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听力原文:W: We've lived here in Thornton for 5 years now and I think it's time to have the

house painted.

M: You're right. Mr. Johns, our neighbor just had his house painted. But we cannot afford to do it unless we paint it ourselves.

Who is going to paint their house?

A.Painters hired by the man and woman.

B.Painters hired by Mr. Johns.

C.Mr. Johns.

D.The man and the woman.

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更多“听力原文:W: We've lived here in Th…”相关的问题
听力原文:M:Hi, it's been a long time since we saw each other last time. What have you been
up to?

W:It's great to see you again. I've been away on business. Well, (23)first I flew to New York for two meetings, After that, (23)I flew to Atlanta, where I had to make a presentation at a company conference.

M:It sounds like you've been busy.

W:Yes, I've been very busy. It's good to be home again. What have you been doing lately?

M:Oh, nothing much. I've been working in the garden these past few days. Alice has been away for the past two weeks visiting her relatives in Chicago.

W:I didn't know she has family in Chicago.

M:Yes, that's right. We met at university in California. She was born in Chicago and lived there until she went to college.

W:How long have you lived here in Colorado?

M:We've lived here for over 10 years. We moved here in 1998 because I had a new job as a sales representative.

W:Have you lived in the same house since you arrived?

M:No, first we lived in an apartment in downtown Denver. We moved here four years ago.(24)We've lived on the street for four years and they've been the happiest years of our lives.

W:Yes, (25)my husband and I love this neighborhood.

M:And how long have you lived in your house?

W:(25)We've only lived here for two years.

M:That's strange!(25)

W:No, we moved here in 2006.


A.New York.




听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice W

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?

W: About ten minutes.

M: Did you notice Whether the number seven bus has gone by?

W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.

M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don't remember it ever being so hot dry in March before.

W: You're from Florida then.

M: Not really, I was born in New York, but I've lived here for ten years now.

W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.

M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn't it?

W: Yes. That's why we moved. But we didn't know that it would be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we've missed the bus?

M: No, it's always a little late.

W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.

M: Don't worry. It never comes exactly on the halfhour like it should.


A.She is waiting for the man.

B.She is waiting for her mother.

C.She is waiting for a bus.

D.She is waiting for it to stop raining.

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life.

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?

M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life. My name's Rory McDonald. How do you do?

W: Hi, I'm Chris Hudson from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm an oil engineer. I'm on my way to London on business.

M: How long are you staying in Edinburgh?

W: Just a day. What can I see here in twenty-four hours?

M: Well, most tourists want to visit the Castle. It's on Castle Rock. It's where the Scottish government used to be. From there you can walk down tile Royal Mile.

W: What's the Royal Mile?

M: It's a narrow street of medieval houses. It's worth seeing. Then you really should visit Holyrood Palace.

W: Who lives in the Palace?

M: No one, except the Queen when she comes to Edinburgh, which is usually once a year. But the kings and queens d Scotland used to live there before Scotland was united with England,

W: When was that?

M: That was...er, let me see...in 1603.

W: You seem to know a lot about Scottish history.

M: Aye, well, I'm a McDonald of the McDonald clan. You know there are clans in Scotland, and we are all proud of our history.

W: Does that explain the kilt you're wearing?

M: Aye. Each clan has a special kilt.

W: I'd like to buy a kilt for my husband.

M: You can buy them in Prince Skeet. It's the best street for shopping.

W: What else should I buy?

M: Why don't you buy some sweaters? Scottish sweaters are famous for their quality. And you must buy some whiskey. Of course you know that's our national drink.

W: Yes, I've already bought the whiskey.

M: Good. But remember you mustn't put ice in it. That spoils the flavor!

W: Oh,we Americans put ice in everything!


A.A foreign tourist and his Scottish guide.

B.An American businessman and a Scottish student.

C.An American engineer and a Scottish citizen.

D.An American customer and a Scottish shop-assistant.

听力原文:W: So, how long have you lived in New York?M: All my life. I was born hero. Sound

听力原文:W: So, how long have you lived in New York?

M: All my life. I was born hero. Sounds like you're new in town.

W: Two months. I just moved here from Michigan. Sounds like you're new in town.

M: Wow! That's a big change. New York must be quite a shock.

W: Well, not exactly. I lived here once before, when I went to the graduate school. So, I guess you could say that I'm used to life in New York, if that's possible.

M: When did you live hero?

W: Oh, let's see.... it must have been about eight years ago. Boy, the city sure has changed since then.

M: I suppose so. I mean, they've really cleaned up Times Square. It used to be so dirty. I mean, now it's just full of tourists.

W: Yeah. And the subways seem to run more on schedule now.

M: Basically, I think the city is safer anywhere you go, probably because we have so many more police officers on the street.

W: Oh, that's for sure! You know, though, one thing I can't get used to is the noise especially those garbage tracks! They come at five in the morning and are so loud. The noise wakes me up every time!

M: I guess I've lived hero so long I don't hear it anymore. I can sleep through just about anything. You know the one thing I am tired of—the weather. I mean, I'm so sick and tired of these long, cold winters. I'm thinking aobut moving next year.

W: Really?

M: Yeah. I mean, like I said, I've lived hero all my life, and I feel like I need some kind of change. You know, a new environment. It's time to get out of New York.

W: Hmm. Not me! I love the nightlife: the theater and the great restaurants. I can't wait to get out to discover all that New York is offering!


A.Since he was born.

B.Since his early childhood.

C.Two years.

D.Two months.

听力原文:W: The plane leaves at 6:15. Do we have time to eat first?M: No, we've only 40 mi

听力原文:W: The plane leaves at 6:15. Do we have time to eat first?

M: No, we've only 40 minutes until departure time.

Q: What time is it now?






听力原文:W: I don't believe we've ever met before, have we?M: We've been introduced at oth

听力原文:W: I don't believe we've ever met before, have we?

M: We've been introduced at other parties. Don't you remember?

Q: What does the man imply?


A.They've met before.

B.He does not remember her.

C.She should agree with him.

D.They have never met before.

听力原文:M: I'm sure we've never had such a lot of rain as lately.W: Haven't we, ever?Q: W

听力原文:M: I'm sure we've never had such a lot of rain as lately.

W: Haven't we, ever?

Q: What do we learn from the woman's response?


A.They have arrived late.

B.They are uncertain about the weather.

C.She disagrees with the man.

D.She didn't think the man was ever late.

听力原文:W: I think we should take a break. We've been working here for 2 hours.M: I'd be

听力原文:W: I think we should take a break. We've been working here for 2 hours.

M: I'd be glad to. I've been working looking through this microscope for 2 days.

Q: Why are they going to stop working?


A.They have been working at the telescope for two days.

B.They can't find the microscope.

C.They've been working in the laboratory for two hours.

D.They can't fix the microphone.

听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?M: I've written and rewritten it so ma

听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?

M: I've written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it.

Q: What can we learn about the man?


A.He is modest.

B.He is satisfied.

C.He is proud.

D.He is upset.

听力原文:W: Mark, we've had these chairs since we got married. They are very comfortable.M

听力原文:W: Mark, we've had these chairs since we got married. They are very comfortable.

M. That doesn't mean we've got to have them for the rest of our lives, Anyway they're failing apart.

Q: What conclusion does the man want us to make from his statement?


A.He thinks the chairs should be replaced by new ones.

B.They should keep the chairs for the rest of their lives.

C.His wife should not complain about their lives.

D.They should move to another place;

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