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Error analysis may be carried out in order to______.

A.identify strategies which learners use in language learning

B.try to identify the causes of learner errors.

C.obtain information on common difficulties in language learning

D.All of the above.

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更多“Error analysis may be carried …”相关的问题
The first step in the process of error analysis is the identification and description
of errors.()

Error Analysis(中山大学2011研)

Which one of the following is NOT a correct cause-effect analysis?A.Too little sleep may c

Which one of the following is NOT a correct cause-effect analysis?

A.Too little sleep may cause us to eat more.

B.Women giving birth at a senior age may have overweight children.

C.The habit of smoking keeps the extra pounds for us.

D.Age is one factor to be considered when discussing weight problem.

讨论为什么两个国家反通货膨胀政策的协调会对双方都有利。这种分析如何应用于固定汇率制? Di
scuss why coordination of anti-inflation policies between two may be beneficial for both.How does this analysis apply under fixed exchange rates?

What do some experts say about doctors‘ involvement in medical cost analysis?

A.It may add to doctors" already heavy workloads.

B.It will help to save money for society as a whole.

C.It results from society"s failure to tackle the problem.

D.It raises doctors" awareness of their social responsibilities.

Population Viability AnalysisPart ATo make political decisions about the extent and type o

Population Viability Analysis

Part A

To make political decisions about the extent and type of forestry in a region it is important to understand tile consequences of those decisions. One tool for assessing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is Population Viability Analysis (PVA). This is a tool for predicting the probability that a species will become extinct in a particular region over a specific period. It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there is now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia's forests.

A species becomes extinct when the last individuals dies. This observation is a useful starting point for any discussion of extinction as it highlights the role of luck and chance in the extinction process. To make a prediction about extinction we need to understand the princesses that can contribute to it and these fail into four broad categories which are discussed below.

Part B


Early attempts to predict population viability, were based on demographic uncertainty whether an individual survives from one year to time next will largely be matter of chance. Some pairs may produce several young in a single year while others may produce none in that same year. Small populations will fluctuate enormously because of the random nature of birth and death and these chance fluctuations can cause species extinctions even if, on average, the population size should increase. Taking only this uncertainty of ability to reproduce into account, extinction is unlikely if the number of individuals in a population is above about 50 and the population is growing.


Small populations cannot avoid a certain amount of inbreeding. This is particularly true if there is a very small number of one sex. For example, if there are only 20 individuals of a species and only one is a male, all future individuals in the species must be descended from that one male. For most animal species such individuals are leas likely to survive and reproduce. Inbreeding increases the chance of extinction.


Variation within a species is the raw material upon which natural selection acts. Without genetic variability a species lacks the capacity to evolve and cannot adapt to changes in its environment or to new predators and new diseases. The loss of genetic diversity associated with reductions in population size will contribute to the likelihood of extinction.


Recent research has shown that other factors need to be considered. Australia's environment fluctuates enormously from year to year. These fluctuations add yet another degree of uncertainty to the survival of many species. Catastrophes such as fire, flood, drought or epidemic may reduce population sizes to a small fraction of their average level. When allowance is made for these two additional elements of uncertainty the population size necessary to be confident of persistence for a few hundred years may increase to several thousand.

Part C

Beside these processes we need to bear in mind the distribution of a population. A species that occurs in five isolated places each containing 20 individual will not have the same probabi




It's an annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that【C1】______eve
ning you're burning the ;late-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards,【C2】______are throwing the books at kids.【C3】______elementary school students are complaining of homework【C4】______. What's a well-meaning parent to do?

As hard as【C5】______may be, sit back and chill, experts advise. Though you've got to get them to do it,【C6】______helping too much, or even examining【C7】______too carefully, you may keep them【C8】______doing it by themselves. "I wouldn't advise a parent to check every【C9】______assignment," says psychologist John Rosemond, author of Ending the Tough Homework. There's a【C10】______of appreciation for trial and error, let your children【C11】______the grade they deserve.

Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their【C12】______. But "you don't want them to feel it has to be【C13】______." she says. That's not to say parents should【C14】______homework first, they should monitor how much homework their kids【C15】______. "Thirty minutes a day in the early elementary years and an hour in【C16】______four, five, and six is standard, "says Rosemond ,"For junior-high students it should be【C17】______more than a hour and a half, and two for high school students. "If your child【C18】______has more homework than this. You may want to check【C19】______other parents and then talk to the teacher about【C20】______assignments.






仔细阅读:Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care, some of the most influential medical groups

Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care, some of the most influential medical groups in the nation are recommending that doctors weigh the costs, not just the effectiveness of treatment, as they make decisions about patient care.

The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.

In practical terms, the new guidelines being developed could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment-at the end of life, for example-is too expensive. In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form. of rationing.

