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Thank you, sir. _______ can we expect you?

A.What time

B.At what time



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更多“Thank you, sir. _______ can we…”相关的问题
- Here you are , Sir. –()A. Yes. I'm hereB. Thank you very muchC. All rightD. Yes.

- Here you are , Sir. –()

A. Yes. I'm here

B. Thank you very much

C. All right

D. Yes. here we are

一- Here you are , Sir.--__________.A. Yes , all rightB. Yes , here we areC. Thank you

一- Here you are , Sir.


A. Yes , all right

B. Yes , here we are

C. Thank you very much

听力原文:M: Good morning, Lucy. Can I help you?W: Good morning, sir. I'd like to talk with

听力原文:M: Good morning, Lucy. Can I help you?

W: Good morning, sir. I'd like to talk with you about my studies for a minute, if I may.

M: Certainly, come in and have a seat.

W: Thank you. I have a record of my studies for last year. Would you like to see it?

M: Yes, let me see now. You are studying mathematics, aren't you?.

W: Yes, I am. But I'd like to apply for admission to the engineering college next year.

M: I see. Have you asked your parents for their advice about this?

W: Yes, I have. They think it is a good idea.

M: Well, your record here has been very good. I don't think you will have much trouble.

W: I hope not. Anyway, I am going to apply. And I'd like to ask you to write a recommendation for me, if it is not too much trouble.

M: No trouble at all. I'd be glad to do it. Is there anything else?

W: No, sir. I think that is all. Thank you very much.

M: All right, Lucy. Good luck to you.

W: Thank you, Good-bye.

What is the woman most likely to be?

A.A teacher.

B.A student.

C.A manager.

听力原文:M: I must say the steak was delicious and I've never had better service.W: Thank

听力原文:M: I must say the steak was delicious and I've never had better service.

W: Thank you, sir. I'll pass your compliments on to the cook. And thanks too for the tip.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Doctor and nurse.

B.Customer and waitress.

C.Boss and secretary.

D.Manager and clerk.

听力原文:Applicant: Good morning, sir. It's very nice to meet you. I’ve come for an interv

Manager: I see. Good morning. Take your seat, please.

Applicant: Thank yon. I received your letter yesterday, and you told me to come this morning for an interview.

Manager: Oh, so you are Mr. Smith, and you are one of the applicants to have answered our advertisement in the paper for an assistant account. Yes, we do have a vacancy, and I am expecting you.

Applicant: Thank you very much ,sir. Nice office here. I suppose your company's business is very good.

Manager: Well, not bad. May I see your reference materials? Frankly speaking, I'm quite satisfied you’re your qualifications since you have six years' experience in office work. I consider you the right man for this position. By the way, what company are you working with now?

Applicant: Well, I am out of job for the time being. 1 used to work in a Chinese firm whose boss was the sole proprietor. But two months ago the boss went back to China with his family, so the firm was closed down.

Manager: Does it mean that you can come here to work any time on call if we hire you?

Applicant: That's right. By all means.

Manager: I think you understand that we'll have to take you on a three-month probation first.

Applicant: Of course, I understand. I'll do my best, and I think I can do a good job. By the way, what is the salary?

Manager: One thousand and five hundred dollars a month to start with, and in three months' time your salary would be adjusted. And a year from now, you will have two weeks' annual leave.

Applicant: That's great. And when shall I start to work?

Manager: Let's see--today is Friday. You may start working on Monday. What do you say to it?

Applicant: I think it's the best. Thank you very much, sir.

Manager: Good luck to you.

Where did the applicant get the information about the job vacancy?

A.From his friends.

B.From TV advertisement.

C.From advertisement leaflets.

D.From newspaper advertisement.

听力原文:Operator: Long Distance Information. This is Miss Scott. Can I help you?M1: Yes,

听力原文:Operator: Long Distance Information. This is Miss Scott. Can I help you?

M1: Yes, operator. I'd like a number in Chicago, please.

Operator: Yes, Sir:

M1: I'm trying to locate the number of a Mr. Peter Randall.

Operator: Would you spell the last name for me, please?

M1: Yes. His last name is spelled R--A--N--D--A--L--L.

Operator: Do you know his address in Chicago by any chance?

M1: I'm not quite sure, but I think he lives on Smith Street.

Operator: Thank you. One moment, please. I'm checking. I do have a P. Randall at 1141 Smith Street in the city. The number is 3414355.

M1: Thank you for your help, operator.

Operator: This is the long distance operator. May I help you?

M2: Hello, operator. Can you place a long distance call for me to Boston?

Operator: You can place that call yourself by dialing directly, Sir. First dial 555-1212 ,next the area code, and last the phone number.

M2: Thank you very much.

What is the phone number of Mr. Randall in Chicago?





听力原文:W: Excuse me, sir. Can I have breakfast in my room?M: Sure, Madam. In our hotel,

听力原文:W: Excuse me, sir. Can I have breakfast in my room?

M: Sure, Madam. In our hotel, breakfast is served from 6:30 until 8:30. The menu is here.

W: Thanks. I'd like some jam and roast bread for my breakfast please.

M: Jam and roast bread. OK. At what time would you like it?

W: 7:15 is OK I think.

M: 7:15 is all right, Madam. Would you like some fruit juice?

W: Yes. What do you have now?

