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[<center><strong>The packing</strong></center] The function of packing mainly

[<center><strong>The packing</strong></center]

The function of packing mainly shows as follows : packing can be used to protect the goods and keep them as good and complete as they are shipped in the circulation field; packing makes it convenient for stoiing, taking care of, transporting, loading, unloading the goods;strong packing can prevent the goods from being stolen and damaged; reasonable packing can lessen shipping space and save freight. Marketing packing makes it convenient for consumers to select, carry, or use the goods. Marketing packing can also beautify the commodity, attract consumers, expand sales and increase the gains on foreign exchange. In addition to all those mentioned above, packing of the goods, in a sense,incarnates the level of a country's economic construction, science and technology, culture and art, etc.

In order to satisfy the rapid development of our foreign trade,we should grasp the latest achievement of packing science, do well in our export trade, and try to make our packing more scientific, economical, strong, merchantable, and pleasing to the eyes, and do our utmost to increase the foreign exchange eamings. So the following points should be complied with.

We should greatly strengthen the research into packing materials, packing contains and packing methods, in which we should not only attach importance to many years' experience in our packing work but also earnestly study the advanced experience of foreign countries, and start from the reality of our country to continuously improve our commodity packing work.

We should carefully study the packing characteristics, developing tendency and relative packing regulations and decrees in intemational markets so as to make the packing of our export commodity adapted to marketing requirements and consumption habits. Especially we should pay close attention to the needs for our packaging decorations of the goods in foreign supermarkets, and the reasonable stipulations on packing of import countries , thus increasing our commodity sales.

We should strengthen the study of the design for packaging decorations, improve packing techniques, blaze new trails, and continuously increase the artistic level of packing.

We should realize the standardization of our exporting commodity packing and unification of materials, specifications, capacities, standards and sealing methods, only in this way can it be easy to measure,identify,load,unload and transport the goods, so as to promote the smooth fulfillment of business.

On possible conditions, we should properly make acquisition of advanced technology from abroad to help produce the high level and advanced packing materials which we can not make by our technology process,in order to meet the requirements of the international market for high level packaging materials.

Specifically speaking, we should study the packing from both protective and promotional aspects. This kind of product production needed in one market may differ from that needed elsewhere. A hot, humid climate probably requires a package different from that needed in a cooler, drier area. The kind of transportation and ways of handling the product can also dictate package differences. Stronger protection must be built into package if it will be subjected to bad roads, long distances and frequent or rough handling. Long and slow distribution channels also increase the demands on the package. If one market has a three-month cycle of production to final consumption and another market has a six-month cycle , the latter market probably will require a more durable and expensive package. This is especially true if the market with a slow distribution cycle also has bad transportation and other conditions punishing to packages, as is frequently the case. For the reason the poorer countries may require more expensive packaging in spite of' their lower purchasing power. In addition to these conditions within the channel,the way the final buyer uses the product will also affect the package. If the buyer has a slow usage rate and lacks appropriate storage facilities,the demands on the package are increased.

Promotional aspects of packaging, those attributes which help persuade channel members to handle the product and consumers to buy it, often vary among markets, too. Channel members want minimum breakage and theft , plus ease of handling. The retailer is concemed about shelf storage and display. A country with a large number of very small retail outlets may want a package different from the one desired by a country where self- service supermarkets are popular. Because of shopping habit and retail structure, most of the detergent sold in France , Germany , and Spain is packed in three-and-one-half kilogram round drum.

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Strong families need ______ as a caring center to promote sharing, love and compassion for
each other.

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A.it can withstand earthquakes and strong winds

B.it is safely guarded

C.it has a modem-day moat

D.it is tall and huge

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We can feel things are heavy because ______.

A.weight is a fixed quality in an object

B.they are far away from the center of the earth

C.of the earth's strong attraction for them

D.they are not taken away from the surface of the earth

According to the passage, tornadoes can destroy buildings because the ______.A.force of to

According to the passage, tornadoes can destroy buildings because the ______.

A.force of tornado increases the air pressure in a building

B.air pressure at the center of a tornado is as strong as over 172,000, pounds

C.weight of a tornado can crush a building's roof when it passes overhead

D.air pressure inside a tornado is less than air pressure inside a building

听力原文:Thousands of persons die each year after eating or drinking poisonous substances.

