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Music Made Easy "Sampling" old songs to create new hits made Puff Daddy a star. Now the re

Music Made Easy

"Sampling" old songs to create new hits made Puff Daddy a star. Now the revolution is coming to desktop.

Ever dreamed of becoming a pop star? One of the best things about the PC revolution is that it enables amateurs to do creative work that looks professional. Thousands of people have used programs like Paintshop Pro, Adobe Premiere and Microsoft Publisher to retouch (润饰) photos, edit footage and lay out slick newsletters. But what about music? If you can't play an instrument or carry a tune, no computer in the world can make you sound like Christina Aguilera.

That is about to change, thanks to a small New York City start-up called MusicHall 2000. Instead of launching yet another website where people can download MP3s, this company plans to do something much cooler: give away software that turns ordinary music lovers into composers by letting them create their own songs using prerecorded musical snippets or pieces of existing pop songs--called "samples." "You can envelop people in your sound without going through the torture of training," says MusicHall president David Danon, 24. "Plus you can record your own music without spending hundreds of dollars on a studio," adds Adam Strauss, 25, the company's chief operating officer, "We saw a way to turn consumers into producers."

Making songs with MusicHall is a lot like layering a cake: you can put down a bass line, add drums and some guitar licks (小过门), then top it off with a horn riff (即兴重复段)--it's all up to you. Within an hour of experimentation we created a song that sounded a lot like the thumping dance music of a club. It's intuitive (直觉的) enough for the average computer user to fool around with, yet powerful enough to make a professionalsounding CD, and MusicHall believes that it will appeal to both complete novices and trained musicians. That's why it's integrating (使结合) the software with the Internet so people can easily exchange their work with other wanna-be composers or distribute it to potential fans.

There are two parts of MusicHall 2000: the software and the website. The CD-ROM contains the Virtual Studio program (it consists of a pair of music editors from Sonic Foundry, Acid DJ2.0 and Sound Forge 4.5) and a library of samples. As you arrange your samples, you can add effects like reverb (混响装置), raise or lower the tempo (拍子), or even run the sample backwards. With additional equipment, you can record your own vocals (声乐作品) or instrumentals and throw them into the mix.

That's all a lot of fun, but it's when you connect to the website that MusicHall shows its potential. Once you've exhausted the samples included on the CD, you'11 be able to download new ones from the website. Using the on-screen world map, you can grab an Indian sitar or Congolese drumbeats. Some samples will be free; others will cost a small sum; the company is recruiting brand-name producers to contribute some of their hottest beats in exchange for a cut of the revenue (税收). The site is divided into several sections: the Audio Graffiti hall contains members' home pages, where people can post their own samples and songs for others to download; the Star Tracks hall hosts a weekly battle of MusicHall's virtuosos (名师). An instant messenger will let people exchange samples and songs in real time.

MP3. com meets eBay by way of RealNetworks--a cleverly cobble-together (拼凑) project, to be sure. But it works--and the ease of stringing together tunes of your own is highly addictive. There are signs that audiences might be receptive to this: Fueled by the rise of hip-hop (the popular street culture of big-city and especially inner-city youth, characterized by graffiti art, break dancing, and rap music) and electronics, DJ/producers like Dr. Dre, RZA, Roni Size and Fatboy Slim have stepped from behind the mixing boards and into the spotlight (聚光灯). Wielding their turntables and samplers as




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听力原文:W: The day I turned thirty, I turned on the computer. I went into the over- thirt
y room for a joke. And he was there. And we started chatting.

M: About what?

W: Books, music, how much we both love New York. Nothing really meaningful. Yet a good way to pass time.

M: How come?

W: We don't talk about anything personal. We made a rule about that. I don' t know his name, what he does, or exactly where he lives. So it will be really easy to stop seeing him, because I'm not.

Who did the woman talk online with?

A.Her boyfriend.

B.A stranger.

C.A co-worker.

People who love music, who can lose themselves in a book, or who can spend hours painting
a picture of a mountain, know the deep satisfaction that can be found in art. It is not easy to express this satisfaction in words. But, in some partly mysterious (神秘的) way, works of art are among the things of highest value in our lives.

