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根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2 Everyone of us lives and works on a small part of

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

Everyone of us lives and works on a small part of the earth's surface, moves in a small circle,and of these acquaintances knows only a few intimately. Of any public event that has wide effects we see at best only a phase and an aspect. This is true that the eminent insiders, who draft treaties,make laws, and issue orders, are like those who have treaties framed on them, laws promulgated to them, orders given at them. Inevitably our opinions cover a bigger space, a longer reach of time,many things, that we can directly observe. So they have to be pieced together out of what others have reported and what we can imagine. Yet even the eyewitness does not bring back a naive picture of the scene. For experience seems to show that he himself brings something to the scene which later he takes away from it, that oftener than not what he imagines to be the account of an event is really a transfiguration of it. Few facts in consciousness seem to be merely given. Most facts in consciousness seem to be partly made. A report is the joint product of the knower and known,in which the role of the observer is always selective and usually creative. The facts we see depend on where we are placed, and the habits of our eyes.

第 26 题 The limited time and space which man occupies suggest, according to the paragraph,_____

A.man's life is also insignificant.

B.man's opinions can not be accurate at all.

C.human observations in general are all but partial.

D.man cannot have any opinion.

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根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 Research carried out m the recent opinion polls

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题:

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 Research carried out m th

第 26 题 Research carried out m the recent opinion polls shows that__________.

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 Research carried out m th

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The main reason for the latest rise of oil pric

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题:

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The main reason for the l

第 26 题 The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is__________.

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The main reason for the l

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The writer’s general attitude towards the world

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题:

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The writer’s general atti

第 26 题 The writer’s general attitude towards the world leaders meeting at the UN is__________.

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 The writer’s general atti

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2 More than 30,000 drivers and passengers who sit

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

More than 30,000 drivers and passengers who sit in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third floor building. Wearing a seat belt saves lives:it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than a half.

Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you will be fined up to £50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver's responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.

However, when you're reversing your car, you do not have to wear a seat belt;or when you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle ; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember that you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove that you have been excused from wearing it.

第 26 题 How many people in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured every year?



C.Approximately 30,000.

D.Above 30,000.

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2 Education is primarily the responsibility of the

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

Education is primarily the responsibility of the states. State constitutions set up .certain standards and rules for the establishment of school. State laws require children to go to school until they reach-a certain age. The actual control of the schools, however, is usually a local matter.

The control of the schools does not usually come directly from the local government. In each of the three types of city government, public schools are generally quite separate and independent.They cooperate with local officials but are not dominated by the municipal government. Most Americans believe that schools should be free of political pressures. They believe that the separate control of the school systems preserves such freedom.

Public schools are usually maintained by school districts. The state often sets the district boundaries. Sometimes the school district has the same boundaries as the city. Sometimes it is larger than the city.

In the South, county boards of education members are elected. In some places they are appointed by the mayor or city council. The state legislature decides which method should be used.

Most district boards of education try to give all pupils a chance to get a good education. A good education prepares a person to live a better life. It helps him to become a better citizen.

Nearly all states give financial aid to local school districts. State departments of education offer other kinds of aid. States offer help with such things as program planning and the school districts.

The federal government also helps. The National Defense Education Act allows school districts to get financial aid for certain purposes. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 added many other kinds of financial help. But neither the state nor the federal government dictates school policy. This is determined by local school boards.

第 26 题 Which of the following law is related to education?

A.The National Defense Education Act.

B.The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

C.The Independence Act.

D.Both A and B.

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2Steveland Morris is a household name in America. As

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

Steveland Morris is a household name in America. Ask Steveland Morris and he' 11 tell you that blindness is not necessarily disabling. Steveland was born prematurely (过早地,不到期地) and totally without sight in 1950s. He became Stevie Wonder--composer, singer, and pianist. The winner of ten Grammy awards, Stevie is widely acclaimed(喝彩) for his outstanding contributions to the music world.

As a child, Stevie learned not to think about the things he could not do, but to concentrate on the things that he could do. His parents encouraged him to join in his sighted brothers as many activities as possible. They also helped him to sharpen his sense of hearing, the sense upon which the usually disabled are so dependent.

Because sound was so important to him, Stevie began at an early age to experiment with different kinds of sound. He would bang things together and then imitate the sound with his voice. Often relying on sound for entertainment, he sang, beat on toy drums, played a toy harmonica (口琴), and listened to the radio.

