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Next Monday is my birthday.-_____.

A.Oh, I have no idea

B.I’m glad you like it

C.Many happy returns of the day

D.You must be very happy

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更多“Next Monday is my birthday.-__…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Can you tell me when I can get an appointment for my son's dental checkup?W: L

听力原文:M: Can you tell me when I can get an appointment for my son's dental checkup?

W: Let's see. The dentist is fully hooked for Monday and Tuesday, and for Wednesday morning. He is taking Friday off. Can you fit into his free time this week or would you rather have an appointment for next week?

Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman?


A.Boss and secretary.

B.Dentist and patient.

C.Passenger and ticket seller.

D.Patient and nurse.

听力原文: Now I'd like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Tue
sday, the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring two or three pens in case you run out of ink. Unlike the midterm, this test will not include multiple choice questions. It'll consist entirely of essays. You must answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive, which means you'll be responsible for all of the subject matter we've covered in class. I would suggest you review your midterms as well as the text book and your class notes. The final will count for 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will count for 20%, and the midterm 30%. I'll be in my office nearly all day on Monday next week. If you run into any problems, please bring your questions to my office. Good luck with your study, and I'll see you on Tuesday. This is the last day of our class in this semester, I want to say thanks to all of you for your great support in this term, and I hope I can still be your teacher next term. Thanks again!

What should the students bring with them to the exam?

A.A final copy of the research project.

B.Copies of the midterm.

C.A few pens.

听力原文:M: Susan, do you know when Professor Jones' Biology Final is?W: Next Tuesday.M: N

听力原文:M: Susan, do you know when Professor Jones' Biology Final is?

W: Next Tuesday.

M: Next Tuesday! That's less than a week away, and I have got things planned for this weekend.

W: Haven't you been studying all along?

M: I have kept up with my lecture notes, but I haven't reviewed at all.

W: Then it's your own fault. The date of the final is clearly marked on the course outline.

M: I suppose you are right, but doesn't it seem awfully early for a final?

W: A little, but it should actually help us out. After we have finished with it, we can concentrate on our other finals.

M: Are you ready for it?

W: I think I am. I'm going to review some more of course.

M: Do you think we could study together sometimes this week?

W: I don't see why not. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?

M: I can't tomorrow. I am going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.

W: Well, how about the following night?

M: No, I can't Saturday either. My sister and her husband are coming to town and I want to show them around.

W: Sunday, then?

M: Well, I'll probably sleep all morning and in the after- noon I want to go to the football game. Also that night I have to write and type up a paper for another class.

W: Michael, that leaves Monday, the night before the test.

M: Actually, I've got plans for Monday night too. How about Early Tuesday morning?

W: Michael, the test is on Tuesday morning.


A.Next Thursday.

B.Next Tuesday.

C.This weekend.

D.Tomorrow night.

听力原文:M: Carol, do you know when Prof. Wang's Chinese Literature Final is?W: Next Tuesd

听力原文:M: Carol, do you know when Prof. Wang's Chinese Literature Final is?

W: Next Tuesday.

M: Next Tuesday! That is less than a week away, and I have got things planned for this weekend.

W: Haven't you been studying all along?

M: I have kept up with my lecture notes, but I haven't reviewed at all.

W: Then it's your own fault. The date of the final is clearly marked on the course outline.

M: I suppose you're right, but doesn't it seem awfully early for a final?

W: A little, but it should actually help us out. After we have finished with it, we can concentrate on our other finals.

M: Are you ready for it?

W: I think I am. I'm going'to review some more, of course.

M: Do you think we could study together sometime this weekend?

W: I don't see why not. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?

M: I can't tomorrow. I am going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.

W: Well, how about the following night?

M: No, I can't Saturday either. My sister and her husband are coming to town and I want to show them around.

W: Sunday, then?

M: Well, I'll probably sleep all morning and in the afternoon I want to go to the football game. Also that night I have to write and type up a paper for another class.

W: Gary, that leaves Monday, the night before the test.

M: Actually, I've got plans for Monday night too. How about early Tuesday morning?

W: Gary, the test is Tuesday morning.






听力原文:Now I'd like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Tues

听力原文: Now I'd like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Tuesday, the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring two or three pens in case you nm out of ink. Unlike the midterm, this test will not include multiplechoice questions. It'll consist entirely of essays. You must answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive,which means you'll be responsible for all of the subject matter we've covered in class. I would suggest you review your mid term's as well as the text book and your class notes. The final will count for 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will count for 20% ,and the midterm 30%. I'll be in my office nearly all day on Monday next week. If you nm into any problems, please feel free to stop in. Good luck with your studving and I'll see you on Tuesday.

What should the students bring with them to the exam?

A.A final copy of the research project.

B.Copies of the midterm.

C.A few pens.

听力原文:M: Hello, Prof. Dianna, you wanted to see me? W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for comin
g. It's about your work as a teaching assistant. I've just read your evaluations, the ones the students filled out toward the end of the semester.

M: Yes...? Well, how were they?

W: Would you like to take a look? Out of a possible score of five, you got a four point eight. That's very high, Frank.

M: Well, what a pleasant surprise.

W: When we see such a high score, we generally try to keep the Teaching Assistant on a little longer and perhaps even ask them to cover more classes. What do you say, Frank? Would you like this?

