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听力原文:M: Hello, I wonder if we could change the time for table tennis to Sunday.W: Is t

听力原文:M: Hello, I wonder if we could change the time for table tennis to Sunday.

W: Is that the only time you can make it?

Q: What can be inferred shout the woman?


A.She can only make it on Sunday.

B.She doesn't like table tennis.

C.She can't make it on Sunday

D.She will try to make it on Sunday.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hello, I wonder if we …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hello, Kevin. This is Lucy. I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the party. I
was just asked to go to a meeting at the same time as the party.

M: Do come after your meeting, Lucy. Our party won't be over until midnight.

Q: Why does the woman say that she could not attend the party?


A.She was afraid she might be kept too late.

B.She would have something more important to do.

C.She had to meet a friend of hers.

D.She was not in the mood to attend the party.

听力原文:W: You have a telephone call, Mr. Smith.M: Who is it?W: He didn't say.M: Tell him

听力原文:W: You have a telephone call, Mr. Smith.

M: Who is it?

W: He didn't say.

M: Tell him I'm not in the office. Say I'll be back by four o'clock.

W: All right. Hello, sir... ?

M: Yes?

W: I'm afraid he's just stepped out of the office. May I ask who's calling?

M: Yes, this is Edgar Davis from Boston.

W: Oh, yes, Mr. Davis. I am afraid he won't be back until four o'clock. Could you give me your number, please.

M: Yes.

What does Mr. Smith tell his secretary to say?

A.He'll phone the caller at four o'clock.

B.He's out of his office.

C.he'll be on the phone at once.

听力原文:M: Hello?W: Hello, Alan. This is Lucy. I'm in trouble.M: What happened?W: I'm afr

听力原文:M: Hello?

W: Hello, Alan. This is Lucy. I'm in trouble.

M: What happened?

W: I'm afraid I won't be on the flight this afternoon. I got blocked in a traffic jam on the way to the airport and, by the time I got here there were no seats left. The airline had oversold the seats. I don't know what to do.

M: Well, the best thing to do is to get a seat on another airline. You could ask your airline to arrange for it. There might be a later flight tonight, or a flight tomorrow morning.

W: Well, if I have to stay overnight at the airport, I don't think I have enough cash to pay bills. I left my credit card at home.

M: Oh, that's unlucky.

W: So, what do you think I should do?

M: Well, the only thing to do is—er—for us to pay for your room and you can pay us back later. I'll

give them my credit card number and they'll charge it to me.

W: Thank you so much, Alan.

M: It's a pleasure.


A.It had been cancelled when she arrived at the airport.

B.She arrived at the airport too late to catch her flight.

C.The plane was full when she arrived at the airport.

D.She didn't have enough money to buy a ticket for the flight.

听力原文:M: Math department, Doctor Webster speaking.W: Hello, Professor Webster, this is

听力原文:M: Math department, Doctor Webster speaking.

W: Hello, Professor Webster, this is Janet Wang calling. I'm living two doors down from your teaching assistant, Ken Williams. Ken asked me to call you because he has lost his voice and can't talk to you himself.

M: Lost his voice? Oh, what a shame! Is there anything I can do for you?

W: Well, Ken has a class this afternoon from two-thirty to four and he won't be able to teach it, but he doesn't want to cancel it either.

M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the midterm exams. He's already marked them and they are on the desk in his office. The whole thing wouldn't take more than ten minutes.

M: His classes are two-thirty, eh? Well, I'm afraid at that time I'll be on campus, anyway, so I can do it for him.

W: Thank you very much, Professor Webster.

Who is probably the woman?

A.Ken's wife.

B.Ken's neighbor.

C.The head of the math department.

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. I was hoping to speak to Helen.W: Sorry, Helen's away on business

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. I was hoping to speak to Helen.

W: Sorry, Helen's away on business. Can I help?

M: Yes, Mary, I think you probably can. I'm afraid I've got some rather bad news.

W: Oh?

M: It's the trip over for Electronica.

W: Uh-huh?

