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How to Handle with Misunderstanding 写作要点: 1.有时误解是不可避免的。 2.如何正确处理误

解。 3.结论。

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更多“How to Handle with Misundersta…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, Michael?M: Fine. This week I've been reading the

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, Michael?

M: Fine. This week I've been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.

Q: What is the man's job?


A.He is a teacher in a school.

B.He is a librarian in a school.

C.He is a reporter in a newspaper agency.

D.He is an accountant in a company.

听力原文:M: I found a wallet on my way to the library, and I do not know how to handle it.

W: If I were you, I'd check whether there are hints about the owner in the wallet. If there is no hint. I'd turn it in to the security office of our school

Q: What's the woman's suggestion for the man?


A.Giving her the wallet.

B.Putting the wallet in the library.

C.Trying to find any clues about the owner.

D.Taking all things out of the wallet.

听力原文:M: You went to your Aunt Jane yesterday afternoon. And how was your afternoon wit
h Aunt Jane?

W: Oh, I couldn't believe it! She was in a rage. I don't understand why she flew off the handle at every little thing.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Aunt Jane was angry.

B.Aunt Jane was disappointed.

C.Aunt Jane was excited.

D.Aunt Jane was surprised.

听力原文:M: Hi Susan, how are you doing?W: I'm fine, how are you?M: I'm okay, but things h

听力原文:M: Hi Susan, how are you doing?

W: I'm fine, how are you?

M: I'm okay, but things haven't been going very well with my composition class and I can't figure out why.

W: Really? What seems to be the problem?

M: Well I'm not exactly sure, but it just seems that my students aren't enjoying my classes.

W: Hmm, are you holding office hours to see what their specific problems are?

M: Yes, but no one comes to ask me questions.

W: Well you might try reminding them again to come and see you. Tell them that if they're getting low grades for their papers, they can find out how to improve if they come to talk to you.

M: That's a good idea. I should do that.

W: I've had similar problems with some of my classes. They just don't seem to be interested because the texts we're reading don't speak to them, or they're just bored.

M: So what did you do to handle the problem?

W: Well there are a couple of things that I found really useful. One is giving them midterm student evaluations. This way they have a place to express their concerns anonymously.

M: That's a great idea. But what if you get nasty comments back from them?

W: It's difficult to deal with harsh criticism, especially if you are new to teaching and feel self-conscious about how you are doing. But in the long run it's good to find out what they really think of you.

M: Ok, but what if they aren't really telling the truth? Or, what if they say a bunch of mean things just because they're angry for getting low grades?

W: That's a good point. But the evaluations usually seem to be helpful. And those angry, negative comments are perfectly understandable, after all.

M: Right, but those mean comments might have negative effect on you if the head of your department sees them and thinks you're doing a bad job teaching.

W: Yes, although we are lucky because oar department has a very good support system for teachers. We get reviewed by our supervisors to make sure we're doing well.


A.How to check their students' compositions.

B.How to handle problems in their writing course.

C.How to invite students to attend office hours.

D.How to address students in an appropriate way.

Can you suggest how we might handle the problem()





听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr. Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.M: Please do.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr. Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.

M: Please do. Jenny How can I help you?

W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor's approval.

M: Sure, but let's look at it over together first. How many courses do you have here?

W: Six.

M: Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?

W: I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in a hospital, so I need to take it again.

M: So you've already learnt a lot of the material.

W: Right. And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.

M: Let's see, chemistry, calculus, Oh, I see, you'll be in my seminar on modern American novel.

W: Yes, I'm looking forward to it and romantic poetry seminar, too.

M: Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work?

W: I think so. The introductory economics is very easy and so is the musical course.

M: Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I insist that you come to see me after the first week of classes so we can make sure this isn't too much for you.

W: That's the promise.


A.In a professor's office.

B.In a medical doctor's office.

C.In an auditorium.

D.In a gym.

When I saw these big figures, I was ()(感到震惊). I didn ’t know how to handle them.A、

When I saw these big figures, I was ()(感到震惊). I didn ’t know how to handle them.





听力原文:M: You should have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to mak
e my dormitory deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet?

W: No, I'm not sure I'm going to.

M: There's not much time left. The deadline's May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of cash.

W: No, I'm Okay.

M: You'd better hurry up if you want a dorm room next September. There aren't enough morns for every one, and first-year students have priority.

W: Well, I've been thinking about living off campus.

M: Have you any idea how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and you'd probably need a car.

W: I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The dorm is just so noisy that I can't get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own.

M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money you'd save.

W: I've got to think it over some more. There's still two weeks left in April.


A.When to move.

B.Where to live the following year.

C.How much time to spend at home.

D.Whose house to visit.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to bes
t handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Some people oppose the ownership of H-bombs by individuals on the grounds that ____

A.the size of the bomb makes it difficult to keep in a drawer

B.most people don’t know how to handle the weapon

C.people’s lives will be threatened by the weapon

D.they may fall into the hands of criminals

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