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Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours.

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The author takes loving people as the third prerequisite for memorizing because loving oth
ers produces your desire to remember and makes your concentration much easier.




As your name and address appear on Yangtze Evening Post,we are writing to you with a desire to estab
lish business relations with you.
If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: "The Buyer shall estab






Part AIn this part, you are to write a letter of application to university, telling about:

Part A

In this part, you are to write a letter of application to university, telling about:

1) your schooling and work;

2) your desire to be admitted to take advanced study;

3) your enclosures with the letter.

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use" Wang Lin" instead.

Read the following letter then write a reply letter. Dear Sirs, The Chamber of Commerce of your c

Read the following letter then write a reply letter.

Dear Sirs,

The Chamber of Commerce of your city has recommended you as one of the leading importers of Chinese electronic machinery. We are, therefore, writing to you with a keen desire to enter into business relations with you.

For over 20 years we have been engaged in manufacturing electronic machinery of all specifications and enjoying a good reputation among our customers both home and abroad.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us through the above address.We hope business will be materialized owing to our mutual efforts.

For any information respecting our standing, we wish to refer you to Bank of China.

Yours sincerely,

on, to, from, at, against, ensure, receipt, insure, refund, for, meet, meet withDear Sirs, Re: Our O

on, to, from, at, against, ensure, receipt, insure, refund, for, meet, meet with

Dear Sirs,

Re: Our Order No.1001 for 2 000 Washing Machines

We wish to refer you(1)our order No.1001 for 2000 Washing Machines Little Swan Brand, automatic Washing Machines,(2)which you will see that this order is placed(3)CFR basis.

As we now desire to have the shipment insured(4)your end.We shall be pleased if you will arrange to(5)the goods on our behalf(6)All Risks at invoice value 1000000 plus 10% i.e.RMB 1100000.

We shall of course to(7)you the premium upon(8)of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight(9)the amount required.

We sincerely hope that our request will(10)your approval.

Yours faithfully,

Write a letter for the exporter informing the importer insurance having been covered as requested, t
he name of s.s.and the shipment date after reading the following letter.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Our Order No.1001 for 2000 Washing Machines

We wish to refer you to our order No.1001 for 2000 Washing Machines Little Swan Brand, automatic Washing Machines, from which you will see that this order is placed on CFR basis.

As we now desire to have the shipment insured at your end.We shall be pleased if you will arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against All Risks at invoice value 1000000 plus 10% i.e.RMB 1100000.

We shall of course to refund you the premium upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the amount required.

We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval.

Yours faithfully,

How to Remember: Some Basic Principles How do you communicate something you've forgotten?

How to Remember: Some Basic Principles

How do you communicate something you've forgotten? You can't! Now's the time to fit memory into the communication picture. Don't be content with a 10 percent level of remembering. Tap into the following three basic laws and triple that figure. After all, improved memory means improved communication. THE PREREQUISITES

Most of us, psychologists say, don't use more than 10 percent of our native ability to remember. That's comparable to running a car on one or two cylinders and just poking along.

Why don't we use more of our inherent memory power? There are several answers. First, because we haven't been trained to. Nowhere in our schooling were we taught how to use our powers of memory. And second, because we often just don't care. And that leads me to the three things that I feel are essential to a more powerful memory.

First, you must have a burning desire to improve your memory. You must care about it. Most people struggle along with poor memories, enduring endless frustrations and embarrassments in their daily lives, because they just don't want to be bothered remembering the constant barrage of names, numbers, facts, and information. What you have to do is remind yourself of the many benefits of a good memory: the increased confidence I promised you, the popularity and the peace of mind. Aren't those three alone enough to stir a desire in you to improve?

The second prerequisite is the ability to concentrate. You will be effective in remembering to the degree that you are enough to concentrate. A short period of intense concentration will often enable you to accomplish more than years of dreaming.

The third prerequisite was revealed to me by former Postmaster-General James Farley of New York City. Mr. Farley was cited by associates for having the most remarkable memory in this century. I asked him his secret.

