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听力原文:The first step to stop drug abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs. The r

听力原文: The first step to stop drug abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs. The reasons people abuse drugs are as different as people are from one to another. But there seems to be one common thread: people seem to take drugs to change the way they feel. They want to feel better or to feel happy or to feel nothing. Sometimes, they want to forget or to remember. People often feel better about the roseleaf when they are under the influence of drugs. But the effects don't last long. Drugs don't solve problems. They just postpone them. No matter how far drugs may take you, it's always around trip. After a while, people who miss drugs may feel worse about themselves, and then they may use more drugs. If someone you know is using or abusing drugs, you can help. The most important part you can play is to be there. You can let your friends know that you care. You can listen and try to solve the problem behind your friend's need to use drugs. Two people together can often solve a problem that seems too big for one person alone. Studies of heavy abusers in the United States show that they felt unloved and unwanted. They didn't have close friends to talk to. When you or your friends take the time to care for each other, you're all helping to stop drugs abuse. After all, what is a friend for?


A.To show off their wealth.

B.To feel good.

C.To regain their memory.

D.To be different from others.

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更多“听力原文:The first step to stop dr…”相关的问题
听力原文:The "American dream" is an idea that grew from TV programs, books, and stories ab

听力原文: The "American dream" is an idea that grew from TV programs, books, and stories about family life. The idea began in the 1950s, after World War 11. What was the "dream" ?

As the first step, families bought or built a comfortable little home in the suburbs. This often meant a long commute to work. Many husbands road the train or drove two hours each day, but this was part of the dream.

The husband "wore the pants" in the family. He made the decisions because he went to work, he paid the bills, and he "put" food on the table, Of course, his wife actually cooked the meals!

The wife spent her time at home. She took care of the children and kept house. Occasionally she found time for a hobby.


A.Dreams about a comfortable little home.

B.Dreams about becoming an American citizen.

C.Dreams about family life.

D.Dreams about books and stories.

听力原文:While radio broadcasting was still in its early stage the wonder of television wa

听力原文: While radio broadcasting was still in its early stage the wonder of television was already being developed. The person responsible for developing it was John Baird. In 1926 he gave the first demonstration of a television picture.

As a home entertainment, television rapidly became more popular than any other form. A news broadcast became more immediate when people could actually see the scene in question and the movements of the figures. Films could also be available. One of the advantages of travel programs was the glimpse of far-away places which many viewers would not otherwise have seen. Though much of the entertainment was of a popular kind like quiz competitions, some remarkable cultural programs were also broadcast. Just as with radio in earlier days, a group of actors and actresses became familiar in every household. One of the most popular programs on television was sport and an interesting result of the television broadcast was the increased attendance at the actual events. How far this was due to a growth in interest in the-game and how far out of the peoples desire to appeal on the screen is not clear.


A.He was the first person to appear on television.

B.It was he who discovered the wonder of television.

C.He made the very first step towards the invention of television.

D.He developed the television and was the first person to demonstrate it.

听力原文:(32)The "American dream" is an idea that grew from TV programs, books, and storie

听力原文: (32)The "American dream" is an idea that grew from TV programs, books, and stories about family life. The idea began in the 1950s, after, World War Ⅱ. What was the "dream"?

As the first step,(33)families bought or built a comfortable little home in the suburbs. This often meant a long commute to work. Many husbands road the train or drove two hours each day, but this was part of the dream.

The husband "wore the pants" in the family. He made the decisions because (34)he went to work, he paid the bills, and he "put" food on the table. of course, his wife actually cooked the meals!

The wife spent her time at home. She took care of the children and kept house. Occasionally she found time for a bobby.

According to the dream, everyone was happy with this arrangement. This was the image that people held of the "perfect family." (35)If the husband or wife felt bored or discontented, he or she hid these feelings.


A.Dreams about a comfortable little home.

B.Dreams about becoming an American citizen.

C.Dreams about family life.

D.Dreams about books and stories.

听力原文:The first step in exercising for most people is determining whether or not they s

听力原文: The first step in exercising for most people is determining whether or not they should. This is particularly true with anyone over thirty-five, especially if they have been heavy smokers. (33) Likewise, young adults who have been very inactive should process slowly and with caution. A physical evaluation from a physician is recommended, preferably one that includes an exercise-stress test. While a person is exercising, a stress test detects cardiovascular (心血管的) problems that might not show up when the body is at rest. This is done by monitoring blood pressure, pulse rate, oxygen consumption, and the hearts electrical activity while exercising.

