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Since the 1970s, the civil rights legislation and other government programs have broa

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The plastic bags were first produced in the 1970s and grew increasingly popular since the




The rapid growth of microcomputer systems since the late 1970s has now resulted in BASIC being very
likely the most widely used computer language in the world.
As a new approach to the study of language and mind, popular linguistics began to appear i
n the 1970s and has been increasingly active since 1980s.



Labor Market Decline

The decline of the labor market is easy to misinterpret (interpret). There are many reasons for that. During the 1970s, large numbers of women and young adults (1) (bear) during the baby boom entered into the work force. That (2) (result) in too many workers for the jobs available and depressed wages. The decline also has something to do with the explosive (3) (grow) in world trade since 1960. As (4) .(manufacture) technologies have become more mobile, production jobs have (5) (move) from the U. S. to countries where wages are low. In (6) (add), technology itself has helped to cause the shifts in the job market. For example, (7) (few) American workers are needed to make steel today than in the past, because new (8) (machine) have made many of their tasks (9) (necessary). Finally, the high rate of (10) (employment) caused by these factors has tended to drive wages down further.

It was a moment most business executives would pause to savor: late last year, German spor
ting goods pioneer Adidas learned that after years of declining market share, the company had sprinted past U. S. Reebok International to take second place behind Nike in the race for worldwide sales. But Robert Louis-Dreyfus, the rumpled Frenchman who now runs Adidas, didn't even stop for one of his trade mark Havana cigars in celebration, worried that the company would grow complacent. Instead, he and a group of friends bought French soccer club Olympique de Marseille "Now that's something I have dreamed about since I was a kid, ' Louis-Dreyfus says with an adolescent grin.

A sports addict who claims he hasn't missed attending a soccer World Cup final since the 1970s or the Olympic Games since 1968, the 50-year-old Louis-Dreyfus now is eminently well placed to live out many of his boyhood fantasies. Not only has he turned Adidas into a global company with market capitalization of $ 4 billion (he owns stock worth $ 250 million), but he also has endorsement contracts with a host of sports heroes from tennis great Steffi Graf to track's Donovan Bailey, and considers it part of the job to watch his star athletes per form. on the field, "There are very few chances in life to have such fun," he says.

With sales in the first three quarters of 1996 at $ 2.5 billion, up a blistering 30.7% over 1995, it's hard to recall the dismal shape Adidas was in when Louis-Dreyfus took over as chairman in April 1993. Founded in 1920 by Adi Dassler, the inventor of the first shoes de signed especially for sports, the company enjoyed a near monopoly in athletic shoes until an upstart called Nike appeared in the 1970s and rode the running fad to riches. By the early 1990s Adidas had come under the control of French businessman Bernard Tapie, who was later jailed for bribing three French soccer players. Al though the company tried to spruce up its staid image with a team of American designers, Adidas lost more than $100 million in 1992, prompting the French banks that had acquired control of the company from Tapie to begin a desperate search for a new owner.

Louis-Dreyfus, scion of a prominent French trading dynasty with an M. B. A. from Harvard, earned a reputation as a doctor to sick companies after turning around London-based market research firm IMS--a feat that brought him more than $10 million when the company was eventually sold. He later served as chairman of Saatchi ~ Saatchi, then the world's largest ad agency, which called him in when rapid growth sent profits into a tailspin. With no other company or entrepreneur willing to gamble on Adidas, Louis-Dreyfus got an incredible bargain from the banks., he and a group of friends from his days at IMS contributed just $10, 000 each in cash and signed up for $100 million in loans for 15% of the company, with an option to buy the remainder at a fixed price 18 months later.

The poker-loving Louis-Dreyfus knew he had been dealt a winning hand. Following the lead set by Nike in the 1970s, he moved production to low-wage factories in China, Indonesia and Thailand and sold Adidas' European factories for a token one Deutsche mark apiece. He hired Peter Moore, a former product designer at Nike, as creative director, and set up studios in Germany for the European market and in Portland, Oregon, for the U. S. He then risked everything by doubling his advertising budget. "We went from a manufacturing company to a marketing company, "says Louis-Dreyfus. "It didn't take a genius--you just had to look at what Nike and Reebok were doing. It was easier for someone coming from the outside, with no baggage, to do it, than for somebody from inside the company."

Just as the transition was taking place, Adidas had a run of good luck. The fickle fashion trendsetters decided in early 1993 that they wanted the "retro look, "




请阅读短文,完成第题。Polyester (聚酯 ) is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals


Polyester (聚酯 ) is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believes that it is now beginning to break the grip of glass on the bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market.

All the plastics manufacturers have been experiencing hard times as their traditional products have been doing badly world-wide for the last few years. Between 1982 and 1984 the Plastics Division of ICI had lost a hundred and twenty million dollars, and they felt that the most hopeful new market was in packaging, bottles and cans.

Since 1982 it has opened three new factories producing "Melinar", the raw material from which high quality polyester bottles are made.

The polyester bottle was born in the 1970s, when soft drinks companies like Coca Cola started selling their drinks in giant two-liter containers. Because of the build-up of the pressure of gas in these large containers, glass was unsuitable. Nor was PVC, the plastic which had been used for bottles since the 1960s, suitable for drinks with gas in them. A new plastic had to be made.

