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Critics of AI would probably agree with the statement that______.A.logic plays the most im

Critics of AI would probably agree with the statement that______.

A.logic plays the most important part in human reasoning

B.fast computation shows the ability of understanding

C.the new silicon chip is working in the way that human brain works

D.reasoning is something too complicated to be duplicated by the computer

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In 1637 the French philosopher-mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never
be possible to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers.

Inspired by Turing's theory, the first conference on AI convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards an Al laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation's leading AI proponents. McCarthy also invented the Al computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s Al itself had not been achieved. However, logic programs called expert systems allow computers to "make decisions" by interpreting data and selecting from among alternatives. Technicians can run programs used in complex medical diagnosis, language translation, mineral exploration, and even computer design.

Machinery can outperform. humans physically. So, too, can computers outperform. mental functions in limited areas—notably in the speed of mathematical calculations. For example, the fastest computers developed are able to perform. roughly 10 billion calculations per second. But making more powerful computers will probably not be the way to create a machine capable of passing the Turing test. Computer programs operate according to set procedures, or logic steps, called algorithms. In addition, most computers do serial processing; operations of recognition and computation are performed one at a time. The brain works in a manner called parallel processing, performing operations simultaneously. To achieve simulated parallel processing, some supercomputers have been made with multiple processors to follow several algorithms at the same time.

Critics of this approach insist that solving a computation does not indicate understanding, something a person who solved a problem would have. Human reasoning is not based solely on roles of logic. It involves perception, awareness, emotional preferences, values, evaluating experience, the ability to generalize and weigh options, and more. Some proponents of AI have, therefore, suggested that computers should be patterned after the human brain, which essentially consists of a network of nerve cells.

By the early 1990s, the closest approximation to Al was a special silicon chip built to behave like a human brain cell. It was modeled after the internal workings of neurons in the human cerebral cortex. Unlike the conventional silicon chip, which works in digital mode, the new silicon chip works in analog mode, much the way a human brain cell works.

According to Turing, a computer has human-like intelligence in a special test if

A.the computer gives better answers.

B.the questioner falls to give identical questions.

C.the questioner can't tell between the answers of a person and a computer.

D.the questioner can't find the person hidden by the computer.

Many critics believe that.A.television programs would not exist without commercialsB.comme

Many critics believe that.

A.television programs would not exist without commercials

B.commercial television programming is immoral

C.commercials wouldn't exist without television

D.television programming exists for the sake of advertising

The critics of the flat tax system argue that the wealthy people in the United States woul
d be most benefited rather than people with low income.




Many critics believe that ______.A.television programs would not exist without commercials

Many critics believe that ______.

A.television programs would not exist without commercials

B.commercial television programming is immoral

C.commercials wouldn't exist without television

D.television programming exists for the sake of advertising

Critics of Al would probably agree with the statement that ______.A.logic plays the most i

Critics of Al would probably agree with the statement that ______.

A.logic plays the most important part in human reasoning

B.fast computation shows the ability of understanding

C.the new silicon chip is working in the way that human brain works

D.reasoning is something too complicated to be copied by the computer

In 1637 the French mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never be possible
to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the per son by the answers.

Inspired by Turing's theory, the first conference on AI convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards and Al laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation's leading Al proponents. McCarthy also invented the Al computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s Al itself had not been achieved. However, logic programs called expert systems allow computers to "make decisions" by interpreting data and selecting from among alternatives. Technicians can run programs used in complex medical diagnosis, language translation, mineral exploration, and even computer design.

Machinery can outperform. humans physically. So, too, can computers outperform. mental functions in limited areas--notably in the speed of mathematical calculations. For example, the fastest computers developed are able to perform. roughly 10 billion calculations per second. But making more powerful computers will probably not be the way to create a machine capable of passing the Turing test. Computer programs operate according to set procedures, or logic steps, called algorithms. In addition, most computers do serial processing; operations of recognition and computation are performed one at a time. The brain works in a manner called parallel processing, performing operations simultaneously. To achieve simulated parallel processing, some supercomputers have been made with multiple processors to follow several algorithms at the same time.

Critics of the approach insist that solving a computation does not indicate understanding, something a person who solved a problem would have. Human reasoning is not based solely on rules of logic, It involves perception, awareness, emotional preferences, values, evaluation experience, the ability to generalize and weigh options, and more. Some proponents of Al have, therefore, suggested that computers should be patterned after the human brain, which essentially consists of a network of nerve cells.

By the early 1990s, the closest approximation to Al was a special silicon chip built to behave like a human brain cell. It was modeled after the internal working of neurons in the human cerebral context. Unlike the conventional sillicon chip, which works in digital mode, the new silicon chip works in analog mode, much the way human brain cell works.

According to Turing, a computer can prove to have human-like intelligence in a special test if______.

A.the computer gives better answers

B.the questioner fails to give identical questions

C.the questioner can't tell between the answers of a person and a computer

D.the questioner can't find the person hidden by the computer

In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of t

In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework. But as useful as computers are, they're nowhere close to achieving remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of a ten-month-old kid. A growing group of AI researchers think they know where the field went wrong.

The problem, the scientists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. A new movement in AI, on the other hand, takes a closer look at the more roundabout way in which nature came up with intelligence. Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs. Rather than digital computers and transistors, some want to work with brain cells and proteins. The results of these early efforts are as promising as they are peculiar, and the new nature-based Al movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the field.

