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听力原文:In Europe, one can go from one's home to an international conference with merely

听力原文: In Europe, one can go from one's home to an international conference with merely a long train ride in between. One scientist, after such a trip, came home looking ashen and distraught.

"What happened?" ask his wife.

"My dear," groaned the scientist, "I've been riding for hours in a backward-facing seat. You know how that always distresses my liver."

"But, darling," said Iris wife, "we have talked of this before, mid surely you told me that if you found yourself in such a spot, you would ask the person in the seat facing you to exchange places."

"Alas," said the scientist. "On this trip I could not ask. There was no one sitting there."






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听力原文:The Mediterranean is a word both easy to pronounce and easy to spell—if you only

听力原文: The Mediterranean is a word both easy to pronounce and easy to spell—if you only know how. It is a word of five syllables: Mediterranean, meaning mid-earth. The Chinese translation is a happy one, as it means exactly the same thing.

Europe owes its early growth to the Mediterranean Sea. On its shores were the seats of early civilization: Egypt, Greece and Rome. The Mediterranean fed the people in these lands and provided a high way for trade and diplomacy. Together, they formed a Mediterranean civilization.

In 1869 the Suez Canal was cut after 10 years of arduous work. Linking the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean, the Canal shortened the passage from Europe to Asia by some 10,000 kilometers.

The Canal is 171 km long and 65 km wide. An ocean liner takes some 10 hours to go through. It goes slowly, but safely. The Canal is now completely Egyptian property. Foreign ships pay for their passage, making the Canal a good earner of hard currency.






听力原文:Being able to swim has always been a valued skill. But competitive swimming is ju

听力原文: Being able to swim has always been a valued skill. But competitive swimming is just over one hundred years old. Racing in the water began in Europe only about fifty years before the modern Olympics. England was the leader in this new sport. Pools were built and races were held.

Interest was spurred when a group of Native Americans went to England in 1844 to swim against an English team. To the surprise and dismay of the English, the Americans beat them easily. At that time the English used the breast stroke, which was thought a good. form. The Americans used a kind of free style. that was much faster.

A short time later an English family, who had moved to Australia, developed the crawl, an overhead swimming method. One of that same family also took it to America. Charles Daniels, an early user of the crawl, changed the kicking rhythm to develop the American crawl.


A.About fifty years before the first modern Olympics.

B.Fifty years ago.

C.When the crawl was developed.

D.After the breast stroke was developed.

听力原文:At sixteen, Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war. H

听力原文: At sixteen, Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war. He wandered aimlessly from one country to another before finally settling down in Australia,where he trained as an electronics engineer, He established his own business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the question.

His retirement suddenly made him realize how lonely he was and he decided to take up a hobby. With his interest in electronics, being an amateur radio operator seemed a natural choice. He installed his own equipment and obtained a license and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to identify oneself when making radio contact with other amateur operators all over the world.

Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far off places. One in particular was a man in California with whom he had much in common. One night the man in California happened to mention the village in Europe he had come from. Suddenly, Henry realized that this man was in fact his younger brother, Peter. At first, the two brothers were at a loss for words but then little by little they filled in the details of their past lives and not long afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to be reunited with his brother.


A.He was trained as an electronics engineer.

B.He was trained as a mechanical engineer.

C.He was trained as a communication engineer.

D.He was trained as a nuclear engineer.

听力原文:Economic experts say that the world economy should improve some this year. They s

听力原文: Economic experts say that the world economy should improve some this year. They say there will be exploding economic growth in most of Asia. There will be moderate economic growth in the United States and Canada, and there will be little or no growth in Europe and Japan, but China is expected to have the most economic growth this year, probably ten percent.

The New Year is expected to bring more underpayment in industrial countries. The organization for economic Cooperation and Development says about 35 million people in its 24 member countries could be without jobs by the middle of the year. That would mean an average unemployment rate in industrial countries of about eight and one hall per cent. Unemployment in some European countries, however, could be much higher. It could climb to eleven and one half percent. Economic experts in the United States say the American economy will continue to expand. They say Americans are feeling sure that economic conditions are improving. This means they are willing to spend more money. Economic experts also think American industries will invest more money to increase production.


A.There will be exploding development in economy.

B.There will be moderate growth.

C.Them will be stagnation actually.

D.There will be no growth at all.

听力原文:For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe and America seldom left the

听力原文: For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe and America seldom left their smoky cities to see the beauties of the countryside. This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.

In 1907, a young German schoolmaster had an idea which changed this state of affairs. He decided to turn his little schoolhouse into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the schoolhouse was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby. This was the first Youth Hostel.

Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostels and get to know each other. When young people arrive at a hostel, they have only to show their card of membership in a hostel organization in their own country. This card will permit them to use the facilities of hostels all over the world for a very low price.


A.Because industrialization had damaged the beauties of the countryside.

B.Because the woods and fields were too far away to be visited.

C.Because they found it impossible to make a trip within one day.

D.Because their parents did not permit them to go to far away places.

