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Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write

Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Respect others, and you will be respected. " you can cite examples to ilustrate your views. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200。

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Writing (30 minutes)For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay enti

Writing (30 minutes)

For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Willby commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiestthing in the world. I've done it hundreds of times." You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words.

听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?M: Wel

听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.

W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?

M: Well, the problem is that this writing assignment isn't coming out right. What I thought I was writing on was to talk about what a particular sport means to me when I participate in.

W: What sport did you choose?

M: I decided to write about cross-country skiing.

W: What are you going to say about skiing?

M: That's the problem. I thought I would write about how peaceful it is to be out in the country.

W: So why is that a problem?

M: I'd like to start describing how quiet it is to be out in the woods. I keep mentioning how much effort it takes to keep going. Cross-country skiing isn't as easy as some people think. It takes a lot of energy, but that's not part of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. But now I don't know how to explain that feeling of peacefulness without explaining how hard you have to work for it. It all fits together. It's not like just sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by. That's different.

W: Then you'll have to include that in your point. The peacefulness of cross-country skiing is the kind you earn by effort. Why leave that out? Part of your point you knew beforehand, but part you discovered as you wrote. That's common, right?

M: Yeah, I guess so.


19. What is the topic of the man's writing assignment?

20. What problem does the man have while working on his paper?

21. What does the woman say is common in writing papers?


A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

B.Dangers of cross-country skiing.

C.Pain and pleasure in sports.

D.A sport he participates in.

Questions 10 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.听力原文M: Hello, Pro

Questions 10 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


M: Hello, Professor Johnson. W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today? M: Well, the

problem is that this writing assignment isn’t coming out right. What I thought I was

writing on was to talk about what a particular sport means to me—one I participate in. W:

What sport did you choose? M: I decided to write about cross-country skiing. W: What are

you going to say about skiing? M: That’s the problem. I thought I would write about how

peaceful it is to be out in the country. W: So why is that a problem? M: As I start

describing how quiet it is to be out in the woods, I keep mentioning how much effort it

takes to keep going. Cross-country skiing isn’t as easy as some people think. It takes a

lot of energy. But that’s not part of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. But now

I don’t know how to explain that feeling of peacefulness without explaining how hard you

have to work for it. It all fits together. It’s not like just sitting down somewhere and

watching the clouds roll by. That’s different. W: Then you’ll have to include that in

your point. The peacefulness of cross-country skiing is the kind you earn by effort. Why

leave that out? Part of your point you knew beforehand, but part you discovered as you

wrote. That’s common, right? M: Yeah, I guess so …

Questions 10 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

10. What is the topic of the man’s writing assignment?

A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

B.A sport he participates in.

C.Dangers of cross-country skiing.

D.Pain and pleasure in sports.

听力原文:M: How did you do on the exam?W: I passed, but I didn' t do too well. The essay q

听力原文:M: How did you do on the exam?

W: I passed, but I didn' t do too well. The essay question was the worst part for me. How about you?

M: I did all fight on everything except the essay question, too. I wasn't really prepared to write about the election system in India. We studied the political system of India for only a few days. I didn't think it would be on the test.

W: Me either. I thought for sure he would ask us something about the arts customs in India or maybe the festivals in India. I studied most of the areas on India and didn't spend much time on the political system. Do you know how much the exam counts towards our final grade?

M: I think it's 30 percent.

W: Thirty percent! Oh no, I'm in deep trouble this time! That means I'll have to get A's on everything else to get a decent grade.

M: That may not be too hard. We' ve already gone through most of the readings the class is supposed to cover. After next week it will just be review. But then there is the final paper, of course.

W: Yes. I was hoping to do well on this test so I could relax when writing my paper, but now it looks like I'll have to spend more time preparing to write that paper.

M: Well, I will too. Hey, I' m kind of hungry. I think I'll go get .some lunch. Do you feel like joining me?

W: I'd love to, but I have to go home and study. I'll call you later.

M: OK, see you later.


A.A assignment.

B.A grade.

C.A class.

D.An examination.

听力原文:M: How did yon do on the exam?W: I passed, but I didn't do too well. The essay qu

听力原文:M: How did yon do on the exam?

W: I passed, but I didn't do too well. The essay question was the worst part for me. How about you?

M: I did all right on everything except the essay question, too. I wasn't really prepared to write about the election system in India. We studied the political system of India for only a few days. I didn't think it would be on the test.