"There's no real secret," he said. "You simply must love people. If you do, you won't have any trouble remembering their names, and a lot more about them than that."

And that's the third essential: You must care about people. It wasn't long after I talked to Mr. Farley that I came across an interesting line from Alexander Pope. "How vast a memory has love," he wrote. Certainly a deeper interest in people, and in your work as well, should make your desire to remember and your concentration much easier.


Visualize. Now you're ready to learn the basic techniques for developing your memory. The first essential is to visualize. Picture what you want to remember. Since 85 percent of all you learn and remember in life reaches you through your eyes, it is absolutely vital that you visualize the things you want to recall later. To do that, you must above all become aware. And awareness involves becoming both a keen observer and an active listener. You have to see clearly and hear accurately in order to picture vividly what you want to remember. Too many people go through life only partly awake, only partly aware. They don't forget names; they never hear them clearly in the first place. That art of retention is the art of attention.

Become curious, observant, and sensitive to everything around you. See the roof detail on that old building. Notice the difference between the tree greens of April and of August. Hear the difference between the sirens of an ambulance, a fire track, a police car. Sharpen your senses of sight and hearing -- they're the most important. Together, those two senses account for 95 percent of our memory power. Two ancient sayings highlight the importance of visualizing. "One time seeing is worth a thousand times hearing." And "A picture is worth ten thousand words."

Repeat. If school didn't bother to teach us formal memory work, it did teach us the need for repeating. We were taugh




听力原文:M: What a lovely sunny day!W: Yes, Mike. It's lovely. By the way, your red coat r

听力原文:M: What a lovely sunny day!

W: Yes, Mike. It's lovely. By the way, your red coat really suits you. I'm sure you are very happy today.

M: So you really believe that clothes carry a kind of message for other people and that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel?

W: Oh yes, very much so. NOW people are beginning to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing, to believe that there is not just individual taste in our clothes but also thinking behind what we wear, which is trying to express something we may not even be aware of ourselves.

M: But surely this has always been the case. We all dress up when we want to impress someone, such as for a job interview with a prospective employer. We tend to make an effort and put on something smart.

W: True, but that's a conscious act. What I am talking about is more of a subconscious thing. Take for example the student who is away from home at college or university: if he tends to wrap himself up more than the others, this is because he is probably feeling homesick. Similarly, a general feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form. of over-dressing in warmer clothes than are necessary.

M: Can you give any other examples?

W: Yes. I think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to dress in an extroverted way, preferring brighter or more dazzling colors —yellows, bright reds, and so on. In the same way that might be seen as parallel with the animal kingdom; aggressive clothes might indicate an aggressive personality or attitude to life. Think about the threat displays used by animals when they want to warn off opponents.

M: Do you think the care over the way we actually wear our clothes has anything to tell us?

W: Yes, indeed. The length, for example, of a man's trousers speaks volumes about his awareness of his own image. Or, if his trousers are very short or hanging loosely, this probably means he's absorbed by other things.


A.A desire to express oneself and display one's wealth.

B.Individual taste and love for beauty.

C.Love for beauty and a desire to impress other people.

D.Individual taste and a desire to express oneself.

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.(人生有三种目

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.(人生有三种目标:短期目标、中期目标和长期目标。) Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. Our long-term goals mean a lot _______. A.if we cannot reach solid short-term goals

B.if we complete the short-term goals

C.if we have dreams of the future

D.if we put forward some plans

When we complete each step of our goals, ________.A.we will win final success

B.we are overwhelmed

C.we will build up our confidence to achieve success

D.we should have strong desire for setting new goals

What is the main idea of this passage? _______A.Life is a dynamic thing

B.We should set up long-term goals.

C.Different kinds of goals in life

D.The limitation of long-term goals.

New short-term goals are built upon______.A.a daily basis

B.your achievement in a week

C.current activities

D.the goals that have been completed

Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _______A.The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without achieving short-term goals.

B.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.

C.Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.

D.We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed


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