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What's the relationship between the man and the woman?A.Mother and son.B.Wife and husband.

What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Mother and son.

B.Wife and husband.


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Passage 3It’s logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working condi

Passage 3

It’s logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits and job security motivate workers, but one expert, Fredrick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers. They are merely satisfiers. Motivators, in contrast, include things such as having a challenging and interesting job, recognition and responsibility. However, even with the development of computers and robotics, there’re always plenty of boring, repetitive and mechanical jobs and lots of unskilled people who have to do them. So how do mangers motivate people in such jobs? One solution is to give them some responsibilities, not as individuals, but as a part of a team. For example, some supermarkets can buy office stuff to people who fill the shelves, and the people who work at the check out into a team, and let them decide what product lines to stock, how to display them and so on. Many people now talk about the importance of a company’s shared values or culture with which all the staff can identify, for example, being the best hotel chain, or making the best, the most user-friendly or the most reliable products in a particular field. Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets which automatically only concern a few people. Unfortunately, there’s only a limited number of such goals to go around and by definition, not all the competing companies in that industry can seriously plan to be the best.

根据材料回答第 32~35 题。第 32 题 What can actually motivate workers according to Fredrick Herzberg?

Passage 3It’s logical to suppose that things like

When Benjamin Franklin observed that nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes,
he might well have added "and work." Not that work really belongs in such dark company, however; it can and should be a good deal more pleasant than Mr. Franldin's two certainties. Working in a pleasant atmosphere, occupying the right post -- in short, finding the right job -- is an important part, perhaps the most important, of every man's life.

The first thing to do in seeking a position is to determine exactly what you want to do -- not in terms of some vague, ethereal (轻飘的) objective, such as "I, want to become a member of the management group," but with a definite and immediate goal. Through everyone's experience there must run a thread of consistency, a pattern of what the individual has enjoyed doing and hence has done well. Though actual jobs may have been held in different fields of endeavor, each one of us should be able to pick out the type of work he can do best.

Many men I have interviewed have come to me and said: "I am a financial man. Any sport you have in the treasurer's or controller's line, I'd like." or "I'm good with people. I can sell anything. If you hear of a sales manager's opening or public relations spot, I'd be a natural".

These men are confused. They have not thought through the problems and responsibilities of the fields they say they are qualified for. It is also apparent to the interviewer that they are thinking of themselves rather than of the contribution they can make to the future employer.

This does not imply that one man is not capable of filling several different kinds of positions. A man's aptitude or his past training may fit him for a number of job, but he should know enough not to confuse sales management with public relations or a treasurer's duties with those of a controller. (Personally I believe many companies set such rigid specifications .in looking for a man that they overlook worthwhile candidates.) But after all, if an individual cannot decide for himself what he can do best, how can he expect anyone else to do it for him?

The author seems to ______.

A.disagree with Franklin on death and taxes as the only two certainties

B.agree with Franklin on death and taxes as the only two certainties

C.think that there is no certainties but work in this world

D.think that work is as dark as death and taxes

marketing consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to se
ll it.your business produces goods and services.marketing is what lets __1___ customers know that they are available for sale.sales, advertising, and public relations are each essential ___2___ of marketing and each require specialized skills and expertise.while a small business may have only one person performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, knowledge of each area is important to develop a ___3___ effort.

a focus ___4____ what the customer wants and needs is essential __5____ successful marketing efforts.this customer-orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company’s objectives of maintaining a __6____ volume of sales.marketing is a creative process combining all the activities needed to __7___ both of these objectives.

the process of marketing begins __8____ discovering what product customers want to buy.providing the features and quality customers want is a/an ___9____ first step in marketing.you will be facing an uphill battle if you provide something you want to produce and then try to ___10_____ someone to buy it.


























B.get to















Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力)

Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力).With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence, according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Association Dogs (READ).

The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. "Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache, " said Lisa Myron, manager of the children's department.