Whatever exercise program is selected, (34) it is important to start with warm-up periods. These should include stretching exercises, jumping jacks, or active walking. The idea is to increase heart rate and circulation slowly without placing a sudden strain on the heart or the muscles that are starting to work. The next phase in developing an exercise program is to determine the amount of exercise that is enough to condition the muscles and cardiovascular system without overly straining the body. This involves taking one's pulse and finding one's target zone.

(35) This target zone, or safe-training pulse rate, is established by subtracting one's age from 220 and then taking 60 percent to 80 percent of that total. If you are just starting to exercise, 60 percent is recommended; 80 percent is recommended if you are already in good condition.

Questions:33. What should the inactive young adults do when they decide to do exercise?

34.What does warm-up exercise exclude?

35.What would be the suggested the safe-training pulse rate if you are a beginner and at the age of 45?


A.To determine whether-or-not they should.

B.To process slowly and with caution.

C.To have a muscle check.

D.To increase heart rate.

听力原文:M: Hello! You seem worried. Can I help you?W: Oh, I feel so strange with my feet

听力原文:M: Hello! You seem worried. Can I help you?

W: Oh, I feel so strange with my feet in the skis.

M: So you don’t know how to ski. Is it the first time you come here skiing?

W: It’s even the first time I have seen the real white snow.

M: No kidding! Where are you from, young lady?

W: My family and I live in Hainan Province, China. We do not have snow in winter. It’s always sunshine.

M: No wonder. I guess you must be a good swimmer, then.

W: You’re right. Swimming is my favorite hobby. But I simply don’t know what to do with these skis.

M: Don’t worry. I’m sure you will learn it very soon. Now walk as I do, all right? ...Good! Let’s go up the hill and try once, shall we? When you want to go up the slope, you should stand sideways and go up step by step, just like a crab!

W: Oh, it’s really funny. I’ve never walked in this way, but it’s interesting.

M: Let’s move to the gentle slope, shall we? It will make things easier.

W: I guess I’m a little nervous.

M: Take it easy. Trust yourself. Now, keep leaning forward while going down. Remember the tips mustn’t cross or you’ll fall down. If you want to stop, you should point the tips together, got it?

W: I see. Oh, I have done it! Thank you. You are so kind!






听力原文: The first step toward the invention of television was taken in 1873. The person
responsible for developing it was John Logic Baird. In 1926 [30] he gave the first demonstration of a television picture.

As a home entertainment, [29] television rapidly became more popular than any other form. A news broadcast became more immediate when people could actually see the scene in question and the movements of the figures. Films could be viewed in the comfort of the home and variety shows were also available. Though much of the entertainment was of a popular kind like quiz competitions, some remarkable cultural programs were also shown. The publicity given to the actors and actresses on the screen meant that [31] a group of personalities became familiar in every household. One of the most popular programmers was the televised coverage of sport. And one interesting result of the television broadcast was the increased attendance at the actual events.


A.Because television is cheaper to purchase.

B.Because people could see the scene and the figures in movements.

C.Because television provides comfort to people.

D.Because television makes some actors and actress known to common people.

听力原文:Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters s

听力原文: Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters stand for five steps in the reading process: Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite. Each of the steps should be done carefully and in the order mentioned.

In all study reading, a survey should be the first step. Survey means to look quickly, Don't stop to read complete sentences. Just look at the important divisions of the material.

The second step is question. Try to form. questions based on your survey. Use the question words who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Now you are ready for the third step--read. You will be rereading the titles and important words that you look at in the survey. But this time you will read the examples and details as well. Sometimes it is useful to take notes while you read. I have had students who preferred to underline important points, and it seems to be just as useful as note- taking. What you should do, whether you take notes or underline, is to read actively. Think about what you are reading as a series of ideas, not just a sequence of words.

The fourth step is review. Remember the questions that you wrote down before you read the material. You should be able to answer them now. You will notice that some of the questions were treated in more detail in the reading. Concentrate on those. Also review material that you did not consider in your questions.

The last step is recite. Try to put the reading into your own words. Summarize it either in writing or orally.


