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—Hi, it's almost twelve.______ —Not very. But I would like to have something to d

A.______ —Not very. But I would like to have something to drink.

B.Are you hungry?

C.I do apologize to you for the delay

D.Please drop in any time you like

E.Would you like to have lunch with me?

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更多“—Hi, it's almost twelve.______…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.W: Hi, James. What are you doing in the mall? I thought you said you

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.

W: Hi, James. What are you doing in the mall? I thought you said you avoid these places.

M: Oh, I still do, but it's my roommate's birthday tomorrow and I am looking around to get him a present. He's not exactly the easiest person to find a present for.

W: Have you had any ideas of what to get?

M: Not really. I want to get him something he will be able to use instead of something he'lI just put into the closet.

W: That's true. I know often I get something from somebody I hardly ever use. And they stay in the closet or garage before they get thrown away.

M: I know. That's the problem. That's why I hate buying gifts for people because it can never be perfect.

W: Perhaps you are trying too hard to get something very impressive or decorative. I always think a gift should be practical.

M: Oh, I know. His bag is almost wrecked. Maybe I should get him a new one instead.

W: It sounds like a good gift.

M: Gosh, now I am wondering which color I should pick. He is really picky about the color.

W: That's not difficult. What was the last color he chose? He obviously chose it for a reason.


A.In a shopping mall.

B.In the dormitory.

C.In the office.

D.In a library.

听力原文:M: Hi, would you like some help?W: Well, I'm looking for something I saw at a fri

听力原文:M: Hi, would you like some help?

W: Well, I'm looking for something I saw at a friend's house a few days ago. He said he bought here in your store. It's a bright metal shelf, almost a yard long and two feet high. It can be attached to a cabinet or refrigerator. I'm a biologist and I want to use it for my slides and samples.

M: You're in the right department. But I'm sorry to tell you that we don't have it in stock now. It seems that quite a few people are in need of it.

W: Oh, that's too bad. Are you going to get more? When is it possible for me to come again to buy it?

M: They are on order now. They will arrive in about several days. I will inform. you as soon as it is available. But what I should tell you is that the price has gone up a little.

W: Just my luck. Anyhow I don't mind the price because it is what I'm looking for.

M: Right! When you really need something and find it useful, price is second in consideration.

W: Would you tell me something about the price change?

M: Originally they were $12.50. But the new ones will almost three dollars more. Stop in next week. We should have them by then.

Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

A.At a furniture store.

B.At a big department store.

C.At a biologist laboratory.

D.Near a factory which produces metal shelf.

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?M: Great! I went to New York.W: Really? Why di

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?

M: Great! I went to New York.

W: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

M: Well, I went there on business. I also have a friend who lives there. She's been trying to show me around the city for a long time. She talked me into it.

W: What impressed you most during your visit?

M: The beauty there is really incredible, especially the skyscrapers. The food is also very impressive. And I love the shopping environment there.

W: How was the weather when you were there?

M: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot. In fact, I was almost out of breath when I was under the sun.

W: Did you go to some other places beside the city?

M: Sure. I went to the Yellow Stone National Park. It's a famous place, really attractive. There's plenty to enjoy: green trees, blue sky, clear water etc.

W: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

M: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I'd like to visit Hawaii. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.


A.To deal with some business on work.

B.To go to see a friend.

C.To visit some beautiful places.

D.To enjoy himself.

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What' s so interesting?W: What? Oh, hi, Tom.I' m reading this fasci

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What' s so interesting?

W: What? Oh, hi, Tom. I' m reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then, just groups of cave people.

W: That' s what people used to think. But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what way?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it, And they didn' t live in caves. They built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all of the trees, so they couldn' t have used wood.

W: In some warmer climates, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun.

M: Hey, that' s pretty smart ! I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article after you' re done?

W: No problem.


A.They lived in groups and were cave people.

B.There were societies in Ice Age.

C.They were advanced in arts.

D.They had a smart way of building shelters.

听力原文:What does the man almost forget?(24)A.Find out about a course.B.Drop a line to hi

听力原文:What does the man almost forget?


A.Find out about a course.

B.Drop a line to his advisor.

C.Write his assignment.

D.Attend a conference.

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?W: What? Oh, hi, Tom.I'm reading this fascina

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?

W: What? Oh, hi, Tom. I'm reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then, just groups of cave people.

W: That's what people used to think. But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what way?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it. And they didn't live in caves. They built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all of the trees, so they couldn't have used wood.

W: In some warmer climates, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun.

M: Hey, that's pretty smart! I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article 'after you're done?

W: No problem.

23. What did the man originally think of the people of the Ice Age?

24.How did people in the early Ice Age keep warm?

25.What does the man want the woman to do?


A.They lived in groups and were cave people.

B.There were societies in Ice Age.

C.They were advanced in arts.

D.They had a smart way of building shelters.

听力原文:Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's the apartment working out for you?Te

听力原文:Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's the apartment working out for you?

Tenant: Well, Mr. Nelson. That's what I'd like to talk to you about. Well, I want to talk to you about that noise. You see...would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 at night?

Apartment Manager: Ooooh. Who me?

Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of things.

Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner's son, and he's a walking refrigerator. Hey, I'll see what I can do. Anything else?

Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way.

Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there's nothing much I can do about that.

Tenant: Well, what about the...that! That noise!

Apartment Manager: What noise? I don't hear anything.

Tenant: There, there it is again.

Apartment Manager: What noise?

Tenant : That noise !

