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听力原文:It's September 11 today and it's Saturday.

听力原文:It's September 11 today and it's Saturday.

听力原文:It's September 11 today and it's Saturday.听力原

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听力原文:The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 2nd, 1666.

听力原文: The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 2nd, 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul's and the Guildhall among them.

People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat. The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.


A.In a bakery.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a wooden house.

D.In old St Paul's church.

听力原文:A study published in September suggests there is a surprising way to get people t

听力原文: A study published in September suggests there is a surprising way to get people to avoid unhealthy foods: change their memories. Scientist Elizabeth Loftus of the University of California at Irvine asked volunteers to answer some questions on their personalities and food experiences. "One week later," Loftus says, "we told those people we'd fed their answers into our smart computer and it came up with an account of their early childhood experiences." Some accounts included one key additional detail. "You got sick after eating strawberry ice-cream." The researchers then changed this detail into a manufactured memory through leading questions—Who were you with? How did you feel? By the end of the study, up to 41% of those given a false memory believed strawberry ice-cream once made them sick, and many said they'd avoid eating it.

When Loftus published her findings, she started getting calls from people begging her to make them remember hating chocolate or French fries. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. False memories appear to work only for foods you don't cat on a regular basis. But most important, it is likely that false memories can be implanted only in people who are unaware of the mental control. And lying to a patient is immoral, even if a doctor believes it's for the patient's benefit.

Loftus says there's nothing to stop parents from trying it with their overweight children. "I say, wake up—parents have been lying about Father Christmas for years, and nobody seems to mind. If they can prevent diseases caused by fatness and all the other problems that come with that, you might think that's a more moral lie. Decide that for yourself."


A.To improve her computer program.

B.To find out their attitudes towards food.

C.To find out details she can make use of.

D.To predict what food they'll like in the future.

听力原文:W: Hello. Klarkson College. May I help you?M: Yes. I'm looking for information on

听力原文:W: Hello. Klarkson College. May I help you?

M: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I need it for the fall semester.

W: Do you want a day or evening course?

M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.

W: Uh-huh. Have you taken any courses in data processing?

M: No.

W: Oh, well, data processing is a prerequisite course. You have to take that course before you can take computer programming.

Mt Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it's not on Thursdays.

W: Well, there's a class that meets on Monday evenings m seven.

M: Just once a week?

W: Yes. But that's almost three hours, from 7 p. m. to 9:45 p. m.

M: Oh, that's all right. I can manage that. How many weeks does the course last?

W: Urn, Let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first week in September and finish... oh, lust before Christmas, December 21st.

M: And how much is the course?

W: That's $300 and that includes the necessary computer time.

M: Uh-huh, OK. Um, where do I go to register?

W: Registration is on the 2nd and 3rd of September, between 6 p. m. and 9 p. m. , in Frost Auditorium.

M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot?

W: Yes, that's the one.

M: Oh, I know how to get there. Oh, is there anything I should bring with me?

W: No. Just your checkbook.

M: Well, thank you so much.

W: You are very welcome. Bye.

M: Bye-bye.


A.A pre-test is required.

B.A data-processing course is required.

C.A day course is required.

D.A college diploma is required.

听力原文:London in the 17th century was very attractive, like many European cities of the

听力原文: London in the 17th century was very attractive, like many European cities of the time. There was a beautiful cathedral, St. Paul's, and a magnificent Town Hall, the Guildhall. Also, there were many attractive churches and important buildings. There was one large bridge across the River Thames, and on the south side of the river there were one or two theatres, including Shakespeare's theatre, the Globe.

However, the majority of the half a million inhabitants of the city lived in small houses in narrow, dirty streets. There were no drains, so people threw their dirty water and rubbish onto the street. Because of this, there was a strong smell and there were many rats and flies. In 1665, there was a great plague in the city of London. At least 70,000 people died and many others left London and went into the country for several months. Then slowly the plague died away and people started to return from the country.

On September 2, 1666 at about three o'clock in the morning, a fire suddenly started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane. There was a strong wind and the fire spread quickly from one street to the next. The fire lasted for three days and destroyed 13,200 homes and 88 churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral, the Guildhall and many other important buildings. This was the end of the old city of London.


A.Near Town Hall.

B.In a narrow, dirty street.

C.Behind many attractive churches.

D.On the south side of the River Thames.

听力原文:The great acrobat, Blondin, was very famous in the 19th century. He used to walk

听力原文: The great acrobat, Blondin, was very famous in the 19th century. He used to walk on a tight-rope across the Niagara Falls. On September 8th, 1860, a crowd of about 300,000 people gathered at Niagara to watch.

Blondin carried a man across! Three men had offered to go with him, but they failed to appear, so Blondin asked his manager, Mr. Colcord, to climb on his back. Colcord agreed to do this so as not to disappoint the crowd, but he was terrified. The crossing was very difficult because Colcord was heavier than Blondin thought. After he had gone a short way, Blondin had to stop in order to rest. He asked Colcord to get down. At first Colcord refused, but at last he had to. He clung to Blondin's leg and the rope in order not to fall. Blondin had to stop six times during the crossing so as to rest. Sometimes the ropes swung as much as 40 feet! At last both men crossed safely. The crowd sighed with relief--and so did poor Mr. Colcord!