W: Me either. I thought for sure he would ask us something about the arts customs in India or maybe the festivals in India. I studied most of the areas on India and didn't spend much time on the political system. Do you know how much the exam counts towards our final grade?

M: I think it's 30 percent.

W: Thirty percent! Oh no, I'm in deep trouble this time! That means I'll have to get A's on everything else to get a de- cent grade.

M: That may not be too hard. We've already gone through most of the readings the class is supposed to cover. After next week it will just be review. But then there is the final paper, of course.

W: Yes. I was hoping to do well on this test so I could relax when writing my paper,, but now it looks like I'll have to spend more time preparing to write that paper.

M: Well, I will too. Hey, I' m kind of hungry. I think I'll go get some lunch. Do you feel like joining me?

W: I'd love to, but I have to go home and study. I'll call you later.

M: OK, see you later.


A.An assignment.

B.A class.

C.A grade.

D.An examination.

听力原文:M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?W: Well, Tom, I didn't start writin

听力原文:M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?

W: Well, Tom, I didn't start writing until I was in my thirtieth, and I'm over seventy now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about forty years.

How long has the woman been an author?

A.About 30 years.

B.About 40 years.

C.About 60 years.

D.About 70 years.

听力原文:OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I' m Mike Johnson, the chairman of t

听力原文: OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I' m Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. You've all been chosen as representatives to plan the graduation ceremony. I am sending around a sheet of paper for you to write down your name and telephone number. Also, please write down which part of the ceremony you'd like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you'll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the pa per to me. At our next meeting, one week from today, we will start to discuss the details of the ceremony.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To determine who will graduate this year.

B.To discuss the seating arrangement.

C.To begin planning the graduation ceremony.

听力原文:OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I'm Mike Johnson, the chairman of th

听力原文: OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I'm Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. You've all been chosen as representatives to plan the graduation ceremony. I am sending around a sheet of paper for you to write down your name and telephone number. Also, please write down which part of the ceremony you'd like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you'll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. At our next meeting, one week from today, we will start to discuss the details of the ceremony.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To determine who will graduate this year.

B.To discuss the seating arrangement.

C.To begin planning the graduation ceremony.

听力原文:W: Wake up, Eric, time to rise and shine.M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen

听力原文:W: Wake up, Eric, time to rise and shine.

M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.

W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground, than a library.

M: Well, the dorm's too noisy to study in, and I guess this place is too quiet.

W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?

M: No, Prof Grant told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. For once I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.

W: Well, why net write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico. You seem to be interested in that part of the world.

M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. I'll be writing forever, and Grant only wants five to seven pages.

W: So then limit it to one region of Mexico, Say the Uka town. You've been there and you said it's got lots of interesting relics.

M: That's not a bad idea. I brought many books and things back with me last summer, that would be great resource material, now if I can only remember where I put them.




C.Doing research.

D.Planning a trip.

听力原文:W: Good Morning, Dr. Sherman Alexie. Let's talk about your life. Where do you com
e from?

M: I come from the Raze, an Indian reservation. I grew up there, lived there until 18. I lived on and off the reservation for the next 6 or 7 years during college. I lived there after I graduated and worked at a high school exchange program. I thought I would do that kind of job to support my writing, day jobs that require no emotional investment beyond 8 hours a day where I would not need to bring work home. I did not want to be part of management or anybody important on the job. I wanted to be completely replaceable. That is what I thought I would be doing for most of my life and writing. Then I got a grant and my first book got a front-page review in the New York Times Book Review.

W: When did writing enter your life?

M: Books have always been in my life. My dad loved books and most of what he read were westerns, spy novels, and mysteries. I grew up loving books, copying my dad's love for books. But nobody had showed me a book written by an Indian, not even one piece of a poem. Nothing. At that time, I was going to be a physician. I loved math and science. I got to college, could not handle physiology, and was looking around for options and took a poetry writing class for fun.

W: Poetry was your way in?

M: Yes, that's where I got started. I took the class and honestly I thought poetry would be an easy grade. But I completely underestimated poetry and what it would do to me and a realm of possibility for it. I took the class and was hooked about ten minutes after reading my first contemporary poem.

Why did Sherman Alexie only take day jobs?

A.He could bring unfinished work home.

B.He might have time to pursue his interests.

C.He might do some evening teaching.

D.He could invest more emotion in his family.

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