Stevie soon graduated from toy instruments to real instruments. He first learned to play the drums. He then mastered the harmonica and the piano. He became a member of the junior church choir(唱诗班) and a lead singer. In the evenings and on weekends, Stevie would play different instruments and sing popular rhythm and blues tunes on the front porches (走廊) of neighbors' homes.

One of Stevie' s sessions was overheard by Ronnie White , a member of a popular singing group called The Miracles. Ronnie immediately recognized Stevie' s talent and took him to audition (试听) for Berry Gordy, the president of Hitsville USA, a large recording company now known as Motown. Stevie recorded his first smash hit

"Fingertips" in 1962 at age twelve, and the rest of Stevie' s story is music history.

第 26 题 This passage could be entitled

A.The Music World

B.Stevie Wonder

C.Great Musicians

D.Blind People

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2 A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but if it' s not red or yellow, it doesn' t sell. According to James Crowe, chief executive of the Worcester -- based research company, Scintilla,the color of a product can dictate the strength of its sales.

His company has pioneered a method of testing consumer response to color which he claims can predict, with 90% accuracy, sales of a new product for up to 18 months after the launch. The method, "Chromtest", has been used to test everything from ladies' dresses to sunglasses. Clients include Parsifal Lager, Amir Fashions, Coloroll Wallpaper and Meadowcourt China.

Color, says Mr. Crowe, is critical in ensuring product acceptance. It is not merely a case of choosing an acceptable primary color -- shades, tones and texture can all have a bearing on the consumer's final choice.

"We could take 10 colors, each with six shades and virtually guarantee that two of the shades would be most popular with 80% of the people interviewed," he said. "Products are associated with lifestyle. most kitchens are now in wood so if you make toasters you don' t want a color that is unsuitable. " Mr. Crowe, a former lecturer at the Institute of Marketing, formed Scintilla in 1992 with the help of a $ 5,000 second mortgage. First year turnover was $100,000. This year with 30 staff it will be ten times that. Chromtest, which was developed with the help of Crowe' s artist wife, Susanne, now accounts for around 70% of turnover and provides most of the profits

Crowe admits that British companies still have their doubts, though he says a few retailers now insist that products are color screened before they are allowed on their shelves. He contrasts this with European manufacturers who commission over half the company' s works.

European tests do vary dramatically, however, and Crowe argues that, as with branding, color and design for pan-European products carry numerous pitfalls. For example, a recent test of a brown dinner service in Britain, Germany and France shows that while consumers in the first two countries like the product, Parisians will not eat off brown plates.

第 26 题

Scintilla was the first company to________

A.sell red and yellow roses.

B.measure customer response to color.

C.give lecturers on marketing.

D.develop a method to predict business turnover.

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。Text 2SMS (Short Message Service) gradually becomes the main

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。Text 2

SMS (Short Message Service) gradually becomes the main service for cell phone users for its great charming. In addition, the development of mobile communications technology and service has created favorable condition for SMS. For example, MMS, multi-media messaging service, is a new type of message service on the basis of SMS. It allows transmission of multi-media messages between cell phone and computer, as well as between cell phones. Communication with SMS is quite convenient. You can write a message after carefully thinking what you want to say with many words without worrying about money. Actually, SMS enjoys the absolute majority utilization among mobile service. In China, the number of short message transmitted is 2,200 billion in 2003.

People, however, feel angry and anxious sometimes while enjoying SMS. More and more rubbish short messages that contain such content as erotic, gambling, or advertising are sent to cell phone users, which seriously violated the user's privacy. Because the sender of these rubbish short messages do not take into account whether people need them or not, and do not get the permission from users to transmit these rubbish short messages to them.

As we know, everyone has the right to communication freely with other people, and the right to refuse communication with people they don't like to. But these rights were not guaranteed in SMS. Users do not receive rubbish short messages on a voluntary basis. If you fell angry and disgusted with some rubbish message to your cell phone, and do not want to see it again, that means such message is in contradiction with your wish, and violates your privacy. MMS also promote the transmission of unhealthy information on the Internet from computer to cell phone, which must extend the scope and influence of rubbish short message.

