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市场预测(Market forecast)就是在市场调查获得的各种信息和资料的基础上,通过分析研究,运用科学的预测技术和方法,对市场未来的商品()所做的分析和推断过程。





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更多“市场预测(Market forecast)就是在市场调查获得…”相关的问题
No on realized the cause of the deterioration of the world agricultural commodity market b

A.there was a long interval between cause and effect

B.the weather is difficult for us to forecast

C.weather forecasts were inaccurate

D.ecologists didn't exist until modem times


根据短文,回答1~5题Revolutionary innovation is now occurring in all scientific and technological fields.This wave of unprecedented change is driven primarily by advances in information technology。but it is much larger in scope.We are not dealing simply with an Information Revolution but with a Technology Revolution. To anticipate developments in this field,the George Washington University Forecast of Emerging Technologies was launched at the start of the l990s.We have now completed four rounds of our Delphi survey—in l990,1992,1994,and l996一giving us a wealth of data and experience.We now can offer a reasonably clear picture of what can be expected to happen in technology over the next three decades. Time horizons play a crucial role in forecasting technology.Forecasts of the next five to ten years are often so predictable that they fall into the realm of market research。while those more than 30 0r 40 years away are mostly speculation.This leaves a l0一to 20一year window in which to make useful forecasts.It is this time frame that our Forecast addresses. The Forecast uses diverse methods,including environmental scanning,trend analysis,Delphi surveys, and model building.Environmental scanning is used to identify emerging technologies.Trend analysis guides the selection of the most important technologies for further study,and a modified Delphi survey is used to obtain forecasts.Instead of using the traditional Delphi method of providing respondents with immediate feed— back and requesting additional estimates in order to arrive at a consensus.we conduct another survey after an additional time period of about two years. Fimlly,the resuIts are portrayed in time periods to build models of unfolding technological change.By using multiple methods instead of relying on a single approach,the Forecast can produce more reliable,useful estimates. For our latest survey conducted in l996,we selected 85 emerging technologies representing the most crucial advances that can be foreseen We then submitted the list of technologies to our panel of futurists for their judgments as to when(or if) each technological development would enter the mainstream, the probability that it would happen,and the estimated size of the economic market for it.In short,we sought a forecast as to when each emerging technology will have actually“emerged”. What we are faced with at present can be best described as a revolution in__________. [A]information[B]advanced method[C]science[D]technology

A fresh surge in oil prices and a rise in the cost of food pose the biggest threats to t
he recovery of poor countries from the global recession of 2008 and 2009, according to the World Bank.

In its latest economic health check, the Washington-based Bank said tougher economic policies and the jump in commodity prices would slow the pace of world growth this year before a pick-up in activity in 2012.

The Bank predicted that global growth was on course to edge down from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 3.2 percent this year, then accelerate to 3.6 percent in 2012. It forecast that the pace of activity in high-income countries would slow from 2.7 percent in 2011 to 2.2 percent in 2012. Developing countries, which were responsible for almost half global growth in 2010, would expand by 6.3 percent this year, down from 7.3 percent in 2010.

The Bank warned that its forecasts could be over-optimistic should oil prices continue to rise. Brent crude (布伦特原油) was t

1If oil prices keep rising, the forecasted global economic growth rate could be __________.

A、increased to 3.6 percent

B、increased to 6.3 percent

C、reduced to 2.2 percent

D、slowed by 0.5 percent

2What has been causing oil prices to continue to increase?

A、Market uncertainty or unstable oil supply.

B、The global recession of 2008 and 2009.

C、Over-optimistic forecast for economic growth.

D、Agreement reached by the OPEC oil cartel.

3What problem(s) do developing countries need to strive to address?

A、The slow economic growth rate.

B、Poverty brought by high food prices.

C、Structural imbalances and inflation pressures.

D、Tensions coming from high-income countries.

4According to the World Bank, high food prices had been a result of ____________.

A、high oil prices and decreased oil production

B、high oil prices and poor crop harvest

C、tougher economic policies

D、rise in other commodity prices

5How does the World Bank sound in making the predictions about economic growth?





Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995 in the United States.A 19【M2】 photo shows Bill as

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995 in the United States.

A 19【M2】 photo shows Bill as a rapt young teenager,

watched his friend Paul Allen type at a computer terminal. 【M1】______

Allen became a co-founder of Microsoft. As for a child, Gates 【M2】______

had neat hair and an eager, pleasant smile. He entered Harvard

and dropped out to found Microsoft in 19【M9】Microsoft's first 【M3】______

product was a version of the programming language BASIC, for

the Altair 8800, arguably the world's first personal computer.

BASIC, invented by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1964,

was someone else's idea. Such was the Alter. 【M4】______

By 1980, IBM had decided to build personal computers

and needed a PC operating system. So they fired Microsoft to 【M5】______

build its operating system. Microsoft bought Q-DOS from a

company called Seattle Computer Products and retailed them 【M6】______

for the PC.

