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__________ afterwards he was injured in a car crash and doctors locked his crushed rig

A.In short



D.All of sudden

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更多“__________ afterwards he was i…”相关的问题
You send material to a subcontractor by posting a goods issue from the Stock Monitor
ing List for Subcontractors.Where will you find the posted quantity afterward in Inventory Management? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.In a special stock, at the plant level from which the goods issue was posted

B.In a special stock, at the storage location level from which the goods issue was posted

C.In a separate storage location

D.In the consumption values of the material master as consumed quantity

Passage In the later summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked acr
oss the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves. Poor, poor dear Gat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This was the end of the trap. This was what people got for loving each other. Thank God for gas, anyway. What must it have been like before there were anesthetics? Once it started, they were in the mill-race. Catherine had a good time in the time of pregnancy. It wasn t bad. She was hardly ever sick. She was not awfully uncomfortable until toward the last. So now they got her in the end. You never got away with anything, Get away hell I It would have been the same if we had been married fifty times. And what if she should die? She wont die. People dont die in childbirth nowadays. That was what all husbands thought. Yes, but what if she should die? She wont die. She s just having a bad time. Afterward we d say what a bad time and Catherine would say it wasn t really so bad. But what if she should die. Questions:

Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.

Passage Poor, poor dear Cat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This
was the end of the trap. This was what people got for loving each other. Thank God for gas, anyway. What must it have been like before there were anaesthetics? Once it started, they were in the mill-race. Catherine had a good time in the time of pregnancy. It wasn t bad. She was hardly ever sick. She was not awfully uncomfortable until toward the last. So now they got her in the end. You never got away with anything. Get away hell ! It would have been the same if we had been married fifty times. And what if she should die? She wont die. People dont die in child birth nowadays. That was what all husbands thought. Yes, but what if she should die? She wont die, She s just having a bad time. Afterward we d say what a bad time and Catherine would say it wasn t really so bad. But what if she should die? Questions:

Which novel is this passage taken from?

听力原文: Poe was born in Boston in 1809. He attended the University of Virginia, where he
was a distinguished student and developed his lifelong taste for liquor. Afterward, he enlisted in the U. S. Army and rose to the rank of sergeant major. He was expelled from West Point after a year, loosing his hopes of becoming a career officer.

Poe started publishing his poetry and stories in the early 1830s and pursued a career in journalism to ensure some sort of financial security. In 1843, he published several works, including "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Gold Bug," which won a $100 prize in a contest sponsored by the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper. The story made Poe famous with the fiction-reading public His poem "The Raven," which appeared in the New York Evening Mirror in January 1845, was a critical and commercial success. Along with "To Helen" and "Annabel Lee," "The Raven" is considered one of Poe's finest poems. "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" are arguably two of his best short stories. But both Poe's and his wife Virginia's poor health kept the pair in financial and emotional distress. Poe died in 1849.

When did Poe start publishing his poetry and stories and pursue a career in journalism?

A.In the early 1810s.

B.In the early 1820s.

C.In the early 1830s.

D.In the early 1840s.

Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)...

Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)) Directions: Fill in the blanks in thefollowing passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word canbe used only once. A.marrying B. retirement C. economic D. displacing E. competitive F.proportion G. epoch H. overthrows I. engagement J. tend K.illiterate L. sociable M.providing N. relationship O. traverse Many great social changes take place in thelives of women. The possibility of a paid job gradually 1. ________some of the old patterns of familylife. During the 20th century there has been a great shortening of the 2. _______of a woman's life spent in child-caring.A woman 3. ________at the end of the19th century would often have seven or eight children in life. By the time theyoungest was 15, the mother would have been in her early 50s. Considering thefact that many of them being 4. ______,it was unusual for them to get any paid work. Today women have fewer children.Usually when the youngest child is 15, a woman would be about 45 and is likelyto take paid work until 5. ________at 60. This important change in life-pattern marksa new 6. ______for women. It has a greateffect on their 7. __________status.Today the school-leaving age is 18. Many girls stay at school after that age,and though women 8. _______to marry younger,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first childis born. Many more afterward return to full- or part-time work. Such changeshave led to a new 9. _____in marriage, with both husband and wife sharing moreequally in 10. _________living expenses and running the home. This change insocial roles offers more choices for young girls.

