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听力原文: Many artists late in the last century were in search of a means to express their

individuality. Modern dance was one of the ways, some of these people sought to free their creative spirit. At the beginning there was no exacting technique, no foundation from which to build. In later years, trial, error, and genius founded the techniques and the principles of the movement. Eventually, innovators even drew from what they considered the dread ballet, but first they had to discard all that was academic so that the new could be discovered. The beginnings of modern dance were happening before Isadora Duncan, but she was the first person to bring the new dance to general audiences and see it accepted and acclaimed.

Her search for natural movement form. sent her to nature. She believed movement should be as natural as the swaying of the trees and the rolling waves of the sea, and should be in harmony with the movements of the Earth. Her great contributions are in three areas.

First, she began the expansion of the kinds of movements that could be used in dance. Before Duncan danced, ballet was the only type of dance performed in concert. In the ballet the feet and legs were emphasized, with virtuosity shown by complicated movements. Duncan performed dance by using all her body in the freest possible way. Her dance stemmed from her soul and spirit. She was one of the pioneers who broke tradition so others might be able to develop the art.

Her second contribution lies in dance costume. She discarded ballet shoes and stiff costumes. These were replaced with bare feet, and unbound hair. She believed in the natural body being allowed to move freely, and her dress displayed this ideal.

Her third contribution was in the use of music. In her performances she used the symphonies of great masters, including Beethoven and Wagner, which was not the usual custom.

She was as exciting and eccentric in her personal life as in her dance.

According to the passage, what did nature represent to Isadora Duncan?

A.Something to conquer.

B.A model for movement.

C.A place to find peace.

D.A symbol of disorder.

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更多“听力原文: Many artists late in the…”相关的问题
听力原文:You can find many art galleries in London. The most famous of all is the National

听力原文: You can find many art galleries in London. The most famous of all is the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. It has many of the best paintings in the world. Paintings by Rembrandt are in Room 12. Paintings by Rubens are in Rooms 14 and 15.

Another of the great London galleries is the Tate. The Tate Gallery was built in 1897—sixty years after the National Gallery. It is on the north bank of the Thames near Lambeth Bridge.

In the Tate, you will find paintings by British artists. The best known are Turner and William Blake. The Tate also has collections of modem paintings by foreign artists—for example, Picasso.


A.In room 12.

B.In room 14.

C.In room 15.

D.In room 20.

听力原文:M: We'll have 120 students this year.W: It's exactly one-third less than we had l

听力原文:M: We'll have 120 students this year.

W: It's exactly one-third less than we had last year.

Q: How many students did they have last year?






听力原文: One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affec
ted by social conditions, which are themselves often affected by historical events. As an example, look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century, around the time of the Great Depression, the art movement known as the Regionalism had begun in the United States even before the Depression occurred. But it really flourished in the 1930s, during the depression years. Why? Well, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. Some of these artists came to truly embrace the life in small towns and to reject city life in so-called "sophisticated society". These artists or specifically certain painters really built the regional-ist movement. They created things in everyday life in small towns or farming areas. And their style. was not all neutral, really big glorified or romanticised country life, showing it stable, wholesome, and embodying important American traditions. And this style. became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time. You see, the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society. But regionalism artists painted scenes that glorified American values, scenes that many Americans could easily identify with. So the movement helped strengthen peoples faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the depression. But in the 1940s, before and after the Second World War, American culture began to take on a much more international spirit, and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, well, it lost a lot of popularity, as American society changed once again. Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 20. What is the lecture mainly about? 21. What kind of scene might be shown in a typical regionalist painting? 22. According to the speaker, what happened in the USA in the 1940s around the time of WWII that affected the popularity of the regionalist art?20.

A.People working in a large factory.

B.People walking on crowded city streets.

C.An everyday activity in a small town.

D.A well-known historical event.

听力原文:Medicine, law, and theology are known as the learned professions. That is, they r

听力原文: Medicine, law, and theology are known as the learned professions. That is, they require special study at the university level and beyond. Doctors, for example, do not begin to specialize in medicine until they have already finished four years of college. After that they must go to medical school for another four years. Even then they are not competent enough because they must serve as interns in a hospital for at least another year. Besides the above traditional professions, other occupations are also considered to be professions because of the amount of education required and specialization. A dentist used to be a barber who pulled teeth. Nowadays, however, dentists have to get university education similar to those of medical doctors. Architects, once considered artists or craftsmen, must now study special university programs. Both modem business practices and modem technology have also created many new professions. Accountants now have professional status because accounting is an important part of business. Engineering as a profession developed only after the Industrial Revolution, and science and technology have grown so rapidly that there are now many different specializations within engineering. Civil engineers, for example, deal with designing and building dams, bridges, and other structures, while electrical engineers work with generating, distributing and applying electric power.

Standards to practice almost all the professions are. set either by the government or by professional groups. Medical doctors must pass a state licensing examination and serve as interns before they set up their own practices. Law school graduates also have to pass a specific examination in order to become practicing lawyers. In short, it takes a long time and a lot of effort to be qualified for any of the professions.


A.After four years of college.

B.After another four years of medical school.

C.After at least one year as interns in a hospital.

D.After their education is complete.

听力原文:Good evening. You are listening to Pop Worm of BCD International. I'm Sally Brown

听力原文: Good evening. You are listening to Pop Worm of BCD International. I'm Sally Brown. Today, we are going to hear several current hits of the world's most popular artists.

Well, at the beginning, I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program.

Because many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but also have a vast library of "golden oldie" classics, as well as the "latest releases".

For those of you who like a bit of background of your favorite music--there are The History of Pop and The Road to Music. These two series bring you the language of pop music and information about the periods and the artists.

