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听力原文:M: I say, aren't you Gloria Partridge? We were at school together, I think.W: I'm

听力原文:M: I say, aren't you Gloria Partridge? We were at school together, I think.

W: I'm Gloria Partridge all right. But who are you?

M: Don't you remember me? I'm Dennis Nightingale. I'm the fellow who sat at the back and always gave the wrong answers.

W: Now I remember you. You were captain of the school football team.

M: But this is really a surprise. It must he five years since we last met in London, wasn't it? And now to nm into each other in Paris! DO you come here often?

W: It's my first visiting, I’m on my honeymoon. Meet my husband, Forest.

M: So you are married. How very nice to meet you, Forest! Is it your first visit to Paris, too?

W: Forest speakers no English. He comes from a small Italian village.

M: Don't tell me that you went wandering around small Italian villages before you made the acquaintance of Forest.

W: We met in London. Forest was at a language school there.

M: And how much Italian do you speak? As far as I remember, you weren't particularly good at languages at school.

W: Not a word.

M: So you don't speak Italian and Forest doesn't speak English. How on earth did you manage to get married?

W: Looking back, I've no idea. But at least we haven't quarreled yet.


A.Husband and wife.

B.Old classmates.

C.Desk mates.

D.Members of the school football team.

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更多“听力原文:M: I say, aren't you Glor…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hotel rooms along the beach must be really expensive,M: Not now. As far as I k

听力原文:W: Hotel rooms along the beach must be really expensive,

M: Not now. As far as I know, they are dirt cheap during the off season.

Q: What does the man say about hotel rooms?


A.They haven't been cleaned.

B.There aren't any available.

C.They are always expensive,

D.They are inexpensive now.

听力原文:W: Tom and I are having a party next week. We wondered if you and Jill would be f
ree to join us.

M: Sounds great, but I'd better talk to Jill before we say yes.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He'd like to reschedule the party.

B.He and Jill aren't free next week.

C.He's not sure if Jill is available on Friday.

D.He doesn't know what to bring to the party.

听力原文:M: Come in! Come in! What can I do for you?W: Prof. Donner, are you giving your a

听力原文:M: Come in! Come in! What can I do for you?

W: Prof. Donner, are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester?

M: Yes, I' m planning on it.

W: I wonder if I could enroll in it. I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but...

M: Aren't you a bit young? I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up.

W: I know, but the geology of the American West is my favourite interest and I've done a lot of reading in the field. Last semester I took Prof. Burman's course and I didn't find it nearly challenging enough.

M: I see. You certainly aren't one of those students who are out for easy grades.

W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.

M: Well, I'll speak to Prof. Burman. If he thinks you're ready, I'll let you enroll.

W. Oh, thanks, Professor Donner, that's really very nice of you.

Why did the woman talk to the professor?

A.She wants him to recommend books.

B.She wants to apply to graduate schools.

C.She wants to take an advanced course.

D.She wants him to give her a good grade.

听力原文:M: Come in, please. What can I do for you?W: Professor Donner, are you giving you

听力原文:M: Come in, please. What can I do for you?

W: Professor Donner, are you giving your Advanced Geology course next semester?

M: Yes, I'm planning on it.

W: Could I be enrolled in it? I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but ...

M: Aren't you a bit young? I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up.

W: I know. But the geology of the American West is my favorite interest and I've done a lot of reading in the field. Last semester I took Professor Burman's course and I didn't find it really challenging enough.

M: I see. You certainly aren't one of those students who are out for easy grades.

W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.

M: Well, I'll speak to Professor Burman. If he thinks you're ready, I'll let you enroll.

W: Oh, thanks. That's really very kind of you.

Why did the woman talk to the professor?

A.She wants him to recommend books.

B.She wants to apply to graduate study.

C.She wants to take an advanced course.

D.She wants him to give her a good grade.

听力原文:M: Come in, come in! Can I help you?W: Professor Turner, are you giving your Adva

听力原文:M: Come in, come in! Can I help you?

W: Professor Turner, are you giving your Advanced Geology course again next semester?

M: Yes.

W: I wonder if I could enroll in it, I know it's a graduate course and I' m only a junior, but. . .

M: Aren't you a bit young? I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time to keep up.

W: I know, but the geology of the American West is my favorite interest and I've read a lot in the field. Last semester I took Professor Burman's course and I didn't find it challenging enough.

M: I see. You certainly aren't one of those students who are out for easy grades.

W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.

M: Well, I'll speak to Professor Burman, if he thinks you' re ready, I'll let you enroll.

W: Oh, thanks. Prof. Turner, that's very nice of you.

Why does the woman talk to the professor?

