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阅读材料,回答题: Energy CycleDo you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it&


Energy Cycle

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it&39;s painful? This might be called lazi-ness, but Dr. Kleitman has anew explanation. He has proved that everyone has adaily energycycle.

During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you&39;re "hot". That&39;strue. The time of day when you feel most energeticis when your cycle of body temperature is at itspeak. For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon orevening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues as : "Getup, John! You&39;ll be late for work again!" The possiB.le explanation to the trouB.le is that John isat his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbandsand wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can&39;t change your energy cycle, B.ut you can learn to make your life fit to it better. HaB.itcan help, Dr. Kleitman B.elieves. MayB.e you&39;re sleepy in the evening but you must stay up lateanyway. Counteract your cycle to some extent by haB.itually staying up later than you want to. Ifyour energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, risebeforeyour usual hour. This won&39;t change your cycle, but you&39;ll get up steam and work better at yourlow point.

Get off to aslow start which saves your energy. Get up with aleisurely yawn and stretch. Siton the edge of the bed aminute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the trouble of search-ing for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work inthe afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

If aperson finds getting up early aproblem, most probably__________. 查看材料

A.he is alazy person

B.he refuses to follow his own cycle

C.he is not sure when his energy is low

D.he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

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阅读材料,回答题: Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油) provides around 40% of t


Renewable Energy Sources

Today petroleum(石油) provides around 40% of the world&39;s energy needs, mostly fuellingautomobiles. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one-quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料). Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil, but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years. Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer A.more practical long-term energy solution. "Renewable" refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.

Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form. of renewable energy, sup-plying around 20% of world electricity. China&39;s Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five timesthe size of the U. S. &39;s Hoover Dam, its 26 turB.ines(涡轮机) will generate the equivalent energyof 18 coal-fired power stations. It will satisfy 3% of China&39;s entire electricity demand.

In 2003, the first commercial power station to use tidal (潮汐的) currents in the open seaopened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车), but others take the form. of turB.ines.

As prices fall, wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation--quadrupling(翻两番) worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms consist of turbinesthat generate electricity. Though it will be more expensive, there is more than enough wind to pro-vide the world&39;s entire energy needs. Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms. They can of-ten end up at spots of natural beauty, and are often unpopular with residents. And turbines are nottotally harmless--they can interfere with radar, alter climate and kill seabirds. Scotland is build-ing Europe&39;s largest wind farm, which will power 200,000 homes. The U. K. &39;s goal is to generateone-fifth of power from renewable sources, mainly wind, by 2020. but this may cause problems,because wind is unreliable.

According to the passage, which of the following is the most polluting energy resource? 查看材料



C.Natural gas


阅读材料,回答题。 NanotechnologyMany of the grand challenges of today and the future are



Many of the grand challenges of today and the future are found in the question: "How are we going to solve the problems and make serious improvements in industrial manufacturing, disease control, environmental pollution control, global climate change, food production, transportation, communication, and others?"

Nanotechnology (纳米技术 ) promises to make revolutionary contributions.Within the next few years we can expect to see major improvements. Here are some possibilities the things to come.Nanotechnology is fundamentally changing the way materials and devices will be produced in the future.

Nanostructures, ceramics, polymers, metals, and other materials will have greatly improved mechanical properties.In fact, with the ability to build things atom-by-atom and molecule-by-molecule there will be new classes of structural materials.Nanotechnology will enable products to be lighter, stronger, smarter, cheaper,cleaner, and more precise.

The ability to synthesize nanoscale budding blocks with precisely controlled size and composition and then to assemble them into larger structures with unique properties and functions will revolutionize segments of the materials manufacturing industry. Nanotechnology is expected to bring about lighter, stronger, and programmable materials ; reductions in life-cycle costs through lower failure rates; innovative devices based on new principles and architectures ; and use of molecular cluster manufacturing.

Nanotechnology will provide new tools for medicine.It could radically change the way surgery is done.It will make it possible to do molecular scale surgery to repair and rearrange cells.Since disease is the result of physical disorder, misarranged molecules and cells, medicine at this level should be able to cure most diseases.

Mutations in DNA could be repaired and cancer cells, toxic chemicals, and viruses could be destroyed through use of medical Nan devices.

Nanotechnology enabled increases in computational power will permit the characterization of macromolecular networks in realistic environments.Such simulations will be essential elements in the development of biocompatible implants and in the drug discovery process. Nanotechnology has the potential to significantly impact energy efficiency, storage, and production, Nanotechnology can change the economics of energy production.

The passage deals mainly with__________. 查看材料

A.grand challenge in manufacturing, medicine and computer industry

B.possibilities of nanotechnology"s contributions in the future

C.great changes caused by nanotechnology

D.practical application of nanotechnology

阅读材料,回答题: Adaptation of Living ThingsCertain animals and plants develop character


Adaptation of Living Things

Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environmentbetter than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among thesuperior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food orshelter, in providing protection, and in producing and protecting the young. That results in the

evolution of more and more organisms(生物体)that are better fitted to their environments.

Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especiallyto its own distinct class. A plant, for example, depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and toabsorb water and inorganic chemicals(无机物). It depends upon its green leaves for using thesun&39;s energy to make food from inorganic chemicals. These are general adaptations, common tomost plants. In addition, there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.

Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies. Some are hiddenby their body color or shape, and many look like a leaf or a little branch. The coats of deer arecolored to mix with the surroundings. Many animals have the ability to remain completely stillwhen an enemy is near.

Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting. They may adapt in their structure, func-tion, and genetics; in their development and production of the young; and in other respects. Anorganism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals (哺乳动物), whichhave the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changingweather. Usually adaptations are an advantage, but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that if conditions change, it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to thenew conditions.

Some plants and animals develop superior characteristics so that they may 查看材料

A.help others of their kind get food, shelter and other things needed

B.survive even in extremely severe conditions

C.become better adapted to the environments than others of their kind

D.result in the evolution and production of more intelligent organisms

回答题。 The Process of Gaining or Losing WeightThe process of gaining or losing weight c


The Process of Gaining or Losing Weight

The process of gaining or losing weight can be explained by comparing your body to your car. Both run 51 fuel, food for your body and gasoline for your car. Both 52 that fuel, first into heat, then energy, some of 53 is used to do work, and some emitted as waste. And 54 .your car uses more energy when the engine is racing than when it is idling, 55 does your body use more energy when you are working hard than 56 you are resting.

For the purpose of this comparison, 57 , there is one significant difference between them. Your car cannot store fuel by turning it into 58 else ; all gasoline not 59 remains as gasoline. But your body stores 60 energy as fat. When the gas tank is 61 empty, the car won&39;t run ; but your body can burn fat to provide more energy.

Therefore, if you want to gain weight, you must do 62 of two things : eat more calories (units of heat, therefore energy ) , or use less through 63 . If you want to lose weight, you do the 64 , decrease your intake of calories or increase the amount of energy you spend. There is 65 way. Gaining or losing weight is always a relation between intake and output of potential energy.

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阅读下面的文章,回答题。 《红楼梦》的人生性 王蒙 作者在第④段中说“一个食堂的做饭师傅,






阅读下面的文言文,回答题。 阿留传 (明)陆容 解释下列画横线词的意思。(4分)(1)元素终蓄





(1)元素终蓄之 蓄:

(2)其可笑事率类此 率:

(3)元素工楷书 工:

(4)使留断木之歧生者为之 断:


阅读下面的材料,回答题。劳动就业管理局为了加强对城镇就业失业人员的实名制管理工作,经市人民政府同意,决定对全市城镇就业失业人员办理就业失业登记证。为此,行文告知全市各级劳动管理部门及相关部门。材料使用的文种是()。 查看材料





根据材料,回答题。Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum provides around 40% of the world"


Renewable Energy Sources

Today petroleum provides around 40% of the world"s energy needs, mostly fuelling automo- biles. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one-quarter of our energy needs, but it isthe least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel. Natural gas reservescould plug some of the gap from oil, but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either.

Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years. We could fastreach an energy crisis. We need to rapidly develop sustainable solutions to fuel our future. Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution. They may ben-efit the world"s poor too. "Renewable" refers to the fact that these resources are not used fasterthan they can be replaced.

The Chinese and Romans used watermills over 2,000 years ago. But the first hydroelectricdam was built in England in 1870. Hydroelectric power is now the most common form. of renewableenergy, supplying around 20% of world electricity. China"s Three Gorges Dam, which has just beencompleted,is the largest ever. At five times the size of the US"s Hoover Dam, its 26 turbines willgenerate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations. It will satisfy 3% of China"s entireelectricity demand. Surprisingly,some argue that hydroelectric dams significantly contribute green-house gases.

In 2003, the first commercial power station to harness tidal currents in the open sea opened inNorway. It is designed like windmill, but others take the form. of turbines.

As prices fall, wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation——quadrupling worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms consist of turbines that gener-ate electricity. Though it will be more expensive, there is more than enough wind to provide theworld"s entire energy needs. Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms. They can often endup at spots of natural beauty, and are often unpopular with residents. And turbines are not totallybenign——they caninterfere with radar and leave a significant ecological footprint, altering climateand killing sea birds. Migrating birds may have more luck avoiding them. Scotland is building Europe"s largest wind farm, which will power 200,000 homes. The UK"s goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources, mainly wind, by 2020. But this may cause problems, be-cause wind is unreliable.

What are the energy resources that are renewable according to the article? 查看材料

A. Petroleum and coal.

B. Natural gas.

C. Wind and water.

D. A and B.

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