A fine piece of music, a masterpiece of painting, or a first-class play has the power to hold our fullest attention. We are completely lost in it, and everything works out right. The music comes to the right close at the right time and in the right way. The play ends, not necessarily on a happy note, but in a way that seems enjoyable. As we get to know more about painting, its parts seem to belong together and to be made for one another. We see harmony (和谐) in the object and feel harmony within ourselves.

When the beautiful experience has ended, we often feel uplifted and refreshed. Our eyes and ears, or our understanding of other persons and values, may be sharpened and improved. We may feel more at home with ourselves. Works of art have value for us in some such ways as these.

It is this value that marks the difference between great art and simple entertainment(娱乐). A work that is fairly easy to understand takes little effort on our part. It may give us pleasure, but it does not touch our feelings or attract out attention at a deep level.

What is the main idea of the text?

A.Music has a power to catch all our attention.

B.Art of high values can improve us as human beings.

C.It's difficult to express our satisfaction from works of art.

D.Simple entertainment is easy to understand and can give us pleasure.

Although Beethoven could sit down and make up music easily, his really great compositions
did not come easily at all. They cost him a great deal of hard work. We know now often he rewrote and corrected his work because his notebooks are still kept in museums and libraries. He always found it hard to satisfy himself.

When he was 28, the worst difficulty of all came to him. He began to notice a strange humming in his ears. At first he paid little attention, but it grew worse, and at last he consulted doctors. They gave him the worst news any musician can hear: he was gradually going deaf. Beethoven was in despair, he was sure that he was going to die.

He went away to the country, to a place called Heiligenstadt, and from there he wrote a long farewell letter to his brothers. In this letter he told them how depressed and lonely his deafness had made him. "It was impossible for me to ask men to speak louder or shout, for I am cleat," he wrote. "How could I possibly admit an infirmity (残废) in the one sense (hearing) which should have been more perfect in me than in others...? I must live like an exile." He longed to die, and said to death, "Come when you will. I shall meet you bravely."

In fact, Beethoven did something braver than dying. He gathered his courage and went on writing music, though he could hear what he wrote only more and more faintly. He wrote his best music, the music we remember him for, after he became deaf. The music he wrote was very different from any that had been composed before. Instead of the elegant and stately music that earlier musicians had written for their wealthy listeners, Beethoven wrote stormy, exciting, revolutionary music, which reminds us of his troubled and courageous life. He grew to admire courage more than anything, and he called one of his symphonies the Eroica or Heroic Symphony to celebrate the memory of a great man. Describing the dramatic opening notes of his famous Fifth Symphony, he said, "Thus fate knocks on the door."

In time Beethoven went completely deaf, He was lonely and often unhappy, but in spite of this, he often wrote joyful music. In his last symphony, the Ninth, a choir sings a wonderful Hymn of Joy. Because of his courage and determination to overcome his terrible disaster, his music has given joy and inspiration to millions of people.

In the first paragraph we are told that Beethoven found that writing great music ______.

A.was easy

B.was difficult

C.was straightforward

D.easily satisfied him

In Singapore,many middle school students spend a lot of their time on their studies. G

ood education is often regarded as a ticket to Success in their future.So,many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their examinations.They have a lot of homework every day and exams are a big headache.Sometimes,some of them are even made to go to remedial(补习的)classes after school.

Schools run programmes outside school hours.The students can take part in sports and games,music and dance,hiking and rock-climbing,etc.They are also very active in community service(社区服务).

In their spare time,most students like to listen to pop music.Hollywood blockbusters(大片),Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them.They understand IT very well.Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet,e—mailing their friends,playing computer and video games.

They sometimes go to cafes,fast—food restaurants,shopping centres and big bookstores.

So,it looks like life as a middle school student in Singapore is not easy but it is rich and colorful.

21.Many students want to get good education to be () in the future.





22.() go to remedial classes after school in Singapore.

A.A11 of the students

B.Few of the students

C.Not all the students

D.Most of the students

23.In the school,the students can’t outside school () hours.

A.have sports


C.go hiking

D.go to a restaurant

24.According to the passage,most students in Singapore like ().

A.Hollywood blockbusters

B.writing to their friends

C.talking to their friends

D.having exams

25.The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is ().