When Diane Darling's frustrated email exchange with a coworker in Australia was passed on
to a boss, she found herself in the CEO's office.

"He handed me a copy of my e-mail and said, 'I just want to know your thoughts on this,'" recalls Ms. Darling, who had criticized her manager. "It's something you hope happens in your 20s. Heaven help you if you do that later in your career!"

Like Darling, who wasn't fired but left the company shortly afterward, many employees have learned the dos and don'ts of e-mail the hard way. Some workers get tripped up by e-mail etiquette. Others fall into a black hole of inefficiency because of ineffective electronic communication habits.

The importance of good e-mail skills

With the volume of e-mail growing rapidly, good e-mail skills have become more important than ever, some workplace experts say. For example, 1 in 10 employees spends more than four hours a day handling electronic tasks; nearly half spend at least two hours, according to a survey of 840 companies conducted this year by the American Management Association and the Policy Institute.

Junk e-mail contributes to the problem. But another more deeply rooted issue is ineffective communication practices. Employees' poor writing skills cost American corporations $3.1 billion annually in training costs, the National Commission on Writing estimated in a September report.

That's why companies—and individuals—are beginning to coach workers on how to use the medium effectively.

With more than 800 e-mails pouring into her inbox daily, Sharon Clay would be overwhelmed if she didn't focus on efficient e-mail techniques with laser-like intensity.

"People should go through their e-mail in the morning like calisthenics(健身操)", says Ms. Clay, an architectural manager at Nvidia Corp. While she offers one-on-one e-mail coaching, her company, which makes graphics and digital-media chips for computers, has begun holding e-mail training classes for employees.

Clay suggests that workers go through their in-boxes methodically and thoroughly every morning, and more often if necessary. Being predictable in one's response time is an essential part of being a good communicator, she adds.

Here are strategies Clay and others employ to handle the electronic flood:

Don't forget the phone

If your e-mail has more than three points or questions, you're probably better off calling or meeting someone when you can have a discussion based on his or her answers.

Create an alert system

Use color-coding, fonts, and styles to prioritize your inbox. These visual hints enable you to recognize and respond to critical emails quickly. Lower-priority items can be moved into folders to be dealt with later. Clay combs through most of these folders at least once a week.

Remember your grammar

It's not just a courtesy. It ensures clear communication—and may determine your business success. Half of all companies surveyed by the National Commission on Writing took an employee's writing skills into account when making promotion decisions. So while it may save you time to leave out nouns and use abbreviations, don't do it. It can confuse co workers. Also, use clear and concise subject lines.

Watch whom you copy on e-mails

Make sure your recipients have the necessary context to u




Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs o

f dogs you (1) find in most any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played (2) so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses.

One evening, Brownie’s family (3) that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no (4).Brownie didn’t appear the next day, and, despite their (5) to find him, by the next week he was still missing.

Curiously, Spotty (6) at Brownie’s house alone, barking. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored(不理睬)the (7) little neighbor dog.

Finally, one morning Spotty (8) to take “no” for an answer. Spotty followed Ted about, barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say “ (9) me! It’s urgent!”

Finally, Ted followed the anxious Spotty. The little dog led the man to a (10) spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie (11), one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leg hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished he’d taken Spotty’s earlier requirement (12).Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.

Spotty had done more than simply (13) Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the (14) dog. Ted found some dog food---which was later (15) as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that (16) !

Spotty had been visiting Brownie (17), in a single-minded quest to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. Spotty had obviously stayed with Brownie to protect him from being hurt, snuggling(依偎) with him at night to keep him (18) and touching him gently with its nose to keep his spirits up.

Brownie’s leg was treated by a veterinarian and he re-covered. For many years afterward, the two (19) watched the faithful friends frolicking(嬉戏) (20) chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.