A.She wants him to recommend books.

B.She wants to apply to graduate schools.

C.She wants to take an advanced course.

D.She wants him to give her a good grade.

听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.W: I think so to

听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.

W: I think so too. Isn' t it strange how you cart sense it.

M: I know what you mean.

W: Look at the clouds in the sky. Whenever they seem dark and law like this, you know it' s going to rain. Or look at an object that' s far away. If it seems clear to you, it probably going to pour.

M: Yes, and every thing seems to have a stronger smell to me then.

W: I know, and people often say it' s going to rain when they have aches and pains in certain parts of their body.

M: mother always complains that her knee hurts just before a storm.

M: And have you ever noticed how the animals act before a storm?

W: Sure. Horses and cows always seem to go to a protective area and huddle together.

M: Yeah, but with always the sensible things, how come we aren't carrying an umbrella with us now.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.How to treat minor aches and pains.

B.How to sharpen the senses.

C.How to predict the weather.

D.How to select a good umbrella.

听力原文:W: Exercise, exercise, exercise, we hear so much about it these days that even th
e experts can't agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

M: Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat or flabby?

W: Actually, that's not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.

M: But don't arm exercises raise your blood pressure?

W: That they do. But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.

M: How?

W: By adding leg exercise so the arms don't do all the work. Arm exercises alone aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. The more of a body that involves in the exercise, the better.

W: Sounds right to me.

M: So, what exercises do the experts recommend?

W: They mentioned quite a few. But some of the more popular ones are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs, and walking vigorously while wearing arms weights.

M: I must try that. I like to walk a lot.


A.They don't get rid of flabby arms.

B.They can damage arm muscles.

C.They aren't acceptable to most people.

D.They can raise one's blood pressure.

听力原文:M: Come in! Come in! What can I do for you? W: Prof. Donner, are you giving your
Advanced Geology course again next semester?

M: Yes, I'm planning on it.

W: I wonder if I could enroll in it. I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but...

M: Aren't you a bit young? I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard timekeeping up.

W: I know, but the geology of the American West is my favorite interest and I've done a lot of reading in the field. Last semester I took Prof. Burman's course and I didn't find it challenging enough.

M: I see. You certainly aren't one of those students who are out for easy grades.

W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.

M: Well, I'll speak to Prof. Burman. If he thinks you're ready, I'll let you enroll.

W: Oh, thanks. Professor Donner, that's really very nice of you.

Why did the woman talk to the professor?

A.She wants to apply to graduate schools.

B.She wants him to recommend books.

C.She Wants to take an advanced course.

D.She wants him to give her a good grade.

听力原文:W: Exercise, exercise, exercise. We hear so much about it these days, yet even th
e experts can't agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

M: Arm exercises.'? Is that because our arms are too fat or flabby?

W: Actually, that's not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.

M: But (19)don't arm exercises raise your blood pressure?

W: That they do. (20) But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.

M : How?

W: By adding leg exercises, so the arms don't do all the work. Ann exercises alone aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. (2l)The more of the body that's involved in the exercise, the better.

M: And in turn, I'm sure that there's a greater chance of losing weight.

W: Sounds right to me.

M: So what exercises do the experts recommend?

W: They mentioned quite a few but some of the more popular ones (22)are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs, and walking vigorously while you wear arm weights.

M: I must try. that, I like to walk a lot.


A.They don't get rid of flabby arms.

B.They can damage arm muscles.

C.They aren't acceptable to most people.

D.They can raise one's blood pressure.

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?M: Do

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?

M: Don't you know, most of the residents in Packer Hall are going to try to walk the seven miles from the engineering library, across campus and down to city hall, in an effort to raise money for the new children's hospital.

W: Sounds like a good idea. But I don't understand where the money comes from.

M: Well, a few days before the walkathon, each participant goes around asking people to pledge just a certain amount of money for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event. Then after the walkathon's over, the participants go back to those same people, collect the money pledged and send it into the hospital.

W: So you mean if someone pledges, say, a dollar a mile, and you walk five miles, you get five dollars?

M: That's right. Of course, most of my friends aren't such big spenders, the biggest pledge I've gotten so far is 25 cents a mile.

W: And how many people have made pledges for you?

M: Eleven so far. Say, how about making it an even dozen?

W: Sure, if you do the same for me. The walkathon sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sport shoes.

M: You are definitely warm-hearted.

W: You bet. And I ten you, I am also a good walker.

M: Hope to see you in the walkathon.

W: I will be there.

Who are going to be in the walkathon?


A.Hospital staff only.

B.Many Packer Hall residents.

C.Many officials.

D.The art students.

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