A.About 30,000.

B.Around 300,000.

C.Over 300,000.

D.More than 330,000.

听力原文:M: Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is Mark speaking.W: Hi. I'm

听力原文:M: Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is Mark speaking.

W: Hi. I'm calling to place a couple of ads.

M: Sure. Under what classification?

W: Well, I want one in the" Roommate Wanted" section.

M: All right. And bow would you like that to read.'?

W: Ok, it should read female roommate wanted for pleasant, sunny two bedroom apartment on Eliiewood Avenue, three blocks from campus. Share rent and utilities. Available September 1. Call between 5 and 9 P. M. and ask for Celilia.

M: Fine. And what about your other ad?

W: That one I'd like under "Merchandise for Sale", and I' d like it to read "Matching blue and white sofa and easy chair, excellent condition, $ 350 or best best. Call between 5 and 9 P.M. and ask for Cecilia." Did you get all that?

M: Uh- huh. You'll want your phone numbers on these, right?

W: Oh, sure. Thanks for reminding me — it's 555 - 6972.

M: And how long do you want these ads to run?

W: For a week, I suppose. How much would that be?

M: It's five dollars a week per line. Each of your ads will take up three lines, so that's $ 15 per ad.


A.At a newspaper.

B.At an advertising agency.

C.At a furniture store.

D.At a real estate office.

听力原文:M: Do you have many tourists in this town?W: We sure do. In June, July and August

听力原文:M: Do you have many tourists in this town?

W: We sure do. In June, July and August our population doubles. But from September to March it is normal.

Q: How is the number of tourists in summer?


A.It is smaller than in winter.

B.It is twice as large as usual.

C.It is average.

D.It is more than average.

听力原文:Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they can not

听力原文: Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they can not go to a regular school. How do they get an education?

In Hollywood, where many TV shows are made, about forty teachers give lessons for the children in the shows. They teach wherever their pupils are working.

The teacher's job is very important. She is responsible for making sure that the child works only in the permitted hours each week. She is also responsible for making sure that the child learns the required subjects. She makes sure, too, that the child gets enough rest and play, along with his education.

Child actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says that they must be taught from September to the middle of June. If they do not get good marks in school, they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows.

TV children are usually good pupils, and most of their teachers like this special kind of work. Their classes are held in many interesting places. Sometimes the "classroom" is a Mississippi riverboat. Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become famous stars.


A.Their parents accompany and teach them.

B.They go to a regular school.

C.Hollywood teachers give them lessons.

D.They get their education when they are not at work.

听力原文:M: You look so excited, what happened to you.W: I will go to Europe on business,

听力原文:M: You look so excited, what happened to you.

W: I will go to Europe on business, you know it's my fist time to get there.

M: When is it that you are leaving?

W: In just four weeks, and I am excited. But there are still some things I have to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, calling the travel agency to book my plane ticket and, what's more important, figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm not here.

M: You are not going to give it up, are you?

W: No way, I'll never find another apartment around here. But I don't like the idea of paying three months' rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: Perhaps you can rent it to others.

W: Yes, but whom to?

M: Let me see. Oh, I know just the person, a classmates of mine, Jim Tomas, is coming here to do

some research this autumn, from September to November.

W: That's exactly when I'll be away. That will be great, as long as the landlord agrees.

M: I'll be calling Jim late this week anyway, so I'1l tell him about it.

W: Well, thanks, Bill, let me know what happens. That extra money will really come in handy?


A.To renew her passport.

B.To make out the route.

C.To book the tickets.

D.To subtle his apartment.

听力原文:Bill is probably the world's unluckiest lover as well as one of the most persiste

听力原文: Bill is probably the world's unluckiest lover as well as one of the most persistent. His troubles began last September when he fell in love with Vivian at first sight.

At first, Bill. tried traditional methods. He sent her flowers and wrote her several letters and poems. She ignored them. Then Bill decided to try out the power of music. He bought a guitar and practiced hard for a whole month before playing outside her bedroom window one night. She poured a bucket of water over his head.

Yet, Bill was not the type to give up easily. He bought a ring and waited outside her house. When Vivian came out to go to work, Bill went down on his knees immediately and told Vivian he would not get up until she agreed to marry him. Vivian left him alone and went off to work.

All his attempts ended in vain and Bill decided to kill himself. The first idea that flashed into his mind was to throw himself in front of a train, but he fell between the rails and the train passed safely over him. Next he jumped in front of a bus, but the bus driver braked in time, and he only suffered some cuts and bruises. Then Bill promised to himself that he would never attempt to commit suicide again. Unfortunately, on his way home, he was struck dead by a falling flowerpot.


A.He fell in love with Vivian.

B.He began to practice guitar.

C.He was rejected by Vivian.

D.He decided to commit suicide.

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