A.the middle schoo1 students’ life in Singapore is easy

B.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is amazing

C.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is boring

D.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is hard,but it’s interesting

听力原文:I grew up in a small town. My father raised chickens and ran a construction compa

听力原文: I grew up in a small town. My father raised chickens and ran a construction company. When I was 10 years old, my dad gave me the responsibility of feeding chickens and cleaning up the stable. He believed it was important to me to learn responsibility and moods from those jobs.

When I was 22, I found a job in New York at a country music club. I washed dishes and cooked from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.and then went on stage and sang until 2:00 in the morning. I soon became known as a singing cook.I had been refused so many times by record companies that it was easy to be discouraged.

One night, a woman executive from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing. When the show was over, we sat down and talked. Several weeks later, my manager received a phone call--Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal. I released my first record in July, 1987. It was sold over 2 million copies.

My best efforts had gone into every job I ever held. It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man. Knowing that I had done my best filled me with pride. I still feel that way today, even though I have become a well-known singer.

32. When did the speaker begin to learn responsibility?

33.Who first recognized his gifts as a singer?

34.Where did the speaker work before he became a professional singer?

35.What made the speaker feel proud of himself?


A.At the age of 10.

B.At the age of 22.

C.When he was known as a singing cook.

D.After he found a job in New York.

A.Materials that are easy to shape.B.The bones of men who made tools.C.Stones that do

A.Materials that are easy to shape.

B.The bones of men who made tools.

C.Stones that do not decay.

D.Ancient tools made from stone.

The French cuisine, unique music and famous artisans made Haiti attractive to visitors.

听力原文:M:Collecting stamps is not on easy work for me.If have time to spare,I'd like to
go for a long country walk or listen to music,

W:Well,I regard collecting as play. I'm never so happy as when I'm busy with stamps.

Q:What do you learn from the conversation?


A.Both of the man and woman hate collecting stamps.

B.Neither of them feels collecting stamps is an easy thing.

C.The woman is very fond of collecting stamps.

D.The man prefers walk to music.

According to the text, what has made it easy for social science graduates to find jobs?A.W

According to the text, what has made it easy for social science graduates to find jobs?

A.Willingness to take low-paid jobs,

B.Readiness to gain high-tech knowledge.

C.Skills in expressing themselves.

D.Part-time work experience.

3.Today’s trumpet (喇叭,小号) is one of the world’s oldest instruments. It is the result of many centuries of development. Although it looks nothing like the ones of old days, there are many similarities. All trumpets are hollow tubes (管). They are all blown. And they all use the player’s lips to produce their basic sound.<br/>The trumpet developed as players and makers worked to improve its design, size, shape, material, and method of construction. They wanted to create an instrument that would produce a beautiful and attractive tone, enable the performer to play all the notes of the scale, extend the range higher and lower, make it possible to play more difficult music, and in general, be easier to play well. The remarkable way in which the modern trumpet achieves these goals is a measure of the success of all those who struggled to perfect this magnificent instrument.<br/>The trumpet is actually the leading member of an entire family of related instruments. There are trumpets of several different sizes, and in several different keys. There are cornets (短号), bugles (军号), flugelhorns (粗管短号), and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played.<br/>The trumpet family is much more than a group of related instruments that can stir one with their sound, or narrow tubes of metal capable of producing a variety of musical sounds. It is a link to many different periods of history and to people of many cultures. From the use of trumpets in ancient religious ceremonies to the part they play in modern rock bands, the trumpet family of instruments has much to tell about civilization and its development.


How do trumpets all resemble each other?

AThey require the same force when blowing them

BThey make the same sound when playing them

CThey use a player’s lips to make a sound

DThey have the same size of hollow tube2.

Why did players and makers want to improve the trumpet?

AThey wanted an instrument that’d be easy to play

BThey wanted an instrument to play easy music

CThey wanted an instrument of different sizes

DThey wanted an instrument that looked attractive


What is the trumpet the leading member of?

ATrumpet family instruments

BRemarkable instruments

CRock band instruments

DReligious instruments


What is linked by the trumpet?

ADifferent cultures

BDifferent bands

CDifferent tubes

DDifferent ceremonies


What can trumpets tell us a lot about?

AThe sound of modern rock bands

BThe development of civilization

CThe different varieties of musical sound

DThe links between different people

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