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根据以下材料,回答题Air PollutionThere is no question that the old style. of air pollution


Air Pollution

There is no question that the old style. of air pollution could kill people. In one week following the infamous "peasouper" fog in December 1952,4,700 people died in London. Most of these people were elderly and already had heart or lung diseases. A series of these killer fogs eventually led to the British Parliament passing the Clean Air Act which restricted the burning of coal.

Fortunately, the effect of smog on the lungs is not so dramatic. Scientists have now conducted a number of laboratory experiments in which volunteers are exposed to ozone inside a steel chamber for a few hours. Even at quite low concentrations there is a rewrsible fall in lung function,an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation. Although irritable and inflamed lungs are particularly seen in people with asthma(哮喘 )and other lung diseases, theseeffects of ozone also occur in healthy subjects. Similar changes are also seen after exposure to nitrogen dioxide, although there is some disagreement about the concentration at which they occur.

Other studies have found that people living in areas with high levels of pollution have more symptoms and worse lung function than those living in areas with clean air. Groups of children attending school camps show falls in lung function even at quite low concentrations of ozone.

There is also a relationship between ozone levels and hospital admissions for asthma, both in North America and Australia. It is suspected that long-term exposure to smog may result in chronic bronchitis (支气管炎) and emphysema (肺气肿) , but this has yet to be proven.

Recently an association has been found between the levels of particles in the air and death rates in North American cities. The reason for this association is not understood and as yet there is no evidence this occurs in Australia. However, we do know that hazy days are associated with more asthma attacks in children.

Which of the following is NOT the result of laboratory experience? 查看材料

A.Low concentrations.

B.Fall in lung function.

C.Irritability of the lungs.

D.Airway inflammation.

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更多“根据以下材料,回答题Air PollutionThere i…”相关的问题
根据以下材料,回答题。SmugglingIt is not unusual for a pet to be sent by air cargo from Colu



It is not unusual for a pet to be sent by air cargo from Columbia to New York, but last December"s shipment of a 4-year-old sheep dog caught a New York Kennedy Airport Customs inspector"s eye. The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body. An X-ray and emergency surgery revealed the presence of 10 condoms tightly packed with five pounds of cocaine that had been surgically implanted in the dog"s abdomen——yet another first for Customs in the war on drugs.

When it comes to transporting drugs, the methods used are only as limited as a smuggler"s imagination. Kilo bricks of cocaine are routinely concealed beneath false bottoms of containers that hold poisonous snakes. "You"ve got snakes that are 12 feet long," says a United States Fish and Wildlife Service agent——and sometimes the drug is in the snake. "Who"s going to pull it out.

In 1994, United States Customs seized 204,391 pounds of cocaine ,559,286 pounds of marijuana and 2,577 pounds of heroin, just how much actually flows into the country is anyone"s guess. Some Customs officials estimate that only 10 percent of the drugs coming into the country are ever seized. In Miami, the District Attorney won"t even prosecute small fry. "It"s got to be over five kilos of cocaine ,above a kilo of heroin and more than 5,000 pounds of marijuana or it"s not something that we"re going to stop the presses on " says Tom Cash, a retired agent.

Given this deluge, one can only wonder if agents are ever confounded by some of the smuggling methods. "There are things we haven"t seen before," says John McGhee, a Miami Customs special agent, "but nothing really surprises us. "

The dog was different from others because 查看材料

A.it was very attractive

B.it could stand only on its hind legs

C.it had only two legs

D.it had a very big abdomen

根据以下材料,回答题Lakes, Too, Feel Global WarmingThere"s no doubt: In the last few decade


Lakes, Too, Feel Global Warming

There"s no doubt: In the last few decades, the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years. Around the world, people are starting to measure the effects of global warming—— and trying to figure out what to do about it.

Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world, and they found that lakes are heating up. Between 1985 and 2009, satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the surfaces of 167 lakes. During those 24 years, the lakes got warmer——by an average of about 0.045 degree Celsius per year.

In some places, lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate, a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years. That difference may seem small——you might not even notice it in your bath. But in a lake, slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae (水藻), and algae can make the lake poisonous (有毒的) to fish.

The study shows that in some regions, lakes are warming faster than the air around them. This is important because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well, scientists can get a better picture of global warming.

The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.

That"s going to be useful, since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.

Scientists aren"t the only ones concerned. Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it, especially by reducing the amount of greenhouse (温室) gases we put into the air.

That"s why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets, and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.

Scientists have been keeping records of lake temperatures for over 30 years. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料,回答题U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in JanuaryA study that wi


U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January

A study that will cost $3.2 billion and last more than two decades to track the health of 100,000 U.S. children from before birth to age 21 will be launched in January, U. S. health officials said on Friday.

Officials from the U. S. government"s National Institutes of Health said they hope the study, to be conducted at 105 locations throughout the United States, can help identify early-life influences that affect later development, with the goal of learning new ways to treat or prevent illness.

The study will examine hereditary and environmental factors such as exposure to certain chemicals that affect health.

Researchers will collect genetic and biological samples from people in the study as well as samples from the homes of the women and their babies including air, water, dust and materials used to construct their residences, the NIH said.

Officials said more than $200 million has been spent already and the study is projected to cost $3.2 billion.

