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In France, a foreigner should be flexible when there are some cultural conflicts.A.YB.NC.N

In France, a foreigner should be flexible when there are some cultural conflicts.




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更多“In France, a foreigner should …”相关的问题
The conflict between England and France over foreign markets and territory led to the

A.Black Death

B.Hundred Years’ War

C.Peasant Uprising

D.Wars of the Roses

Rene Coty and Charles Deschanel were both interested in ______.A.better quality in product

Rene Coty and Charles Deschanel were both interested in ______.

A.better quality in production

B.increasing quantity in production

C.having the government raise tariffs on foreign imports

D.eliminating unions in France


In practice much foreign aid is“tied”;that is,it comes with restrictions that require that the recipient spend the aid on goods from the donor country.For example,France might provide money for an irrigation project in Africa,on the condition that the pumps,pipelines,and construction equipment be purchased from France rather than from Japan.How does such tying of aid affect the transfer problem analysis? Does tying of aid make sense from the donor's point of view? Can you think of a scenario in which tied aid actually makes the recipient worse off?

Tired of Working in Your Country?With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we

Tired of Working in Your Country?

With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September 2004 for instructors of English, German, Spanish and French.

◆Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.

◆Accommodation (住宿), and other necessary files will be ready before you leave.

◆Applicants will teach their first language only.

◆Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.

Apply with C.V. and send letters to:

NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2)

34, Bd. Haussmann,75009 Paris, France

Fax :33148014804

Or visit our website: www. teachjp, com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce a language school in Japan.

B.To hire language teachers to work in Japan.

C.To describe working conditions in Japan.

D.To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

听力原文: Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Par
is. He was wearing three shirts, a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack, which was very full, but he didnt have any other luggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package. "Give this package to Jean-Paul at the airport in Paris. He will have a sign with your name on it. I think you can find him easily," Tony said. "You dont have any luggage, right?" "Only this backpack," Brian answered. "You said I could bring one carry-on bag." "Thats right. One carry-on bag is fine. Have a good trip." "Thanks." Is Brian a criminal? Not at all. He is an air courier. And he paid only $110 for the round-trip ticket to Paris. Air couriers get cheap airline tickets because they take important packages and papers to foreign countries. Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries by the next day. Often, the only way they can do this is to use an air-courier company. It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier, but it is quick. Every year about 80,000 people worldwide travel as air couriers. The number of tickets for courier travel is growing by about 10 percent a year. However, air-courier travel isnt for everyone. But if you have very little money, can be flexible about your travel plans, and dont mind wearing the same clothes for a week, it can be a great way to take a vacation! Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 22. Why was Brian wearing so many clothes for his travel? 23. What do we learn about an air couriers job from the passage? 24. Why do businesses choose the air-courier service according to the passage? 25. What is one of the disadvantages of travelling as an air courier?23.

A.He organises international flights for tourists.

B.He travels around the world with cheap tickets.

C.He delivers papers and packages to foreign countries.

D.He manages a business company in foreign countries.

More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Ren Coty.C
harles Deschanel was then the financial minister.He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production.It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries.The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people,let alone long-ranged developments.Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point.Rents were tightly controlled,but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of food.Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income.Wages,it is true,had risen.Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state,and there was full-time and overtime employment.Taken together,these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security.In this precarious(不安定的)and discouraging situation,workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country.It was feared that this migration of workers would deplete the labor force.The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced.Qualified workers employed abroad would only increase the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries.Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

1. According to the passage,the French workers were _____.

A. willing to work overseas

B. able to save more money with the increase in his wages

C. anxious to work abroad

D. often unable to find work in France

2. The French government was reluctant to let the workers leave the country,because _____.

A. it would enlarge the working force

B. it would hinder the improvement of quality in industrial production

C. it would hinder the increase in quantity of exports

D. it would damage the imports

3. Rents in France _____.

A. were extremely high

B. were tightly controlled

C. took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income

D. had doubled in two years

4. According to the passage,French production _____.

A. was inadequate to meet the needs of the French people

B. was flooding the international market with inferior products

C. emphasized industrial production at the expense of agricultural production

D. was enough for the local market

5. According to the passage the French government _____.

A. prohibited the French workers to work abroad

B. reduced taxes to fight inflation

C. paid family allowances and benefits

D. prohibited the French workers to join labor unions

When companies do business overseas, they come in contact with people from different cultu
res. These individuals often speak a different language and have their own particular custom and manners. These differences can create problems.