Imitating the brain's neural network is a huge step in the right direction, says computer Scientist and biophysicist Michael Conrad, but it still misses an important aspect of natural intelligence. "People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of color-coded transistors", he explains." But it's not simply a clever network of switches. There are lots of important things going on inside the brain cells themselves." Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brain's capabilities stem from the pattern-recognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. The best way to build an artificially intelligent device, he claims, would be to build it around the same sort of molecular skills.

Right now, the notion that conventional computers and software are fundamentally incapable of matching the processes that take place in the brain remains controversial. But if it proves true, then the efforts of Conrad and his fellow AI rebels could turn out to be the only game in town.

The author says that the powerful computers of today ______.

A.are capable of reliably recognizing the shape of an object

B.are close to exhibiting humanlike behavior

C.are not very different in their performance from those of the 50's

D.still cannot communicate with people in a human language


1992年9月,英国允许英镑开始浮动的前夕,欧洲货币体系汇率机制(ERM)正承受着巨大的投机性压力,对此,伦敦的新闻周刊《经济学家》(Economist)发表了下述评论(参见“Crisis? What Crisis?” Economist,August29,1992.P.51):







During the speculative pressure on the EMS exchange rate mechanism (ERM) shortly before Britain allowed the pound to float in September 1992,the Economist,a London weekly news magazine,opined as follows:

The(British)government's critics want lower interest rates,and think this would be possible if Britain devalued sterling,leaving the ERM if necessary.They are wrong.Quitting the ERM would soon lead to higher,not lower,interest rates,as British economic management lost the degree of credibility already won through ERM membership.Two years ago British government bonds yielded three percentage points more than German ones.Today the gap is half a point,reflecting investors' belief that British inflation is on its way down-permanently.(See“Crisis? What Crisis?”Economist,August29,1992,P.51. )

a.Why might the British government's critics have thought it possible to lower interest rates after taking sterling out of the ERM? (Britain was in a deep recession at the time the article appeared.)

b.Why did the Economist think the opposite would occur soon after Britain exited the ERM?

c.In what way might ERM membership have gained credibility for British policy--makers? (Britain entered the ERM in October 1990.)

d.Why would a high level of British nominal interest rates relative to German rates have suggested an expectation of high future British inflation? Can you think of other explanations?

e.Suggest two reasons why British interest rates might have been somewhat higher than German rates at the time of writing,despite the alleged“belief that British inflation is on its way down--permanently.”

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 Artificial Intelligence (1) a relat


Artificial Intelligence(1)a relatively young branch of science, new enough that we can still trace the development of the field from its inception in 1956 to the present. About six years ago, when we(2)planning the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, we thought it would(3)possible to present AI comprehensively in three volumes. In retrospect, that seems to have(4)a good guess, although, inevitably, the outline(5)changed many times to reflect changes in the emphasis and methods of AL


(1)be (2) am (3) are (4) is

(5) was (6) were (7) being (8) been

The history of responses to the work of the artist Sandro Botticelli(1444 —1510)suggests t

The history of responses to the work of the artist Sandro Botticelli(1444 —1510)suggests that widespread appreciation by critics is a relatively recent phenomenon. Writing in 1550, Vasari expressed an unease with Botticelli' s work, admitting that the artist fitted awkwardly into his evolutionary scheme of the history of art. Over the next two centuries, academic art historians defamed Botticelli in favor of his fellows Florentine, Michelangelo. Even when anti-academic art historians of the early nineteenth century rejected many of the standards of evaluation adopted by their predecessors, Botticelli' s work remained outside of accepted taste, pleasing neither amateur observers nor connoisseurs.(Many of his best paintings, however, remained hidden away in obscure churches and private homes.)

The primary reason for Botticelli' s unpopularity is not difficult to understand: most observers, up until the mid-nineteenth century, did not consider him to be noteworthy, because his work, for the most part, did not seem to these observers to exhibit the traditional characteristics of the fifteenth-century Florentine art. For example, Botticelli rarely employed the technique of strict perspective and, unlike Michelangelo, never used chiaroscuro.

Another reason for Botticelli' s unpopularity may have been that his attitude toward the style. of classical art was very different from that of his contemporaries. Although he was thoroughly exposed to classical art, he showed little interest in borrowing from, the classical style. Indeed, it is paradoxical that a painter of large-scale classical subjects adopted a style. that was. only slightly similar to that of classical art.

In any case, when viewers began to examine more closely the relationship of Botticelli' s work to the tradition of the fifteenth century Horentine art, his reputation began to grow. Analyses and assessments of Botticelli made between 1850 and 1870 by the artists of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, as well as by the writer Pater(although he, unfortunately , based his assessment on an incorrect analysis of Botticelli' s personality), inspired a new appreciation of Botticelli throughout the English-speaking world. Yet Botticelli' s work, especially the Sistine frescoes, did not generate worldwide attention until it was finally subjected to a comprehensive and scrupulous analysis by Home in 1908. Home rightly demonstrated that the frescoes shared important features with paintings by other fifteenth-century Florentines—features such as skillful representation of anatomical proportions, and of the human figure in motion. However, Home argued that. Botticelli did not treat these qualities as ends in themselves—rather, that he emphasized clear depletion of a story, a unique achievement and one that made the traditional Florentine qualities less central.

Because of Home' s emphasis crucial to any study of art, the twentieth century has come to appreciate Botticelli' s a-chievements.

Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.The Role of Standard Art Analyses and Appraisals

B.Sandro Botticelli: From Rejection to Appreciation

C.The History of Critics' Responses to Art Works

D.Botticelli and Florentine: A Comparative Study

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