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Some of the employees in the company are () to work at flexible hours.





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更多“Some of the employees in the c…”相关的问题
What are some problems that could be associate with employee whistle-blowing for (a) the whistle blower and (b) the organization?
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What might be some early warming signs of: (a)a newt competitor coming into your market; (b)an employee work stoppage; or (c)a new technology that could change demand for your product?
What might be some early warming signs of: (a)a newt competitor coming into your market; (b)an employee work stoppage; or (c)a new technology that could change demand for your product?

The author implies that which of the following is characteristic of many employee health i
nsurance plans?

A.They cover all the common medical conditions affecting men, but only some of those affecting women.

B.They lack the special provisions for women workers that proposed special labor laws for women would provide.

C.They pay the medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth only for the spouses of male employees , not for female employees.

D.They meet minimum legal requirements, but do not adequately safeguard the health of either male or female employees.

It is quite common for a company to recruit new employees. When a company seeks to fill a
vacant job, it may advertise the【C1】______, promote someone from【C2】______, or ask an outside employment agency to send applicants, After interviewing, checking references, and perhaps【C3】______a few tests, the company selects【C4】______employee from among the applicants. The new worker will usually【C5】______some training. Large companies find【C6】______necessary to develop ways of【C7】______evaluating the performance of workers; they usually devise objective【C8】______for measuring the quality and quantity of work and consider【C9】______in addition to the supervisors' impressions.

Most Workers are paid by the hour or by the day. In some industries, however, the【C10】______speed can be controlled by the individual, and【C11】______is based on "piece rates". The【C12】______type of piece rate is a specific amount of money for each item produced, but most incentive(激励的) system are more【C13】______. For example, an employee may received a standard base rate【C14】______additional pay for items produced over a given【C15】______. The rate of extra pay may vary,【C16】______ with each subsequent item produced.【C17】______the worker may receive a bonus for the amount of time saved in performing a【C18】______. Developing a satisfactory incentive system requires that trained experts determine【C19】______workers can reasonably be expected to produce and what【C20】______be considered fair rates of pay for producing different amounts.






Evaluating employee performance is a key area of management skills. The challenge is to gi
ve the employees an accurate picture of their accomplishments, and of the areas in which they need to improve. Both are important, accomplishments because they give the employee a sense of pride in the work and a basis on which to build future achievements, and areas for improvement, because they give the employee some goal to reach for.

Often, employees fear that the evaluation will be a negative experience, This fear alone can result in defensiveness and tension, Tile manager must take pains to lessen the employees fear and make the evaluation a participatory(参与的)event. An employee who contributes ideas to his or her evaluation will be much more likely to agree with the outcome and be willing to follow the suggestions.

The employee evaluation system is to improve employee performance. While area8 needing improvement must be reviewed, this should always be done in the spirit of discovering goals the employee can work toward. This holds true for reviewing successes as well. While praise for past achievements may be used as a reward, at the time of the evaluation, the primary reason to look at the persons success is to determine areas in which he or she can continue to excel(擅长).

Perhaps the most effective way to make the evaluation a participatory event is to ask the employee to come prepared to the meeting. The employer and employee each should carefully review the job description prior to the evaluation meeting and should make notes on areas in which the employee had difficulty or has made a contribution. It is important that these notes be specific; "Does a good job" is not nearly as meaningful as "Increased productivity(生产率)by 35%".

Both parties should also draw up a short list of goals for the employee to achieve during the next evaluation period. Ideally, these goals should build upon the known strengths and successes of the employee. However, areas needing improvement must also be addressed.

According to the passage, employees being evaluated _________.

A.are often those who have newly obtained the job

B.often feel fearful and anxious

C.often have the feeling of being looked down upon

D.are often proud and confident

What do you do when you lie in bed in the morning, feeling slight sick? On one hand, you k

What do you do when you lie in bed in the morning, feeling

slight sick? On one hand, you know you are not very ill, but on the 【M1】 ______.

other hand, you do feel as well as you usually do. Do you go to 【M2】 ______.

school or stay at home for the rest of the day?