For example, in France, business meetings begin promptly at the designated time and everyone is expected to be there. Foreign business people who are tardy are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.

A second traditional problem is that of monetary conversions. For example, if a transaction is conducted with Russia, payment may be made in rubles. Of course, this currency is of little value to the American firm. It is, therefore, necessary to convert the foreign currency to American dollars. How much are these Russian rubles worth in terms of dollars? This conversion rate is determined by every market, where the currencies of countries are bought and sold. Thus there is an established rate, although it will often fluctuate from day to day. For example, the ruble may be worth '0.75 on Monday and '0.72 on Tuesday because of an announced wheat shortage in Russia. In addition, there is the dilemma associated with converting at '0.72. Some financial institutions may be unwilling to pay this price, feeling that the ruble will sink much lower over the next week. As a result, conversion may finally come at '0.69. These "losses" must be accepted by the company as one of the costs of doing business overseas.

A third unique problem is trade barriers. For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders. Some trade barriers are directly related to exports. For example, the United States permits strategic military material to be shipped abroad only after government permission has been obtained. Most trade barriers, however, are designed to restrict import. Two of the most common import barriers are quotas and tariffs.

The best title for the passage would be ______.

A.How to Succeed in International Trade

B.Monetary Conversion

C.Trade Barriers

D.Unique Problems in International Trade

设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语读写课教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包



teaching objectives

teaching contents

key and difficult points

major steps and time allocation

activities and justifications





Town Twinning

How are Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France similar? Well, they‘re both medium-sized towns of between 100,000 and 200,000 inhabitants. They both have universities and industries.

Tourism is important to both of them, and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region. But they share something else: they have a town twinning agreement.

Town twinning is not a new idea, but it has become more popular in recent years because it‘s now easier to find out about and visit other countries and towns. It‘s an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.

Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each other. There are visits and exchanges between schools, theater groups and sports teams. Visitors from the foreign town usually stay in the private homes of the town they are visiting. There is usually a big party for the visitors.

Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practice speaking another language. This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast.

设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语读写课教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包设计任

How to Get Ready for Studying AbroadIt was ail so misleadingly simple. I had studied Frenc

How to Get Ready for Studying Abroad

It was ail so misleadingly simple. I had studied French in college, and my university offered a year abroad in France. My scholarship would apply; credit for courses was assured; advisers were available on campus to discuss passports, visas, shots, international student IDs and driver' s licenses. A charter flight had been booked and housing had been arranged. There was even a list of suggestions for packing. What could be simpler?

Of course, we were told at the orientation meetings that it might be difficult to adjust to a foreign language, strange customs, and the European academic system. I remember paying insufficient attention. "The tour is arranged," I said to myself. "Everything works out."

And everything did work out--more or less--but I came across some big surprises. If you are planning to study overseas, let me suggest a few key points to consider before you leave the USA.

Learn the Language

In France, they speak French. Why, then, did ! not strive vigorously to learn the language before I arrived? The requirement of two years of college French is minimal. One of my teachers warned that I was only marginally grounded in the language.

But learning to speak French in the US was hard work, so I put it off until I got to France, where I assumed language skills could be acquired effortlessly. Unfortunately, I was so embarrassed by my poor command of the language that I was afraid to speak.

Help came in the form. of a Gallic proverb: "In order to speak good French, you have to relax; and in order to relax, you have to drink wine. "At least half of that adage (谚语) proved to be true. The greatest obstacle to learning a foreign language isn' t vocabulary or grammar or pronunciation; it' s self-consciousness. I eventually learned to relax while making ridiculous mistakes.

Don't Insist on the American Way

Adjusting to another country demands changes in behavior. and an open mind. Daily bath ing, for example, is an American way of life, while many European cannot imagine why anyone would want to shower more often than once a week. Because I lived in a dorm, I could follow my hygienic habits, and the French theirs. But in some student housing, such freedom wash' t possible, either because the proprietors (经营者) considered dally showers extravagant or because there were no showers at all.