M: Yes, I'm afraid we've had a bit of an internal reorganization here and we'll be sending a much smaller team.

W: You will still be having the same booth at the fair, won't you?

M: I'm afraid not. There'll be just Brine and myself so we won't be able to manage such a large booth.

W: Well, I can't promise that they're going to have any smaller booths available at this late date ...

M: Yes, I realize that. But could you see what you could do? You know, Mary, you've done a terrific job so far.

W: We've certainly put a lot of work into it. I hope this doesn't mean you're canceling the reception at Caesar's Restaurant?

M: Not canceling it, but I think we'll have to reduce the scale a bit.

W: The problem is that all the arrangements have all been made and confirmed. We've already given a deposit for the food and wine. I don't know ... this may be difficult to change ...

M: Yes, I know, I'm sorry, but these things happen. I think I'd better talk to Helen.

W: Yes, I think you should.


A.He wants to cancel the reception at Caesar's Restaurant.

B.He wants to tell the woman some bad news.

C.He wants to have a smaller booth at the fair.

D.He wants to talk to Helen about his trip over for Electronica.

听力原文:W: Hello, can I help you?M: Yes, I need to buy some auto insurance. Can you tell

听力原文:W: Hello, can I help you?

M: Yes, I need to buy some auto insurance. Can you tell me how much it will cost?

W: Certainly, but first I need to know something about your automobile and about you. What kind of a car are you driving?

M: It's a 1996 Mustang.

W: Then you'll want full coverage on your car, won't you?

M: Well, it cost me a lot of money. If it were damaged, I'd certainly want it to be protected.

W: The cost of auto insurance is based on the experience of the driver, the value of the car and the coverage you want. How old are you?

M: I'm 26 years old.

W: Are you married?

M: Yes, I am.

W: Have you or your wife had any driving accidents in the past five years?

M: Yes, I received a ticket two years ago for speeding, but my wife has a clean driving record.

W: With that information you should qualify for a good rate.

M: I hope so. I don't have much money.


A.Insurance company clerk and customer.

B.Automobile company clerk and customer.

C.Colleagues working for the same auto company.

D.Shopping assistant and customer.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue.W: Hello, Jill, how are you?M: I'm fine. Did you watch the TV special

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue.

W: Hello, Jill, how are you?

M: I'm fine. Did you watch the TV special about barnacles last night?

W: No, I missed it. What did you learn about them?

M: They glue themselves to rocks in the ocean, shortly after birth. They also stay in the same place forever.

W: Right, have you ever tried removing one of these things? It would be easier to chip the rock away than to get the barnacles off.

M: Exactly, and that's why scientists are trying to figure out what the barnacles glue is made of. It's considered one of the strongest adhesives in nature.

W: And it would have the advantage of being able to work on wet surfaces too.

M: Precisely, and because it's natural protein, it probably wouldn't be harmful to people like so many synthetic glues in use today.

W: Think of all the ways in which doctors and dentists could use such a glue to mend broken bones and fasten false teeth.

M: There could be countless uses. Scientists hope to learn soon exactly how the glue is made, so that people can make use of it.

W: That's good news for the general public. I hope it won't take long for the new glue to be put into use.


A.The reproductive cycle of barnacles.

B.A new source of protein.

C.Types of sea animals.

D.The adhesive quality of barnacles.

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.W: Sure. Whose class ar

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.

W: Sure. Whose class are you in?

M: Dr. Purcell's math class.

W: And your name?

M: My last name is Raleigh. R-A-L-E-I-G-H.

W: That's right. Jim Raleigh. Here it is.

M: Thank you. And Terry Young's test too, please.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't let you take someone else's test.

M: He's sick, and he can't come in to get it. He's my roommate,

W: I understand. But the privacy act won't permit it.

M: Really? Maybe you could tell him.

W: Not even then. I can only give a test to the student whose name appears on it. I can't even give it to a family member.

M: That's bad.

W: I think so, too, frankly, but that's the law.

M: Okay. I'll tell Terry, Thanks anyway.

W: You're welcome. Tell him I'll just keep his test here until he feels better and can come in for it himself.

