditional living arrangements are 【C19】______ : the percentage of aged Koreans who live with a son declined from 77 percent in 1984 to 50 percent just 10 years later. 【C20】______ most elderly Koreans still expect to live with a son, their adult children do not expect to live with their children when they grow old.











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