听力原文:At the start of the Middle Ages in Europe, there were no schools, as we know them

听力原文: At the start of the Middle Ages in Europe, there were no schools, as we know them today. There were no grade schools or high schools. There were no universities where young men could learn professions such as law or medicine. The only schools were in churches or monasteries. Except for some priests and monks, few people could read or write.

As time went on, many young men needed an education so they could learn a profession. In order to get an education, they had to be taught by teachers in a church school.

Some churchmen became known as great teachers. Wherever there was a great teacher, young men gathered to live and study. Then other teachers came to teach the subjects they knew best. A center of learning was formed.

Around A.D. 1100, a famous center of learning grew up around the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France. A well-known teacher named Peter Abelard was there. Thousands of students came to Paris from all over Europe. Many teachers came too, and gave classes of their own.

Sometime between A.D. 1150 and A.D. 1170, the teachers formed a group that was much like a union. This group became the University of Paris. The University of Paris was one of the early universities. It had many teachers who taught different subjects, and it served as a model for other such universities.


A.High schools.


C.Churches or monasteries.

D.Grade schools.

听力原文:Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons

听力原文: Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world's greatest thinkers and scientists named Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Dr Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous people who suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo Da Vinci, a celebrated Roman artist, Thomas Edison, a well-Known American inventor and a former American Vice president, Nelson Rockfeller.

Dyslexia was first recognized in Europe and then in the United States over 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that people with this disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of dyslexia persons are rather different. In brains of most people, the left side, the part that controls language, is larger than the fight side. In the people with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is much bigger. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in men than in women, and it is also found more often in people who are left-handed.


A.The left-handed women.

B.The left-handed men.

C.Excellent female scientists or artists.

D.Some celebrated female presidents.

听力原文:In 1955, Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney Park in the USA, Los Angeles

听力原文: In 1955, Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney Park in the USA, Los Angeles. Later Disney world was opened in Florida in 1971. It cost between $500 and $600 million to build. Tokyo Disney Park opened in Japan in 1983, and Europe Disney opened in France in 1992.

Now Hong Kong is going to build a Disney Park and it will be open in 2005. More than 80% of Hong Kong's population would like to visit the Disney Park when it is opened. The adult admission fee is between 32 to 38 American dollars. But about half of the people thought the adult admission fee was too high. The children's admission fee is not known yet. But children may not mind paying any entrance fee. "If I start saving money: now, I'll have enough money to pay the entrance fee in five years time," said Mary, a 12 years old girl, "I can't take my son to the Disney Park in the USA," said Mrs. Sally, mother of a small boy, "that's why I agree to the government's plan to build one here. Then I'll be able to take my son there. The admission fee of just under one hundred dollars is nothing compared with the price of an air ticket to the USA."


A.In France.

B.In Tokyo.

C.In America.

D.In Hong Kong.

听力原文:The story of silk is a fascinating one. About 4,000 years ago the Chinese discove

听力原文: The story of silk is a fascinating one. About 4,000 years ago the Chinese discovered the secret of the cocoon. No one knows exactly how or when this was made. One story says that a young princess was drinking tea in her garden and watching the silkworm spin cocoon. By chance one dropped into her tea, and the hot liquid softened it. When the girl tried to take the cocoon out of her tea. She pulled out a long silk thread.

The Chinese learned to weave the silk thread into cloth. For 2,000 years they were the only people who knew how to make silk. The Chinese merchants sold silk cloth throughout Asia and Europe and became rich. Silk was so expensive that it was called "the cloth of the Kings". Everyone wanted to learn how to make silk, but the Chinese kept the secret carefully guarded. Finally the secret was stolen. In the sixth century, two monks learned about the silk worms and their cocoons. They spent several years in China and finally found a way to take some worm eggs out of the country. The monks also carried bamboo canes. One day they hid some eggs in the hollow canes, and walked out of China with them. It is said that the development of the silk industry in other countries came from those few eggs which the monks had carried out of China.


A.The silk covering made by an insect.

B.The silk covering made by a silkworm.

C.The soft protective covering made by an animal.

D.The hard protective covering made by an animal.

听力原文:Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful to its industries.

听力原文: Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful to its industries. In fact there are other countries in Western Europe that lose more working days through strikes every year than Britain. The trouble with the strikes in Britain is that they occur in essential industries. There are over four hundred and ninetyfive unions in Britain. Some unions are very small. Over twenty have more than one hundred thousand members. Unions do not exist only to demand high wages. They also educate their members. They provide benefits for the sick and try to improve working conditions. Trade unionists say that we must thank the unions for the great improvement in working conditions in the last hundred years. It is now against the law fur union members to go on strike without the support of their union. This kind of strike la called the unofficial strike and was common until recently. Employers felt that unofficial strikes were most harmful because they could not be predicted. However, these unofficial strikes still occur from time to time and some unions have also refused to cooperate with the law. As a result, the general picture of the relations between workers and employers in Britain has gone from bad to worse.


A.They often take place in the major industries.

B.British trade unions are more powerful.

C.There are more trade union members in Britain.

D.Britain loses more working days through strikes every year.

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