Social interactions can be a lot more complex. In France, for instance, a woman will not let a man pay for so much as a cup of espresso (浓咖啡) --to do so would be equal to inviting amorous (性爱的) advances. American women were assumed to play by the same rules, whether they knew the rules or not.

On the other hand, the French see absolutely nothing wrong with a group of young men dancing together. We male Americans were not about to dance without women--until one night when we went out on the town with several male French friends, and the lot of them took to the dance floor. Whenever such cultural customs conflicted, I had to choose to remain aloof and risk offending, or embrace their ways. I dance.

Some of these rules and customs can be learned in advance; others are picked up easily abroad. Remaining flexible is the key.

Be Prepared for Independent Study

The cultural difference that jolted me the most was in the university system itself. In Europe, the professor is a man on a pedestal (显要地位), expecting and receiving deference. His contact with students is minimal. Even in the classroom, students neither question nor discuss the material presented.

Attendance at the once-a-week classes is entirely voluntary. No assignments are given. The final exam does not consist of materials presented in lectures. The course is defined not by how much material a professor covers, but by a syllabus which lists the texts, periods, or literary




根据以下材料,回答题Immigration and ProblemsHundreds of thousands of people supporting immi


Immigration and Problems

Hundreds of thousands of people supporting immigration rights in the US filled streets all over America in early 2006. Many held signs and American flags and asked to be treated as citizens—not criminals. Many of these supported legislation from Senator John McCain that would open a path to citizenship to immigrants who were already in the country illegally. Proposed legislation from other politicians called for stricter measures- including rounding up undocumented immigrants and sending them back to their home countries.

Canadian officials say that immigration applications continue to rise. Some want to keep the doors open. They need the labor. About 400,000 immigrants were allowed into the country in 2005,according to the Canadian Government statistics. However, all this growth means that cities need to adapt. New comers don"t always make a smooth transition into jobs for which they are skilled. So industries are using mentoring (辅导 ) programs to help new immigrants find proper jobs.

With the large numbers of undocumented African immigrants arriving in the Canary Islands and showing no sign of abating (减少), the Spanish Government has decided to get tough. There will be no more mass amnesties (特赦) for illegals, and anyone coming to Spain without permission will be sent back, the government has announced. About 23,000 migrants (移民 ) landed on the islands in2006, and riots have erupted in some crowded reception centers. This has promoted local authorities to appeal to the United Nations for help.

France"s new immigration and integration law gives the government new powers to encourage high-skilled migration. It takes effect in 2007. The new law authorizes the government to identify particular professions where France has a talent shortage. Then the government will help these identified employers find immigrant workers with needed skills or qualifications. The selected foreign employees will be granted "skills and talents" visas, valid for three years. But some people show the concern that it"ll cause brain drain in developing countries.

Many immigrants in the US took to the streets in early 2006, demanding that __________ . 查看材料

A.John McCain be removed

B.they be sent back home

C.they be treated as citizens

D.their culture be protected

听力原文:The young man was a French nobleman, the son of one of the richest and most impor

听力原文: The young man was a French nobleman, the son of one of the richest and most important families of France. He had heard about the revolution taking place in America. He wanted to go and help.

He was only eighteen years old. He was tall, handsome, and a familiar figure in the high society of Paris. His family tried to stop him. They asked the King of France to throw him into jail in order to stop him. But the young nobleman had already bought his ship and gathered some young friends to go with him. He escaped and came to America. The young man was the Marquis de Lafayette.

Upon his arrival, he discovered that no one knew him here. He had been promised that he would be an officer in the American army, but Congress said that it wanted no more foreign officers. Lafayette sat down and cried. He could not go back to France. Instead, he offered to serve as a volunteer— without pay. Congress accepted. Later Lafayette met Washington. A great affection grew up between the two men, as between father and son. Lafayette became Washington's personal aide.

Once toward the end of the war, the men under Lafayette's command were all in rags. Lafayette asked Congress for new uniforms. Congress had no money with which to buy uniforms. Using his own personal credit, Lafayette went to the merchants of Baltimore and, at his own expense, bought a new uniform. for each man —two thousand in all. In this way, his men were able to go on fighting.


A.He wanted to fight against the Americans.

B.He wanted to visit George Washington.

C.He wanted to do business with the Americans.

D.He wanted to help the American Revolution.

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