One doctor who has studied the problem of absenteeism from

school and work say that the people who stay at home are not 【M3】 ______.

necessarily sicker than those who go to school or work. He says that

people's perceptions of sick illness differ greatly. Two people may 【M4】 ______.

bear from the same degree of sickness but one may decide to go to 【M5】 ______.

work and the other to stay at home.

Of course, certain people will stay at home at the slightest

excuse. Once a employee apologized for not coming to work because 【M6】 ______.

he had sprained his finger when he put a disk into his computer!

Another had attacked by a shark in lake! Some people even stay 【M7】 ______.

away because they are feeling "mentally unwell." Many reasons of 【M8】 ______.

absences are so vague as to be meaningless. When a man employee 【M9】 ______.

stays off work because of "female questions," for example, no male 【M10】 ______.

boss dare to ask what those problems are.


根据以下材料,回答题The iPad(1) The iPad is a tablet computer (平板电脑) designed and devel


The iPad

(1) The iPad is a tablet computer (平板电脑) designed and developed byApple. It is particularly marketed as a platform. for audio and visual media such as books, periodicals (期刊), movies,music, and games, as well as web content. At about 1.5 pounds (680 grams), its size and weight are between those of most contemporary smart phones and laptop computers. Apple released the iPad in April 2010, and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days.

(2) The iPad runs the same operating system as iPod Touch and iPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for iPhone. Without modification, it will only run programs approved by Apple and distributed via its online store.

(3) Like iPhone and iPod Touch, the iPad is controlled by a multi-touch display——a break from most previous tablet computers, which uses a pressure-triggered stylus (触控笔) . The iPad uses a Wi-Fi data connection to browse (浏览) the Internet, load and stream media, and install software. Some models also have a 3G wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3G data networks. The device is managed and synchronized (同步 ) by iTunes on a personal computer via USB cable.

(4) An iPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and interesting things. There are lots of iPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate. Some of these are how to use social networking sites and other online options.One of the most common uses is for e-mail services, iPad applications like Markdown Mail allow the adoption of specific and particular options. They enable the owner to personalize their e-mail accounts.

(5) While the iPad is mostly used by consumers, it also has been taken up by business users.Some companies are adopting iPads in their business offices by distributing or making available iPads to employees. Examples of uses in the workplace include lawyers responding to clients, medical professionals accessing health records during patient exams and managers approving employee requests. A survey by Frost & Sullivan shows that iPad usage in workplaces is linked to the goals of increased employee productivity, reduced paperwork, and increased revenue.

Paragraph 2 __________ 查看材料

A.Online stores

B.Differences from iPhone

C.Display and data connection

D.Business usage

E.Features and applications

F.Operating system

听力原文:Last week we discussed the problem of rising prices, or, in the economist's terms

听力原文: Last week we discussed the problem of rising prices, or, in the economist's terms, inflation. We noted that, during periods of inflation, all prices and incomes do not rise at the same rate. Some incomes rise more slowly than the cost of living, and a few do not rise at all. Other incomes rise more rapidly than the cost of living.

We concluded that persons with fixed incomes as, for example, the elderly who depend upon pensions, and persons with slow-rising incomes as, for example, an employee with a salary agreed to in a long-term contract, will be most seriously affected by inflation. Please recall that while their dollar incomes stay the same, the cost of goods and services rises, and in effect, real income decreases; that is, they are able to purchase less with the same amount of money. We also talked about the fact that stockholders and persons with business interests and investments would probably benefit most from inflation, since high prices would increase sales receipts, and profits would likely rise faster than the cost of living.

And now, before we begin today's lecture, are there any questions about the term "inflation"?


A.To introduce the concept of inflation.

B.To discuss the causes of inflation.

C.To review last week's lesson on inflation.

D.To argue in favor of inflation.