(1)A)must B)should C)can D)need

(2)A)together B)wildly C)separately D)happily

(3)A)watched B)heard C)feared D)noticed

(4)A)hope B)success C)failure D)information

(5)A)wishes B)demands C)efforts D)worries

(6)A)showed up B)showed off C)turned out D)turned off

(7)A)nervous B)eager C)angry D)clever

(8)A)decided B)refused C)wanted D)pretended

(9)A)Love B)Hit C)Forgive D)Follow

(10)A)beautiful B)distant C)wild D)clean

(11)A)alive B)dead C)brave D)sleepy

(12)A)immediately B)seriously C)directly D)honestly

(13)A)asked B)ordered C)informed D)led

(14)A)injured B)defeated C)fightened D)worried

(15)A)regarded B)determined C)recognized D)showed

(16)A)month B)day C)evening D)week

(17)A)particularly B)regularly C)usually D)especially

(18)A)fearless B)well C)warm D)hopeful

(19)A)families B)parents C)neighbours D)friends

(20)A)but B)or C)so D)and

Seeing Your Way Past Interview jittersIt is not unusual to experience a mild attack of ner

Seeing Your Way Past Interview jitters

It is not unusual to experience a mild attack of nerves before a job interview. But there are engineers whose interview jitters are intense enough to be harmful. They have such overwhelming apprehension and fear that they either become tongue-tied or proceed to talk themselves out of the job. Even many capable and articulate (表达力强的) engineers act stiff and awkward in interviews, often fidgeting or sitting on the edge of the chair.

When we're anxious, we frequently become self-conscious spectators of our own behavior. during interviews, observing and judging our every utterance and movement. This not only makes us more anxious and less convincing, but also divides our attention.

Excessive self-consciousness is particularly true among engineers who go to interviews with a do-or-die attitude. Trying too hard to succeed increases tension and reduces effectiveness. "The self-imposed pressure of trying to ace an interview can make some people focus too much on how they look and act," says Steven Berglas, a psychiatry instructor at Harvard Medical School. He feels that those who are overly conscious of their grooming, speech, body language, and other interviewing behavior. frequently "suppress those elements of their personality that won them the interview in the first place."

Perfectionist engineers particularly experience high anxiety during job interviews. Because they have a strong need to do well and have such inflated expectations of their own performance, any real or imaginary deviation from their self-imposed high, and often unrealistic, standards triggers excessive nervousness and self-critical ruminations. From one slight, innocuous mistake they automatically assume the entire interview will turn out badly.

This anticipation often drives them to behaviors and statements that would seem selfsabotage to an innocent bystander.


Although you may feel your blood pressure rise, palms moisten, and stomach tighten before an important interview, you can control these reactions.

According to H. Anthony Medley, author of Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed, there are four sound reasons why you have nothing to fear but fear itself, and they can help you keep an interview in perspective.

1. The interview centers on the subject you know best: yourself.

2. If you've done your homework, you have a decided advantage: You know more about the interviewer's company than it knows about you.

3. Interviewers expect job candidates to be a bit nervous.

4. You have nothing to lose. You didn't have the job offer before the interview, so if you don't have it afterward, you're no worse off.

Some interview failures may be inevitable. Most engineers have experienced at least one. The important point is to refrain from exaggerating the importance of an interview situation. Also, if possible, generate several interviews; don't pin your hopes on just one. A winning at-all-costs attitude seldom wins a job offer.

It is detrimental to adopt a confrontational stance with the interviewer. If you feel overly tense or belligerent, it is helpful to pretend that the interviewer is a good friend. A little make-believe can go a long way toward calming hostile feelings.

One interesting method of lessening interview stress is suggested by Lawrence Darius, president of Corporate Communication Skills Inc. , New York. He is convinced that one of the more effective ways to overcome interview jitters is to separate yourself from your performance. "Just as an actor or actress creates the character in a script, you must try to create a character for the position you're seeking," he explains. "You probably have an image of the ideal engineer or, better yet, of the perfect can




When Diane Darling&39;s frustrated email exchange with a coworker in Australia was passed
on to a boss, she found herself in the CEO&39;s office.

"He handed me a copy of my e-mail and said, &39;I just want to know your thoughts on this,&39;" recalls Ms. Darling, who had criticized her manager. "It&39;s something you hope happens in your 20s. Heaven help you if you do that later in your career!"

Like Darling, who wasn&39;t fired but left the company shortly afterward, many employees have learned the dos and don&39;ts of e-mail the hard way. Some workers get tripped up by e-mail etiquette. Others fall into a black hole of inefficiency because of ineffective electronic communication habits.

