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听力原文:W: Hi, what can I do for you, please?M: I'd like to have my ticket rerouted, Is t

听力原文:W: Hi, what can I do for you, please?

M: I'd like to have my ticket rerouted, Is this the right counter?

Q: What does the man want to do?


A.To return the ticket.

B.To book the ticket.

C.To check the ticket.

D.To change the ticket.

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更多“听力原文:W: Hi, what can I do for …”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hi, Linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university?W: W

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university?

W: Where did you get an idea like that?

What can be concluded about Linda?

A.She likes teaching very much.

B.She has no desire to teach.

C.She doesn't know what she will do after graduation.

D.She is already a teacher.

听力原文:W:Hi! The map says the stadium is right here.But it is a dormitory building.M:Tha

听力原文:W:Hi! The map says the stadium is right here.But it is a dormitory building.

M:That is because you get to the wrong direction.And you can follow me;I'm going that way myself.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He will lead the women to the stadium.

B.He showed the wrong direction to the woman.

C.He knows well how to read the map.

D.He lives in the dormitory building.

听力原文:M: Hi, Julia. Are you dreaming?W: No, I' m thinking about evening classes.M: Even

听力原文:M: Hi, Julia. Are you dreaming?

W: No, I' m thinking about evening classes.

M: Evening classes? Why?

W: Because I' m going to study computers. I cannot be a good secretary if I can not use the computer well enough.

What is Julia probably going to do?

A.To dream.

B.To attend evening classes.

C.To be a secretary.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. We are going to have a party this Sunday. Would you like to join us?

W: I'd love to. But I have to prepare for the test next week.

What does the woman mean?

A.She will have a trip on Saturday.

B.She can go with them this weekend.

C.She can't go with them on Sunday.

听力原文:W: Hi, I'm calling about the three-bedroom house you sell in yesterday's paper. C
an you give me more details?

M: Of course.

What do we learn from the conversation?

A.They are talking about nice children.

B.The man has a house for sale.

C.The man has a three-bedroom house for the children.

听力原文:W: Hi, David, how's your project going?M: Oh, just so so. You know, it seems less

听力原文:W: Hi, David, how's your project going?

M: Oh, just so so. You know, it seems less difficult to get financial support for the project than to get trained men.

Q: What do we know about the man's project?


A.He is in need of qualified staff.

B.He is doing quite well with it.

C.He has money problem now.

D.He can not carry it on any more.

听力原文:M: Hi, Clara. I'd like to invite you to a party. Can you come?W: Well, it depends

听力原文:M: Hi, Clara. I'd like to invite you to a party. Can you come?

W: Well, it depends. When is it?

M: This Saturday evening.

W: All right. I'll certainly come, but I'll bring a present. Something for you. What would you like?

M: Nothing. I mean don't bring anything. It's not necessary.

W: But I'd still like...

M: Just bring yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. It's been a long time.

W: Yes, it has. I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

When will the man have a party?

A.Next Sunday evening.

B.Next Saturday evening.

C.This Saturday evening.

听力原文:M: Hi, Annie! You are looking better. It's nice to have you back.W: Thanks. I jus

听力原文:M: Hi, Annie! You are looking better. It's nice to have you back.

W: Thanks. I just hope I can catch up on all the work I've missed.

Q: What does Annie mean?


A.She missed her friends.

B.She thinks she's catching another cold.

C.She likes tomato sauce on everything she eats.

D.She has a lot of work to make up.

听力原文:W: Hi, Mike, what do you think of the presentation? I thought it was really excel

M: I just couldn't get interested in it, and I didn't really pay attention to what the speaker was saying.

W: Really? It was so clear apart from anything else. All those figures can't be really confusing.

Q: What was the man's opinion of the presentation?


A.He thought it was good.

B.He was bored.

C.He found it confusing.

D.He found the figures were dear.

听力原文:M: Hi, I have a map of the campus, but I still can' t find the building with the
new sculpture exhibit in it. Can you tell me how to get there?

W: That was because it's an old map. Follow me, I'm going that way myself.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She has already seen the exhibit.

B.She will help the man read the map.

C.She knows where to get a map.

D.She will help the man find the exhibit.

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