回答题When companies consider their benefits mix.coverage for medical care is often top.of
-mind.Yet there may be another,even more powerful concern driving employee coverage preferences:vision care.Roughly 75%of adults in the United States require some type of vision correction.and 84 percent of adults believe that vision benefits are somewhat or very important to them.As a result.vision assistance is moving higher and higher on the list of sought.after employee benefits. What’s driving the trend?One factor is the increasing power of eye examinations to detect systemic illness.In addition to identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism,routine eye exanls now play a role in diagnosing conditions such as diabetes,brain aneurysms(脑动脉瘤),liver disease and stroke risk. Early identification,in turn,translates into markedly lower expenditures for employers.In 2014,eye problems will cost companies an estimated$8 billion in reduced productivity.Making sure employees get the right eye care helps employers reduce these losses.At the same time,it boosts their ability to retain loyal workers. So what’s the best way to get patients into the exam chair?One way is to provide a vision plan that lowers out-of-pocket(自已付费的)expenses.Indeed,research shows that out-of-pocket expense——not premiums——is the number-one factor employees consider when choosing a-vision plan.“And that’s just smart.”says independent insurance broker Shannon Enders.“Premiums make up only about 30 percent of total out.of-pocket expenses.So it pays to100k beyond the premium and see the real cost of a plan.”A study conducted by Service Excellence Group Inc.,a leading market research company,shows how the right vision insurance plan can result in across—the-board(全面的)savings for employees.The study compared the prices customers with different insurance plans paid for the same popular pair of eyeglasses at independent doctors and retail chains.It found that customers with insurance plans that were most successful at keeping out-of-pocket expenses low saved hundreds of dollars. With eyeglasses becoming as much of a fashion accessory(装饰品)as a vision aid,forward-thinking companies are beginning to take note.Enders says more of his clients are saying yes to vision care plans.“Employees care about their eyes,”he says.“And offering benefits packages with the features employees care most about will become an even more important corporate strategy going forward.”

What is the meaning of the last sentence of paragraph one?

A.Vision assistance is listed on the list of popular worker interests.

B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees。

C.Vision assistance is considered as one of the employee benefits.

D.Vision assistance is the top concern of the employees.

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four ch
oices marked A), B), C), D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Although Henry Ford's name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered67 even by today's standards.Safety 68 were improved, and the work day was 69 to eight hours, compared with the ten-or-twelve-hour day common at the time.In order to accommodate the shorter work day,the 70 factory was converted from two to three 71 .

72 , sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured 73 the job were instituted. The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a 74 school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants. Some 75 were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts(服刑囚犯).

The most 76 acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was 77in order to recruit and 78 the best mechanics and to 79 the growth of labor unions. Ford explained the new wage policy in 80 of efficiency and profit sharing. He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced-in effect 81 a market for the product. In order to quality for the minimum wage, an employee had to establish a decent home and 82 good personal habits,including sobriety,thriftiness,industriousness,and dependability.83 some criticism was directed at Ford for involving himself too much in the 84 lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken 85 of in frightful ways, Henry Ford was helping many people to 86 themselves in America.


A. advanced

B. appropriate

C. accessible

D. acute

根据下列材料,请回答: Just because youre the boss, doesnt mean you are right every time. I
t doesnt mean you have ! he best ideas. Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason. Use 26 to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite 27, but you will also get an opportunity to improve. My friends boss 28 by tying up with an event management company. The whole purpose of the tie-up was to promote his company but it failed miserably. Instead of 29 his idea and carrying on as if nothing happened, he 30 to the team for not including them in the decision-making. Its OK to admit you were wrong. You will gain the 31 of your team mates, and you will also gain trust. Remember the time when you worked really hard but 32. Not even a thank you. It hurts when your efforts are not 33. So every chance you get to praise someone, do it. A simple, "That was some great work, and keep it up," can go a long way in making the employee feel great and 34 about himself. A compliment (称赞) can have a positive impact on his life. When you need help, dont be arrogant (傲慢的)or shy and stop yourself, If youre lost on the road, it is fine to 35. Everyone needs a little help sometime. When you ask for help, you receive help. By doing so, youre letting people know youre no superhuman, youre willing to listen, and you also need support at times. 请回答(26)题__________.

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