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It’s good to talk abdut your probelms with your friends or parents ().

A.to you

B.for you

C.of you

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更多“ It’s good to talk abdut your …”相关的问题
Why does the speaker suggest encouraging others to talk about themselves?A.It's a good way

Why does the speaker suggest encouraging others to talk about themselves?

A.It's a good way to know each other.

B.People care nobody except themselves.

C.People are not interested in public affairs.

D.People care more about themselves.

—()— Why not stay for another cup of tea?

A.I'm afraid I'd better say goodby

B.See you.

C.It's good to talk with you.

D.I'm sorry I have no more tim


What does the remark of the writer's friend imply?A.Waiters are usually skillful at talkin

What does the remark of the writer's friend imply?

A.Waiters are usually skillful at talking with others.

B.We should spend more time talking with our families.

C.The good service of one culture may not suit people of another culture.

D.People regard waiter's talk as one part of service.

听力原文:W: Hey Dan. I hear you're meeting Susan's parents for the first time.M: Yeah, nex

听力原文:W: Hey Dan. I hear you're meeting Susan's parents for the first time.

M: Yeah, next weekend. Fortunately, her father loves to fish, so we will have something to talk about.

Q: What can be inferred 'about Dan?


A.He is going to give a talk on fishing.

B.He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.

C.He has the same hobby as Susan's father.

D.He is eager to meet Susan's parents.

听力原文:M: You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming. It's hard to find a good baby- sitter on
a Friday night.

W: I like watching kids, and I need the extra money. I'd like to talk to you about my new rate increases.

What does the woman mean?

A.She is asking for a higher pay.

B.She is introducing a new friend.

C.She is too busy.

D.She' s got some problems.

听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I hope I'm not disturbing your work.M: Not at all, Ma

听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I hope I'm not disturbing your work.

M: Not at all, Mary. Come in and take a seat. I'm always in my office before lunch.

W:I want to tell you that I have already started writing my paper and I'd like to discuss my topic with you.

M: Of course. What would you like to work on?

Why does the woman come to the man's office?

A.She wants to invite him to lunch.

B.She wants to talk to him about her paper.

C.She wants to talk to him about his work.

听力原文:M: I liked Mr Johnson's speech, it's exciting and humorous.W: So did I, but Mr Wh

听力原文:M: I liked Mr Johnson's speech, it's exciting and humorous.

W: So did I, but Mr White's talk was even better.

Q: What did the woman think of Mr Johnson's speech?


A.She didn't like it.

B.She thought it was better than Mr White's.

C.She thought it was not as good as Mr White's.

D.She thought it was as good as Mr White's.

听力原文:M: It's nice and quiet here, away from the dust and noise of the city. And our ap
artments are new and well furnished.

W: It's a good place except it is a bit far from the place where we work. Anyway, I'll talk with my husband tonight and give you a call tomorrow.

Q: What is the woman doing?


A.Looking for an apartment.

B.Taking a suburban excursion.

C.Asking the man for his opinions.

D.Looking for a job.

听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr Smith. I hope I'm not disturbing your work.M: Not at all, Mar

听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr Smith. I hope I'm not disturbing your work.

M: Not at all, Mary. Come in and take a seat. I'm always in my office before lunch.

W: I want to tell you that I have already started writing my paper and I'd like to discuss my topic with you.

M: Of course. What would you like to work on?

Why does the woman come to the man's office?

A.She wants to invite him to lunch.

B.She wants to talk to him about her paper.

C.She wants to talk to him about his work.

听力原文:Good afternoon! As you know, my name is Grate Porter, and I'm pleased to talk wit

听力原文: Good afternoon! As you know, my name is Grate Porter, and I'm pleased to talk with you about a subject that is near and dear to my head and my heart, listening skill. Your president tells me that this is important to you as well. I've been studying listening and training people to improve their listening skills for more than 20 years, For the next 30 minutes, I'd like toshare with you five important listening considerations that I believe will help you get along better with your customers and friends. With a hope that you'll be actively listening to me, I invite you to stop me at any time if you have any questions. I promise to listen to you, too.

What is the purpose of the woman's talk?

A.Encouraging people to ask questions

B.Giving an introduction to her speech.

C.Discussing problems in learning

听力原文: I met Susan at a dance about six months ago. We get along well together since we
like music, dancing, swimming, and tennis. But whenever I start to get serious about our relationship and try to discuss with her how she feels about me and whether we might consider marriage, she gets angry and refuses to talk about it. Usually, she says something like: "I am not the marrying kind" or" we are having too much fun to be serious." Besides all this, I don' t think that my parents like her very much. They think that she is not very intelligent.

Do you think I should continue to keep the relationship? Or should I forget her? We are both 22, but I am ready to settle down and establish a home. I have a good job as a salesman and by the time I am 24 I hope to have saved enough money to start my own business.

What is the main topic of the talk?

A.The relationship between the speaker and Susan.

B.The speaker' s arrangement of the speaker' s marriage ceremony.

C.The parents' opinion of Susan.

D.The speaker' s plan for the future.

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