The rapid development of mobile communications may suffer a lot if there is no change in the way of transmitting SMS. More and more users of cell phone are disturbed by rubbish short messages, and their privacy is violated by mobile communications service, which is also not a benefit for the development of mobile communications service.

第26题:_________ has created a good condition for SMS.

A.Multi-media messaging service

B.Mobile communications technology

C.Mobile communications service

D.Mobile communications technology and service

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 TextFor the __________26 month, mysterious falls of large

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。


For the __________26 month, mysterious falls of large chunks of ice (冰雹) ________27 rained down on Spain and Italy. Juana Sanchez, a 70-year-old woman in Almeria, southern Spain, was knocked ________ 28 when she was struck on the shoulder by a falling ice chunk ________29 she walked in a street ________30 her home. On January 12, just about 200 miles away in Seville, a man narrowly ________ 31 serious injury when a 9-pound ball of ice ________ 32 into his car. ________33 the evening of January 27 priests at the Salesian monastery in L'Aquila, Italy were startled by a loud crash. _______ 34 the noise, they discovered a large chunk of ice on their yard, _______ 35 intact. Upon examination, the block of ice _______ 36 in at 2 kilograms and no source _______37 . On the same day, about 100 miles northeast in Ancona, Italy, the local officials were called to investigate the report of a man _______38 was struck _______ 39 the head by a 1 kilogram chunk of ice that apparently fell from the sky.

Spain and Italy aren't the only European _______40 getting attacked by huge ice blocks in January. On January 2 in Surrey, England (southwest of London), an East Indian man was walking through Newton Athletic Park when he _______ 41 a strange whistling sound overhead. Seconds _______ 42, a large hunk of ice fell out of the clear blue sky and pounded into the soft ground, shattering over a 50-foot-wide area. The ice dug a hole of a foot deep and a foot in diameter. Even the shattered remains of the mystery ice were as large as tennis balls and were described as opaque _______43 no unusual color or smell.

Although eyewitnesses to the phenomenon report that they did not see anything in the sky that could account _______ 44 the ice, scientists had to come up with a rationalization. Professor Jesus Martinez Frias, the geologist investigating the ice falls in Spain, told BBC News that the ice pieces had probably been _______ 45 through sudden temperature drops in the stratosphere. This was the most likely explanation, he said, for the "very unusual" phenomenon.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 In the 1960s the West Coast became an important center

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

In the 1960s the West Coast became an important center for rock music. Los Angeles and Southern California are famous for sunshine and surfing. There, a quieter kind of rock called surf rock became famous. The Beach Boys sang songs like "Surfin' U. S. A. "," California Girls" and "Fun, Fun, Fun". These songs made people dream about the good life in California.

San Francisco was a center for young people and rock music in the late 1960s. This was thetime of the Vietnam War, student protest, hippies, and drugs. Hippies talked about love and peace.They wore brightly colored clothes and had long hair. They listened to rock and folk-rock music.

Drugs were a serious problem during that time. The deaths of three young rock stars, Janis Jopling, Jim Morrison and the great guitar player Jimi Hendrix were all related to drugs.

Not all of the rock musicians came from California or the U. S. A.. That was the time of the great British rock groups like the Beatles and the Roiling Stones. British rock musicians had a very important place in the rock music of the 1960s in America.

Another kind of softer rock music was created by the singers. Singers like Joni Mitchell and James Taylor wrote their own lyrics and their own music. Their songs were about love and friendship, good and bad times.

In the 1960s big rock concerts were very welcomed by everyone. The most famous concert was Woodstock. In 1969 in New York State, a million young people came together to hear the rock stars. This peaceful Woodstock concert was the most important musical event of the 1960s.

After World War II a great number of black people moved from the South to the big industrial cities like New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Many black people lived in poor parts of the city such as Harlem in New York. Musicians wrote and sang about life in the big cities. Life was difficult but music and dancing made it a little easier.

Popular black music had a strong beat for dancing. At first this music was called rhythm and blues. The 1960s called it soul.

In Detroit, a black musician named Berry Gordy set up an all black record company. It was called Motown. Motown or motor town is another name for Detroit, where cars are made. Most of the famous soul musicians like the Supremes, the Temptations, and the Jackson Five recorded with Motown.

第 26 题 Where in the United States did pop music first emerge?

A.The West.

B.New York.

C.The South.

D.San Francisco.

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