听力原文: Thousands of persons die each year after eating or drinking poisonous substances. Experts say most accidental poisonings happen at or near the home. And most are caused by substances we commonly use at home: medical supplies, insect poisons or cleaning fluids. There are several common signs of poisoning. A sudden feeling of pain or sickness. Bums in the area of the mouth. Or an unusual smell coming from a person's mouth.

Health experts generally advise poison victims to drink water or milk. But never give liquids to someone who is not awake or to those having a violent reaction to the poison. Next, seek help from professional medical experts. Save the material expelled from the mouth for doctors to examine. Save the container of the suspected poison to answer questions the doctors may have. The container may also describe a substance that halts the poison's effects. Use this substance without delay.

Health experts say vomiting sometimes may be started if medical advice is delayed. But vomiting should be used only when it is known the victim took too much of what is called a general poison, such as a medicine. The experts suggest never cause vomiting if the victim was poisoned by a petroleum product or by a substance that was a strong acid or strong alkali. These victims should be taken to a medical center as soon as possible.


A.Cleaning fluids.


C.Unusual smell.


Watercolor is the oldest painting medium known. It dates back to the early cave dwellers '
who discovered they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the walls of caves by mixing the natural colors found in the earth with water.

Fresco, one of the greatest of all art forms, is done with watercolor. It is created by mixing pigments and water and applying these to wet plaster. Of the thousands of people who stand under Michelangelo's heroic ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, very few are aware that they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolor painting in the world.

The invention of oil painting by the Flemish masters in the fifteenth century led to a decline in fresco painting, and for the next several centuries watercolor was used mainly as a medium for doing preliminary sketches or as a tool for study. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters reinstated watercolor as a serious art form. The English have a notorious love for the outdoors and also great fondness for small, intimate pictures. The subdued tones of watercolor had a remarkably strong appeal for them.

The popularity of watercolor continued to grow until in the twentieth century the United States passed England as the center for watercolor, producing such well - known watercolor artists as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.

What is the main theme of the passage?

A.The decline of fresco painting.

B.The predominance of oils over watercolor.

C.The rediscovery of watercolor in England.

D.The origin and development of watercolor.

Secrets of Strong FamiliesA group of American marriage and family counselors once placed a

Secrets of Strong Families

A group of American marriage and family counselors once placed a brief notice in four dozen newspapers in 25 states. "If you live in a strong family, please contact us.We know a lot about what makes families fail; we need to know more about what make them succeed. " Letters poured in. Then a questionnaire was mailed to each family who responded and more than 3000 families participated. one of the most surprising things to emerge is that six key qualities for making a strong, family function were mentioned time and again by many families. Those qualities are:


Crucial to any family% success is an investment of time, energy, spirit and heart, an investment otherwise known as commitment. The family comes first. Family members are dedicated to promoting each other's welfare and happiness-and they expect the family to endure. For strong families, commitment and sexual fidelity (忠诚) are so closely linked that an extramarital affair (婚外变) is regarded as the ultimate threat to a marriage. "An affair does terrible things to your partner's self-esteem, "one woman wrote. "ft says, 'you are replaceable." Some families have seen commitment eroded by a more subtle enemy-work, and its demand on time, attention and energy.

Time Together

When 1500 children were asked "What do you think makes a happy family?", they didn't list money, cars, or fine homes. They replied: doing things together. Members of strong families agree. They spend lots of time together-working, playing, attending religious services, and eating meals together. What you do isn't as important, they say, as doing it. What about quality versus quantity of time? Strong families realize the time they spend together needs to be good time. It also needs to be sufficient; quality interaction isn't likely to develop in a few minutes together. A working mother wrote, "To excuse myself for spending so little time with my daughter by saying, 'It was only 15 minutes, but it was high quality, ' is a cop-out."


Feeling appreciated by others is one of the most basic of human needs. Questionnaires and interviews showed that the quantity of appreciation family members expressed to one another was even greater than anticipated. One mother wrote.. "Each night we go into the children's bedrooms and give each a big hug and kiss. Then we say, 'you are really good kids and we love you very much, ' We think it is important to leave that message with them at the end of that day. "A wife said "when my husband comes home he says, 'I see you've been busy with boys today and you got your hair cut and did the marketing. ' He doesn't mention the weedy garden. And when he comes in disappointed over a sale he missed, I remind him of the three he made last week. We've conditioned ourselves to look at what we have rather than what we lack. ”


Psychologists know that good communication helps to create a sense of belonging, and ease frustration as well as full-blown crises. Strong families emphasize that good communication does not necessarily happen; it takes time and practice. Good communication means clearing up misunderstandings. Strong families work at explaining one an other's messages. A new Mexico husband wrote: "My wife would say, 'Are there any good movies downtown?' and she'd mean, 'I'd like to go to a movie'. I'd answer the question literally, by telling what was playing. Rarely did I suggest going to a show. Then I'd be surprised when she was unhappy. Eventually we figured this pattern out. She is better now about saying 'I'd like to… ' instead of hinting, and I'm better about checking to be sure I understand what she really means."