The PC was released in August 1981 and was following 【M7】______

into the market by huge flocks of honking, beeping clones.

Apple released the Macintosh in 1984: a sophisticated

computer was now available to the masses. In May 1990,

Microsoft finally perfected it's own version of Apple windows 【M8】______

3.0, another huge hit.

By the early 1990s, electronic mail and the Internet were

big. Technologists forecast an Internet centered view of computing

called "mirror worlds". The World Wide Web was emerged in 【M9】______

1994, marking browsers unnecessary, and Netscape was founded 【M10】______

that same year.


American travelers plan to take 10 million more trips this summer than last, despite incre
ases in hotel rates, airfare, car-rental costs and gasoline prices. Thanks to high consumer confidence, people will travel more often, stay longer and spend more money on their vacations this year.

"It's going to be a record travel season," says Jason Ader, a senior analyst with in vestment bank Bear, Stearns & Co. "The economy's strong. Consumers feel good. The stock market's up. And the prices we're seeing are as high as they've been since we've been keeping records, and that's since the fifties."

In all, American vacationers will take more than 270 million trips this summer -- 4 percent more than last year, according to the travel association. The top 10 destinations are Florida, California, Hawaii, Colorado, New York, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Washington state and Washington.

During such trips, a family of four will spend $ 213 a day for meals and lodging -- an increase of $ 3 from last year, according to a forecast released by the Travel Industry Association of America. In some cases, price increases are expected to double the inflation rate, which was 2.1 percent in March. The average daily price tag on a hotel room will increase 3.9 percent to $ 81.77 from $ 78.67, according to a report by Price Waterhouse Coopers and Bear, Stearns.

Traveling by car this summer is expected to cost about $10.66 per 100 miles, which covers gas, tires and maintenance, according to the American Automobile Association. The recent increase in gasoline prices should make long road trips more expensive. Nevertheless, car-rental companies are expecting more leisure rentals this summer compared with last and are pushing prices up accordingly.

Tickets on the major North American airlines will continue to increase, with prices jumping 10 percent by year's end, ac. cording to the Price Waterhouse Coopers' report. But the higher prices are not turning vacationers away from air travel. "Given the strong economy, and if all other factors are constant, travelers will most likely take to the domestic skies in record numbers despite higher costs to the wallet," says Dexter Wood, a Price Waterhouse Coopers consultant.

One reason Americans are more likely to travel this year is that.

A.airlines tickets are less expensive

B.more and more Americans have cars

C.the stock market is up

D.travel agents are offering special deals


名义利率与实际通货膨胀率之间的差距常被称为滞后实际利率(相对于超前实际利率或预期实际利率而言)。图15-1显示了1976~1980年,瑞士的滞后实际利率通常为正,而美国却一般为负。假设在这些年中,两国的居民均可对通货膨胀进行准确预期,那么你认为在1976~1980年国际汇率市场中美元对瑞士法郎的比价如何?1981~1982年呢?你可用历史数据来验证你的假设(可参阅国际货币基金组织《国际金融统计资料》(InternationalFit~twial Statistics))。

The difference between the nominal interest rate and the actual inflation rate is often called the ex post real interest rate(as opposed to the ex ante,or expected real interest rate).Figure 15-1 shows that between 1976 and 1980,the ex post real interest rate in Switzerland was usually positive while that in the United States was usually negative.Assume that people were able to forecast inflation accurately in both countries during these years.What would you guess about the dollar's strength against the Swiss franc in the foreign exchange market between 1976 and 1980? What do you think happened to the dollar/Swiss franc exchange rate in 1981-1982? Check your answer by looking up the history of the exchange rate.(See,for example.the International Monetary Fund's publication,International Financial Statistics.)

计算机化预测(computerized forecast)

计算机化预测(computerized forecast)

A.The weather forecast is usually inaccurate.B.The typhoon is already a real thing.C.T

A.The weather forecast is usually inaccurate.

B.The typhoon is already a real thing.

C.The weatherman used to be inaccurate in his forecast.

D.The meteorologists are always correct.

听力原文:M: I heard on the radio that the typhoon is coming.W: If the weather forecast js

听力原文:M: I heard on the radio that the typhoon is coming.

W: If the weather forecast js as accurate as usual, it will be a nice day tomorrow.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The weather forecasts are always correct.

B.The typhoon is already a real thing.

C.The weather forecast is usually inaccurate.

D.The weather forecast used to be inaccurate.

--().-- 27 degrees Celsius.

A.The temperature may be higher.

B.How is the weather today?

C.What's the temperature today?

D.What does the weather forecast say?

Science fiction people got angry when they learned that book forecast such an planetwide d




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