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听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you? M:

I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday? W: Yes, that way Im sure not to miss my favourite sections. Doesnt the size of the daily paper surprise you? M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff— the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators — must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, dont they? W: Im sure they do. Of course, much of a newspapers income comes from advertisements. M: Thats true. You try to read the whole paper, dont you? W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those? M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didnt you? W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that? M: Certainly they should! Theyre part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Dont you agree? W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Dont you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events? M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you dont like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two newspapers? If I were you, I wouldnt read a newspaper at all. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What sort of newspaper will the man buy? 10. What surprises the speakers? 11. Which part of the newspaper does the woman usually read? 12. Why doesnt the woman enjoy reading about disasters in the daily newspaper?9.

A.The size of the daily newspaper.

B.The staff of the daily newspaper.

C.The circulation of the daily newspaper.

D.The advertisements in the daily newspaper.

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更多“听力原文:W: I often read two newsp…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: What do you often do on Saturdays, Mary?W: I usually go to the park and do som

听力原文:M: What do you often do on Saturdays, Mary?

W: I usually go to the park and do some exercises in the morning, read books in the afternoon and watch TV in the evening. How about you?

M: I like play basketball.

What does Mary usually do on Saturday afternoon?

A.She reads books.

B.She goes to the park.

C.She does some exercises.

D.She watches TV.

听力原文:M: I wish I had more time to just read for pleasure.W: Me too, reading novels alw

听力原文:M: I wish I had more time to just read for pleasure.

W: Me too, reading novels always helps me digest the day.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She often has a lovely day when she reads.

B.She eats well when she reads.

C.She has more ability to manage life.

D.Time goes faster when she reads.

听力原文:M: What are you looking for, Alice?W: I'm looking for my pen, Mike. I can't see m

听力原文:M: What are you looking for, Alice?

W: I'm looking for my pen, Mike. I can't see my pen.

M: It's here, on the desk.

W: I'm sorry. But I'm getting so nearsighted. I'm afraid I have to wear glasses.

M: Your eyesight used to be very good, why?

W: Recently I have formed the habit of reading in bed. Sometimes I read on the moving bus.

M: Alice, you should pay attention to the care of your eyes. You should get rid of the bad reading habit. What's more, you should relax your eyes as often as possible.

W: Thank you, Mike.

What is the possible relationship 'between the two speakers?


B.Doctor and patient.

C.Teacher and student.

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?M:I w

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?

M: I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday?

W: Yes, that way I'm sure not to miss any of my favorite sections. Doesn't the size of tile daily paper surprise you?

M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff—the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators—must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don't they?

W: I'm sure they do. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements.

M: That's true. I try to read the whole paper, don't you?

W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those?

M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didn't you?

W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that?

M: Certainly they should! They're part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Don't you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events?

M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you don't like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two news papers? If I were you, I wouldn't read a newspaper at all.


A.Newspaper of low price.

B.Newspaper with attractive headline.

C.Newspaper with sports page.

D.Newspaper with business section.

听力原文:M: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?W: Excuse me. Do you need any

听力原文:M: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?

W: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

M: Yes. I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

W: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. From there, it's a hundred and thirty yen.

M: A hundred and thirty yen. OK.

W: Then, get on the Hibita Subway Line at Platform. 4.

M: Number 4, all right. Oh, and how often do the trains come round this time of day?

W: Usually, they come about every six minutes.

M: All right. And where do I get off the train?

W: Get off at Kamiyacho Station, three stops from here. The sign at the station is written in English, so you'll be able to read it.

M: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help.

W: No problem. Good luck.

Where does the man want to go?

A.Tokyo train station.

B.Tokyo Museum.

C.Tokyo Tower.

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress,especially women.I wonder what most peopl

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most people can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, personal CD players and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, and watching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower.

W: Well, I've heard that it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, he takes some specific medicine.

M: I know his recipe. He likes dancing and often visits bars alone so that he can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. But when I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story.

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Listening to CD players.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:W: Nowadays, more and more people like to go traveling in their spare time.Do you

听力原文:W: Nowadays, more and more people like to go traveling in their spare time. Do you enjoy traveling?

M: Yes, I like it very much. If I have time, I always go traveling.

W: If the journey lasts more than 2 hours, it seems very boring to most people. What do you do to prevent boredom on a long journey?

M: If I go on a journey, I try and take a particular magazine, a novel, a newspaper and my walkman. And I try and read for fifteen minutes and listen to the walkman for fifteen minutes, then get up to go and buy a cup of tea. I try and have various things to do throughout the journey so that the journey does not seem as long and boring as it can often be.

W: What about crossword puzzles?

M: No,I don't really bother with crossword puzzles.

W: What about engaging in conversations with people?

M: Well, I think this might be another English thing. I just don't do it. Partly because ! think they might think I'm taking liberties in talking to them. But if somebody starts to talk to me and if they are interesting, then I'll talk to them. If they are boring, then the walkman goes on.

W: I see. You don't want other people to invade your space.

M: That's it.


A.a magazine.

B.a novel.

C.a walkman.

D.a guitar.

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most peo
ple can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do lo ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, internet and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, andwatching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower

W: Well, I've heard thru it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, lie takes some specific medicine.

M: I know why he likes dancing and often visits liars alone so that lie can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. Butwhen I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Surfing the internet.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:W: What paper have you got there, John?M: Oh, the Mirror. I bought it to look at

听力原文:W: What paper have you got there, John?

M: Oh, the Mirror. I bought it to look at the pictures of the big fight.

W: Oh, the boxing match. I thought you took the Daily Telegraph.

M: Well, I do usually, but the sports aren't so good.

W: What do you think are the best newspapers for students who learn English to read?

M: It depends on their politics and their tastes, of course, but also, I think, on their knowledge of English.

W: What do you mean? I don't see how their knowledge of English comes into it?

M: Well, I think it does. The popular papers like the Mirror and the Sun have nice, short sentences which are easier for a foreign student to read.

W: I am not so sure, because they are very idiomatic and colloquial, and surely that makes them more difficult.

M: No, I really do think they are easier to read.

W: Well ...

M: After all these papers have a lot of pictures and short paragraphs. It must make them more attractive to the learner of English, definitely easier.

W: Yes, it's true, I suppose, that people who buy these popular papers just want a quick glance at the news. They don't want to study it in depth.

M: If you want to study some aspects of the news in depth, the best paper to buy is The Times.

W: Why?

M: It is supposed to be well-balanced and more authoritative. But it also takes practically all day to read it properly.

W: What about politics?

M: Well, The times is supposed to be neutral.

W: But people abroad seem to think it is the propaganda for the government.

M: No, it isn't the mouthpiece of the government as people abroad often seem to think.

W: What paper do you usually buy?

M: The evening paper. I like reading the evening news on the tube on my way home;

W: Oh, I prefer the Evening Standard. It is the best guide to what's on. 1 read the Telegraph in the morning, but then I like to relax in the evening.


A.The Evening Standard.

B.The Times.

C.The Daily Telegraph.

D.The Mirror.

听力原文:W:I read in the newspaper that the novel you are reading is excellent.M:I've also

听力原文:W:I read in the newspaper that the novel you are reading is excellent.

M:I've also read some negative reviews.

Q:What can be learned from the conversation?


A.The man thinks the book is excellent.

B.Opinions about the book are varied.

C.The woman wonders which newspaper the man is reading.

D.You shouldn't believe everything you read.

听力原文:M: I often listen to light music at home. What kind of music do you like ?W: I re

听力原文:M: I often listen to light music at home. What kind of music do you like ?

W: I really enjoy Chinese music.

What are they talking about?




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