Apartment Manager: Oh, that noise. I guess the military has resumed its exercises on the artillery range.

Tenant: You have to be kidding. Can't anything be done about it?

Apartment Manager: Why certainly! I'vr protested this activity, and these weekly activities should cease...within the next three to five years.

Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement.

Why did the woman want to complain about the noise?

A.The refrigerator was too old.

B.People dance after 10:00 at night.

C.The apartment manager didn't care about it at all.

D.The music was far too loud.

听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?M: Well, I just came in

听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?

W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?

M: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.

W: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look.

M: Okay. Uh...

W: Hum. Wow! I've never seen one like this before. Let me try this.

M: Uhhh...Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain].

W: Well, there is a major cavity in one of your wisdom teeth. Hasn't this given you any trouble?

M: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I drink something cold. Does it look that bad?

W: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth.

M: Uh, well, that sounds painful!

W: Don't worry. I've done this once before. Nah, just relax.

M: Wait! Aren't you supposed to give me something to dull the pain?

W: Uh, Oh yeah. I almost forget. We can use a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it.

M: Nah, nah, nah! Put me under! I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that leeks like my other teeth?

W: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer.

M: Okay, well, whatever. Let's get it over with.

W: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please.


A.He wanted to have a filling replaced.

B.He came in for a dental check up.

C.He came in for some dental advice.

D.He needed to have a tooth pulled.

听力原文:W: Hi, Alice, fancy meeting you here!M: Yeah. It has been three years since we gr

听力原文:W: Hi, Alice, fancy meeting you here!

M: Yeah. It has been three years since we graduated from the college. but you look almost the same as years before. Any new information about the others?

Q: What has happened to the speakers?


A.They have just graduated from college.

B.They missed each other very much.

C.They didn't change too much.

D.They met with each other unexpectedly.

回答题:One Good Reason to Let Smallpox LiveIt"s now a fair bet that we will never see the


One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live

It"s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achiew~"ment of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last twe labs that are supposed to have it——one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?__________(51) reality, of course, it was naive to __________(52) that everyone would let__________(53) of such a potent potential weapon.Undoubtedly several nations still have__________(54) vials.__________(55) the last "official" stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, __________(56) no obvious gain.

Now American researchers have__________ (57) an animal model of the human disease, opening the __________(58 ) for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So once again there"s a good reason to __________(59) the virus——just in "__________(60) the disease puts in a reappearance.

How do we __________ (61) with the mistrust of the US and Russia?__________(62) . Keep the virus __________(63) international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that"s open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just at it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesn"t __________(64) the idea is wrong. If the virus __________(65) useful, then let"s make it the servant of all humanity——not just a part of it.

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Population Growth in Different NationsMore than 6,500 million people are living in the wor

Population Growth in Different Nations

More than 6,500 million people are living in the world today. By the year 2050, that number is expected to reach 9,000 million. Population experts say most of this growth will be in developing nations in Latin America, South Asia and Africa. Africa's population, for example, is expected to double to almost 2,000 million. And South Asia will have an additional 1,000 million people within the next 50 years.

While population growth is increasing in some developing countries, it is falling in many industrialized nations. The United States is unusual because its population is increasing about I percent a year. This makes the United States the world's fastest growing industrialized nation.

These changes in population growth have raised questions among experts. For example, how will industrialized countries provide for their aging populations, especially-with fewer workers? How can poor countries provide for their growing populations while poverty, hunger and health care remain problems? And how does immigration influence both situations?

Population Decrease in Russia

Population experts say Russia faces the most severe population decrease of any country, The population of Russia is now 143 million. It is expected to drop 22 percent over the next 45 years. If this happens, Russia could lose more than 40 percent of its active workforce and have economic problems. The government of President Vladimir Putin is looking for ways to prevent an economic slowdown.

Part of the problem is the short length of time that Russian men generally live. The average life expectancy for Russian men is just 58 years. Russian women live 14 years longer. And men in Western Europe live 16 years longer. Drugs, tobacco smoking and alcohol are some of the main causes of death among Russian men. There are also high numbers of accidents and men killing themselves.

Russia also has low birth rates. A record number of Russians reportedly married last year. But many do not seem ready to have children, those who do take risks. Research shows that 7 out of every 10 Russian babies suffer from health disorders. Every twelfth baby is born weighing too little. All of these changes in Russian society are affecting the country's economy.

More Mega-cities

Almost all of the world's population growth is expected to take place in cities in developing countries. By the year 2030, more than 60 percent of the world's population will be living in cities. Within the next 10 years, experts say there will be 25 "mega-cities"(大城市)of more than 10 million people each.

In India, concerns are increasing about the movement of people from farming areas to these mega- cities. The Indian capital, New De]hi, and Bombay will be among the largest cities in the world.

Environmental experts worry about social pressures and poor living conditions in mega-cities. These huge cities generally lack effective education, health care and transportation systems. In addition, as megacities spread, they take over surrounding agricultural land.

Experts say these problems are intense in Bombay. About half of the city's population of 15 million people live in so-called "slums"(贫民窟). Houses are close together and not well built. They lack clean water and waste removal systems. Diseases spread quickly when people live too close together. Indian officials are trying to deal with the problem. Yet, they admit it will be difficult when an estimated 200 families move to cities like Bombay each day.

Population Growth in America

The United States is the only industrial country to experience population growth. In the past 10 years, the population increased from 263 million to an expected 300 million later this year. The American population is increasing at almost 1 percent a year. 40 percent of this growth comes f




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