Last November the two groups started "Dog Day Afternoon" in the children's department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a "pawgraphed" book at the last class.

The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.Children's reading difficulties.

B.Advantages of raising dogs.

C.Service in a public library.

D.A special" reading program.

What are sense relations between sentences? 句子间的意义关系有哪些?

How many books does Paradise Lost consist of? Who are the four main characters in the epic
, and what are the respective relations between them?

Advertising and Public Relations: The Pretty PackageBack in 1960, when the role of adverti

Advertising and Public Relations: The Pretty Package

Back in 1960, when the role of advertising and public relations in politics first became apparent, Life magazine quoted one campaign strategist as saying, "I can elect any person to office if he has $60,000, an IQ of at least 120, and can keep his mouth shut."

Since the 1896 campaign, the election of a President has been determined largely by the ability of information specialists to generate favorable publicity. In recent years that publicity has been supplanted(代替) by heavy spot buying on electronic media.

So many factors are involved in choosing a President that it is hard to say with any real empirical confidence how important any single medium is. The most talked-about medium in American politics is television. Highly publicized debates between candidates in 1960, 1976, and 1980 appear to have affected the outcomes. Richard Nixon(the early favorite) would probably not have lost to Kennedy if it were not for his poor showing on TV. Similarly, the 1976 debates probably clinched Jimmy Carter's narrow victory over Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan appeared to be the victor in the 1980 debates.

Yet there were other elections where, according to political analyst Edward Chester, no amount of TV exposure could have changed the outcome. Goldwater versus Johnson in 1964 and Nixon versus McGovern in 1972, both cases contain overwhelming winning. Television commercials seem to work best in close elections or in those where there is a large undecided vote. According to the Associated Press, Ford's TV spots during the 1976 campaign probably swung over 100,000 undecided voters a clay during the last few months of the campaign.

What effect does television have on the candidates themselves? It establishes orders of importance that are different from those of an earlier day. The physical appearance of the candidate is increasingly important. Does he or she look fit, well-rested, secure? Losing candidates like Adlai Stevenson, Hubert Humphrey, and Richard Nixon all seemed to look "bad" on TV. Nixon overcame this problem in 1972 with ads that featured longer shots of him being "presidential"—flying off to China. Close-ups were avoided.

Both John F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter seemed more at time with the medium, perhaps because both were youthful, informal, and physically active outdoor types. Dwight Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson seemed to have a paternal, fatherly image on the small screen. All of the recent Presidents have learned how to use the medium to their advantage, to "stage" events so as to receive maximum favorable coverage.

Television has changed the importance of issues. It can be argued that since the 1960 presidential debates we have elected people, not platforms. This is a major departure from earlier years. Franklin Roosevelt's radio charm cannot be denied, but he came to power with great success by one issue—the Great Depression.

All the print information we now receive is simpler and more condensed than ever before. Issues and print go together. Television is images, not issues. We develop a more personal, emotional feeling about the candidates. Jimmy Carter's spectacular rise to power was a testament to this new image orientation. No one really knew what he was going to do when he took office, since his entire campaign had been geared toward developing a relationship of trust with the electorate, "Trust me," he said. "I'll never lie to you."

Another example was the election of Reagan in 1980. For some this represented the ultimate television victory. After all, what other country can claim that it has actually elected an actor President? It can be argued that Americans were tired of Carter and that Reagan simply offered an alternative. Yet throughout the campaign he offered us a media "vision" of a "shining city on a hill." And what about h




听力原文:M: Please come in, Miss Edwards, and close the door behind you.W: All right. What

听力原文:M: Please come in, Miss Edwards, and close the door behind you.

W: All right. What do you want me to do, Mr. Davis?

M: Have a ,seat over there. How are things going in the office?

W: Just fine, Mr. Davis, especially with recent personnel shifts.

M: Yes, I thought so. Well, I and the executive board feel that much of your improved performance in the main office is due to your conscientious efforts.

W: Oh, thank you, Mr. Davis. My job has certainly become easier since we computerized our record-keeping system. The equipment is convenient to use.