The importance of good e-mail skills

With the volume of e-mail growing rapidly, good e-mail skills have become more important than ever, some workplace experts say. For example, 1 in 10 employees spends more than four hours a day handling electronic tasks; nearly half spend at least two hours, according to a survey of 840 companies conducted this year by the American Management Association and the Policy Institute.

Junk e-mail contributes to the problem. But another more deeply rooted issue is ineffective communication practices. Employees&39; poor writing skills cost American corporations $3.1 billion annually in training costs, the National Commission on Writing estimated in a September report.

That&39;s why companies—and individuals—are beginning to coach workers on how to use the medium effectively.

With more than 800 e-mails pouring into her inbox daily, Sharon Clay would be overwhelmed if she didn&39;t focus on efficient e-mail techniques with laser-like intensity.

"People should go through their e-mail in the morning like calisthenics(健身操)", says Ms. Clay, an architectural manager at Nvidia Corp. While she offers one-on-one e-mail coaching, her company, which makes graphics and digital-media chips for computers, has begun holding e-mail training classes for employees.

Clay suggests that workers go through their in-boxes methodically and thoroughly every morning, and more often if necessary. Being predictable in one&39;s response time is an essential part of being a good communicator, she adds.

Here are strategies Clay and others employ to handle the electronic flood:

Don&39;t forget the phone

If your e-mail has more than three points or questions, you&39;re probably better off calling or meeting someone when you can have a discussion based on his or her answers.

Create an alert system

Use color-coding, fonts, and styles to prioritize your inbox. These visual hints enable you to recognize and respond to critical emails quickly. Lower-priority items can be moved into folders to be dealt with later. Clay combs through most of these folders at least once a week.

Remember your grammar

It&39;s not just a courtesy. It ensures clear communication—and may determine your business success. Half of all companies surveyed by the National Commission on Writing took an employee&39;s writing skills into account when making promotion decisions. So while it may save you time to leave out nouns and use abbreviations, don&39;t do it. It can confuse co workers. Also, use clear and concise subject lines.

Watch whom you copy on e-mails

Make sure your recipients have the necessary context to understand an e mail or exchange of e-mails. If not, write a quick summary or add some clarification. Taking these steps will also help when referencing archived(存档的) e-mails. E-mail "is an excellent technology," says Darling, now a networking consultant in Boston. "It’s just so often misused." Darling warned: Don’t send sensitive information to someone you can’t trust to keep it confidential.

The dilemma on e-mails

Admittedly, all of this can be difficult to keep track of. Some companies have stepped in with software that analyzes employees’ communication patterns and identifies when they’ re using e-mail reproductively, says Andrew Wolff, vice president of products at DYS Analytics in Wellesley, Mass. , a software company. More advanced software also identifies employees who violate company policies by using e-mail for personal reasons. Some 30 percent of total workplace e-mail is personal, according to some estimates. E-mail guidelines should be written into company policy and enforced with software that can monitor e-mail and instant messaging records, says Anthony Sanchez, vice president of marketing at Waterford Technologies in Irvine, Calif. "Everybody’s problem boil down to education, policy, and enforcement," he says. "We can’t really change the people until there are policies that are going to be enforced."

1.Clay suggests going through the in-boxes systematically and thoroughly every morning, and less often if necessary.




More than half of all companies surveyed by the National Commission on Writing took an employee&39;s writing skills into consideration when making promotion decisions.




In Darling&39;s opinion, we should not send sensitive information to someone you can&39;t trust so as to keep it unknown to others.




According to a survey of 840 companies conducted this year by the American Management Association and the Policy Institute, nearly 30% of the employees spends more than three hours a day during their spare time handling their e-mails.




Clay uses some visual hints to help recognize and respond to important e-mails quickly.




More than 800 Junk e mails pour into Clay&39;s inbox daily.




According to some workplace experts, to master good e-mail skills has become more important than ever.




Darling, who is a networking______in Boston, thinks that E-mail is an excellent technology.

Some companies use more advanced software to identify employees who ______company policies by using e-mail for personal reasons.

According to Anthony Sanchez, we can only change the people with ______that are going to be enforced.


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