M: I sure would, but I don't know if I can. Next fall will be my last semester of coursework for my master's and I'll be very busy doing re search on my thesis. Could I have a few days to think about it?

W: Certainly, I wouldn't want you to fall behind in your course-work, but I do think you should consider getting more experience in the class room. You seem to have a real gift.

M: Thanks for your praise, Professor.

W: Let me know by the beginning of next week, will you?

M: Sure thing. I'll drop by again on Monday or Tuesday.


A.More work as an instructor.

B.A higher salary.

C.A longer vacation period.

D.A research assignment.

听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?M: Oh, hello, H

听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.

W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?

M: Oh, hello, Helen. I'm fine. I've got to come across to the States next week to visit a customer in Boston. I'd like to take the opportunity of stopping over in New York to check out the arrangements for the Electronic Exhibition.

W: Oh, that would be fine. When are you planning to be here?

M: My appointment in Boston is on Tuesday next week, so I'll be passing through New York on Monday. My plane gets in early afternoon so I'd like to see the exhibition center during the afternoon, and then discuss the final arrangements with you, and perhaps see the restaurant where we're planning to hold the reception.

W: I see. Well, let me check my, calendar ... Ah, I'm afraid Monday's a problem for me next week, Nick.

M: Oh, well, that's a pity. What about your assistant, what's his name?

W: You mean Gregg ... Gregg Anderson. Yes, he might be free, but I'll have to check with him.

M: Good. My plane gets into JFK round about two o'clock, so I'll fax you with the details and then perhaps you could confirm whether someone can meet me.

W: We'll do our best, but we have an awful lot going on right now. It's a very busy time of year for us.

M: Yes, I understand, but it would be a shame not to meet up while I'm over.

W: Oh, yes, of course. I just wish we had known about it a little sooner.

M: Well, I'm sorry about that, but this trip's only just come up. Anyway, thanks very much. It's nice to talk to you. I look forward to seeing you next week.

W: Ok, Nick. Bye.

M: Bye.


A.To see a customer.

B.To check out the arrangements for the exhibition.

C.To see Gregg Anderson.

D.To sign a contract.

I was very disappointed not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday. The advertis
ement in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theatre box in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 and 4: 00. Since I work from 9:00 to 5: 00, the only time I could go to the theatre was during my 45 minutes lunch break. Unfortunately, the theatre is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes. Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes wait not enough time left to make thing happened on Tuesday, and again the next day. On Thursday, my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the theatre in exactly twenty minutes. When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man say be had been waiting in line for over an hour. Realizing I would not have enough time to wait in line, I caught the next bus and headed back across the town. By Friday I realized my only hope was to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to hear the concert. The trip by taxi only took me 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour to me. When I got to the theatre, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. The reason, however, I quickly discovered, was that they had already sold all the tickets.

The man learned ______ that there would be a concert last Friday.

A.over the radio

B.from one of his workmates

C.from the newspaper

D.from his friends

听力原文:M: Hello, Prof. Diana, you wanted to see me?W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for coming.

听力原文:M: Hello, Prof. Diana, you wanted to see me?

W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for coming. It's about your work as a teaching assistant. I've just read your evaluations, the ones the students filled out toward the end of the semester.

M: Yes...? Well, how were they?

W: Would you like to take a look? Out of a possible score of five, you got a four point eight. That's very high, Frank.

M: Well, what a pleasant surprise.

W: When we see such a high score, we generally try to keep the teaching assistant on a little longer and perhaps even ask them to cover more classes. What do you say, Frank? Would you like this?

M: I sure would, but I don't know if I can. Next fall will be my last semester of course work for my master's and I'll be very busy doing research on my thesis. Could I have a few days to think about it?

W: Certainly, I wouldn't want you to fall behind in your course work, but I do think you should consider getting more experience in the classroom. You seem to have a real gift.

M: Thanks for your praise, Professor.

W: Let me know by the beginning of next week, will you?

M: Sure thing. I'll drop by again on Monday or Tuesday.


A.More work as a teaching assistant.

B.A higher salary.

C.A longer vacation period.

D.A research assignment.

听力原文:M: Hello, Prof. Dianna, you wanted to see me?W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for coming

听力原文:M: Hello, Prof. Dianna, you wanted to see me?

W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for coming. It's about your work as a teaching assistant. I've just read your evaluations, the ones the students filled out toward the end of the semester.

M: Yes... ? Well, how were they?

W: Would you like to take a look? Out of a possible score of five, you got a four-point-eight. That's very high, Frank.

M: Well, what a pleasant surprise.

W: When we see such a high score, we generally try to keep the Teaching Assistant on a little longer and perhaps even ask them to cover more classes. What do you say, Frank? Would you like this?

M: I sure would, but I don't know if I can. Next fall will be my last semester of coursework for my master's and I'll be very busy doing re search on my thesis. Could I have a few days to think about it?

W: Certainly, I wouldn't want you to fall behind in your course-work, but I do think you should consider getting more experience in the class- room. You seem to have a real gift.

M: Thanks for your praise, Professor.

W: Let me know by the beginning of next week, will you?

M: Sure thing. I'll drop by again on Monday or Tuesday.


A.More work as an instructor.

B.A higher salary.

C.A longer vacation period.

D.A research assignment.

We wish to state that if the account be not paid by next Monday,we shall be forced to place the matt
er in the hands of our solicitors.
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