M: That's true. But we are especially impressed with how your influence contributes to good office relations and improved staff attitude toward the work.

W: Well, thank you for your confidence in me. We do have a lot of good people in the office, and the new machinery is wonderful.

M: Yes, but machines are only as good as the people who use them. They can't ensure harmony and efficiency in a staff.

W: That's very true.

M: To make a long story short, the board wishes to reward your efforts by making you office manager as of next Monday. That means a $ 250 raise as of the first of next month.

W: I'm deeply honored, Mr. Davis. Thank you.


A.To notify her of her promotion.

B.To inform. her of new equipment.

C.To inquire about the office problems.

D.To discuss meeting of the board.

Watch Consequences Of US-Libyan RelationsUS Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced

Watch Consequences Of US-Libyan Relations

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced on Monday that the United Stated decided to restore full diplomatic ties with Libya and clear the nation from the list of terrorism-supporting countries. The Libyan Government welcomed the decision.

This means that the 25-year-old US-Libyan confrontation comes to an end.

Interpretation of this varies, the sudden announcement of the rapprochement is closely related to the issue of Iran's nuclear bidding.

Over a long period of time, Washington called Libya, together with Iran and others, a "rogue nation", which allegedly supported terrorism, and was one of the seven countries that could be subject to possible US nuclear strikes.

The situation altered somewhat since the outbreak of the Iraqi War in 2003. The military forces of the United States and its allies toppled the Saddam Hussein regime with the excuse that Iraq went in for weapons of mass destruction(WMD) programmes. They did so in hopes of making the regime a public example that would pressure others to give up their alleged WMD bidding.

Iran took no heed of this and went on doing what it deemed should be done. Libya, however, was cooperative, abandoning its so-called WMD programmes.

For the co-operative attitude on the part of Libya, the United States gave some limited encouragement, restoring diplomatic representatives to the country in 2004. But restoration of full diplomatic relations did not occur because Libya, in the eyes of the United States, remained a "totalitarian" country, running counter to Washington's push for US-style. freedom and democracy, even though Libya's co-operation in WMD issues was in the United States' strategic interest.

The deadlock over Iran's nuclear bidding cornered the United States to a dilemma(进退两难的窘境): Military strikes are difficult to carry out right now and diplomatic means are yielding no significant results.

It is in this context that US-Libyan ties were put on the agenda. The United States wanted to convey this message: US-Iranian ties could be restored if Iran follows Libya's example, despite the fact that the United States dislikes the Iranian regime.

The message is naturally not only for the ear of Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea but also for other "rogue countries"—Middle-East nations that are in the throes of transformation and some Latin American countries.

The United States, for instance, decided to impose arms embargo on Venezuela almost simultaneously while it announced rapprochement with Libya. The contrast between the punishment and reward helps bring home to other countries the intention that "those who obey survive, those do not perish" in the US international strategy.

To what extent this kind of "punishment and rewarding" strategy would impact the Iran and DPRK's nuclear bidding and those "disobedient" countries, such as Sudan and Venezuela, is worth keeping an eye on.

Oil constitutes another important factor behind the rapprochement. As the second-largest oil producing country in Africa and an important nation located in the North, Libya enjoys unique geopolitical and economic value.

Currently, the oil -rich Middle East is in chaos and the last thing the Bush administration wants is for the United States to become an "oil hostage" to the Middle East, where the US Government is strenuously pushing for democratic transformation.

The situation is compounded by the fact that some Latin American countries are increasingly tilting to the left, threatening to become an unstable energy-resources backyard for the United States.

In view of all this, opening up new energy resources-supplying bases becomes a strategic imperative for the United States.

More importantly,




Words are in different sense relations with each other. What sense relation is illustrated
in each of the pairs of words below? Add one more example to each pair.(北航2008研) (a)casual - informal (b)intelligent - stupid (c)steal - steel (d)animal - dog

The United States established full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of





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