M: We have orange, apple, peach and so on.

W: I think I'd like orange please.

M: Orange? Ok. And would you prefer tea or coffee?

W: Tea, please. Thank you.

M: Good-bye.

W: Good-bye.


A.7:30 to 9:30.

B.6:00 to 8:00.

C.6:30 to 8:30.

D.7:00 to 9:00.

听力原文:Ann: Ben! You can't park here! There's a double yellow line.Ben: Oh, we'll be bac

听力原文:Ann : Ben! You can't park here! There's a double yellow line.

Ben : Oh, we'll be back in a few minutes. It's OK.

Ann : Oh, no, it isn't. You'll get a parking ticket if you park here.

Bell : No, I won't. It's half past five. All the wardens have gone home.

Ann : Ben!

Ben : Yes?

Warden : Is this your car, sir?

Ben : Oil, My! Well, I'm sorry, sir. I'm just looking for a ear pork around.

Ann : Yes, he is. And he doesn't know the way well. But can you tell us where we can find a parking space near here, sir?

Warden : There's one an the comer of the second block. But don't park your car by the roadside next time, sir.

Ann : No, no, we won't. Thank you very much, sir.

Ben : You're really good, Ann! But we have to hurry, I'm afraid. We must get back before 6. Ann : But you mustn't drive too fast.

Ben : Take it easy, Ann. Don't be anxious.

Ann : Look, Bea! A police car is following...

Policeman: Excuse me, sir. May I see your licence?

Ben : Of course, sir, Well, I'm sorry I've left it at home.

Policeman: In that case, you'll have to take it to the police station within five days.

Ben : But... but why?

Policeman: You were speeding, sir.

Ben : But I was only doing 35 !

Policeman: There's a 30 miles an hour speed limit on tiffs road, sir.

Ben : Is there? I didn't see the sign...

Policeman: Well, sir. We've been following you.

Ben : So you were doing 35, too.

Policeman: No, sir. We were doing 60 miles an hour. Otherwise we couldn't catch you.


A.in a car park

B.in the middle of a highway

C.near a police station

D.by the roadside

听力原文:M: Sit down, please. Miss Jenkins.W: Thank you, sir.M: Well, I'd like to start ou

听力原文:M: Sit down, please. Miss Jenkins.

W: Thank you, sir.

M: Well, I'd like to start our conversation with some questions. Shall I start?

W: Sure.

M: Can you type, Miss Jenkins?

W: Yes, I can.

M: How many words a minute?

W: Fifty.

M: Hmm. Have you ever learned how to operate office computers?

W: Yes, I have. I worked for two years as a computer operator in a school.

M: Good. Are you familiar with other modern equipment, the fax machine, printer, and things like that? W: I don't think there's any problem for me to work on these machines, You know, sir, I've even learned shorthand.

M: You have? That's good. And you speak foreign languages, do you?

W: Yes, I speak German and French.

M: Do you speak Italian?

W: No, I don't speak Italian. But I speak Chinese.

M: Really? We have branches in Beijing and Shanghai.

W: You mean I have the Job?

M: Wait, wait, Miss Jenkins. I have to talk to the general manager before a final decision is made.

W: I see. When can I know the result?

M: In about 2 weeks, I think.

W: Thank you very much.

M: Goodbye, Miss Jenkins

W: Goodbye.


A.A formal talk between the boss and his secretary.

B.An informal talk between two friends.

C.A formal talk between a professor and a student.

D.An interview between the interviewer and the job applicant.

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?M: Eh, I was supposed to have the r

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Eh, I was supposed to have the registration done here.

W: Right. Then all you need is to complete this little form. I have to ask you several questions.

M: No problem.

W: What is your family name?

M: Black.

W: Black. OK Then what's the given name?

M: J-A-C-K,Jack.

W: I have got it. Where do you come from?

M: Canada.

W: Fine, and this should be male. Are you married?

M: Not yet.

W: Then, your student code please?

M: 00229067.

W: 00229067, is that right?

M: Absolutely.

W: What department will you study in?

M: Law. For Bachelor.

W: Do you have any telephone mumber so far?

M: I'm afraid I will get my new mumber in a few days.

W: That's fine. But remember to contact us when you get it.

M: Sure, I will. Any other questions?

W: Oh, yes. Tell me your address and hand in $ 7010 of tuition fee in that window. Then that's all.

M: I am living on Brook Street, Room 202,P. O. box 2001. Thank you so much.

W: It's my pleasure.


A.Black Jack.

B.Jack Black.

C.Jackson Black.

D.Black Jackson.

听力原文:M: I'd like to book a few seats for "Hamlet", please.W: Yes, sir.M: Have you got

听力原文:M: I'd like to book a few seats for "Hamlet", please.

W: Yes, sir.

M: Have you got any seats downstairs?

W: Yes, we have.

M: How much are they?

W: $3.75 each.

M: Are there any seats for $2.50?

W: Yes, there are--upstairs. How many?

M: Four, please.

W: For which night?

M: What about Saturday, October 21st?

W: I can give you four seats in Row 8.

M: How long will the performance last?

W: Two and a half hours.

M: Thank you. How much will that be in all?

Why doesn't the man book the seats downstairs?

A.Because the seats are too expensive.

B.Because the seats are too close to the stage.

C.Because the seats are uncomfortable.

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