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Why should language instructors look to sociolinguistics? 语言教师为何应当关注社会语言


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更多“Why should language instructor…”相关的问题
The most basic reason why dialects should be prese

rved is that language helps to ______ a culture

A) retain B) relate C) remark D) review

Why should language teachers learn some knowledge of linguistics? 为什么语言教师要学习

?You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have be
er asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.

?Write a memo to staff:

?explaining why the courses are necessary,

?saying which members of staff should attend,

?announcing when the courses will start.

?Write 40-50 words.

?Write on the opposite page.


To: Sarah Peterson

From. Brian McKeethy

Date: 28 September 2008

Subject: Language Training

阅读理解:选择题操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING OF A




There are a number of reasons __ {AB、BB、CB、DB、E} __. Learning another language is important for both work and travel. It is also important for making real connections with other people. Lastly, it can give you a greater understanding of your own language.

Learning a foreign language would __ {AB、BB、CB、DB、E} __. If you work in a foreign country, it will benefit you immensely if you can speak its language because then you would be able to work with all different types of employees, and this will give long-term career success.

Speaking a foreign language gives you __{AB、BB、CB、DB、E} __B、it enables you to see how other people see the world around them. If you travel or work in a foreign country, think how much easier everything would be if you could speak the local language. It would be easier to find different places, ask for directions, and even order food.

Finally, if you speak a foreign language you will actually __{AB、BB、CB、DB、E} ___. Other languages open our minds to new ways of thinking. For example, Eskimos have more words to describe snow and ice as it is such an important part of their lives.

Language is __ {AB、BB、CB、DB、E} ___. It is how we share our thoughts with the world. Without language, there would be no way to communicate and express ourselves. The more languages you know, the more ways you have to communicate and express yourself. This is why learning many languages should be important, and why one language simply won't do.

A. improve your own first language

B. definitely enhance your chances of getting a job

C. what makes us human

D. why you should learn a foreign language

E. understanding of a country's culture

Are you the one who has a job that forces you to speak in public? As a【C1】______speaker, y
ou should be aware of what your【C2】______is saying to your audience because when doing any form. of public speaking, your body can tell others you are【C3】______, shy, cold or physically uncomfortable. You should be【C4】______your body language from the moment you stand up until your presentation is【C5】______because whether you are speaking or not and regardless of what you are or are not saying, your body is【C6】______communicating. Your body is always communicating messages that are magnified before an audience. Your audiences will analyze your body language,【C7】______they are unaware of this at the conscious level. Here are【C8】______main aspects of body language that you should【C9】______; what to do with your eyes, what your facial expressions indicate, the positioning and【C10】______of your body and limbs, and your hand gestures. During a presentation, a public speaker【C11】______to make eye contact with the audiences even though that【C12】______only lasts for 1 - 2 seconds per person. Making good eye contact with your audience helps you to regulate the communication flow and【C13】______a sense of intimacy and warmth that you are really interested in your audience. Have you ever seen someone who speaks【C14】______exhibiting any expressions at all? That is why showing expression in public【C15】______is a must to make your audience feel more【C16】______sitting there listening to you. You should also【C17】______yourself in one spot for the duration of your talk. However, if you speak for a long time, you can move【C18】______. Pick a spot, walk there slowly, and remain there. Related to your hand gestures, do not ever cross your arms because it【C19】______an instant barrier between you and your audience. Public speakers who have a【C20】______of standing with their arms are seen as untrustworthy speakers.






It is impossible that the people of the world today could agree upon a single internationa
l language that everyone would be able to speak and understand. In the United Nations there are five official languages—English, Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish. How about making one of them into an international language? English has been worked on for this purpose. A basic word list of B50 English words named Basic English was made. These are the only verbs in the entire list: "come, go, give, keep, let, do, put, make, say, be, seem, may, will, have, send." Writing in Basic English may require you to use a great number of words—as in having to say "it came to my ear" instead of "I heard"—but you can still say anything you want to with just 850 different words and a few suffixes and prefixes. This is a much smaller number of words to have to be memorizes than ordinary words offered to students of a foreign language.

But people have always had a need to do more than simply "tell it as it is". Language is for reporting not only one's work. For this, a language needs all kinds of grammar and style. that throw back its history and development just as a person needs eyebrows. Is there some special reason why our lips should be a different color from the rest of our face? Perhaps not, but this is how people—real people—are. For communication between people, languages in all kinds will remain to reflect the growth of the societies that speak them.

In this passage, "tell it as it is" means "______".

A.people think Basic English can express what they see or hear

B.people can use basic English to say what they want to

C.tell something they like to

D.people say what they want to simply according to the fact

听力原文:Let children learn to evaluate their own work. A child learning to talk does not

听力原文: Let children learn to evaluate their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, when children learn to do all the other things, for example, to walk, run, climb, ride a bicycle, they learn to do them without being told. They compare their performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his own mistakes for himself, let alone correct them. We do it all for him as If we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he became dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children, what this word means, what answer is to that problem, whether it is a good way to say or do this or not.