A.A new way to take notes.

B.A short name for survey reading method.

C.The five steps in the reading process.

D.Different ways to study for examinations.

听力原文:Pushing China's foreign exchange reform. ahead by another step, the central bank

听力原文: Pushing China's foreign exchange reform. ahead by another step, the central bank on Friday carried out its first currency swap deals with local banks. It hopes that this could help bring more flexibility to the market.

The People's Bank of China confirmed that it was carrying out its first foreign exchange swap deal on Friday, but would not give more details. A Beijing-based trader for a major state-owned bank said that the central bank offered one-year currency swaps worth $ 6 billion at 7.85 Chinese yuan per dollar.

In spot dealings, the yuan closed at 8.08 to the dollar on Thursday. Analysts said that it wasn't clear exactly what system the central bank was using in its swaps transactions, but said it could be selling dollars and buying yuan on the spot market, and a year later could reverse the deal at the set rate.

That would have the effect of removing yuan from the money market. At the same time, the central bank could use the swap rate to signal its expectations about how fast it expects the yuan's value to rise, they said.

Tile swap deal didn't seem to have any immediate effect on the spot market.

Late Thursday, China's State Administration for Foreign Exchange announced it would also introduce a new currency trading system allowing bank market members to trade directly with each other. It also invited qualified members to apply to become market makers for yuan spot trading.

A market maker agrees to act as either a buyer or seller in a financial transaction when no other party can be found. Currently, the central bank is China's key market maker in U.S. dollar trading due to tight restrictions on for eign exchange dealings, though regulators earlier announced they were considering letting other banks become market makers.


A.It is one of the China's foreign exchange reform.

B.It may bring flexibility to the market.

C.It is in the former plan.

D.They want to bring yuan to the spot market.

听力原文:As is known to all, scientists and philosophers had studied the human body and it

听力原文: As is known to all, scientists and philosophers had studied the human body and its functions from very early times. Unfortunately, many of the ideas and theories, correct and incorrect, were accepted without question for a great number of years. But by the 16th century, knowledge gained through chemical experiments was beginning to make some people think more deeply about how the human body works.

A most important medical discovery was made by William Harvey in 1628. He found out that the blood is circulated round the body in one direction only by the pumping action of the heart. It had previously been incorrectly thought that the blood moved with a backward and forward motion.

Early in the 17th century a new instrument came into use that was to open up a whole new area in the study of medical and scientific matters. This was the microscope.

The first instruments were not very efficient. They were able to magnify only a very small part of the object and this was always surrounded by rings of colored light. Nevertheless a great step forward had been taken which was of vital importance for future research and development.


A.Scientists and philosophers had never studied the human body and its functions.

B.Many of the ideas and theories that people used to accept were all incorrect.

C.People used to accept ideas and theories.

D.People used to accept undoubtedly many of the ideas and theories, correct and incorrect.

听力原文:Hosting a successful party can give you a glow that will linger for days. It is e

听力原文: Hosting a successful party can give you a glow that will linger for days. It is easy to be a successful host: a few simple precautions, a little imagination, and careful attention to details are the whole of the recipe. If you follow that recipe, the party will be fun for everyone.

The first step for a successful evening is to get a well-chosen guest list. Keeping the same chairs with the same guests party after party, however engaging and stimulating they may be individually, is as unimaginative and boring as to serve the same main course at every meal. If you change your guest list and bring in unfamiliar faces, you will offer your guests the possibility of discovery.

The second step is to introduce your guests around as soon as they arrive. You must have the basic guidelines fixed in your mind: the man is introduced to the woman if she is over eighteen; the younger person is introduced to the older if both are of the same sex; girls under eighteen are introduced to older people; either men or women are always introduced to a considerably older person, and often to a person of special distinction. Newcomers should be introduced all the way around. When you have to leave a new guest with a group he has just met, tell them enough about each other so that the conversation will start easily.

The way you seat your guests could perfect or spoil your party. Work this out carefully well in advance. Prepare notes on each guest's interests, personality, communicational abilities. As a host, your responsibilities are not unlike those of the chairman of a panel discussion. You must pace the talk, spark it; see that all sides have a chance to get into the act. This is host mastery.


A.A sparkling party.

B.Host mastery.

C.A successful host.

D.Rules to remember.

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