"We anticipate that in the long term, what we learn from the study will result in a significant savings in the nation"s health care costs," Dr. Duane Alexander, who heads the NIH"s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, told reporters.

The study will begin in January when the University of North Carolina and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York start signing up pregnant women whose babies will then be followed to age 21.

Some of the early findings will be about factors behind pre-term birth, which has become more common in recent years, according to Dr. Peter Scheidt of the NIH, who heads the study.

The people taking part will be from rural, urban and suburban areas, from all income and educational levels and from all racial groups, the NIH said.

The aim of the study is to find new ways to __________. 查看材料

A.conduct research

B.track public health

C.prevent or treat illness

D.speed up development

根据以下材料,回答题The Magic of SoundMusic is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic


The Magic of Sound

Music is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented. In movies and plays, music has an added function: it not only moves people but also can shock people. Is it true that an ordinary musical instrument can be so powerful?

Our eardrums can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels. Once sound exceeds this limit,even beautiful music will become ear-splitting noise and harm health. A strong blast of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet. __________ (46)

The noise from a plane"s engine is over 140 decibels. However, the sound of a flute is at most a few decibels. __________ (47) It has been proven that people who have worked in an environment with a high sound intensity for a long time suffer varying degrees of heart disease or altered brain waves.

In movies, sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people can"t hear and only those who have the same ability can feel. In nature, there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing. In physics, the sound that exceeds 20,000 Hz is called ultrasonic. __________ (48) It does no harm to health.

Sound less than 20 Hz is called infrasonic waves. When we move, the air will vibrate. __________ (49)

As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of people"s internal organs, infrasonic wave may cause resonance in human bodies. As a result, people"s vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture. However, whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity. If its intensity is very low, it won"t damage internal organs or a person"s health. __________ (50) When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea, it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels.

Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels. At present scientist can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advanced scientific tools and powerful electric power.

回答(46)题 查看材料

A.High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.

B.The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves.

C.We cannot play high-pitched music with ordinary musical instruments.

D.If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels, it is extremely harmful.

E.Dolphins, whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound.

F.Therefore, the sound of ordinary musical instruments cannot harm your health.

根据以下资料。回答题。 2011年,陕西农村沼气池产气总量同比增长:


根据以下资料。回答题。 2011年,陕西农村沼气池产气总量同比增长:根据以下资料。回答题。 20112011年,陕西农村沼气池产气总量同比增长: 查看材料





根据以下资料,回答题。 2011年.重庆文化产业增加值是2005年的:


根据以下资料,回答题。 2011年.重庆文化产业增加值是2005年的:根据以下资料,回答题。  202011年.重庆文化产业增加值是2005年的: 查看材料





根据以下资料。回答题。 201 1年,我国本地生产总值平减物价指数为:


根据以下资料。回答题。 201 1年,我国本地生产总值平减物价指数为:根据以下资料。回答题。  20201 1年,我国本地生产总值平减物价指数为: 查看材料





根据以下材料,回答题Aromatherapy (芳香疗法)(1)Aromatherapy is a form. of alternative medici


Aromatherapy (芳香疗法)

(1)Aromatherapy is a form. of alternative medicine which is based on the use of very concentrated essential oils from the flowers, leaves, bark, branches or roots of plants which are considered to have healing properties. In aromatherapy these powerful oils are mixed with other oils, such as almond (杏仁 ) oil, or they are diluted (稀释) with water. These solutions (溶液剂) can be rubbed on the skin, sprayed in the air, or applied as a compress (敷药) .

(2) Many people have aromatherapy massages (按摩), and depending on the treatment a person is having, the aromatherapist will massage the oil into the hands or shoulders. The massage is smooth and flowing, as it is designed to create a sense of relaxation and calm. The sessions are tailored to the individual"s health and mood at the time, so every session is unique.

(3) Practioners of aromatherapy believe that the aroma of the essential oils directly stimulates the brain or that the oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, where they can affect the whole body and promote healing. Other claims in support of aromatherapy are that it aids digestion, improves the function of respiratory system, reduces muscular aches and pains, and promotes muscle relaxation and tone. It has also been argued that aromatherapy can improve circulation, lower blood pressure, and help combat insomnia (失眠) and other stress-related disorders such as tension headaches, anxiety, and mild depression.

(4) However, while aromatherapy may have real effects that promote a sense of well-being, some traditional medicine practitioners remain doubtful about its powers. While research has confirmed that aromatherapy does have some positive short-term effects on most people, it also suggests that aromatherapy is not an actual science or medicine that should be used to treat illness. Furthermore, not all aromatherapy is considered beneficial to health. There are precautions which should be taken before having aromatherapy because some oils can have negative effects on people with certain medical conditions. The study of aromatherapy is relatively new and unexplored. More research needs to be conducted to make scientific conclusions about its use and effects.

Paragragh 1__________ 查看材料

A.Current research into aromatherapy

B.Aromatherapy and conventional medicine

C.Different views about aromatherapy

D.Introduction to aromatherapy

E.Doubts about the benefits aromatherapy

F.Personalized aromatherapy massage

根据以下资料。回答题。 2013年全国中高等学校研究生中.少数民族研究生所占比重约


根据以下资料。回答题。 2013年全国中高等学校研究生中.少数民族研究生所占比重约根据以下资料。回答2013年全国中高等学校研究生中.少数民族研究生所占比重约为: 查看材料





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