Traditionally, guidelines have heavily influenced the practice of medicine, and the latest ones are expected to make doctors more conscious of the economic consequences of their decisions, even though there's no obligation to follow them. Medical society guidelines are also used by insurance companies to help determine reimbursement(报销)policies.

Some doctors see a potential conflict in trying to be both providers of patient care and financial overseers.

"There should be forces in society who should be concerned about the budget, but they shouldn't be functioning simultaneously as doctors," said Dr. Martin Samuels at a Boston hospital. He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts."

Doctors can face some grim trade-offs. Studies have shown, for example, that two drugs are about equally effective in treating macular degeneration, an eye disease. But one costs $50 a dose and the other close to $2,000. Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug. Avastin, instead of the costlier one, Lucentis.

But the Food and Drug Administration has not approved Avastin for use in the eye, and using it rather than the alternative, Lucentis, might carry an additional, although slight, safety risk. Should doctors consider Medicare's budget in deciding what to use?

"I think ethically(在道德层面上)we are just worried about the patient in front of us and not trying to save money for the insurance industry or society as a whole," said Dr. Donald Jensen.

Still, some analysts say that there's a role for doctors to play in cost analysis because not many others are doing so. "In some ways," said Dr. Daniel Sulmasy, "it represents a failure of wider society to take up the issue."

57.What do some most influential medical groups recommend doctors do?

A.Reflect on the responsibilities they are supposed to take.

B.Pay more attention to the effectiveness of their treatments.

C.Take costs into account when making treatment decisions.

D.Readjust their practice in view of the cuts in health care.

58.What were doctors mainly concerned about in the past?

A.Specific medicines to be used.

B.Professional advancement.

C.Effects of medical treatment.

D.Patients' trust.

59.What may the new guidelines being developed lead to?

A.The redefining of doctors' roles.

B.Conflicts between doctors and patients.

C.Overuse of less effective medicines.

D.The prolonging of patients' suffering.

60.What risk do doctors see in their dual role as patient care providers and financial overseers?

A.They may be involved in a conflict of interest.

B.They may be forced to divide their attention.

C.They may have to use less effective drugs.

D.They may lose the respect of patients.

61.What do some experts say about doctors' involvement in medical cost analysis?

A.It may add to doctors' already heavy workloads.

B.It will help to save money for society as a whole.

C.It results from society's failure to tackle the problem.

D.It raises doctors' awareness of their social responsibilities.


根据短文,回答{TSE}题 Our analysis therefore suggests that the real problem facing the black community lies in the educational obstacles prior to the Phi)programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students.Equally,our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate。rather than hinder,their arrival and their entry into our work force.How could this be done7There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital(which will“create jobs”)are allowed to immigrate:A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area,which creates jobs for at least ten Americans。is automatically given immigrant status(i.e.,a green card).We suggest extending the idea from financial to human capital.Currently.graduate students who wish to stay on in the United States after their PhDs must be sponsored by their employers,a process that imposes substantial hardship both on the students and on smaller employers.The standard procedure is in two stages.First,the US Department of Labor must,on the basis of a US employer’s sponsorship,certify that“no American can do this job”.Then,the would-be immigrant must apply for immigrant status at the Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS).If all goes right,the entire process takes about two vears(considerably more for citizens of certain countries).But things may not go right:there could be Droblems at either stage.Thus,the employer or the“alien”must hire an immigration lawyer.The current process,then,is costly both to the would-be immigrant and to the employer(and hence,it unfairly Denalizes smaller firms that cannot afford this expensive process and so cannot recruit this foreign talent).The Immigration and Naturalization Act of l990 introduced an alternative route for professors and researchers to secure immigrant status.Essentially,it eliminates the average processing time to about one year,but it does not eliminate any of the uncertainty or the need for expensive legal counsel.We budget that automatic green cards be given to all those who obtain a Phi)in the science and engineering programs at our universities.In adopting such a“guaranteed green card”proposal,we would be recognizing the important contribution that these students make to our leading position in science by giving equal weight to human capital and financial capital.{TS}Prior to this text,the author has most probably made an analysis of___________.[A]brain gain in the United States[B]the cause of problems of the black people[C]the US educational programs for blacks[D]the procedure of foreign students’immigration

选词填空:It's our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the world

Question 37 to 46 are based on the following passage.

It's our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the world. Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting(37)_____ can lead to obesity(肥胖症)and other disease, researchers have now quantified just how(38)_____ being a couch potato can be.

In an analysis of data from eight large(39)_____ published studies, a Harvard-led group reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent channel(40)_____, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease increased 15% over a(41)_____, and the odds of dying prematurely(42)_____ 13% during a seven-year follow-up. All of these(43)_____ are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But compared with other sedentary(久坐的)activities, like knitting, viewing TV may be especially(44)_____ at promoting unhealthy habits. For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything else. And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to(45)_____ them.

Even so, the authors admit that they didn't compare different sedentary activities to(46)_____ whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death compared with, say, reading.
















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