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听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?W: Not yet, John. H

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?

W: Not yet, John. He phoned me from the office 5 minutes ago to say that he was stopping for a haircut on his way home.

Q: Where does Paul plan to go on his way home?


A.To the bank.

B.To the office.

C.To the barbershop.

D.To the department store.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is J…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, I'm wondering if you'd like to join us for disco this evening.W:

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, I'm wondering if you'd like to join us for disco this evening.

W: Oh, I wish I could, but I still have a paper to discuss with Profess Smith this evening.

M: Oh, it's a pity! Then what about tomorrow's party?

W: I'm free tomorrow.

what will the woman do this evening?

A.Go to disco.

B.Write her paper.

C.Visit a professor.

D.Join a party.

听力原文:(A knock at the door)W: Come in, please.M: Hello, Kate. Where's Jane? I want her

听力原文:(A knock at the door)

W: Come in, please.

M: Hello, Kate. Where's Jane? I want her to type this letter for me.

W: I'm afraid she can't, Tom. She isn't working today.

M: Oh, why? Is she ill?

W: No. She's studying for an exam.

M: An exam. Is she going to school?

W: Yes, she is. She's learning Japanese in night school.

M: I see. Are you going to night school, too?

W: No, I'm not, not this year. But I'm thinking about taking a course next year.

M: That's a good idea. Is it expensive?

W: No, not very. Anyway, it's worth the money.

Where are Kate and Tom?

A.In Kate's office.

B.In Tom's house.

C.In a classroom.

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.W: Hi, Harry. Did you have a good summer holiday?M: Sure. I went f

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.

W: Hi, Harry. Did you have a good summer holiday?

M: Sure. I went for my holiday on my uncle's farm.

W: Really? What interesting things did you do there?

M: I helped get in some rice, take care of the fruit garden. Did you go away for your holiday, Jane?

W: Oh, no. I just stayed at home. My mother has been in hospital. I had to look after her and help do some cooking and washing at home.

M: I'm sorry. Oh, it's late. I must be off now. Bye-bye.

Where did Harry spend his holiday?

A.At home.

B.In the hospital.

C.On his uncle's farm.

听力原文:M: Hello, is that Jane?W: Speaking.M: Hi, Jane, this is Chris here. Listen, I'm i

听力原文:M: Hello, is that Jane?

W: Speaking.

M: Hi, Jane, this is Chris here. Listen, I'm in real trouble. I'm in the middle of an assignment and my computer's crashed!

W: Oh, no! Bad luck!

M: Yeah, I can't believe it! What do you think I should do? I'm desperate!

W: I think I can help you, Chris, so calm down! It happened to me last year, and I solved the problem. So don't panic! What happened exactly?

M: I started to boot up and suddenly the screen went blank. I couldn't do anything! All my data's gone! I can't get back it! I've lost it all!

W: Listen, that happened to me, and I took it round to a small company I know and they fixed it in an hour! And they got back all my data, too.

M: Thank goodness Can you give me the phone number?

W: Sure, they're very helpful. Speak to Kit, Kit Marlow. You can mention my name too! That might help. Do you have a pen handy? Call them at 0208 346 789. Oh, just one more thing. Before you do that, switch it off, and try again. You never know it might correct itself.

M: Okay! I'll do that fight now. And thanks a million!

W: My pleasure. Good luck.


A.He lost all his data in his work.

B.He can't find his data in the computer.

C.He can't find the phone number of a company.

D.His computer is crashed in the middle of his work.

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary, you're just the person I'm looking for.W: Oh good! What can I do

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary, you're just the person I'm looking for.

W: Oh good! What can I do for you?

M: Have you got a minute?

W: Yeah, of course.

M: Well, it's about Jane Smith, you know. She is coming here soon. You know her, don't you?

W: Mm, actually I do. She and I worked together for quite some time (25) . Why do you ask?

M: Well, she is coming today and we've got to go 1o the airport to meet her. But, you know, she is just a stranger to me. So I wonder if you could…

W: Oh I see!You hope I can tell you what she looks like (23) ?

M: Yes!

W: Well, she is in her 40s but she doesn't really look middle-aged (24) . And she's usually smartly dressed with brown short hair. Actually, she is good-looking.

M: Uh huh. Eh, how tall is she?

W: Mm, a hit taller than me but.., average height, I'd say. By the way, she wears glasses.

M: Oh, I see. I'm sure I could find her at the airport, because 1 have a much clearer idea about her now. Thank you for your help,,

W:Don't mention it.


A.To go to the airport.

B.To work with Jane Smith.

C.To offer some information.

D.To meet Jane Smith.

听力原文:W: Hello, Dick.M: Hi, Cathy. I've got good news for you!W: Really? What's that?M:

听力原文:W: Hello, Dick.

M: Hi, Cathy. I've got good news for you!

W: Really? What's that?

M: You know Tom?

W: Yeah, so what?

M: Tom wants to go out this weekend, so he can finally meet you! Can you make it Saturday night?

W: Well, let me look at my PDA. You know, my social calendar is very busy these days! Yeah, I can make it.

M: That's great! [20] Why don't we meet at that cute little Indian restaurant on the fifth avenue called "Gold Pond"?

W: Ok. I've been there before, it has really great food. What time shall we meet?

M: [19] How about 5:30 on Saturday night? Then we can make it to the 7145 show of the new animated comedy Iceberg. You know the one? [20] Tom and Jane wanted to see that movie.

W: That's fine with me. [20] What are you going to wear?

M: A sweater and a pair of jeans. I don't think it will be too hot on Saturday.

W: Sounds good. [21] I'll try to figure out what I'm going to wear and be my most charming self!