If it is a matter of right answers, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer. Let's end this nonsense of grades, exams, marks. Let's throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.


A.They learn to do them by being corrected all the time.

B.They learn to do them by being taught by skilled people.

C.They learn to do them through comparison and discovery.

D.They learn to do them with the help of other children.

Adventures in Foreign LanguagesIt could reasonably be argued that, for those of us who liv

Adventures in Foreign Languages

It could reasonably be argued that, for those of us who live in the USA and speak English as our native tongue, there is very little motivation to learn a foreign language. We can travel for thousands of miles and still be surrounded by native English speakers. We can easily spend our entire lives without having any real need to speak another language. It is even possible to comfortably visit many tourist destinations around the globe, speaking only English. Clearly, learning a foreign language is a nonessential skill in our society.

Benefits in learning a foreign language

Nevertheless, learning a foreign language offers several possible benefits. Some of the commonly stated benefits are:

Fosters a feeling of international community, by promoting an awareness of other cultures and countries.

Enriches our understanding of our own language, by bringing grammatical structures and word roots into sharper focus. This may be especially true when studying languages that share linguistic elements with English.

The study of linguistics, and learning to think and speak in another language, offers its own intrinsic pleasures and rewards. Language can be fun.

Opens up the possibilities of reading non-English literature.

Expands global travel opportunities.

Linguistic adventure

I think these are good reasons, so I wanted to provide my children with some exposure to foreign languages. But what language should I teach? What language am I qualified to teach? I took four years of French in high school(and got straight A's), but I never reached any real level of fluency, and I have retained very little of the small amount of French I once knew. Is there any language that I could realistically learn/teach alongside my children? I'd like to tell you about our linguistic adventures, and where we ended up.

After a bit of research, I settled on Spanish for our tint foray into foreign languages. But how should I teach it, given that I don't know Spanish myself? I know of one family who hired a full-time Spanish nanny to communicate to the children only in Spanish. It worked very effectively for them, but this was not an option for my family.

Another option would be to take my children once a week to a private instructor. Many families find this to be the most practical way to learn a foreign language. Yet I have also heard many families complain that their children have learned surprisingly little from such classes. Perhaps they have learned a bit of vocabulary(colon, parts of the body, numbers, etc.), but they are still unable to express themselves in the second language, or construct any sentences beyond a few drilled-in, rehearsed phrases.

Deciding on Esperanto

So I went back to the drawing board and did some more web research, looking for a language, or method that would allow us to discover some of the joy that can come from learning a foreign language. By sheer luck, I stumbled across a little-known language, and within just a few hours of reading about it, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for! The language was Esperanto.

When I tell people that we're learning Esperanto, I usually get some strange looks. But that's okay. When I tell people we home school, I often get strange looks as well; I'm used to doing things that are outside of the mainstream. And as with home schooling, it can be very difficult to sum up in a couple of sentences all the reasons why it's so worthwhile, particularly to someone who may already have preconceptions to the contrary.

Why is Esperanto unique?

So for those of you who know very little about Esperanto, I hope you'll indulge me for a moment. I would like to explain some of the features that make it such a unique language,




请根据短文内容,回答题。 The Biology of MusicHumans use music as a powerful way to communica


The Biology of Music

Humans use music as a powerful way to communicate. It may also play an important role in love. But what is music, and how does it work its magic? Science does not yet have all the answers.<br>

What are two things that make humans different from animals? One is language, and the other is music. It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people).<br>

However, the songs of animals, such as birds and whales, are very limited. It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments.<br>

Music is a strange stuff. It is clearly different from language. However, people can use music to communicate things-- especially their emotions. When music is combined with speech in a song, it is a very powerful form. of communication. But, biologically speaking, what is music?<br>

If music is truly different from speech, then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain. The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.<br>

Sometimes people who suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language. However, they don&39;t automatically lose their musical abilities. For example, Vissarion Shebalin, a Russian composer, had a stroke in 1953. It injured the left side of his brain. He could no longer speak or understand speech. He could, however, still compose music until his death ten years later. On the other hand, sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability, but they can still speak and understand speech. This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.<br>

By studying the physical effects of music on the body, scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions. But why does music have such a strong effect on us? That is a harder question to answer. Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College, London, thinks that music and love have a strong connection. Music requires special talent, practice, and physical ability. That&39;s why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone&39;s mate. For example, singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control. You also need a good memory to remember the notes.<br>

And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent conditions. Finally,when a man sings to the woman he loves (or vice versa), it may be a way of showing off.<br>

However, Miller&39;s theory still doesn&39;t explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply. For scientists, this is clearly an area that needs further research.

Humans, but not animals, can sing. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

If language is partially defined as communication, can we call the noises that dogs make l
anguage? Why or why not?

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