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness was defined by strong families as a caring center within each of us that promotes sharing, love and compassio




A hurricane (飓风) is a powerful, rotating storm that forms over warm oceans near the equa

A hurricane (飓风) is a powerful, rotating storm that forms over warm oceans near the equator. Hurricanes have strong, rotating winds, a huge amount of rain, low air【C1】______, thunder and lightning.

Hurricane winds【C2】______ in a counterclockwise spiral (螺旋状) around the calm, roughly【C3】______ center called the eye. in the eye,【C4】______ is roughly 20 to 30 miles wide, it is relatively calm and there is【C5】______ or no rain. The eye is the warmest part of the storm. Surrounding the eye is the eyewall, a wall of thunderclouds. The eyewall has the most rain and the strongest winds of the storm.【C6】______ rotating with wind speeds of at least 74 mph, a hurricane travels【C7】______ slowly across the ocean or land, usually【C8】______ about 20 to 25 mph. Long spiral rainbands (bands of rain clouds)【C9】______ to spiral inward to the eyewall. Hurricanes can be hundreds of miles【C10】______.

If this type of storm【C11】______ in the western Pacific Ocean, it is called a typhoon.

The exact location of a hurricane is easily【C12】______ by scientists, using satellite photos and radar.【C13】______ the direction, speed, and【C14】______ of a storm can change quickly,【C15】______ exactly where a storm will travel in the future is not easy.

Hurricanes can travel from the ocean to the coast and on to land,【C16】______ the wind, rain, and huge waves may cause extensive【C17】______. Generally, when a hurricane moves over land (or over cold ocean waters), the storm begins to【C18】______ and quickly【C19】______ because the storm is【C20】______ by warm water.






根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 In the 1960s the West Coast became an important center

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

In the 1960s the West Coast became an important center for rock music. Los Angeles and Southern California are famous for sunshine and surfing. There, a quieter kind of rock called surf rock became famous. The Beach Boys sang songs like "Surfin' U. S. A. "," California Girls" and "Fun, Fun, Fun". These songs made people dream about the good life in California.

San Francisco was a center for young people and rock music in the late 1960s. This was thetime of the Vietnam War, student protest, hippies, and drugs. Hippies talked about love and peace.They wore brightly colored clothes and had long hair. They listened to rock and folk-rock music.

Drugs were a serious problem during that time. The deaths of three young rock stars, Janis Jopling, Jim Morrison and the great guitar player Jimi Hendrix were all related to drugs.

Not all of the rock musicians came from California or the U. S. A.. That was the time of the great British rock groups like the Beatles and the Roiling Stones. British rock musicians had a very important place in the rock music of the 1960s in America.

Another kind of softer rock music was created by the singers. Singers like Joni Mitchell and James Taylor wrote their own lyrics and their own music. Their songs were about love and friendship, good and bad times.

In the 1960s big rock concerts were very welcomed by everyone. The most famous concert was Woodstock. In 1969 in New York State, a million young people came together to hear the rock stars. This peaceful Woodstock concert was the most important musical event of the 1960s.

After World War II a great number of black people moved from the South to the big industrial cities like New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Many black people lived in poor parts of the city such as Harlem in New York. Musicians wrote and sang about life in the big cities. Life was difficult but music and dancing made it a little easier.

Popular black music had a strong beat for dancing. At first this music was called rhythm and blues. The 1960s called it soul.

In Detroit, a black musician named Berry Gordy set up an all black record company. It was called Motown. Motown or motor town is another name for Detroit, where cars are made. Most of the famous soul musicians like the Supremes, the Temptations, and the Jackson Five recorded with Motown.

第 26 题 Where in the United States did pop music first emerge?

A.The West.

B.New York.

C.The South.

D.San Francisco.

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