M: Don't worry about it! I know Tom will like you! Jane has told Tom many great things about you, so he can't wait to meet you. See you Saturday night !

W: See you! Bye!


A.5..30 a.m.

B.7:45 a.m.

C.5:30 p.m.

D.7:45 p. m.

听力原文:W: Hello?M: Hey, it's John. I've got good news for you!W: Really? What's that? Co

听力原文:W: Hello?

M: Hey, it's John. I've got good news for you!

W: Really? What's that? Come on!

M: You know Tom?

W: Yeah, so what?

M: Tom wants to go out this weekend, so he can finally meet you! Can you make it Saturday night?

W: Hang on, let me look at my PDA. You know, my social calendar is very busy these days!

M: What a pity!

W: Just kidding! Sure, I can make it.

M: That's great! Why don't we meet at that cute little Indian restaurant on the corner of the 1st Avenue and Howell'? You know the one? It's called "Gold Pond".

W: Oh yeah, 1 know that one that you're talking about. I've been there before. It has really great food! What time shall we meet?

M: Let's meet at 5:30 on Saturday evening. That way, we can make it to the 7:45 show of that new animated comedy. You know the one'? Tom and Jane decided they wanted to see that movie. They said that if wc were to pick out the restaurant, they'd pick out the movie.

W: OK. I don't have any problems with that logic! What are you going to wear?

M: I thought about a pair of khakis and a sweater. I don't think it will be too hot on Saturday.

W: Sounds good. I'll try to figure out what I'm going to wear and be my most charming self!

M: Don't worry about it! I know that Tom will like you! Jane has told Tom many great things about you, so he can't wait to meet you! See you Saturday night!


A.5:30 a.m.

B.7:45 a.m.

C.5:30 p.m.

D.7:45 p.m.

听力原文:M: Math Department, Doctor Webster speaking.W: Hello, Prof. Webster, this is Jane

听力原文:M: Math Department, Doctor Webster speaking.

W: Hello, Prof. Webster, this is Janet Hill calling. Don asked me to call you because he has lost his voice and can't talk to you himself.

M: Lost his voice. Oh, what a shame! Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from two thirty to four and he won't be able to teach it.

M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the mid-term exams. He's already marked them and they are on the desk in his office.

M: Well, I'm afraid I could do it for him. What room is his class in?

W: Cader Hall, Room Two-fourteen. Will you need his office key to get the exams? He's given it to me and I could bring it to you.

M: No, thanks. We have a master key in the maths department.

W: Thank you very much, Prof. Webster. Don doesn't have another class to teach until Thursday, and hopefully, he will be able to talk by then.

M: OK.

W: Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Could you pat the next assignment on the hoard, too? It's all the problems on Page Forty-five, and they are due at the next class.

M: I see.


A.He can't find his office key.

B.He has misplaced some exams.

C.He is unable to talk.

D.He doesn't like his classroom.

听力原文:M: Math Department, Doctor Webster speaking.W: Hello, Prof. Webster. This is Jane

听力原文:M: Math Department, Doctor Webster speaking.

W: Hello, Prof. Webster. This is Janet Hill speaking. I live two doors down from your teaching assistant-Don Williams. Don asked me to call you because he has lost his voice and can't talk to you himself.

M: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for him?

W: He has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 but he won't be able to give it, and he doesn't want to cancel it.

M: Does he want me to give the class?

W: No. He just wants someone to give back the mid-term exam papers. He's already marked them and they are on his office table.

M' His classes are at 2:30, right? Well, I think I could do it for him. Which room is his class in?

W: Yes. Cater Hall, Room 224. Do you need his office key to get the papers? He's given it to me and I could bring it to you.

M: Oh, that's not necessary. We have a master key in the Math Department.

W: Thank you, Prof. Webster. Oh, yes, I almost forgot.

M: Yes?

W: Could you put the next assignment on the board, too? It's all the questions on page 45, and they are due at the next class.

M: OK. Thanks for passing on the news about Don, and please tell Don not to worry about anything.


A.He can't find his car key.

B.He misplaced some exams.

C.He is unable to talk.

D.He doesn't like his classes.

听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again.M: You're

听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?

W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again.

M: You're always in trouble. What is it this time?

W: You see, she left a note for me. Just read it.

M: Well, did you leave the front door open?

W: I honestly don't remember. I got back late from a party. Anyway, what does it matter? It's all complaints in that house: first noise, then bathroom.

M: Well, in that case, why don't you look around for another place?

W: I've already started. I looked in the paper this morning, plenty of advertisements as usual, but must of the places are too far from school.

M: Look, why don't you come and share with us?

W: But surely there are four of you in the flat already, aren't there?

M: Yes, but, you know, Jane is leaving at the end of the month. She's got a job down south. There will be a spare room. It's rather small, but you can sleep there for the moment till you find a nice one.

W: That's a good idea. How many rooms do you have?

M: We have four bedrooms and a big living room.

W: What are the arrangements?

M: Oh, we share all expenses, of course, rent, light, and heating.

W: What about ford?

M: Oh, we each buy our own. It works out fine that way. And you can do any thing you like in your own room, but there is one thing...

W: what's that?

M: Don't leave the front door open. Strange people may wander in.

W: All right. I promise that won't happen again. By the way, when is Jane leaving?

M: Let me see... yes, this time next week.

W: Today is the 22nd, Tuesday, so she's leaving on the 29th. Well, I will move in one day after she leaves.

M: Yes, no problem. We will get ready by then.

W: Thanks a lot.

M: You're welcome.


A.Her difficulties at her house.

B.Finding a place to live.

C.The parties she went to.

D.Her friend's house.

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