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听力原文:We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East, where people

听力原文: We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas—legends handed down from one generation to another. (29)These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.

(30) Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian people now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2000 years ago.

But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.

(31) Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. (31)Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.


A.They moved from one place to another.

B.They came from Indonesia.

C.They have left us information about their migrations.

D.They preserved their sagas and legends.

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更多“听力原文:We can read of things tha…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: To operate the machine properly, you must keep the top closed while the machin
e is spinning.

M: I should have read the instructions more carefully.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man made a mistake in operating the machine.

B.The machine doesn't work properly.

C.The woman is helping the man repair the machine.

D.The instructions were not clear enough for the man to read.

听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve abou

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve about British culture.

W: Professor Grand's class?

M: That's right. How could you know?

W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.

M: You're joking, all of them?

W: Every month. I've asked professor Grand twice already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for those same articles to be returned.

M: And here's me. I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again. We open at eight.


A.That the library opens at 8:00.

B.That no one else has read the articles.

C.That none of the material he needs is available.

D.That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.

听力原文:Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by hea

听力原文: Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them over and over again.

The famous English writer, Charles Dickens said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have had wonderful memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well.

A man's mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our minds.


A.They can easily learn quite long poems by heart.

B.They can remember long stories by heart.

C.The can remember almost everything they have read.

D.They can remember things they have only read once.

听力原文:Air travel is such an everyday experience these days. We are not surprised when w

听力原文: Air travel is such an everyday experience these days. We are not surprised when we read about a politician having talks with the Japanese Prime Minister one day, attending a conference in Australia the following morning and having to be off at midday to sign a trade agreement in Bangkok. But frequent long-distance flying can be very tiring. The traveler begins to feel his brain is in one country, his digestion in another and his powers of concentration nowhere. In short, he hardly knows where he is.

The fatigue we normally experience after a long journey is more intensely felt when we fly from east to west or the other way round because we cross time zones. Air travel is so quick nowadays that we can leave London after breakfast and be in New York in eight hours, yet what really disturbs us most is that when we arrive it is only lunch time but we have already had lunch on the plane and are expecting dinner.

Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time zones, they should go straight to bed on arrival. Airline pilots, in fact, whose experience is so obviously relevant that it ought to serve as a guide, often live by their own watches ignoring local time, and have breakfast at midnight if necessary. The less reason to worry about their health is because they are used to flying and are physically fit.


A.Because he is a politician.

B.Because he is a businessman.

C.Because he travels by air.

D.Because he has to attend different meetings.

听力原文:W: Please sit down. Let's see. You're Mr. Brown, is that right?M: Right. I'll gra

听力原文:W: Please sit down. Let's see. You're Mr. Brown, is that right?

M: Right. I'll graduate from college next June.

W: Have you ever done any work in this field?

M: No, never. We did some practice work in class.

W: You seem to be doing well at college. What kind of pay do you hope to get?

M: From what I've read, it seems that the pay at the beginning would, be around $12,000 a year.

W: Here we would start at $10,500 for the first year of training. Then you would get $15,000. After that it would depend on how well you work.

M: That sounds fair enough. What about other things, like vacation?

W: Those are all explained in this paper. You can take it along and look at it at home.

M: Do you really think I can get a job here? I really hope that I can work here. But I guess I'll just have to go home and wait.

W: Well, I'm talking to three people today and four tomorrow. The company will be hiring two people. You'll hear sometime next month. Good luck and thanks for coming today.

How much does the man want to be paid a year at the beginning?




听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on the Greek my

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on the Greek mythology.

W: Are you the student of Professor Brown's class?

M: That's right. How do you know?

W: Well, you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

M: Oh, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.

M: Are you kidding? All of them?

W: Every last one. I've asked Professor Brown already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but shortly after I put them on the shelves, some one will come and borrow them away. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for these same articles to be returned.

M: And here I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again, we open at eight.






听力原文:Collecting information about pre-employment and filling out an application form.

听力原文: Collecting information about pre-employment and filling out an application form. are closely connected. However, filling out an application form. is much easier because you have total control and have enough time to think and plan.

That you are given a form. to fill out does not necessarily mean that you have to answer all the questions in it. If the form. contains unclear questions or terms and conditions, you can make some changes before signing it, or refuse to answer some of the questions. What you must realize is that those terms and conditions have been written by highly-paid lawyers. Each word is important, or it would not be there; and you can be sure that there is not anything there that is written with your interests in mind.

I know what I speak of because, as a lawyer for Litton Industries. I wrote the terms and conditions that were printed on the back of order forms. I wrote the most tiring terms and conditions anyone has ever seen. Still, 90 percent of the buyers would just sign on them without questioning anything. If anyone questions them, we would reach an agreement on something that was acceptable to both sides.

So when you see a preprinted application that contains questions or terms and conditions, read it all and read it slowly. If you don't like something, you can simply change the parts you don't like. Remember that everything can be settled by discussion. To what degree it can be settled depends on your position, of course, and that is something only you can determine.


A.Because you can plan and have control of the needed time.

B.Because you can control the form. filling with enough time.

C.Because everything connected with application forms is easier.

D.Because it is easier to collect information about pre-employment.

听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve in t

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve in the library for psychology 319.

W: Professor Gilers' class?

M: That's right. How could you know?

W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.

M: You're kidding, all of them?

W: Every last one. I've asked Professor Gilers twice already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for these same articles to be returned.

M: And here I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again, we open at eight.

M: Thanks for your help.


A.That the library opens at 8:00.

B.That no one else has read the articles.

C.That none of the material he needs is available.

D.That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.

听力原文:I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my be

听力原文: I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves; most of my childhood was spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives by creating worlds we could step into, take part in and live in.

With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other people's writing can one discover what works, what doesn't and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has.

Now I am in college, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction. As a law student, my reading is in fact limited to subject matter — the volume of what I have to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Such reading made it all the clearer to me that I live in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldn't necessarily be able to have in my lifetime.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. What can we learn about the speaker as a child?

34. What effect does reading fiction have on the speaker?

35. Which can be the best title for this passage?


A.He never watched TV.

B.He read what he had to.

C.He found reading unbelievable.

D.He considered reading part of his life.

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress,especially women.I wonder what most peopl

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most people can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, personal CD players and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, and watching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower.

W: Well, I've heard that it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, he takes some specific medicine.

M: I know his recipe. He likes dancing and often visits bars alone so that he can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. But when I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story.

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Listening to CD players.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:If you don't use your antis or your legs for some time, they become weak, when yo

听力原文: If you don't use your antis or your legs for some time, they become weak, when you use them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works the same way.

When someone .says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When some- one else says that his memory is poor, he means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault.

Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but usually have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.

So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people; practice remembering.


A.His father or mother may have a poor memory.

B.His memory is not often used.

C.He does not use his arms and legs for some time.

D.He cannot read or write.

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