Glass is still cheaper for the smaller bottles and will continue to be so, unless oil and plastic become much cheaper, but plastic does well for the larger sizes.

Polyester bottles are virtually unbreakable. The manufacturers claim they are also lighter, less noisy when being handled, and can be reused. Shopkeepers and other business people are unlikely to object to a change from glass to polyester, since these bottles mean few breakages, which are costly and time-consuming. The public, though, have been more difficult to persuade. ICI"s commercial department is developing different bottles with interesting shapes, to try and make them visually more attractive to the public.

The next step could be to develop a plastic which could replace tins for food. The problem here is the high temperatures necessary for cooking the food in the container.

Why is ICI‘s Plastics Division interested in polyester for bottles? 查看材料

A.The other things they make are not selling well.

B.Glass manufacturers cannot make enough new bottles.

C.They have factories which could be adapted to make it.

D.The price of oil keeps changing.

Today ,as in every other day of the year ,more than 3000 U.S. adlescents will smoke their
first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime,it can be expected that of these 3000 about 23 will be murdered,30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweithts all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death.

Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 precent , smoking rates among youth have declined . While the decline is impressive ,several important issues must be raised. First, in the past several years,smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second,in the late 1970s ,smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent . The statistic is reversing.Third ,several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent .

Finally, thouth significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade,no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context,the Naional Cancer Instiute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effecive measures to reduce smoking levesl among youth. According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____.

A.traffic accidents

B.smoking-related desease


D.all of these

Every day there are over_____high school strdents who will become regular smoker.A.75




By "dropout" the author means______.A.students who failed the examination

B.students who left school

C.students who lost their way

D.students who were driven out of school

The reason for declining adolescent smoking is that ________.A.NCI has taken effective measures

B.smoking is prevented among high school seniors

C.there are many smokers who have died of cancer

D.none of these

What is implied but not stated by the author is that ________.A.smoking rates among youth have declined very little

B.there are now more female than male smokers among high school seniors

C.high smoking rates are due to the incease in wealth

D.smoking at high school are from low socio-economic backgrounds


根据材料,完成题。 Fitness Movement The fitness movement that began in the late 1960s and


Fitness Movement

The fitness movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic exercise.Millions of individuals became engaged in a variety of aerobic activities, and51thousands of health spas developed around the country to capitalize on his52interest in fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas existed53to this aerobic fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their54was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programsdesigned to develop muscular mass, 55, and endurance in their primarily male56. These fitness spas did not seem to benefit57from the aerobic fitness movement to better health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs58few, if any, health benefits. In recent years, however, weight training has again become increasingly. 59for males and for females. Many60programs focus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but on aerobic fitness as well.61, most physical fitness tests have usually included measures of muscular strength and endurance, not for health related reasons, but

primarily62such fitness components have been related to performance in athletics.63, in recent years,evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health64as well. The American College of Sports Medicine now65that weight training be part of a total fitness program for healthy Americans.

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The external debt buildup of some developing countries(such as Argentina)in the 1970s was in part due to(legal or illegal)capital flight in the face of expected currency devaluation.(Governments and central banks borrowed foreign currencies to prop up their exchange rates,and these funds found their way into private hands and into bank accounts in New York and elsewhere.)Since capital flight leaves a government with a large debt but creates an offsetting foreign asset for citizens who take money abroad,the consolidated net debt of the country as a whole does not change.Does this mean that countries whose external government debt is largely the result of capital flight face no debt problem?


Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

What are special effects? Do you enjoy movies that use a lot of special effects Dinosaurs(恐龙) from the distant past! Space battles from the distant future! There has been a revolution inspecial effects, and it has transformed the movies we see.

The revolution began in the mid 1970s with George Lucas"s Star Wars, a film that stunned(使震惊) audiences. That revolution continues to the present, with dramatic changes in special-effects technology.

The company behind these changes is Lucas"s Industrial Light & Magic(ILM). And the man behind the company is Dennis Muren, who has worked with Lucas since Star Wars.

Muren"s interest in special effects began very early. At the age of 6, he was photographing toy dinosaurs and spaceships. At 10, he had an 8 millimeter movie camera and was making these things move through stop-motion. (Stop-motion is a process in which objects are shot with a camera, moved slightly, shot again, and so on. When the shots are put together, the objects appear to move. )

Talk to Muren and you"ll understand what ILM is all about: taking on new challenges. By 1989, Muren decided he had pushed the old technology as far as it would go.

He saw computer graphics (图像) (CG) technology as the wave of the future and took a year off to master it.

With CG technology, images can be scanned into a computer for processing, for example,and many separate shots can be combined into a single image. CG technology has now reached the point, Muren says, where special effects can be used to do just about anything so that movies can tell stories better than ever before. The huge success of Jurassic Park and its sequel (续集), The Lost World, the stars of which were computer-generated dinosaurs, suggests that this may very well be true.

The special-effects revolution began in the mid 1970s with Star Wars. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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