If you want to hear from the artists themselves, there's a new series called About the Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. They speak to us about the meanings and ideas behind their songs.

If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, Pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs--so, if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised if the words to many songs leave you in the dark. It was to address exactly this problem that BCD International started broadcasting Pop Words just over 23 years ago... [fade out]

Which of the following is covered in BCD International programs?

A.Interviews with radio producers.

B.A large variety of pop songs.

C.News from the music library.

D.Stories about the good old days.

听力原文:M: How did you like the new exhibit at the art gallery?W: I still haven't been ab

听力原文:M: How did you like the new exhibit at the art gallery?

W: I still haven't been able to take any time out from studying.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't want to describe the exhibit.

B.She prefers the artists she has studied.

C.She hasn't gone to see the exhibit yet.

D.She hopes they will take some of the paintings away.

听力原文: Good evening. You are listening to Pop World of BCD International. I'm Sally Bro
wn. Today, we are going to hear Several current hits of the world's most popular artists.

Well, at the beginning, I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program.

Because many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but have a vast library of "golden oldish" Classics, as well as the "latest releases".

For those of yon who like a bit of background with your favorite music--there's The History of Pop and The Road to Music. These two series bring you the language of pop music and information about the periods and the artists.

If you want to hear from the artists themselves, there's a new series called About the Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. They speak to us about the meanings and ideas behind their songs.

If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, Pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs--so, if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised if the words to many songs leave you in the dark. It was to address exactly this problem that BCD International started broadcasting Pop Words just over 23 years ago...

Which of the following is covered in BCD International programs?

A.Interviews with radio producers.

B.A large variety of pop songs.

C.News from the music library.

D.Stories about the good old days.

听力原文:M: What was the party like last night, Jane?W: Really Fantastic l There are some

听力原文:M: What was the party like last night, Jane?

W: Really Fantastic l There are some interesting people there, and we have had a good time together. Why couldn't you come?

M: Well, I had to work overtime yesterday. And when I returned home, I had a headache, so I had to go to bed straightly. But I was exhausted, so I just couldn't get to sleep for hours.

W: What a pity. Why don't you take a sleeping pill?

M: To speak my mind, I don't like them. I used to take them after I had spent a long period of time working at night.

W: How many did you use to take?

M: Three every night.

W: Good heavens. Why did you take so many?

M: Because I had great pressure. The doctor said they weren't very strong. Anyway, I used to feel awful the next morning.

W: I am sure you did.

M: The doctor said I had to be careful

W: I couldn't agree more.

M: So I stopped drinking coffee late at night instead.


A.He didn't like the host.

B.He was not invited.

C.He has another appointment.

D.He had a headache after work.

听力原文:Graffiti is drawing or writing often found in a wall in public places, These draw

听力原文: Graffiti is drawing or writing often found in a wall in public places, These drawings and writings are usually rude, humorous, or political. The words "graffiti" comes from an Italian word meaning address. Graffiti provides a record of the past because people have written on wails for centuries. Cave drawings are the earliest examples we have of the art of graffiti.

Writing on wails is a way to comment on the world we live in. Women's liberation groups in Britain, for example, have used graffiti to show their anger at the sex discrimination of many advertisements where women's bodies are used to sell goods.

Yesterday's graffiti can be today's foreign attraction. When the Berlin wall came down in 1989, people found that it was covered with graffiti from all over the world. Graves of famous people, like rock-star Jim Morrison, are covered with written messages from fans.

Graffiti is also a popular art form. Graffiti pictures have gained respect in artistic circles. Today, graffiti is likely to be found hanging inside modem New York apartments as well as in downtown streets. In New York, graffiti pictures have been sold for hundreds or thousands of dollars. Graffiti artists have been paid to use their art to brighten up dull environments.

But graffiti can bring us trouble. Scenes of natural beauty and important landmarks have been spoiled by mindless graffiti. The London underground authority has spent about 2 million pounds a year on removing graffiti from trains and stations. If you are caught doing it, you can be sent to prison. In Britain, the maximum sentence for this type of crime is ten years.

Whether you think graffiti is mindless violence against property, or a living art form, its popularity suggests that it is here to stay.

What do women's liberation groups in Britain do with graffiti?

A.Rally support for their movement.

B.Liberate women from tedious housework.

C.Claim their rights to equal job opportunities.

D.Express their anger against sex discrimination.

听力原文:How many years has Jane been living in this place?(21)A.One year.B.Seven years.C.

听力原文:How many years has Jane been living in this place?


A.One year.

B.Seven years.

C.Four years.

D.Six years.

听力原文:I grew up in Scotland. And that was where I first became interested in mu- sic. I

听力原文: I grew up in Scotland. And that was where I first became interested in mu- sic. I've never been outside the country before I joined a rock group. Scot- land has no music industry as such. Everything in terms of the industry goes through London, which makes it quite difficult for Scottish artists to really attract any national attention in the United Kingdom. I think Scottish artists work just by themselves a lot of the time. Edinburgh is a very artistic city. It's sort of known as the artistic center of Scotland and also has quite any effect on the UK scene because it has an arts exhibition every summer and a film week every year. There are a lot of chances at that time for us to attract a huge following. There have always been a lot of popular music groups. The Scots are very friendly and really love to get together. Playing in the bars and cafes is a very common way of reaching the fans. They all sing a- long. There are a lot of great things coming out of Scotland now which is very exciting. It goes in waves. It's becoming quite common for the record companies to come north. And at the moment, I think Scotland is enjoying a sort of rebirth in a sense. With the huge success of Scottish artists over the last ten years, twenty years, they have to rethink. There's just a lot of new development and much more variety now than there was when I was fifteen.

What does the speaker mainly tell us about?

A.Music in Scotland.

B.Art events in the UK.

C.Music industry in London.

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