M: Okay. I'll do that.

W: Have a nice day, Jim.

M: You too, Mrs. Kelly.


A.A sick friend.

B.A math class.

C.School policy.

D.The man's test.

听力原文:M: Physics Department,Doctor Benson speaking.W: Hello,Prof.Benson,this is Natalie

听力原文:M: Physics Department,Doctor Benson speaking.

W: Hello,Prof.Benson,this is Natalie Kent calling,I'm living next door to your teaching assistant,Ashley Lake.Ashley asked me to call you because she has lost her voice and can't talk to you herself.

M: Lost her voice?Oh,what a shame!Is there anything I can do for her?

W: Well,she has a class this morning from 10:00 to 11:00 and she won't be able to teach it,but she doesn't want to cancel it either.

M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No,not exactly.What she wants to do is to get someone just to pass back the mid-term exams.she's already marked them and they are on the desk in her office.The whole thing wouldn't take more than ten minutes.

M: Her class from 10:00,eh?Well I think at that time I was going to be on campus anyway;so I could do it for her.what room is her class in?

W: Wisdom Building.Room 301.Will you need her office key to get the exams?She's given it to me and I could bring it to you.

M: Actually,that won't be necessary.We have a master key in the physics department.So I can get into her office.

W: Thank you very much,Prof.Benson.Ashley doesn't have another class to teach until Friday,and hopefully.she will be able to talk by then.She'll call you as soon as she can.

M: Thanks for passing a11 the news about Ashley,and please tell her not to worry about anything.

Why doesn't Ashley give the man a call herself?

A.She is too busy to spare time.

B.She has lost her voice.

C.She doesn't have the man's number.

D.She doesn't want to talk to the man.

听力原文:M: Math Department, Jimmy Brown speaking.W: Hello, Professor Brown, this is Alice

听力原文:M: Math Department, Jimmy Brown speaking.

W: Hello, Professor Brown, this is Alice Hill calling, I'm a friend of your teaching assistant, David Williams. He's got a bad cold. David asked me to call you because he's lost his voice.

M: Lost his voice. Oh, poor boy! Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this morning from ten to eleven thirty and he won't he able to teach it, but he doesn't want to cancel it either.

M: He wants me to try to find someone else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the mid-term exams. He's already marked them and they are on the desk in his office. The whole thing wouldn't take more than ten minutes.

M: His classes are ten, eh? At that time I was going to he on campus anyway; so I could do it for him. What room is his class in?

W: Cander Hall, Room 214. Will you need his office key to get the exams? He's given it to me and I can bring it to you.

M: Actually, that won't be necessary. We have a master key in the maths department. So I can get into his office.

W: Thank you very much, Professor Brown. David doesn't have another class to teach until Thursday, and hopefully, he will be able to talk by then. He'll call you as soon as he can. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Could you put the next assignment on the board, too? It's all the problems on page forty-five, and they are due at the next class.


A.He forgot to assign homework to his students.

B.He has no time to give the class.

C.He is ill, but he has a class today.

D.He has forgotten to take his key and can't get into his office.

听力原文:W: Hello, Compact Computers. May I help you?M: Yes, this is Jack Brown from Hunte

听力原文:W: Hello, Compact Computers. May I help you?

M: Yes, this is Jack Brown from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I speak to Betty Taylor, please?

W: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

M: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?

W: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about 4:30. May I take a message?

M: Yes. Ms. Taylor sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

M: Yes, but our fax is being repaired at the moment, and it won't be working until around 2:30. Hum ... could you try sending that information around 3:30.'? That should give me time to look over the material before I call Ms. Taylor, say, around 5:00.

W: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

M: Yes. Jack Brown and the phone number is 560-1287. And the fax number is 560-1288.

W: All right, Mr. Brown. And your phone number is 560-1287, and the fax number is 560- 1288. Is that correct?

M: Yes, it is.

W: All right. I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.

M: Okay, bye.


A.She's at a meeting.

B.She's out of the office.

C.She's talking with another customer.

D.She is busy at the moment.

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